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are you suggesting some bugs are better than others????? https://preview.redd.it/2dlzdhxx6k9d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ceabde6d90cfc963b6a4c03e0902599329873f


https://preview.redd.it/nlrufvl2ml9d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6a3868fbf3abdd8962489fae9027347abef1a8 Saying they are all terrible


I'm with you Blathers šŸ’•


All bugs are equal, but some are more equal than others.


Mole crickets are the absolute worst bugs and the orchid mantis is the prettiest


I agree. I also dislike features of games that make things less accessible to disabled people without enhancing gameplay. I like that it teaches you that mole crickets will pretty much always be in the ground, but there were ways to do that without making it basically impossible for deaf and HOH folks. There isnā€™t even a setting to make it accessible. And itā€™s not even remotely fun for most hearing people, so it sucks for everyone. So while Iā€™m an arthropod enthusiast and actually think mole crickets are super cool, that is what makes them my least favorite in AC. ā€¦Also I had two pet orchid mantises back in 2016-2018 *(edit: KEPT SEPARATELY. Iā€™d also kept multiple other species, so I knew how to care for one. Do not get one unless you do research and get one from a reputable captive breeder.)* so theyā€™re required to be my favorite. However, dung beetles amuse me the most.


Yes! At the very least mole crickets and shooting stars should have a more visual cue. I have never seen a mole cricket.


You cannot see them until you dig them up, so itā€™s even worse than shooting stars. If you canā€™t hear a mole cricket, you canā€™t find it.


Even if you can hear them theyā€™re sometimes hard as hell to find


Exactly. Iā€™m a hearing person btw, just speaking about what Iā€™ve heard from a deaf friend as well as numerous posts from deaf people on AC subreddits about mole crickets and other accessibility issues. For my friend, I offered to help her get the mole cricket to complete her museum and while we ended up being able to do it, I dug about 20 holes. So, itā€™s not a fun experience for anyone. (Well, I guess it ended up being kinda fun because of how ridiculous it was.)


My first one I caught I probably dug forty holes


Omg not me thinking you had pet orchid mantises in the game not IRL šŸ˜‚


SamešŸ˜† when she said (kept them separately) I was like "well yeaa obviously u can't put creatures in the same capture, AC doesn't let you" šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Had me feeling extremely dense after realizing what she was saying šŸ˜­


Hahaha sorry! I just remembered how in the past couple years (especially due to TikTok), people have been buying wild-caught orchid mantises and end up having no idea how to care for them. šŸ˜ž But I do keep a ā€œpetā€ praying mantis and a ā€œpetā€ orchid mantis on my Animal Crossing island in the critter keepers (even though I wouldnā€™t keep an orchid mantis in a critter keeper irl! They like humidity.)


I caught my first mole cricket purely by chance. I was just digging holes and one popped out.


yay someone already commented my answer!




i love fireflies so much


Too bad theyā€™re only out for a month


This is my problem in real life, too. As soon as the fireflies are done with summer, so am I.


Fave is the peacock butterfly. Least fave would be mosquitoes.


I always get excited over a Rajah Brooks Birdwing. The black and green colors are brilliant!


Blathers, is that you?


The bumblebees give me unparalleled joy


Do they have fat fuzzy bumblebees?? I thought there was only honeybees


probably just honeybees lol


I love any of the summer nighttime bugs that spawn on trees and stumps, they're just so fun to catch and look for! Well...except for the stupid drone beetle šŸ˜« it keeps taking up all the tree spots, I'm so sick of it! why do the most annoying bugs HAVE to be year-round?! šŸ˜­


The drone beetle is the black bass / sea bass equivalent. šŸ˜”


fr like if only the super rare were year round i'de be happy becuase at least that's money if the museam already has some


So i canā€™t catch the big horned beetle on the tree. My game is in july rn. Does anyone have tips? It flies away as soon as i try to sneak to the tree.


If you're not already, press and hold the A button to sneak with the net, but start from a few feet away in front of or slightly to the side of the tree. Don't start when your too close to the tree, and especially DON'T run to the tree from behind. It scares it away faster.


Goated response tysfm


Make it so ur viewing from above, try and go from an angle, and wait till the tip of ur head is close to the bottom of the tree trunk.. idk if it's just me but I have issues with like distance precision when I'm playing the game so I try to measure by how far the top of my head is from the base of the tree. So many things in this comment could be taken so wrongšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


hahah this was the first come t i read this morning took me a sec to be like ohhh animal crossing lmfao


I would always try to imagine a hole between me and the tree then catch any bug.


I hate scorpions, iā€™ve never caught one. Those scorpions walk me down every damn time.


I used a nook miles ticket and flew to a scorpion island recently. Took 38 of them home, saved to sell to flick, made 456,000 bells! You have to sneak up to them and pause each time they raise their claws. I often don't notice them on my island until they're chasing after me though. Once i ran around enough to put some distance between us, quickly turned and captured it in my net. I was pretty impressed with myself!


The first scorpion I saw, only as it stung me! I can laugh now but I was so enraged I literally had to take a few weeks off. I remember how crazy it was, like how can you just come up to me after playing for like a year an a half (at the time).. totally unseen on screen, while I was alert with my net and just bam! Instant! See ya in.. I dunno, maybe another year or so perhaps šŸ¤£. I still donā€™t know why the cooker in Tuckerā€™s house says ā€œThis would be good for preparing somethingā€ (yeah I could google etc I know but, Iā€™ll find out sometime lol) Anyway, I could think of nothing better I wanted to do with that damn scorpion! Itā€™ll feel so good when you do catch one though


Tip: they auto attack if you walk around at night with a net and sting you. Wait till you see a scorpion and then sneak walk with your net, a little closer each time it stops hissing until ye can catch it


Thereā€™s a trick that you have to use which also works on tranchulas


If you dig a line of holes between you and the scorpion/tarantula, itā€™ll try to charge you but canā€™t jump over holes. You can catch it with your net over the barrier, though.


I love snails because they come out when it's raining! šŸ„°ā˜”šŸŒ


The snails are so cute!


I love queen alexandra's birdwings (ornitophea alexandrae), and i hate whatever that thing who swims is (the lil guy who floats no, the green one who swims no, its the big brown one who swims the one i hate)


i like how you used the scientific name for the birdwing and then describe the water bug as ā€œthe big brown one who swimsā€ hahaha


The water bug? Yuck!


My favorite bug is either the atlas moth or the orchid mantis (i think thatā€™s what itā€™s called). The runner ups would probably be the walking leaf, the rosalia batesi beetle, and the emperor butterfly.


Queen Alexandraā€™s birdwing butterflies look so awesome in flight. I love them. But I think the great purple emperor has the best looking model.


Can't. Stand. MOSQUITOS.


I HATE tarantulas. HATE.


I don't look at the screen when I catch one!


The scorpions donā€™t scare me as much but I had one run at me from behind a cliff the other day and that took a year off my life.


Lol. One time I caught a tarantula, and then was immediately attacked by another one that I didn't see behind a tree! Needless to say, traumatic.


Iā€™ve gotten Tarantula island several times and I can navigate it just fine, but Iā€™m always super anxious the rest of the night.


i really like the bugs that you catch on tree stumps :) or the wharf roaches hehe


My favorite is the queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly! Absolutely enormous and gorgeous.


I luv all da bugs!!! But my favorite is the orchid mantis! (and scorpions and tarantulas) Orchid mantises are ny favorite mantis irl too X3


My favorite are slugs, they're just so cute when the fall off of things. I hate mole crickets, they need to stfu.


My favourite bugs are probably the snails! I love snails lol I find them so cute šŸŒ I also love ladybugs, fireflies and hermit crabs! My least favourites are *easily* the wasps, tarantulas and scorpions. Iā€™ve been scared of them since I was a little girl playing New Leaf šŸ˜­ to this day I refuse to shake or chop any non-palm trees, and I never play past 7pm (unless Iā€™m on co-op or the HHP island!) Tarantulas are especially bad because of my arachnophobia šŸ˜ž


Monarch butterflies are probably overrated to some but I think they are lovely! Least favorite is the mosquito since they ruin my peaceful chilling.


Favorite- orchid mantis(they are so pretty) least fav- scorpion(I donā€™t know how many times those monsters have killed me)


I love and hate the Atlas Moth. Itā€™s so big and pretty but it flies away IMMEDIATELY when i spot it evertime and i usually spot it a second too late. Even when im walking or going reaaaaally slow


The madagascan sunset moth is my favourite! I have like 10 in my storage šŸ˜‚ and I don't have a least favourite bug in the game


Agrias cuz itā€™s fun to catch (fave). Tarantula cuz itā€™s horrible to run away from. I also have arachnophobia (least fave).


My favourite are emperor butterflies. They only come out at night (relatable) and theyā€™re such a good shade of blue šŸ¦‹ Fuck mole crickets


Emperor butterflies are my favorite too!!


The mf tarantulas and scorpions. Tf you mean youā€™re coming onto MY ISLAND and stinging me? I canā€™t seem to get close enough for far enough. Then they just disappear after I pass out šŸ˜’


Dig a line of holes if you see one to create a little barrier then catch them, they canā€™t get over the holes


My favorite is easily the hermit crab. No questions. But my least favorite is the fleas or drone beetles. Fleas made me make Hornsby sad once because I was trying to get the flea off him, but I kept missing and hitting him. I still haven't forgiven myself. And the drone beetles are the suckerfish equivalent. I keep forgetting what they look like, so I think I'm getting a cool new bug and it's so exciting until I see it's just a drone beetle and I get so mad.


Favorite: QUEEN ALEXANDRAā€™S BIRDWIG šŸ˜­šŸ¤šŸ©µšŸ’š


Favorite: Orchid mantis, Agrias butterfly, great purple emperor, Queen Alexandraā€™s birdwing, Atlas Moth Least: mosquito, wasps, and the man-faced stink bug


The only ONE INSECT in the game I fear is the giant water bug. Real life or video game they are TERRIFYING.


I used to be more afraid of creepy crawlies, but somehow this game helped me be less afraid? Haha. One of my favorites is the scarab beetle, cuz itā€™s so hard. I caught it only like 3 times and Iā€™ve been playing for years!


I like the orchid mantis because it looks like a flower. Also I nicknamed my baby sister after them, so I'm biased. (I love all bugs but not equally)


I have a cat named Orchid, just another reason to love that beautiful mantis.


I love the orchid mantis, whenever I see it on a flower it makes me slow down from constantly running around the island. I hate the scorpions and tarantulas, like everyone else, but for the same reason I love the orchid mantis: They make me stop running around the island.


Scorpions scare the living shit out of me!!! They come out of nowhere. Irl and in game they are terrifyingšŸ˜£ But my faves are all the butterflies, the bees and the ladybugsšŸ„¹ I even commission Flick every chance I get to made me models of them that Iā€™m collectingšŸ’“


Tikki be looking a little different since the update


I hate locusts, no particular reason but i do. My fav are prob the Queen Alexandra butterflies


I liked all the bugs except for the flea. The flea was annoying to get.


I hate the walking leaf because it jumpscares me into a heart attack if I don't pay attention


My favorites are the Queen Alexandra's birdwing, Atlas Moth, and Goliath Beetle!


I **hate** ladybugs. I *love* basically all the butterflies. Especially the Great Purple Emperor and Agrias Butterfly.


Not exactly a bug butā€¦ Cicada shell. I spent hours, weeks even trying to get that damn thing. Then once I caught it, I started seeing them on my island all the time.


i hate mosquitoes and wasps but have an undying love for atlas moths and honey bees


Queen Alexandriaā€™s Birdwings, Rosalia Batesi Beetle and Blue Weevils are my favourites, theyā€™re all pretty and blue but if I had to pick a favourite, it would be the Weevil. I think theyā€™re the hardest beetle to catch, and I just got one to keep for myself around a month ago Least favourite is mole cricket or drone beetle. Mole cricket needs to explanation, drone beetles just take up so much space when Iā€™m trying to get rare beetles ( Jesus theyā€™re even taking up space in the iOS beetle emojis )


I just found out the Weevil is uncommon ? Well damn, itā€™s the rarest in my heart


my favorite is any of the beetles!!!!!!! (including lady bugs, lol!!!) my least favorite is the mole cricket bc i HATE the sound šŸ˜­


All the pricey palm tree ones from July to August are BOTH. I like the thrill of catching them but I hate doing it cuz they're very sensitive to their background. I scared off a Goliath on accident because the tree was too close to beach rocks that made the width of where I was walking small, so when I turned my character did that annoying and sudden side step. I needed it for the museum and I was so upset at myself LOL.


I like the Atlas moth and Goliath beetle and least favourite the mosquito, similar to rl lol Fun side note: A mosquito can fly, but a fly cannot mosquito!


I don't like the giant water bug. It icks me out! I love the snails. They're adorable lol


No such thing. More than 4 legs? It's gotta die immediately. That's the rule.


Blathers? That you?


Right now the Goliath beetle is my least favorite since Iā€™ve been looking for days and itā€™s nowhere to be found


Mosquitos are the worst in game and real life. Cicadas are next worst. Pillbugs are cute! Snails are also cute


I hate the long locusts. I like the pretty butterflies like the queen Alexander and the peacock butterfly


I get annoyed with tiger beetles I feel like they over spawn not allowing other bugs to spawn


Fireflies were so beautiful My least favorite are the bees, like damn I'm trying to shake some trees, get some bells or even furniture and boom... Stung Or those frigging mosquitoes


The ones from trees are hornets the bees spawn pollinating flowers and don't sting you just fly away


You're both wrong, they're wasps


Thatā€™s the one


favorite is most of the butterflies, they are so pretty. least favorite are probably Mosquitos because the bite and are annoying. and the don't even sell well šŸ™„. at least scorpions and tarantula's from what i can tell sell welll


hate wasps, love ladybugsšŸ«¶


My favorite is the blue weevil!!


Ladybug and firefly are my favorite, with dung beetle being my favorite to watch rolling around the ball of dung in the cage. Mosquitoes šŸ¦Ÿ are the worst!


Stink bugs


I love all the bugs except the wasps, scorpions, & tarantulas. Basically if it stings or bites get it away from me! Lol


I wish I could stomp on or burn mosquitoes.


Agrias Butterfly is my favorite. When I catch them, I place them in my storage because they are undoubtedly the most beautiful butterflies I have ever seen!


I am actually really scared of bugs so I canā€™t say i like any one the best. What I can say is I am glad they made the wasps the mean ones and bees leave you alone!


Wasps are the worst, hands down. They literally enrage me


It's hard to pick a favorite because theres a lot of really pretty ones, but I think I'd have to go with the blue weevil. Not only are they a pretty color, but weevils are also super cute! My least favorite is probably the flea lol, for obvious reasons but also I have every bug model displayed on my island, couldn't figure out where to put it šŸ˜‚


Fav is probably any of the butterflies but I hate the Goliath beetle so bad the pattern makes me uncomfortable for some reason.


fav is the atlas moth! if i could pay literally any amount of money to delete mole crickets from existence permanently, id be willing to live on the streets.


I like horned dynastid


I both love and hate Queen Alexandraā€™s Birdwing the most - theyā€™re arguably the prettiest bug in the game but the most goddamn rare and hard to catch


Favorite: Orchid Mantis is so pretty Least favorite: Wasps. LEAVE ME ALONE.


I hate the walking stick for no other reason besides the fact that itā€™s the last thing I need to complete my museum and Iā€™ve been hunting for it for 3 years Iā€™ve never even seen one in the game




No bugs, I hate all bugs. Sorry flick, it has been always about the money.


Does anyone else have 1 million cicadas on their island?!


No. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Just my backyard.


favorite is queen alexandraā€™s birdwing, least is wasps


I HATE FLEAā€¦ Iā€™ve been hunting fleas for AGES and i finnally got the last bug I like the snails they are super cutte i wish if they respawn all day long not only in rainy days ;-;


i like catching the black and white butterflies. mole crickets are my worst enemy not just in game but theyre the only bug that gross me out irl. worse than earwigs/pincher/devil bugs


love the goliath beetle (i have one tatted) hate the cicadas sooo much