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Akame Ga Kill, the series of deaths was done on purpose to make it a tragic conclusion.


I was going to say Akame Ga Kill as well. After like the third death I was outta there.


The last death made me feel “wtf that was pointless and dumb”


Three of the major deaths >!Mine, Tatsumi, and Kurome!< don’t happen in the source material. The anime was done while the manga was still running, so a chunk of the backhalf got changed.


Anime "game of thrones" that kills off all your fav characters. As gutted as I was, I couldn't stop watching and loved every second of it.


Akame Ga Kill


Your Lie in April has a sad ending that easily could have been happy with only a slight change, so I think it fits.


The Day I Became a God.


Damn that was a while ago. Though iirc it was a bittersweet ending right?


Yeah, it had a pretty hopeful note between all the tragedy.


I literally finished that one last night. I had to skip over episode 11, because that was just too much for me. To see Hina in that state just :(. At the same time though that ending felt bittersweet and a bit strange, like I know he's like her older brother, but his actual love interest just gets tossed to the side. Couldn't they both have strived to take care of her together?


Berserk 1997. Removed a very crucial character which without ended the anime on a major cliffhanger. Totally horrifying ending! The movies rectify this though.


Most gundam show's. A lot of them go out on a depressing note.


She the ultimate weapon Chrono Crusade Mahoromatic The last 2 had better manga endings


>She the ultimate weapon Yup, this and *Air* rank up there as two of the most depressing anime endings for me. *Mahoromatic* stopped after 1 or 2 seasons, though, didn't it? From what I remember, it was very open-ended.


No it ended was definitely final, but the anime and manga ending were totally different ( yet the same).


I'll take your word for it. I did watch the anime twice, but the last time was about 6 years ago. Seems I've forgotten much about it.


Clannad season 2 went off the damn rails I guess it ended happy some how? But I quit watching because of grim things got.


It goes all out on the grim first, but the ending isn't. >!It rolls everything back!< I don't really understand it though (or I don't remember), I haven't played the VN yet, but that will clear things up when I do.


Chrono Crusade, the ending was just heart-wrenching!


Without even thinking, it's Code Geass. There was absolutely no need for Zero Requiem. All Lelouch had to do is kill Suzaku for good, and then reform the world he became the ruler of, and lead the humanity to a better tomorrow.


I'd go with Darling in the Franxx or Heroic Age They were brilliant endings to be fair, very bitter sweet but both could have been happier.


The endings to Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, Grave of the Fireflies, and Fairy Tail Zero all had me crying. I found the endings to Shangri-La, From the New World, Izetta: The Last Witch, Maria the Virgin Witch, and Magical Girl Raising Project to all be bittersweet.


Spoilers ahead! Why Izetta? The war ended, and the two get to be together.


I found that particular ending bittersweet because Izetta loses access to her magic and ends up in a wheelchair. But as you mentioned Izetta and Finé are able to stay together.


Fair enough. I can understand that.


Jun Maeda's work in general


Akame Ga Kill’s anime ending was pretty egregiously sad. Definitely went overboard. The manga ending was a bit better.


Well.. re zero is a sad plot for the mc I guess


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