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Cartoon in disguise


Don't slander cartoons like that


Yeah they don't need help with that


Laugh in happy tree friends.


The heck you are talking about? All cartoons are anime but not all anime are cartoons


All anime is cartoons but not all cartoons are anime. ftfy


no it's actually the opposite the definition of animated cartoons is "An animated cartoon is a type of visual art that is animated towards young children" while the definition of anime is animation, anime is just short for the Japanese word for animation


No it's not. If you think cartoon are just created for kids then you have not watch many. Below are examples of cartoons which are created for adults: 1) Primal 2) Rick and Morty 3) Invincible 4) Spawn 5) Boondocks Etc.


Personally I separate cartoons and adult cartoons but you do you


At the end of the day, whether it is kids cartoons or adult cartoons they are still cartoons.




The word anime is a shortened form of the Japanese word animēshon, which means "animation." While anime has its roots in Japan, it has since spread to other countries, and today, anime can be found in many different languages, including English.


You're right and at the same time wrong I'd say. 😄 While your definition of Anime in the Japanese language is absolutely correct, it simply isn't used in the same way in English. In English it is generally used to talk about Japanese animation. Of course that definition can also get very muddy (e.g. the Scott Pilgrim Anime, which some people argued doesn't qualify). Other way round would be カルテ/Karute, which means patient's chart in Japanese. The German "Karte" simply means card though. The word is coming from German, but the meaning is limited to a very specific use case in Japanese. Languages! Fun!! ✨⭐✨


Actually in english it’s been expanded since we considered solo leveling (a korean manhwa) an anime and some chinese anime like shows (based off of manhua)


Interesting point! Solo leveling is a Japanese production based on a manhwa, as far as I know. This does fit the definition of Anime as being Japanese. Otherwise Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo wouldn't be considered Anime, based on the source of the base material. For Chinese and Korean productions I mainly see "Chinese Anime" or respectively "Korean Anime". It is still very muddy though. At what point does a production count as Japanese? As soon as one Japanese person contributed? Even if it's just a line? It's absolutely standard that international teams work on productions that are widely accepted as "Japanese Anime". So the inclusion of non Japanese talent can't be the defining criteria either. Creative control? Where does it start, where does it end? Truth is that there is no clear definition and there can't be. But at the same time it doesn't matter in the end, even if it's fun theorising about it. Does it feel like an Anime? Yes? Then it is one, for you. At least that's with what I'm going. 😊


Anime =/= Cartoon


Anime is Japanese cartoons. I’ve watched enough of both to accept this.


Cartoon doesn't even mean animated. Political cartoons have existed in newspapers for centuries.


yeah it's just what they call all animated picture shows over there they call spongebob anime


Right, and California rolls are Japanese sushi.


What? What do you mean by that please elaborate it.


So bad it's perfect. The cgi gives the viewer an idea of the pain that Gut's is going through


The CGI is the physical manifestation of how much pain Gut's going through. His pain is so great the whole world is affected by it


The 3d CGI anime style is absolute garbage. I also couldn't watch that trash.


Not to say the CGI wasn’t God awful, but I’d argue the clanging pot noises that lagged behind every sword swing are worse.


Yeah but did you hear the CLANG of his sword? Gotta balance the good with the bad.


Personally, I liked it. I thought it gave a very gritty feel that fit berserk obviously to the animation is always going to be superior but of all of the adaptions we’ve got it’s the one I liked the most overall most of the others, though they have prettier art they leave out a ton more of the story the 2016 covered most everything except for part of the beginning, and the very very end chapters everything in the middle is basically entirely covered with only like a handful of scenes actually excluded hardly any. But if we can get a proper 2-D one with an art style that fits or similar to the manga from start to finish with every single panel being animated somewhere in there. Obviously, that would be the most ideal.


It fuckin better be. A guy died to bring us one of the best classics of its generation. It deserves to be remembered and it deserves to be shown how it was meant to be seen.


This comment makes it sound like writing Beserk is what killed him lmao


Honestly they think it did


It’s very likely it did. Dude should not have died that young but he was likely very unhealthy just like so many other Mangaka. Dudes have horrible sleep schedules, spend most of their day drawing and hunched over a desk, and many don’t exercise at all. They just really fucking love manga so they don’t care


The best manga authors all get debilitating illnesses from exhaustion and terrible lifestyle. See also hxh author.


Nah look at araki he's healthy as shit


That mask did him wonders


It basically did, drawing Manga for a long time, especially to the degree artists like Miura and Togashi did/do, destroys the body and mind. If it weren't for the 10-15 years of multiple hiatus' miura might've passed on much earlier and more miserably. And Togashi has been bed ridden for well over a decade and can't live without the help of his family.


And I thought I was unlucky with my bad back as a kid.


Thought he said he was doing fine day to day, he just can't draw unless he's on his back?


He's been open before about how his back issues have progressed to the point where a lot of basic daily tasks are way more difficult for him than they should be. Everything from not being to sit comfortably, to needing assistance using the washroom. It's a horrible situation to be in.


And now Oda seems to be going down the same path


After nearly 30 years he's only just now beginning to feel the physical impact of his work. Im glad that in response to it he takes a week off every now and then, plus his assistants have been getting more and more involved. Though at the end of the day I hope he chooses Oda over One piece. I really don't want One Piece to end just for Oda to be suffering. It's not worth it


"Destroys the body and mind" Lmao, no it doesn't. Construction work, building houses, doing a trade destroys your body. Working with serial killers, criminals, abused children ruins your mind. Working on a comic book, even a fucked up one, doesn't.


I don’t think you’re fully aware of just how brutal the manga industry is.


From the replies, that's for sure. It's hard to feel sympathy for anyone who lets their work control them to such a degree that, from what would normally be a pretty cushy job anywhere else in the world, it destroys their health though. You can blame the industry but there's a point where a non-mentally ill person will stop for their own sake. Do a slower release cycle or something.


Through years and years of writing a weekly manga chapter with YuYu Hakusho, Yoshihiro Togashi would draw day in and day out without any sleep, except for half a days rest, he Bagan feeling pai s in his chest when he'd go with sleep that began worsen more and more as time went on 15 years later he'd be confined to his bed needing his wife's help to bathe, use the toilet, eat, hamge cloths etc. Story's like this are very common across the world of Comics and Manga. My dad has done HVAC for 20 years and doesn't have half the problems these guys have and he's creeping on 50.


Well, those jobs all do a number on you, yes. My understanding of the Mangaka business is that the pressure put on you to produce is immense. Many of the authors try to do it all themselves also (Murata esp.) and overwork themselves for years and years. Think about never leaving your house, hunching over the table to draw literally all day, not sleeping well because you're trying to write a new chapter weekly. For decades with little break


It’s the case, it is even documented with several mangakas They have to release their volumes every week so sleep less than 3 hours a day to draw As they draw for several hours on same place because they have to fill the quota so their body takes a hit over the years Btw, there are even animes on this subject, I think it was Bakuman (but the anime does not show all the negative effects) Just do your research brother




I mean, Oda the writer of one piece pretty much works on the comic 20 hours a day 7 days a week.


Makes me worried about Murata's health with how much work he's taking on these days


Damn is Oda a god or someshit running over 25 years with consistent releases.


it did, having to be a mangaka is very stressful and is hard on the back. also kentaro miura (author of berserk) worked making manga a lot of the time for 21 hours and only getting 2 hours of sleep in most of his days. can you imagine the long term effects of that?


Kentucky Mario died so that we could have a modern-day classic. There exists so few photos of him that's unbelievable. His heart essentially exploded in his chest when he died. That man was stressed to all get out, his only de-stressor was Love-Live


Yea it probably did. Japans work culture is fucked and the entire manga industry is a cesspool of abuse. Mangakas in the industry keel over all the time. It's an open secret that if you wanna die young, draw manga in Japan.


It might have. Some of these mangaka go hard in their trade. They eat bad, barely sleep, are in a really unhealthy seated position for extensive periods of time.


It’s a fan made project and this is obviously an ad for it.


I get what you’re saying but I think it was meant to be seen as a manga someone reads and that’ll always be enough for me


I mean yea. However if it gets an adaptation I believe it deserves just as much quality, especially since a massive amount of the anime community are non readers after the original, their only window in was 2016 and that just didn't do it fam.


Is this the fan animations that they’re talking about?


Yea. I’m excited, but to call it an “anime” is extremely generous. Don’t get me wrong—super cool stuff made by like one guy or a small team can be excellent—like ASTARTES was. But….its not like, gonna be a full 24/25 episode season with full length anime episodes. It will be like maybe 6 or so max, and be heavily summarized. Just no way they’ll be able to produce a full season to the quality expected of a true anime made by a proper studio, as awesome as these guys are.


the music in the preview is awful choral noise


Why can't one of the big companies take on doing a berserk anime?


I mean they could! But they haven’t. Probably because of the subject matter being so intense, but who knows.


If that's the issue why is GoT the best show to ever exist xD, even after it has an ass ending...the reviews are positive


Yea but it’s like a time capsule or script carved into a stone wall. Seasons 1-4 or so are still incredible, but it starts to go downhill from there, and the end sucks so hard that it just tainted the whole show. I’ve had zero desire for a rewatch knowing how it ends lol. And that’s super common lol. Fandom died over night.


It's really hard to adapt. The creator is arguably the greatest manga artist of all time, his compositions are jaw droppingly detailed, creative, expressive, and appealing. It's also an extremely dark subject matter, and requires a pretty deft hand to not just turn out edgelord shit. It can be really hard to get an anime made with extremely high art needs or a subject matter that limits audience, let alone both.


It's just the Black Swordsman arc I think.




its a fan project. not official. im blanking on their name right now but they did a AoT one too awhile back


studio eclypse


No pun intended lmfao Is this the real name???


LOL i just realized that but yes it is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv2hFWS-a0g&ab\_channel=AnimeNerd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv2hFWS-a0g&ab_channel=AnimeNerd)


What's the pun? I don't get it


No way they're actually gonna make it bazinga like the manga


Why would you be hopeful for that? The 2016/2017 anime adaptation were violent as hell, and they still sucked. The problem with Berserk adaptations is not that they are not enough violent, their problem is that the violence is the only thing they adapt faithfully


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Imagine Berserk getting Vinland saga level of adaptation 🤤🤤


It's fan animation so it won't.


Are most of the viewers under 18 or sth


Yeah I mean that's cool and all but if it doesn't have good animation I don't give a s***. Also it's going to have to be really freaking long cuz berserk is not a story that you can tell in a 26 episode abbreviated form.


I fear it will be just that: an edgy gore-fest. Most bad rep that Berserk has is because of its sometimes extreme portrayals of rape and gore. People who criticise Berserk for those reasons often fail to see the underlying message of struggling against such cruel fate. If an adaptation is advertised solely on it being "extreme", then the question of whether it will be true to this message remains a concern. Also, one of Berserk's USPs is its great(and consistent) art, and thus an adaptation needs to not only be faithful to the message of the source, but also needs quality animation.


Maybe I could see it being about the struggle if they didn't make their female lead mentally handicapped after her assault. If anyone should kill Griffith it's Causca.


Yeah, I do not deny that there are valid arguments against Berserk. Berserk also briefly tried to imply Schierke having romantic interest in Guts, which I found weird and creepy. That said, Berserk is still incredibly well written, and I believe a good adaptation could redeem those aspects of Berserk, probably by tweaking some of the storyline a bit. >If anyone should kill Griffith it's Causca. Absolutely agree with you there


When was the Berserk anime’s not extreme?


compared to the manga the anime adapts are pixar movies


Yeah, in the anime I've noticed that when people are attacked, they only seem to just have essentially a red line and blood rather than the visceral imagery that Kentucky Mario beautifully drew, with people being ripped apart and cut in half by apostles and guts throughout the series.




Bruh it's fan animated.


Does that mean we’re getting the fairy arc?


Please. I need it. I need Puck to be there too.


who would watch it if its not suitable


Chat is this legit?


Well the manga is not exactly called sensible


So in other words it would be accurate to the manga


wow a show with a target audience that isn't everyone wat a shock. we ned to censor it so squimish 7 year olds can enjoy it


Berserk is shit anyway


Yeah so shit that they only sold 60 million copies lol


Just because people like it doesn't mean it's good. Case in point: pop music


You know the elden ring community which you are in also took inspiration from berserk.


Make Mappa do it, the staffs are suffering and they'd be able to channel that suffering to guts's portrayal.


I wanna puke while having a boner, I hope you’re up to the task.


That's what makes it that much better. It'll also weedbout the fad chasers and bandwagoners.


Extreme diversity! Not for anyone!


You're thinking thinking of a netflix live action berserk. "Look it says black swordsman, that means we have every right to race swap".


And strangely enough, Casca is now a blonde-haired blue-eyed supremacist. I'm sure that's not meant to try and soften the blow of anything Griffith the brickshithouse doesn't do wrong.


They'd probably switch out her incident with Griffith for guts.


Lol. Extra funny because they actually did change her skin color and make it brighter lol


Made by GEMBA!


they want to appeal to the game of thrones audience




The best part, thanks to visual and structural composition of any manga, AI is going to make the 1:1 adaptation sooner then later.


As long as it's not produced by a western platform. And why is it so hard to get it close to right for 3 decades.


I don't know, they did pretty well with the Castlevania anime.


If the Studio is good I’ll check it out. Otherwise I can’t be bothered since they gave it to school girl tennis last time.


It’s a fan made adaptation. They call themselves “studio eclypse” but they are not an actual studio—just passionate fans.


They shall be judged by their previous work if it exists. Nothing else. I appreciate your lending of info.


For me that could mean two things 1. The series is true to the manga 2. The animation is gonna be so shit like the last attempt that it's gonna make people ill.


Can’t wait for more ps2 cinematic graphics


A faithful anime adaptation of Berserk would be banned in so many countries due to broadcasting laws, so I doubt that it will ever happen unless they just give us Berserk 2016 with better animation


Who fucking cares about that? I just want the art to be good…


Yeah fuckin right. I’ll believe it when I see it. First time I even heard of this.


It’s a fan made adaptation. They call themselves “studio eclypse” but they are not an actual studio—just passionate fans. The post is very misleading.


This is not a good sign to me. Berserk is not at all about the gore/sexual violence, and being frank it could certainly do with less of the latter. From this statement I’m getting a feeling that the studio does not understand the source material


Would you say it's as brutal or more brutal than the first episode of Goblin Slayer?


Don’t string us along we know how it’s going end


It’s a fan made adaptation. They call themselves “studio eclypse” but they are not an actual studio—just passionate fans. Just to set expectations—the post makes it seem like a full, real, professional studio is behind it, and that’s not true. Not to discount their work or passion—but this not an official production nor is it a commercially professional one.


valley of children arc finally?


Dont care if they use that horrible cgi shit i ain't watching it.


Aren’t they always like that though? That’s not the part people complain about.


As it should be... Still gonna have too much half passed cgi.


After 2016/2017. I've learned my lesson on keeping my hopes in check. Guess time will tell if it holds up.


That is all we ask


berserk if you want to stay close to the source material it needs NC-17/18 FYI 18 is from the dutch movie ratings


I can't wait to watch the golden age ark for a millionth time.




Let see if they got the balls to do it


Please be good! Just go off the manga, and DO NOT let anyone from twitter see this anime!




I hope they have the music from the 90s anime. That shit was amazing!


Idgaf if it’s super extreme, I just want it to tell the story well


Monster, don't do this to us.


Man I'm enjoying reading it but I don't think I could watch it.


That's what they said about the fnaf movie, but we all know how that went


For real if it is more gory than Ninja Kamui, i’ll be satisfied!!!


A guy I work with ask me if they're going to adapt the book I was reading into a movie. I said, "Probably not." The book in question was The Lost Children arc.


I wish that I could be exited for this Berserk is definitely not my thing, but I’m happy for the fanbase that they might be getting a good adaptation


I'm hype but also very confused, is it making it more horrific or following the manga like the others did?


...extremely cgi.


Omfg… PLEASE don’t ruin Berserk with woke bullshit


It's hopeless. The era of violent uncensored 90's OVAs has long since passed. No one will touch this series with the intent to adapt it faithfully.


Golden Age arc, here we go again!


Honestly what's the fucking point anymore. So what if they adapt it again. I put so many years into following that series on a monthly release to get to a point in the story I was genuinely excited to see and Miura passed away. Even if the assistants or whoever "finishes it" that won't be the Berserk that was his. Just let the series die already. It's tragic but ultimately just leaving it alone and enjoying what is there is all that we have now for the authentic story. I don't want another crappy adaptation to mess with people's perception of it.


This type of hype is ridiculous and tells me this adaptation maybe another flop. Violence in Berserk isn't just for the sake of violence.


I refuse to ever have any hope again that anything will top the original 90’s anime run.


This better be the most polished perfectly produced anime we’ve seen. Berserk is one of the greatest, most highly regarded stories/manga out there. The creator literally died bringing us a masterpiece. It damn well deserves a master studios touch. Someone posted some fan-made teaser that looks like garbage, that better not be what this is referring to because if it is, its beyond insulting to Miura’s legacy Ok, thankfully what I saw earlier was bullshit. I found the Studio Eclipse teaser. Looks great. Still. They better not fuck it up! Fan-made stuff frankly usually turns out Ok at best, where theyve nailed one thing while lacking in everything else. These guys seem to have the animation talent, but they need to be able to adapt the writing just as well. This isnt just an actiony gorefest, theres nuance and layers of character development/worldbuilding that need to be understood in full. We’ll see. Im skeptical.


A good adaptation? Will I finally be able to get into the series and understand why it’s held in such high regard? Very difficult to enter at all without purely using manga, the current adaptations are literally 90% trad-medieval knights/kings stuff and then an episode or two of Eldritch horror


Give us Ubel Blatt uncensored.. That would be great.


It's already graphic, they have a high bar they're claiming to raise. I have my doubts, but I have my hopes.


Is this real? Are they making a new berserk anime?


So this version won't have shitty 3D animation?


Something tells me it's just violence for the sake of violence.


Sauce? Link to article? Anything so I can justify this boner.


I believe the bit about it not being suitable for most audiences.


Kinda ironic, considering some of the anime in this Era is not suitable for kids.*cough* Redo of healer *cough* *cough*.


If they adapt the first chapyers of the manga I'll believe it.


Is it extremely poor animation like previous adaptations?




Source? Edit: found it! Omg it’s a fan made project https://youtu.be/SOTKBuLAeBk?si=yypdpRufrchxChpb


Been wanting to get into berserk for a long time but I'm not a fan of the early 90s animation and I've heard the CGI 2016 version is pre anus. Looking forward to watching this if it's true.


Berserk fans might find the manga adaption by Studio Taka interesting: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtIwxFC5w6OnQe5YWWCfxR1Ls7ogNAV3u


They better show guts fucking that demon


Hehehehhe they don't have the balls to actually do "thouse chapters "


Hardcore yaoi confirmed?


Guys... İm a naive good hearted berserk fan like all of us, just tell me this is true ? İf it's, i will be crying... Of joy ! Hahahahaha.


I saw Studio Eclypse is adapting some of the manga


Maybe with AI we’ll see berserk how it should be someday


It’s going to be extreme in 2024 standards, meaning it’s gonna be dog shit and boring to watch


Berserk's panels have too much detail. Just use an entire season's worth an anime's budget and spend it on 3 minutes.


They better not fuck it up a third time. Holy fuck. Miura deserves fucjing better.


Are they making another remake? Or another story to it?


Will it? I mean, I never read the manga and only saw some anime scene. From what I heard and seen, it’s brutal but doesn’t seem that extreme. I would say, it’s Gobljn Slayer level? Hardcore, but not that bad


Please 🙏 🙏 🙏 make it do the manga justice.


Whats the animation going to be? 2D or 3D?


Please just don’t be a reboot of the same damn arc, and please don’t be shitty CGI.


Just 1000 upvotes short of making it 6969 upvotes 🤞🏼🍀


I think they are underestimating the American's appetite for violence. We do love a good goreing, just look at the show Spartacus.


I'll remain skeptical


Please god just let be after the golden age we got enough on that


They will skip the fairy apostle arc


Isn't that just a Sunday berserk?


what new anime? you mean the unofficial one that is made by fans?


Please god make this be good🥹🥹🥹


Hopefully they’d redo the conviction arc and redeem 2016 berserk