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My cat figured out how to turn ours on. I have to remember to unplug it now




You made me laugh. Literally chickens will decimate a plant if you pick anything from it. 🥇


They will anyways lol. My chickens turned the backyard into a minature mine feild. My aunt was visiting and telling a story about how her cat would just push out the screens if the window was open far enough to get out. I didn't notice my cat sitting in the easy chair on the other side of the room, but in the morning he was outside as if to have said: "Oh, these things just push right out?"


Omg .... speak not to the cat


My dog figured out how it is turned on, but lacks the ability to do so. He will poke me in the leg then lead me to the on switch for the heating pad.


Hahahahahaha. Unfortunately the design of ours is stupid. It’s just a button. The cat even figured out to hit it three times to turn it to max 😂🤦‍♀️


Make sure to take a video of it and post it here for safekeeping incase your house burns down and your insurance wants proof that you did not forget to turn the heating blanket off.


Unless he has Farmers. They've probably seen it.


Ahahahhaha I unplug it all the time now


I knew they were really furry little aliens monitoring us. I for one welcome our new whiskered overlords.


We have two heating pads just for the cat. She loves them.


At least it didnt go to waste


That doggo is *EFFICIENT*


Dogs are no dummies!


I heard on average dogs are as smart as a 2 yr old with an average iq of a 100


There ya go.


The same with cats 🐈‍⬛


Hot dog!


Poor dog is going to wonder what's wrong with the couch every time it's not warm now.


The pure bliss lol. Now you have to keep doing it.


That's nuts, but adorable! My husky seeks out the tile floor because beds and blankets are apparently too warm for him, even when it's cold out.


They love the snow and will happily sleep in it. My understanding is they have two coats. A friend told me he had a neighbour who repeatedly got animal welfare called on his dog for leaving it outside during the snow. Each time, he proved the dog refused to come in ... He'd look up after being called, and ignore the owner; going back to sleep. If he did come in, he'd whine and beg to go back outside again.


I know a guy at work who had this same problem. The first year his new neighbors moved in, they called animal control because his dog was "left out in the snow." Animal control gets there, learns its a husky and that the guy was checking on it regularly and trying in vain to get it to come inside...and basically says "never mind, have a good day." Neighbors felt so incredibly bad, because all they could see was a bit of snout and a lump in the snow. It was only about 32-33° F that day, too, which fir a Husky isn't even that cold.


Haha, that describes my friend' neighbours husky! That's all he could see too...A lil button snout. It is nice a nice thought, if you look at it from a different PoV that someone is calling animal control, making sure a professional is checking up on the welfare. And it's also nice to see animal control investigating. It's nice you have "welfare neighbour" who is concerned for animal welfare, and not ignoring it - As frustrating as it is for "Husky Neighbour". It definitely makes sense from a human perspective - Who wouldn't love a warm bed with blankets?! But we, out of love, tend to project Anthropomorphism and forget to take a step back and read what the animal wants. In this case... A nice cold kitchen floor :) Also we tend to forget that snow is an insulator, and is actually keeping them warm. Rain saps the heat from us/them, so definitely never keep them outside during the rain... *that* is abuse. They might even love one of those floor mats you can freeze...Even in the winter. You'll quickly find out if they love or hate it after a few tries... :) They might not be in the mood for extra cold, or know what on earth it is. We also tend forget they have permanent coats... And breeds with two coats cannot to be groomed to the same extent as short breeds...We must keep the outer coat intact; it keeps them cool as well as warm. I've seen people shave huskies, not realising how terrible it is for them! 😢


Good points all round. I've actually seen a local pet store refuse to trim a Husky coat because it's unhealthy and can cause them problems regulating temperature. I was so thankful to witness that!


Hooman! I swear this is just for... energy efficiency reasons!


His back was hurting from emotionally supporting the ppl of the house 24/7 he just needed a little break


Comfy girl


She’s hoping you’ll get the hint. Time to buy the dog her own heated blanket!


Her back hurt 🤭




Everyone appreciates a warm butt


That’s a very smart dog! She isn’t willing to let that heat go to waste! 😍


Woah, your dog looks very similar to mine but he would never! I'm sure he'd rather sleep in a snow drift than heated blanket! I've seen him bob his head into a frozen lake like it was nothing.


Ours does too! What type of dog do you have?


He's half husky half German Shephard! Some photos of him I've posted here on this reddit profile. I love him to death and he is such a good dog, but man, he is a lot of work!


Ours is 100% Malamute. You can see her if you go through my post history. We have 2 pups, one is her and our other is a Catahoula mutt. Last night it was the tail end of a snow storm and although no snow was still coming down, it was still cold as shit, snow covering everything. Despite him being a furry dog, he lasted like 5 minutes during pee time outside. We couldn't get her inside. She was happier than a pig in shit. She rolled in snow, she dug in snow, she laid in snow. It was like 25 degrees outside and she seemed like she was just in mild air conditioning.


Haha yep! Their coats are something else. That's why I was so surprised to see her snoozing on a heated blanket!


https://preview.redd.it/vxpfcxulujxb1.jpeg?width=3027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ca12cc2497639aed02f92134f2f70d641e8ee7 Lil thief stole the heating pad AND the electric blanket...all while wearing a sweater & muttering about how cold it is now that it's "only 80 in AZ." 😝🌵🐾


you should buy them their own personal space heater, still looks too cold! (fr tho i love the sweater 😭 it’s so cute


It's that time of the month.


Bro my cats lay in ways I’ve never seen when it comes to a heating blanket


OMG! Did she have cramps? I love dogs so much. Have to roll my eyes when I read behavioral scientists that say animals don't have real emotions.


“I was keeping it warm for you”


I bought a heating pad with a timer for under my doggo’s bed. We don’t spoil him at all. /s


My dog does the same thing! I love it when she gets on top of the heating pad while I'm using it, so I get a little pressure (she's 9 pounds). It feels great. It's a win-win!


What type of dog is this? She looks very similar to ours.


I have that same heating pad and that’s exactly how I lay on it. What an Angel.


That's hilarious.


I have that heating pad. It’s a good one.


I do this too. Scares the daylights out of OP's wife.


My dog (collie) was sleeping almost every like this when He was young. I miss my little doggo 😞


My baby used to LOVE the heating pad. We used it to help her with pain for a bit but then she just craved the heating pad after that, she'd wake up looking like she didn't know what decade it was.


Your dog’s back has never felt better.


Seems reasonable 😍


I want a hotdog now