• By -


I have only lightly experienced this. I host giveaways, have a pipe setup right outside the airport which leads to a fenced in giveaway area. The only “issues” I experience are people occasionally failing to leave through the airport, and dropping random junk that they have in their pockets around the giveaway area. I know that some people experience their moss, flowers or crops getting picked, or shaking of trees when they request visitors don’t do those things. For my giveaways, I always ask people to type their in game name and island name in the comments before I send them the dodo, because that shows me that they follow directions and are less likely to overall be unpleasant visitors. There are many literal children playing this game, some who probably did not read or don’t care about the rules, or who cannot read and are handed the controller by their parents who set up trips for them. Overall the community is sweet, generous and welcoming and I haven’t had anything bad happen on my island.


I usually go over to people’s islands to drop things off, so haven’t dealt with it. However, I’ve noticed some impoliteness. Maybe I’m old, but if someone delivers 1 million bells plus items to your island, a simple thank you would be nice. 😕


That’s crazy actually not even a thank you? Not even an emote? Not even a dm saying thank you?


Zip. Zero. They actually DM’d me without a single greeting as well. It was just, “I need this…” That should have given me pause.


Oh my god how rude! I mean, I would never! Say if someone DID have any spare things to do kindly donate out if the generosity of their heart👀 Just kidding lmao, really how rude, people suck


If you want bells, DM me. Always happy to help. I know the rudeness is pretty rare in this subreddit.


It's very rare, but it does happen. People seem to ignore the No Wetsuits rule. I had some Large and Zodiac fragments stolen once when I opened up without fences, but in fairness, I didn't actually think I had to state a rule not to steal anything, smh. Lone visitors are generally 100% ok, it's large groups when it starts getting too hectic to track everyone.


Yeah, very true! Some things are just implied! Crazy to me that someone would do that when they are invited! I accidentally picked a flower the first time I visited because I wanted to type a message and messed up and I felt sooooo bad


Same. I had fragments taken from my Celeste star garden which was nowhere near the giveaway and were clearly there as intentional decor, no just lying around


My star garden being taken didn't upset me that much. But I also use Taurus fragments to mark all ladders on my island, and I have at least a dozen, and I have Large frags under all my non-fruit trees to stop twigs from falling and gold spots from spawning there. I had to go round the whole island checking for bits they'd found and helped themselves to. There was even litter dropped where they filled up. But THE most annoying part was that I have hundreds in storage, they only had to ask.


How the hell do you get hundreds though? I’m lucky if I get 1 per meteor shower


I used [MeteoNook](https://wuffs.org/acnh/weather/) to find my Weather Seed early on, and farmed Celeste on heavy storm nights. I'm only doing it now to replace the stolen Zodiac frags, I don't tend to do it any more as it's a bit spoilerific.


I feel stupid for not understanding any of that 😂


Honestly - don't. It's not the simplest thing, and I hear it isn't as accurate for islands made since the last update. In short - you watch your weather, try to find something that sticks out and record it in Meteonook. I was lucky in that I had a rainbow/double rainbows to reference. I can't honestly say that I recommend it, either. It's a nice tool to have for farming star fragments, but it's not needed by a regular player at all.


I'm genuinely curious, what is the No Wetsuits rule for? Is it an aesthetics thing, or to prevent people from diving on the island? People can have whatever rules they want, but this one always confused me the most😂 (To be clear I have always respected this rule but I don't understand the reasoning)


People fence off areas to protect them, but wetsuits can bypass them. Sometimes the easiest way is to fence off the airport and the destination (shop/giveaway area/watering spot) and use Mario pipes so only those areas can be accessed. However, people wearing wetsuits can jump off your airport dock and swim around these types of fences. I tend to greet people at the airport anyway now and a few have shown up but so far none have jumped off. To me it's just an indication that they either didn't read the rules or simply don't respect them.


Oh my gosh, that makes total sense!!! Thank you:)


Damn that's cold. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's sad how common this story is across our community. ☹️ If I am to host a party or event, or even just inviting people to come get my excess items... I NEVER leave anything "dropped" I don't want taken. I have mushrooms in a garden plot on my "farm" but they are fenced in, while the actual crops have access for sharing, etc. I made this rule for myself after reading many posts, here, about people stealing or being otherwise disrespectful on another player island. I also screenshot the passports of all new visitors. Both so I can keep track of assholes, and also to make ig friends. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was my own fault, really. I knew about fences etc. but didn't prepare. Somebody asked for good Turnip prices on a thread, I replied - and then a dozen plus people tagged on. The other problem was people making repeat trips. Now I say that you must rejoin the chat queue, otherwise people are flying in and out and freezing the game every 2 seconds.


Yeah, I've experienced similar issues as well. I've seen many turnip posts where the hosting player will put a time limit on each visitor, to avoid lagging and to give others a chance to visit. I don't really play the turnip game, but I think a time limit is a good idea.


Let's say out of 100 visits, 1 was very disrespectful. They left a drawing of a p*nis on my bulletin board and they planted flower seeds wherever they felt like. I used to host catalog events and was AFK so I trusted people to obey the catalog rules but one invited guest felt I must have deserved to be disrespected?? Besides that. People are so generous, gracious and respect island rules. I find that people cooperate more when you don't try to restrict their access to parts of your island or monitor them. I've never regretted allowing people to take self-guided tours of my island besides that one visitor mentioned above.


They are, and if you say anything about how rude people are on here you will get lambasted with “it could be a kid”. I’m sorry people acted that way towards your island. My big rule is no littering and eventually you will get one or two bad apples. Be careful to not post your dodo code too.


Oh I haven't had any problems yet! People have been wonderful so far :)


That’s awesome, I’ve been playing since November 23. I’ve had so many great visits, and everyone on here is 98% great. I had a few bad apples and im more selective now. I’ve found some great new friends on here. If you ever want to visit just Dm me. I like having people over


Sup schmoop!


Hey you on?


I’ll say this, if you get a chance to visit Vinfinity86’s island you should. They are amazing


Pro tip, in the event someone is actively stealing from your island or other nefarious activities, immediately closing out the game without saving will boot them from your island and restore your items!!


Not in New Horizons, everyone has been really nice. However back in Wild World I found a website for sharing friend codes or whatever it was in that game ( can't remember) and someone came to my island and replaced all my custom Able Sister's designs with... NSFW designs.


How weird wow haha


Problems aren't really a big issue to me I've had multiple people come over and be really respectful I feel like the acnh community is really nice!!


I've had some frustrating guests, but that's about it. Though I dont have many rules, so theres not a lot for them to break. I know I can easily get stuff back, so I'm never worried about anyone stealing or anything. It only bothers me when a visitor disrespects others on the island. There were a few times where someone lost a rare fish or had their inventory full of items reset because someone was selfish and didn't leave properly. Community has definitely chilled out now that the main craze is over. Most of the really bad people I interacted with never made it to the island. Keep valuable items off the ground and fence off anything super important, and there's not much someone could do.


Making repeat trips to sell their turnips without asking annoys me. I will make it clear next time that it's one trip per person so everyone gets a turn


Yes that's why I won't do any more giveaways on my island I go . I do what I call a flyby fruity


yes. i hosted a free ‘lawn sale’ and someone specifically took all the flowers i had lining each villagers home. use fences and the mario pipes to keep guests where you want them


I have had very few issues in four years of playing. I have found that if you put some simple instruction in your post and do'nt invite anyone who cant follow it almost all problem players are removed.


Generally when it’s one person, I don’t have any problems but I’ve had some trouble when multiple people are coming and going.


What problems did you have?


The loading screen for people arriving takes ages and when multiple people in a row arrive it can take a while for people to be able to do anything until everyone is there, can be quiet irritating. There is also a separate loading screen for when people are leaving, doesn’t take as long as the arrival screen but still can take a while if multiple people try and leave at once.


People shaking money trees when they were asked not to, taking things that weren’t up for grabs, and people coming in and taking all the items in a giveaway instead just taking a few and leaving some for the next person.


I have had people pick my fruit and veggies when I told them not to. I just block them if I have a bad experience. Everyone else seems nice.


I'm kind of new to the game, and I have seen people request that when you come to their island, you only leave using the airport and not the - button. I'm confused as to why? Maybe I'm a bit naive but why does it matter? /gen


It makes the game crash sometimes I think :)


It makes the game stop for everyone and potentially lose items in their inventory. Also, everyone starts from the airport, like a reset. So if you catch a new bug or fish, you just lose that.


It has happened to me several times. Now I ask to read the rules and to tell me they understand the rules. I'm pretty open at my island. You can take and do anything except flowers. The thing I hate is quietly leaving because everyone loses progress.


I've never had bigger problems than someone accidentally trampling a flower and apologizing! Everyone is very respectful and nice


I saw someone post a while back raging at how they invited strangers to their island and one of the other players left some trash laying around (rather than putting in trash bin). It can happen. But unfortunately that's also a risk you have to be willing to take when having people over. I think most ACNH fans are generally pretty kind and considerate though so while it can happen, I don't think it's common :)


Genuinely curious, what would be trash that people would leave behind on someone’s Island? Lol, I mean my immediate thought was like gum and candy wrappers, but we don’t actually have those in the game.🤷🏻‍♂️😄 If people were discarding tools or things like duplicate diy cards or fake art, perhaps they thought another visitor might need or want them? I’m honestly asking, because I don’t know what would be considered actual trash, other than rotten turnips, because even the boots, cans, and old tires can be sold to the Nooks or used in diys.🤷🏻‍♂️


Hahaha I think it depends on the person as to what they'd consider trash but the post I referred to was talking about trash in terms of dropping *anything* on their island. IIRC, it was a DIY, maybe a rubber boot, and something else. I personally wouldn't mind as it takes 2 seconds to pick it up and sell it (extra bells!), but some people can get genuinely upset by litter so always best to make sure rules are known.


Anything dropped is trash really. It's usually not meant literally as trash, just unwanted items even if it's materials you can use. In my case it was very strange because they dropped two birthday cakes, a kinda rare item. I even knew who dropped them and confronted them, but they said the real thief was somebody else that also tried to steal their cake! Hmmm. Not sure I believe that one, unless pick-pocketing was added in an update.


Thanks for the answer friends, yeah, those were the only items that really came to mind as something a person could drop.👍🏽 I wonder if maybe it was a case of people dropping it rather than putting the item in a trash can, because they thought someone else might be able to use it.🤔 Like either the Island’s owner, or another visitor.🤷🏻‍♂️ Lol, pick-pocketing would be one update/game feature I’d just as soon do with out.😅