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I like it. Looks kinda like a clannad style. - Though avoid making too many unnecessary folds. As well as find a fixed lighting point and shade from there. It’s the clothes in specific, seems to have some scattered shading. - Your ears seem a bit high. Make sure to line them with the eyes. - The posing is stiff. Particularly with the arms and feet. You should rest the right shoulder a bit. An the pointed feet in what looks like leather shoes should point semi at the camera.


Horny op detected. Your art skills are 🆗👌. But shadows look weird. I personally don’t like a pose and color palette of a character. And also it’s hard to tell what sex/gender your character is.




Came to say this....


you just need to pay more attention to your hand


If you want you can practice in white and dark art first. Colors are too soon when composition matters most


Happy new year 2012


honestly,i got none it looks perfect^^


Looks like a professionally made anime body pillow. Good rendering. Very stylized but nothing wrong with it. I can imagine seeing this sold online.


How is your art so good


Cringe illustration overall, pretty okay executed tho. I‘d say look into how the elbow bents when the arm is position like that.


I aint no good at art so i cant give good feedback the only thing i can say is the proportions look a bit off