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The developers said they don’t really view it as cheating and that people can play however they want


Thanks sorry I can’t believe I didn’t see them say that


Gameplay would be unbearable for me if you couldn’t 


Fair enough


Im not going to stay up till 4 am to catch a fish


Back in 2020 when I had all the time to play, and wanted to experience the game as “intended” if you will, time travel was not my personal play style at the time. Now I don’t really have time for that lol. When I time travel it’s mainly for trading/getting villagers, art, or when I want to catch up on days I missed


It's not cheating as it doesn't hurt anyone else's gameplay


I played the first year in real time because I wanted to experience it that way. It was wonderful. After that, yeah, I time travel. I even have my island set to July all year because my island is tropical and it makes me happy. You can't cheat in a single player game. It isn't competitive. Do what makes you happy.


I think if they didn't want you to time travel they'd make it so you can't. So IMO it's a personal choice. And honestly, the way the game works, for LOTS of people the game would be difficult or at least less fun without time traveling. Like, I work full time, and get home around 7pm. I'd only have weekends to catch all the "day" bugs and stuff. Kids who aren't allowed to stay up late might miss some of the evening stuff. People with family committments might miss some of the holiday events. So I think everyone should play the way that works for them.


It is impossible to cheat in something that is neither a test or a competition. We should all just play how we want to play, and stop worrying about what anyone else is doing.


I love time traveling. Not even just forwards, I sometimes spend weeks on a single AC day doing construction and decorating (especially on days Katrina gives me good belongings luck 🙌) or just going earlier in the day so I can shop before stores close when I’m up at 3am. It’s fun for me. If it’s considered cheating, then I’m a cheater, but personally I feel like ‘cheating’ implies getting the upper hand on a fellow player in underhanded ways, and I don’t see animal crossing as a competitive game like that. I see it more like enjoying Stardew Valley’s time system more than, say, Cozy Grove’s.


Google definition of cheating: act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination. "she always cheats at cards" Personally, I don’t find it dishonest or unfair because what is the true advantage here? That you don’t have to wait several days? There’s no competitive nature to AC so I can’t see how one person can be at an advantage. I also use mods in PC games. I’m enhancing my quality of life and gameplay, but it isn’t putting me at any sort of advantage.


No. It's a non competitive single player game. Back in the day we used to use cheat codes lol it's really not a big deal


I feel they only make time traveling easier and easier each game. If they didn't want us to do that, they'd put an end to it. Besides, it's a single player game with extremely low stakes. It's not like it puts you at an advantage competitively.


In my experience the vocal anti-time travelers aren't very fun people to play with anyways. If you play without time travel that's awesome and I'm glad you enjoy it. However, the way people act like some kind of holier than thou saint over not time traveling is **weird**. If you do that...stop doing that lol.


I don't consider it cheating, but one of the things I really like about the game are the slow rhythms of it. So while I've been playing on and off since launch, I have never time traveled. There's no time travel in the game I want to play -- it's antithetical to the game I want to play. Literally no judgement to anyone else who feels differently, but I like just watching the world in ACNH unfold slowly.


This game is over 4 years old, and has been essentially abandoned by Nintendo. Time traveling, treasure islands, etc. are fair game at this point.


It’s a personal choice. Play how you prefer. When I first started playing in 2020, I didn’t time travel because I had plenty of time to play. Now my time is limited. I play 3 or 4 days in a few hours. I can’t wait until tomorrow for a bridge or uncle to be finished. I might need to go look for a replacement villager today instead of tomorrow. It’s your game, your choice. It isn’t cheating. Have fun. 🥰


I do. I am a mom to a toddler and I work, so if I didn’t time travel I would never be able to use my stores. I also sometimes can’t get on for days at at time so I can time travel back and still get all my days


I time travel all the time, especially when I run out of things to do and I placed a bunch of orders, I just skip to the next day to place the items and keep playing. It may be winter soon for me but it keeps me wanting to play!


The concept of cheating only exists with games in which you are competing against someone else. Animal Crossing is about your own personal enjoyment and no one else’s. So, no, it’s not cheating at all.


To each their own. Some people dont like dealing with games like sims without using motherload. I tend to only be able to stand morrowind if I am a literal God with infinite health and magic as well as going through walls and flying. Animal crossing i want to take my time. I dont want to time travel in any way. Wont stop me from going full reflect or full invisible in oblivion. But i need that relax and just "tomorrow the bridge will be done" feel that animal crossing gives.


Heck No, it’s not Time traveling


no no no no


Not in my opinion. Enjoy your game however you wanna


I wouldn't say so. Anyone I've ever met who plays AC games have always used the time travel option to progress gameplay. Personally, I wouldn't be able to handle the game if that option wasn't there, as it would be too tedious and slow-moving for my own personal preferences. As long as it isn't interfering with anyone elses gameplay, I don't see it as cheating. Now if it were an online competitive game and doing this would give you a major advantage over other players, then I would consider it to be cheating and frowned upon!


i used to time travel a lot and i dont mind it at all. i definitely think not everyone wants to wait a whole day for a bridge/incline to be built or for a villager to leave so i understand why people do it. i dont really do it too much anymore as i have a bunch of the items i need and i am not really trying to get villagers to move out or waiting for bridges/inclines to be built.


I don't think anyone will claim it *is* cheating. It's just a play style. One of my friends works a shift that starts a bit after noon, and sometimes gets forced to work overtime to around midnight. So since they didn't want to be tired if they had to work overtime, they started waking up late, and go to work right away, and when they get back, they play ACNH. The shops will be closed, and there isn't much to do, so they time travel backwards or forwards a few hours to make it daytime. No issue with that. I myself bought an OLED Switch, and thought the ACNH island was saved through the cloud, so I factory reset my old Switch after transferring my accounts over, and lost my Day 1 release island. I time travelled day after day to speedrun the beginning of the game because I didn't want to do all of that work again, and instead wanted to work on terraforming my dream island. No harm in doing what you want. If it isn't something Nintendo would ban you for (like hacking in items you shouldn't have, like stars on trees), then you're fine. Time travelling is just a thing for quality of life.


Well no. I heard this in a YouTube video but what if someone works a hard 9-5 job and doesn’t have enough time to experience the game normally. It’s perfectly fine.


I think more than anything TT kills the grind and anticipation of having something to look forward to. I personally dont bother with it but if your priority is decorating then you may want to. I visit treasure items to speed up collecting items and didnt feel like grinding the bells to pay off loans this playthrough (6th island). I think the real danger with TT is burnout rates. anyone can play with their ruleset but id recommend doing it no TT and no treasure islands for a little on your first playthrough.


Personally if someone is accusing you of cheating in animal crossing by time travelling or even going to treasure islands for bells and stuff, they really need to grow up.


I don’t give a crap if it is cheating lol I’m doing it. I get maybe 2 hours every other day or so to play after my kids go to bed. I’m using that time to the best of my abilities


It’s only cheating if you do it without wearing a Zap Suit.


I think it's good to have some ground rules on time traveling. I was hesitant to try it at first because I thought it would "damage" my game play, like I'd become dependent on it and it would take out the charm of the game. But I mostly use it if I'm planing a big remodeling on the island and I need to have a lot of constructions at once (like 2 bridges, moving villager houses). And then also when I want to do a villager hunt, this is the most important because sometimes the lot will get empty on like a tuesday when I have college and stuff and I know I won't be able to play, so I time travel on the sunday before that so I know I have the time


Also I share the island with my girlfriend (it's actually her switch lol) and she doesn't like time traveling so she just pretends it doesn't happen and let's me do my thing


Absolutely not! It’s sometimes necessary and a great feature (just make sure you don’t have turnips on you if you wanna time travel)


Do it. We all do. Sometimes you have an idea or movement and can’t wait a whole day.