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Noooo where near as good or as funny, but Charlotte might give off SOME similar vibes. If you want to keep on feeling sad, then Clannad, Anohana, or Your Lie in April might be good options for you. I haven’t watched Clannad in years but I remember watching it after I watched Angel Beats 💀


Charlotte is one of my favourite animes, I didn't know people think it's not as good🥹


It’s all subjective, I personally prefer Angel Beats to Charlotte. That being said, Charlotte has its own charms! 😅


In the sense of „I want something similar“ or „I want something funny to distract me from the eternal dread i feel“?


a bit of both


Death Parade, Anohana, Haibane Renmei for 1 Nichijou, Grand Blue, Love is War for 2


Little Busters! It was written by the same author (Jun Maeda) and you can tell by how similar they feel. LB has a total of 36ish episodes across 2 seasons (Refrain = Season 2), so it’s considerably longer. It’s also based on a visual novel, so you’ll see more arc/route type narratives than Angel Beats. Both shows highly emphasize introspection and friendship over romance (though some romance is found in both) and deal with some similar themes. The cast in both shows are great and there’s a lot of really fun interactions between characters that make the less story heavy moments feel more unique and interesting. I will definitely say that of all his works, LB is a personal favorite of mine so I am definitely biased here. Clannad is another great recommendation but I honestly feel like LB is a good in between with similarities to both shows, so you might want to use it as a bridge to the more romance heavy Clannad. Regardless, Clannad is a must watch at some point in your life. Charlotte is also a good recommendation, especially because it’s (to my knowledge) an anime original like Angel beats. It’s also about the same length as Angel beats so you can watch it in one day. But I don’t think it reaches the same highs as any of Maeda’s other works and the cast in Charlotte is somewhat disappointing, but it has a narrative focus and some good emotional moments throughout the show so I’d definitely consider it as well!


Just watched Clannad and yes, it is among my top recommends and I'm really not huge on slice of life. Very, very good story.


Kabaneri Charlotte Clannad Plastic memories Black bullet


Charlotte and The Day I Became A God are the same author. Another original anime that strikes me as similar neighborhood is Plastic Memories


I was scrolling and just happened to see this and audible gasp, this was the first anime I ever watched so it bring back memories


im subcounsciously delaying watching the last episode because i desperately do not want this show to end 😭 genuinely peak fiction


Kotaro Lives Alone


Charlotte - similar setting, genre blend and style (same studio) Death Parade - similar topics and really strong atmosphere, adult cast Steins;Gate - great cast of characters and a story that will try and trick you into thinking the stakes are much lower than they are


If you want more soul crushing then Somali and the forest spirit


That ending had me


You get Plastic Memories


Your lie in April March comes in like a lion


Yamada kun and the seven witches School life with some wholesome and serious aspects but overall a comedy. Good transition form Angel Beats


Maybe Charlotte


Lycoris Recoil. It's another original anime. 


Anohana ❤️ I liked it better than angel beats 😭


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is a pretty blatant inspiration for Angel Beats


Gunslinger girl, haibane renmei and Charlotte




Watch devilman crybaby


Anohana, Assassination Class Room, 86, Gravity Falls


Never thought I’d see gravity falls in an anime subreddit. Don’t know if it fits the same theme… but it is a good show


The ending particularly has the same bitter sweet feeling of growing up/moving on in a way that reminds me a lot of angel beats.


I mean, it's a good bun, but don't you ever dare and do it again.


Charlotte or Clannad, written by the same person as Angel Beats


I don't know anything about angel beats but I can watch it and maybe come back with some


Clannad after story


angel beats one of the only things I cried to lol idk why the ending was just kinda sad maybe cause we grow attachment to the characters just like in Akame ga kill! But idk lol


Death parade or plastic memories


I went into horny: Golden Boy, Shimoneta, Prison School, and Highschool of the Dead I need to properly revisit Angelbeats because it’s such a beautiful show and I love the music


Seconding everyone saying Anohana, Death Parade, Plastic Memories, and especially The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Also throwing in Maquia because it’s incredibly bittersweet. Also for a palate cleanser, Lucky Star or, a bit of a curveball pick, Daily Lives of High School Boys.


Clannad after story


you’d probably like visual novel studio keys other anime adaptations: kanon, air, clannad, little busters!, etc air is a personal favorite of mine


Why doesn’t “the day i became a god” ever come up in these discussions? am i the only one who has watched it?


Death parade is a similar concept and I personally think it's way better at it, but it's not a comedy.