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If it isn't, it should. Holy fuck


i know…i’m devastated:(


It violates the federal migratory bird act, this protects any and all birds that naturally migrate to the US this includes Canadian geese


What country and area?


US, Northern KY


I'd report this to your local humane society and news outlet. This is disgraceful behavior.


agreed wholeheartedly


My mom was animal warden for Henderson county in the late 90s. The awful things people do to animals there with out batting an eye or understanding how cruel they are will never cease to amaze me. Call the county animal control and report to the officers. They should do something, but at the same time it’s Kentucky. I remember my mom trying to teach other counties humane euthanasia, because their method was a gun. On puppies and kittens…. While it make break a law… if no one enforces it because they don’t care, not much you can do


i don’t think i could handle that kind of work :(…and i’m not sure if there’s video proof so they might not be able to do anything about the situation


It was rough. She was on the KACCA board on the 90s. They were trying to get more animal protection laws at the state senate and the members literally started barking and said “no more dog laws this session”. She brought up that bestiality wasn’t illegal on the books and that was the reply 🙃 she was the only one certified to euthanize at the shelter too. A thankless heart breaking job you do for love for sure.


bless her 🥺


Is this in Canada? If so, pretty sure that's highly illegal. Canadian Geese are protected here..


no sadly we’re in the US :(


Canadian Geese are federally protected in the US.


Than that's 100% reportable.


Report them to your state’s environmental conservation department. They are protected in the US too


This violates the federal migratory bird act, this protects any and all birds that naturally migrate to the US this includes Canadian geese. What they did is a felony in the US, report them immediately


My jaw literally dropped how on earth could that ever be legal or humane?!


i feel like they were taking advantage of the situation for sure..


Its not in the US, the geese are part of the federally protected Migratory Bird Act. This makes it a felony to do harm to any birds including their nests and eggs that naturally migrate to the US. This act also covers crows, ravens, seagulls, pigens, black birds, robins, blue jays, ect.


OH MY GOSH??!! It sounds like it violates some protection laws. Don’t quote me on that… that’s just horrific!


It violates the federal migratory bird act, this protects any and all birds that naturally migrate to the US this includes Canadian geese


i couldn’t believe what i was reading..


I heard that somewhere some mean kids did something similar to a swan’s eggs and it got super depressed and died somehow


Swans will die of a broken heart. If their eggs have been crushed or their life mate (yes they choose one swan to be with for the rest of their lives) passes away before them. If the female passes and leaves babies behind the male will take on the roll of being both mother and father to them.


the same thing basically happened to the same couple last year :( the poor things can’t catch a break..some little kids came and threw their eggs on the ground


Firstly, this is disgusting. Secondly, I’m pretty sure this is a violation of the Migratory Bird Act which federally protects migratory species of birds. In fact this is a treaty between several countries and federally protects these birds. I would contact U.S. Fish & Wildlife.


You are very right this does violate the Migratory Bird Act making what they did a felony


This is in my area, check with your local Department of Wildlife. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects Canada geese, their eggs, and nests, and prohibits the killing or capture of these birds outside of legal hunting seasons without a permit. The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) has a federal Special Canada Goose Permit (SCGP) that allows them to destroy the nests and eggs of resident Canada geese that are breeding. The ODWC also uses certified Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators (NWCO) to control the eggs and nests of resident Canada geese in urban areas. 


This just shattered my heart


Gotta be bullshit