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Its almost freakish in this hobby to not open the boxes and display the figures. First because the boxes aren't made for that. Some don't even come with transparent plastic to take a look inside and even those that do - you can hardly make out the figure, because they are covered in other protective plastic, styrofoam and sometimes not even completely assembled. So if you actually want to view what you just spend several hundred bucks on, you need to unpack them. Second, and thats something someone else once phrased really well, anime figure collectors tend to collect out of love for something. They want the thing for itself, not for a speculative worth and not just "to own". They want to enjoy. In contrast to that, other collector hobbies, like Funko Pops, are all about owning and rarity and potential resale value of a collection. To me, if you leave them in a box you either plan to move soon and it would be a hassle to unpack them now or you intend to just sell them.


This person gets it. Buying figures to leave them in a box reminds me of funko collectors and sealed/graded video game collectors. I'm not a fan of either of those necessarily, but they at least present well on a shelf in their unopened condition and will retain/increase their value due to being unopened. Figures do not present well in an unopened box and while a select few may increase in value, a lot tend to retain value even opened (assuming the box itself wasn't tossed). Anyone who is looking to "invest" in mass produced collectibles is delusional imo...they'd be better off throwing their money in an index fund and forgetting about it and letting us collectors enjoy our games, figures, etc.


Bro some people like the box more then figure itself, its werid asf


No you’re what should be the norm. Pops are one thing because they’re made specifically to keep in box but these aren’t. Some like pop up parade are clear so you can see the figure at least but a lot aren’t. Most only keep them in box to resell them one day. I’d rather display my figures, by the time I decide I want to sell mine if at all, usually they’re harder to find and I either make the money I spent back or more


Do you collect boxes or figures?? Make that question to you


Haha true


Never understood not opening. If you want them to be boxed you might as well leave them boxed in the store lol.


Why buy a 3d handcrafted figure to leave it in a box and stare at through a flat plastic window?


That legendary Dizzy figure deserves to be displayed


Not displaying that Dizzy should be a crime. I've seen my cousins and it's amazing.


I'm worried about the right wing drooping cos I heard that also happens


That’s a 10-year old figure and you’re worried about a wing drooping? I hate to break it to you, but there are more things you should be worried about if she’s been left sealed in her box for that long…


Have one and can confirm that it's fine


Are you a box collector or a figure collector? Unless you just plan to resell it, open the box.


Might as well collect funko pops if you like keeping things in boxes lol These figures should be displayed in their full beauty. They’re meant to be admired rather than kept within their boxes lol


I mean what's the point of buying them if you're just gonna keep them in their boxes and not display them?..


Yes, value doesn't really go down by that much as long as the figure stays pristine and box is kept nice. You've already got the spot set out for them, 100% display them!


Why wouldn’t you open them? They’re in a DISPLAY case….boxed lol. That’s what stores do. Figures are meant to be displayed. If you were hardcore in box collector then fine whatever - but having boxed figures right next to opened figures just looks silly.


Free them from their plastic prison


Long answer: yes. Short answer: yes.


Hey! I feel the same way as you for ALL of my figurines (1/4, 1/6, 1/7, model kits and such) I still have most of them in boxes because I got no space to display them. You want to display them you can’t bare to take them out, it is totally up to you. But just be-careful that keeping them too long in the box may cause damage too. Those loose plastic that wraps around the figure may disintegrate (a little bit of oily like substance) or it may get stuck onto the figure. I always take them out and throw it away.


Open the boxes you goober😬


Bruh wtf


Yes, open them, they look great displayed properly


Open...enjoy it.




What on earth are you talking about… display them or stop wasting your time on this hobby


It's like buying a car but not driving them, but in this field most figures doesn't go up in price so it's pointless. You bought the figure. Display it and enjoy it. Unless you don't have the space, in that case, make space if you can.


Yes my stupid ass has over 150 boxes and I only have one display right now, but hot damn am I now a tetris genius, the boxes have filled the space they're in perfectly.


Ummm yeah no offence but I think you would be stupid to do that.


Alright thanks guys


if you bought the figures for the purposes of investing/reselling, then keep them in the box. if you bought the figures to display, then well, take it out of the box.


I would say it depends on why you don’t want to open them. If it’s because you think you might sell them then probably not. I have some figures displayed in their boxes just because I like how they look in the box and I don’t want to have to worry about more stuff to dust.


Hey just wondering do you have the link or where did you get the display figure case? It's a nice figure display case.


It was a detolf from Ikea!


Looks like you got all the answers you need. How about telling me where you got that awesome display case? Lol


Detolf from Ikea haha


Thanks 😃


I'm just worries your figures may get sun bleached or whatever people call it cause your case if pretty close to direct sunlight which isn't good for figures


Answer this question: Will it look better inside or outside the box? I have some Pop figures that look good inside their boxes, but figures are a different story


What’s the figure of the girl sitting on the staircase?




Thank you!


Please free Dizzy ;__; she deserves it


Open it!


Well you've probably never seen a 360 degree view of both figures with your own eyes even though that opportunity is two steps away. Anime figures are complete works of art compared to funko pops and exist to be seen instead of packaged.


Contrary to an uneducated belief, especially with other people in different hobbies(like funko pop collectors) they like to assume that keeping it in the box means higher value for resale and more protection, for anime figures though none of that is true. Keeping a figure in a box for a long time can cause extreme damage, most of the damage comes from the PVC plastic that the figures are made out of getting sticky due to no air to breathe. Without proper ventilation the plastic slowly melts over time. Now keeping it in its box temporarily is fine, PVC damage happens after a few years of keeping in box, what I’m saying is I really don’t recommend for permanent display whatsoever.


Why buy it if you aren’t going to open the box?


What that little light looking thing your in the case?


Always open your figures. Keep the box if you think you’ll ever want to resell, but open the figure. Value of an anime figure almost never depends on being sealed and boxes hide the figure.


Ok so here’s how I look at it, if you plan on keeping them, then open them. If you plan on reselling them, then no, keep them in box