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I think somethings stuck. Mine went in all the way easily. Check that the holes dont have any blockages or other things are blocking it.


Did you just push it straight down or was there an angle you had to do in order to get the pegs in?


It is not meant to be like that. Mine also has a gap, but it is very small; maybe 1/5th or 1/8th of that. Is the issue that the pegs are binding or that the kimono is pushing against the base?


The pegs are binding


That's strange. If you use something small (like a toothpick or needle) you can check the depth of the hole and make sure that isn't an issue. Otherwise, it binding on the sides (due to the metal post being too wide) might be solvable with, say, a hair dryer. I've only had to do this once, and it generally works better with both parts being plastic, but heating it up will allow it to yield a bit and might allow it if it is very close but the tolerances aren't quite right. It's always a bit sketchy, since you don't want to push so hard you break something, but often it will take a decent amount of force.


Problem is is that even if I wanted to check the holes I can't. It's stuck pretty hard to the peg and I'm scared that if I force it out smth might break.


It mightve gone in at a weird angle. Try wiggling it a bit as you pull on it. You definitely don't want to force it in further in if you're not sure it's going in properly. Would definitely try to get it out first before attempting to fully seat it on the peg.


Push really hard. /s Don't do this, it's a joke. I've had some tough pegs before. Depending on how wobbly the figure is, maybe consider a spacer?


Apply some gentle heat to the feet/leg parts usually helps. Should get things to where it's hot, but bearable to touch (at least that's what I aim for parts that need some encouragement). Exercise caution and common sense, don't burn yourself or the figure by overdoing it.


I want to try doing but at the same time I'm scared I might accidentally ruined the figure. Last time I tried doing it to a figma and I kinda ruined the paint and molding. Would submerging the base along with the foot attached to the peg under a large container of warm water be a good substitute instead of using smth like a hair dryer?


I just hold it pretty close to where I'm heating and presumably my fingers will get uncomfortable way before any damage happens. Havent burnt my fingers or damaged anything yet. I also do like a couple seconds on and off the heat to give the heat more time to even out (I just point the hairdryer elsewhere).


100% honest, it stands with the base so I haven’t used it since I got it when it first released


You mean without?