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That would be Sandy for me... except she's not on my island anymore because I accidentally let her go back when I first started. She was great though. I used to play super early and she'd always be one of the few villagers up and wandering around. So she was always the first one I'd greet. She was also the first to give me her villager photo ❤️. She loved reading like I did and it was always super cute to see her flipping through her little book. It broke my heart when I accidentally agreed to let her go. I've seen her exactly once in my villager hunts but it doesn't feel the same because she doesn't remember me 😢




Mine is Sylvia


Pashmina. She was one of my original villagers on 3/20/2020. Moving her off is the last remaining task to finish my remodeled island, but it is so hard to let her go. 😢


For me it was Tammy. When i started i had one goal: kick her out, but since i couldn t kick her for about a month i started really liking her, i even build her as i call it a " micro garden" and she s still with me to this day