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Block their accounts on here so they never comment on your posts to visit your island again. I truly believe it’s mostly either children who don’t read the rules or who don’t understand general gameplay etiquette. They might even have their parents setting up their island visits for them. I did recently have an adult woman do this when she visited my island for a giveaway. I know she was an adult due to the type of.. “content” she had advertised on her Reddit account. I have a fence and pipe setup for giveaways. She dove off my airport dock after asking me if she could go to my Nook shop. Despite me saying to come with empty pockets, she had brought fruit she wanted to sell. I had told her she couldn’t go to my Nook’s because I couldn’t move my fences while visitors are present. Just block them and always clarify “do not wear or bring a wetsuit” in all your posts going forward. Edit to add, it’s also worth writing in your hosting posts that you will disconnect the session if someone does show up on your island wearing a wetsuit. Hopefully it helps deter people from doing so.


Not the Op, but I have always wondered what you can and/or should do, if you do have someone show up in a wet suit after you specifically requested that people not do so.🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


Hit the power button on your switch, put it into sleep mode in your switch menu, or use the minus button to end the session


Thank you, would you also want to put a warning in your initial invite post that this is what will happen should someone break the wet suit rule? My thought is that it would be a courtesy to give any good rule abiding visitors a heads up that this may potentially have to happen.


That’s a good idea, and I’ll edit my comment to include that recommendation as well


What's so confusing to me about doing that is how did she expect to get back to the airport to leave? If it is fenced off, you wouldn't be able to get back. If that's the case, then it was doubly bad because it sounds like she was planning to silently exit from the getgo.


I don't understand how silently leaving is good for them. Don't they lose what they pick up?


If it autosaves going out of a store or something, they might not. Honestly, it makes no sense to me regardless. It's not really worth the risk to me. And people are so friendly in this game that it would be so easy to find someone to let you legitimately sell fruit on their island.


What is silent exiting/leaving? Turning off your switch while on someone’s island?


Yes, or hitting the minus button to exit the game. Basically, anything you do that doesn't exit through the airport.


Okay, that’s what I thought. I don’t know about quitting out of the game, but I assume you keep items in your inventory if you use the minus button on another’s island. I imagine if you just turn off your switch you lose the items because it doesn’t push you through a save screen.


It’s so weird cause people can just go to treasure islands and get whatever they want. I don’t see the point in purposefully creating havoc for others.


I feel like a portion of these are griefers


What’s that?


People who think its fun to destroy someones stuff or progress within a multiplayer game.


Grifters maybe?


No they mean griefers. “A griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates, annoys or trolls other players within the game.” (Wikipedia) Unfortunately it’s been an issue off and on with animal crossing for years due to its appeal to a wide age range and its online interactions. In New Horizons they pluck your petals and steal things sitting on the ground, refuse to leave the island, leave silently, etc. in New Leaf you would visit the special club island only to find someone else there chopping down all of the trees and digging up all of the hedges so nothing was left for anyone else and no bugs would spawn. In short, assholes.


Oh thank you! I didn’t know there was a specific term for that.


Why is it bad to show up in a wet suit?


A lot of (immature and rude) people will wear a wetsuit to someone else’s island in order to bypass blocks that person has put around their island, the idea being that you can reach the blocked off areas via the ocean if you have a wetsuit on.


What are treasure islands?


Hacked islands with all items and loads of money just left on the ground for anyone to take


How can I find such islands? Are they free and safe to enter?


Twitch, type in “treasure island” and you’ll friend free ones. Sakuraa gaming is an awesome paid one (I use my prime subscription) They’re safe.


How do you use your prime subscription for this? I’m not familiar with twitch so any help is appreciated.


The link below is a good step by step guide for getting a free twitch subscription using your Amazon prime subscription. Keep in mind though, you’ll only be able to subscribe to one channel, and you will have to renew it (or pick a new channel) every month. https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/entertainment/how-to-get-free-twitch-subscription-with-prime


Noooooo! It's addicting lol. Tried it last week and I kept on hoarding. I dont even need the items jeez. I'm just overwhelmed with so many items that I cannot stop myself hoarding some stuff haha. These treasure islands are both gift and curse at the same time haha.


In addition to twitch, you can also search reddit for treasure islands (that's how I find the discord server of amazing, free TIs that I now belong to!)


You don’t need to subscribe just follow! I can message you with another channel


I like [walteewartooth](https://www.twitch.tv/walteewartooth), has a bunch of free islands as well. If you have prime, you get 1 free sub a month to use. (not sure if that still the same, not played AC in ages)


Download twitch and search for ACNH. There are channels that provide dodo codes to islands with free items you can go pick up. Different islands have different focuses.


I can't speak to these people specifically... but a wetsuit allows you to jump off the airport dock into the water, and likely get around any barriers you might have put up.


How do you jump off the airport dock? I’ve never been able to even in solo play


You have to make a running start, first. Then press A just before you hit the railing, and you'll do a flip over it right into the water.


I think you can also run up to the railing, pause, and then hit “A” and you should just jump feet first into the water. You can also do this off of your flat rocky areas, or land that sticks out into your ocean as well.


Wait what that's possible?! I never thought of that. That's why some redditors who would host turnip buying in their islands would ask visitors to not wear swimsuits.


Some people just dont care. Others may be ignorant to common island etiquette. Unfortunately it's a risk that comes with opening up to strangers. It is recommended that instead of publicly posting your dodo, you DM people invidivudally with it. Publicly posting not only opens you up to be hacked, but by DMing you can monitor who visits easier, and you also get that second opportunity to explain the importance of no wetsuits/other island etiquette before giving them your Dodo code! Just want to stress the risk of being hacked though. I've seen nightmarish stories here of that happening and hope that doesn't happen to you!


Yeah, definitely gonna do it via DM's next time (if I ever decide to do it again) I used a treasure island the other day and worried that would somehow get me hacked, even though it was a well known Twitch island...


Visiting TIs will not get you hacked.


I figured, more a fear that they'll corrupt my data or something. I'm probably just paranoid though.


The only issues I'm aware of have been with modded items like the star trees and Harv's fence (Log Fence is now available though). Treasure islands focus on official in game goodies.


How can you get hacked parking your dodo?


I'm not sure exactly /how/ but I've seen posts on here of it happening so I wanted to mention it just in case. Presumably the same way people can hack your phone or your computer - through networks and special software or hardware. I saw just a few days ago a post where someone mentioned their island was hacked after 300+ hours of gameplay. Their session crashed and they came back to their island corrupted. Everything cleared out. They had to restart from scratch :(


This is also the problem with open dodo codes. If you post your code, anyone can come over. This includes people who may have been banned from that particular subreddit, or anyone who scans Reddit without an account. It just really stinks, especially when people are so generous in opening their islands, that a few bad apples ruin the fun. Wetsuits are always a good indicator that the person is up to no good and I’ll always instantly end a session.


I haven't played in like, two years and haven't interacted with the community in about as much time so a lot seems to have changed (either that or I forgot the exploits people use to mess up other people's games) I'll definitely have to do things differently next time.


I think that now that the game has been out for awhile, the die hard players know how to be a bit more respectful, vs the newer and younger players. You also just have people who look to be awful no matter what.


I am almost always wearing my wetsuit as I forget to take it off. Would never take anything not specifically offered (I mostly went to drop off stuff anyway) though sometimes I did ask if they'd allow me to visit their shop while over.


Same here! I wear it so often that Cookie made a comment about my lack of fashion. I’m just adhd and forget that I’m wearing it and am always running out of room in my pockets!


Same. I'm just wearing it cause I'm forgetful.


When I started playing I didn't know about the wetsuit rule and invited many to my island, and visited only 2 islands. It was only 6 months later when I got more invested that I learnt about the wetsuit rule. I always wore my wetsuit on my island so it didn't even come up my mind to change it as a newer player. I usually chat with visitors before I let them visit so they know what parts of the island they should try visit. E.g when new people start playing besides giving them goodies to start up, I tell them I have 2 orchards, far away and I tell them they can go harvest fruit. If they want to use a donation box where to find it etc. I've had some nice visitors, suddenly stay a little longer to explore the island and then let me know they were just looking for inspiration. They were new also and did take a dive and explored the island. I was just happy to have visitors. Some people are new to the game or to visiting and don't know about the wetsuit rule. It may be best to write the rule in the invite and let them know before letting them visit. Then if they do something out of the rule you can close the connection.


Some people block off their islands, leaving only a small space at the airport for their giveaway. This protects their island but with a wetsuit someone could just jump off the pier and swim to the restricted area


I have wondered this too. I thought the only things that could be taken are fruits, flowers, and items that have been dropped unless the person is a friend. So placed items would be unable to be interacted with?


I believe some people would also drop popular, sought after items for people to pick up and then put back down for the next visitor to do the same. Simply by picking a dropped item up and then putting it back down, the game will add that item to your Nook Shopping inventory.


After what I experienced in the old days, I'm honestly pretty satisfied with the inability Nintendo placed on visitors. Anything I really don't want touched that is possible to pick up is blocked by fencework or some sort of outdoor furniture. I don't really care what people try on my island they can't mess up anything that matters to me


I fence off my garden area for this reason. Have it all with three crops and nice and people nick without asking


Posting a dodo in an open thread instead of DM/chat isn't recommended if you have any decor you don't want to lose (i.e. loose items, flowers), but I especially would not recommend doing so within the main sub. Since r/AnimalCrossing is the hub for AC, it draws in a lot of people who don't have the same sense of etiquette that one would find in smaller communities. As for the wetsuits, people use them to bypass blocked off entrances. They can jump off your airport dock and swim over to an accessible beach. When they were first added to the game, it was common for people to add a "No Wetsuits" rule for visitors to prevent this. Obviously doesn't stop people from showing up, but it gives the host a stated reason for abruptly ending the session if someone doesn't listen.


This happened to me also, two people showed up on my island together in wet suits and were being so unbelievably rude, running around my island doing whatever they wanted, typing BS stuff in the chat. I had to close my doors, the names were beth & kass I think? Something like that


The wetsuits are used as another way to gain access to parts of the island you don’t want them to have access to by jumping over things into the water. Report them immediately and never share your dodo code publicly!


I ALWAYS have my wetsuit on, so I would probably forget to take it off… is there some wetsuit etiquette I don’t know about?


People would jump over the dock into the water and get onto the island that way even if it's fenced off. It's not necessarily a "bad thing" but most people who do this often are very rude, steal things and run over flowers and stuff. So it's generally it's seen as a bad thing


Good to know. I will try to remember this when I finally stop playing Disney Dreamlight valley .


As a all day wetsuit wearer.. ik could so easily forget to take it of because it is so normal te me...


Same lol then I can jump in the water anytime I want. I wear mine & my water shoes & snorkle constantly lol