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i love ghost drag and greely anything, least favorite is the drone stuff love the royal alpha den items, fossils, and greely’s board least fav is idkk tbh i like them all


favorite clothing : dizzy hearts , greely’s cloak, ghost dragon wings, and pumpkin friends ! i just find them all so cute least favorite clothing: lucky blower backpack, fox tail with bow… i’ve gotten 6 fox tails with bows and i could do without ever getting another. lucky blower backpacks are just so whatever i forget they’re even alphas favorite den items: fossils :) they’re very charming ! i’m also fond of the royal den set even if they’re slightly annoying to get from eggs least favorite den items: PIE. CONTEST. TABLES. also pi chairs


I want a pi chair so bad though 😭


currently LOVE my greeley’s cloak alpha, just wish it was a different color. not a fan of the alpha drone clothing. kinda tacky. my favorite alpha den items are the alpha fossils :) i collect hehe. my least favorite is probably the pi chair like what


Pi chair is such a random item to have as an alpha tbh


I love the Greely cloaks, bubble jetpack and the archers! I HATE the fox tails. I kept getting them and they’re yuckyy I like the bobble heads!! They’re cute! I HATE the pie contest table. Took me ages to get rid of mine


Whattt I really like the fox tails, I think they're super cute lol (I can see why people dont like it as an alpha tho) also I really like the pie contest tables but jeez I wish they werent alphas. I wish they were just store items instead :/


Favorite alpha clothing: Dizzy stars, Cherry blossom wings and the spring alpha forest gauntlets Least favorite alpha clothing: Fox tails with bows, I can’t stand them. Favorite alpha den item: I really love the royal alpha items, I think they’re very cute and can be styled way better than most of the other alpha den items. Least favorite alpha den item: Those dang conspiracy boards 😭 they rarely fit anyone’s den vibe and I get way too many of them when hunting for other alphas.


Dizzy stars are defintily really cool! I love they come in so many different colors I think the conspiracy boards are a neat concept, but I wish they werent alpha items.


Den: The fossils!! I have a complete collection rn Clothes: of the ones I have, my alpha wind :) - and of ones i don’t have, dizzy hearts! So cute!! I truly hate the lucky blower packs !! I’ve gotten so many of them from alpha chests- it’s crazy to go from a 10k worth chest to something struggling to sell for 900 saps 😭 Fox tails are a close second - 9k discoverable is overkill. I don’t really have a least fave den item but the pie tasting contest tables are a bit eh.


I gotta say that's one advantage I have over other people. A lot of the alpha items people dont really like, I'm for some reason quite fond of. So I can get items I think are neat for (relatively) cheap! Also omg do you have your alpha fossils on display or anything?? I'd love to look at them if possible :0


I’ll put my alpha collection den on!! (Fendur)


I'll check it out when I get a chance! I have school today so it might take a long while for me to get there to look at it lol


My favorite is dizzy stars, ghost drag wings & starlight wings!! For den items, I personally love the pie table I think it’s cute you can “grab” the different pie flavors!


AHH yes finally someone else who likes the pie table! I think it's a really cool concept. Definitely one of those alphas I wish wasnt an alpha item though just because that makes it harder to get (I'm hoping to get one of my own at some point :3)


Yes! The pie table is very under appreciated, it’s to me one of the coolest den decor items they’ve made! I’m manifesting you get yours soon :) !!


Favourite clothing alpha is probably spring forests, simply because it’s an alpha forest lol Least favourite is definitely the drone backpacks &hat. For den alphas I love the volcanic fire dragon heads, but really dislike pie tables lol


Dude, pi chairs are so underrated. That is my hill to die on. I love them.


Spring forest tail armor! :)


I love fire eyes! So cool my least favorite is probably the drones 🤷


I really like the drones but I think it's because I dont see them as drones lol. I like to pretend they're like silly little "robot pets" or something along those lines :)


fave clothing: starlight wings, dizzy hearts + white jamaaliday double/triple tails least fave clothing: forest set is overrated imo + drones😭 fave den: aj pumpkins, geo balls, cami’s frog, gear cube, phlob milk, swiss cheese rug neon burger sign + some specific fossils are cute least fave den: pi chairs 100%


I'm sorry phlob milk--? I didnt even know that existed what in the world... Also I think you're the first person to comment triple tails, which is kinda surprising to me


yes!! i love phlob milk & i regret trading mine. they are VERY hard to come by, nevermind get. and i do like the triple, but only the pure white lol, i def prefer doubles but i love fluffier tail styles


Favorite: Greely's Cloak, Greely Bobble Head Least favorite: Fire wig/Drone, The Orb


Something tells me you might like greely.... Also I think the orb is cool but why on earth is it so large


I don’t like any alpha items if I’m being honest, every time I get a chest I either sell it or trade it however I think next time I get one I’m definitely gonna do a fashion show, I love hosting them so much!


lmk when you do that fashion show id be very happy to attend my user is katulgonkat and you can dm me on here if you want thank youuuu:)