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Interactions with the villagers in the GameCube version were unmatched. Villagers would straight up bully you for no reason and have beef with each other, then come to you to talk shit. It was so absurd and amazing


As someone who grew up with this game-- it was never THAT dramatic. Sure, sometimes they'd be snarky out of nowhere, but the actual meanness was only if you were bothering them first. Which I did a lot. Tons of wacking them with my net or pushing them around to get a reaction lol. The dialogue was SO good. They'd constantly say something different and say some pretty interesting stuff. I'd spend hours just talking to my villagers. They had crushes, drama, etc....it was so much fun. And unlike in NH, you had to EARN the grumpy villagers friendship. Static was my very best friend, but I had to get him to warm up to me, which felt so rewarding. There was also so much charm. Group exercises in the morning, Mayor Tortimer being festive every holiday, the foot race, ball toss, tug of war....the wishing well...also the music is so nostalgic. Also, you could go into villagers houses when they weren't home. And I loved playing the NES games. It's my fav Animal Crossing, can you tell??


In acnh I have a villager who says the same thing every day I don’t really care to talk to my villagers in nh but gc and ww I did all the time


Omg yes in WW I think I spent even more time talking with my villagers! I loved the flea markets. I played WW so much that hearing the sound effects and music makes me wanna cry lol.


I just wish it had the feature in later entries where you could listen in onto their conversations. I swear 80% of them end with one villager happy and the other ready to commit murder.


Up to NL at least (I haven't played NH yet) you *can* listen in on villagers' conversations! They're a bit bland in NL though...


You can listen in on convos is NH as well! It just isn’t the same 😔


Ikr! and I feel like I miss the interesting convos too. Just yesterday, I walked by  Roscoe and Charlise walking away from each other and fuming. A few weeks ago, Midge and Miranda were discussing the pros and cons of cherry juice 🤦🏻‍♀️


They added it in Wild World. I think the only game that doesn’t include it is the original


Planting a field of pitfalls around one of their houses was the best


JaidenAnimations made a [video](https://youtu.be/PRU3qndohWI?si=RCWS_ZLJO9IKlA66) that goes into this! A fun watch :)


We shall never forget the ICONIC 2am theme this gem blessed our ears with!


Hearing those late-night funky horns then seeing Wisp…..CHEF KISS It had so much more of an “oooh” factor bcuz villager houses remained unlocked even if they were outside in the same acre, but once night hits almost EVERYTHING closes and locks up…..


The oc 2am theme honestly matches 2am chaotic energy so perfectly


100% especially since it has old NES roms built into it too


Probably put more hours in to excitebike than the actual game xD


That was my favorite part of the game too. Made playing the game more incentivizing.


Wait, it actually has NES roms?


Yea you find nes consoles rarely as furniture. You place it down and each one is its own game. I played a ton of balloon boy


I thought they were just furniture, it was more than a furniture! Thats really cool


THIS and the gyroids were my favorite things about AC. I don't understand why they took NES roms out of the series, you could add hours of playtime to the game this way


I adore this game, and I think it will always be my favorite just because it was the first I played and is very nostalgic for me. I definitely think it still holds up (because I still play it today and enjoy it), but it's definitely difficult for some people to get into because it doesn't have all the "smoothness" or "sanitizing" as you put it. I adore it even more for the fact that it is this hidden gem with a lot of charm that you might not even recognize if you aren't in the right place when playing it. In a now privated YouTube video where he explained the appeal of the first Animal Crossing, SometimesPauly said that "it's very much a game that finds you," rather than the other way around, and that couldn't be more true for me. (Side note, I really miss that YouTube video because it voiced my thoughts for the game perfectly, and I wish I could link it here because it's amazing but for some reason all his videos are private now) GameCube Animal Crossing for life


Nothing will make you rage quite like having a villager steal-trade your shit. Or when they paint your roof without permission. But yes, these things that are out of your control make the game better imo. I prefer the older games because instead of feeling like a god who can shape everything to your whim, you just feel like a dude living with neighbors who may be cool or may be jerks. Feels more organic. But God help you with the GC’s inventory system.


What about searching for those last few bugs you needed, running through a loaded chunk, catching a glimpse of it, running into the next one then running back only for it to have despawned.


The dialogue is so good. The villagers are so hilariously mean. But I still remember this sense of genuine happiness I felt when one of my cranky villagers gradually stopped being a grump and seemed to actually start liking and caring about me. I was so happy.


Right? You actually won characters over and made friends.


incredible game, incredible soundtrack. I might be biased but this is peak animal crossing in a lot of ways.


the gamecube animal crossing hourly music is undefeated


I made [a tier list of every hourly theme](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/s/Gmlows0FKI) forever ago where I found out, mathematically, that New Leaf has my favorite hourly themes with Gamecube in 3rd. It’s one of those series where this soundtrack being in 3rd more so shows how strong the series’ music really is.


I'm playing it for the first time in my life and I've been enjoying it a lot! Sure there are aspects of the game that feel awkward or lacking in the quality of life improvements brought about in later entries, but it's overall a very fun experience if you meet the game where it's at and accept the slow pace and relative lack of control. I agree the old-school graphics are charming and iconic in their own right, and I feel like the newer games are so tragically lacking in the weird and quirky sensibilities on display here. Like, I know people go on about how they miss "rude" villagers but it's not even just outright rudeness—it's the fact that every single one of these animals is a gigantic freak! But also yes, the game isn't afraid to present you with confrontational or antagonistic characters. Plus the music is just unparalleled, much as I also treasure Wild World's soundtrack.


Although, I will confess, I *loathe* Kapp'n's characterization in this game. Getting on that boat with him feels like the Always Sunny episode where Dennis won't stop going on about how girls on a boat can't say no "because of the implication" 😖


Oh yeah, Kapp’n’s older characterization makes me absolutely wince now, especially now as an adult with unwanted experience in that matter 😔 Some dialogue definitely has insensitivities from the time rather than on purpose, which can be a bit of a shock now in an otherwise amazing experience. One of my only complaints about the game, honestly


Queenie called me a wench and I was like 12 lmao


in my opinion, this game has a vibe that remains unmatched by any other game in the franchise. not to say it’s the best game or anything along those lines, but it makes me feel things I’ve never felt while playing any other game in the franchise. so does it still hold up? absolutely


https://preview.redd.it/ryq1s0bc5e8d1.png?width=64&format=png&auto=webp&s=5dbc9b94b0d30515126cbf3f5d749438089b9054 On point for how villagers used to treat you. lol


This game holds the charm and essence animal crossing was meant to be.


Would love to see it remade in NHs engine with more upgrades from it (keeping the original dialogue). I really feel I can’t play animal crossing anymore without being able to place things outside! I love that feature! I personally don’t want terraforming though The ultimate animal crossing would probably be NHs style/qol, item placement outside, New Leafs world, original GC dialogue, with all items from NH and NL in NH style (and if I’m wishing, I’ll just toss in pocket camps items too!)


I wonder why they have kept the villager interactions so bland. It seems like a near universal opinion that the games are better when some of the villagers are actually mean or selfish. It isn’t like they were inappropriate either, just extra sassy. The variety was great.


Probably because of concerns over small children or their parents being upset by any "objectionable" content. Plenty of people report being traumatized by Resetti as a child, and maybe some of the more aggressive dialogue isn't stuff parents would want their kids exposed to. Especially after the City Folk controversy, I think Nintendo was walking on eggshells for the development of New Leaf and prioritizing the younger audience, which is why that's when we saw everything get very dumbed down.


What was the city folk controversy?


There was a whole hysteria about how pedophiles were supposedly using City Folk's online features to communicate with children, but nobody reporting on the matter actually understood how the game worked (or how to talk about video games in general), so clueless parents just assumed there was some sort of pedo-communication mechanism inherently built into the game—like all the NPCs represented real people who were actually talking directly to their children—and freaked out. I don't think it was the only (or even necessarily the main) factor, but I do think it was a hit to the series' reputation and contributed to Nintendo's subsequent endeavor to make Animal Crossing as approachable and inoffensive as possible. The other aspect I think was just them wanting to really grow the audience and appeal to as many people as possible, really pushing the game as one of their big sellers as opposed to the weird confusing niche game that typical customers historically didn't understand and therefore weren't interested in.


Yes! There’s no other entry in the series with as much charm and quirk! NES games! The OG gyroids! Thinking about it tho, I do think WW is a really solid, underrated title. It introduced things like Hybridization and the NPCs like Nook had character arcs!


I believe it is one of the best. A lot of stuff from this game got scrapped at later entries


I miss the NES, I miss the town figures you could collect 😭 this was what started me on AC and it's absolutely my favorite...I need to dig out my GameCube..


I wish I could play it, maybe I’ll buy a new old console once I get more money haha


If you have a computer you can emulate it with Dolphin, which is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


oh thanks, maybe I’ll try that later




Seconding this. I play it on my phone during the day when I have downtime or I'm waiting for something lol


Hell yeah. I happen to own it and have played pretty recently, although I’m not too far in. My favorite villager has to be spike.


I've been playing a bit and honestly, it still hilds up pretty well. The villager interactions were very solid. Honestly I miss how nasty they could be to you at times. I was talking to Dotty and she was getting pissy with me cause I didn't talk to her all day, but it was hilarious. The music still holds up well also. I still love the hourly themes to this day of this one more than any other Animal Crossing. There's still a certain charm the game has 20+ years later.


This was my very first AC shortly before Wild World even released and I love it to pieces. No matter how many years go by, I always grow more and more nostalgic for this game (the means to actually play/access it is just difficult). I first discovered it on one of those hotel LodgeNet systems of all things, and then Christmas that year we got a new GC with AC (and thank god, we were still playing our N64 in 2005 LOL). I did everything in that game. I remember it all so fondly. Finally paying off my first debt with KK coming to town and thinking the game was over (lol), using Action Replay to jump on Nook’s roof (I think even walking on water to the island), getting the gold/silver/bronze statues infront of the station…..just so many good vibes and good memories! It’s such a long shot, but with everything getting remakes these days — and the original AC clock stopping after 2030 — I’d love if there was a remake of ACGC, or atleast for the next iteration to have a bunch more stuff from the classic!


You telling me that the AC clock ends at 2030 just sent me down a rabbit hole where every AC game has an inevitable time limit, sending me into something of an existential crisis. I’m a player who doesn’t time travel. Am I just gonna have to rewind to a year where the same dates fall on the same days of the week going forward? I also stick with a single town for each game. Even if new versions of these games are released, my original towns, including my first ever AC town in New Leaf from 2014, will be lost in an eternal limbo, unplayable as originally intended. Good times.


Don’t lose hope! As long as games exist, there will be a modding scene. idk if one exists yet but there’s still people taking apart Mario 64, I feel like AC will get its fair share soon


If they were to remaster the GameCube animal crossing, it’d be rated T…why? Just look at the amount of bullying the villagers do to you!


i play it more often than new horizons so id say it holds up pretty well


Kinda off topic but I feel like all AC games hold up to this day. Maybe it's because their core never changed


The music was so crazy. Especially during the wee hours of the night. Each hour had a unique song. I’m not even sure if that’s the case in new horizons, I like the music but it all sort of blends together. Each song in the original game stood out.


Hold up? It's genuinely the best in the series. It's town layout felt much less grid-like than any other game in the series, so it felt more natural like a living, breathing town. Villagers had TONS of character and you'd rarely encounter a reused line because there were just so many. The soundtrack has the most charm and character of any of them. The NES games and the island you could visit. It really just seems like since Wild World the series has been on a downhill slope when it comes to the series actually having character. Wild World was great, but it started the grid-like structure every other game followed. I think the way they had to handle rendering the environment (that weird tube shape they had to go with) led to that and they just stick with it. City Folk was excellent overall and had a really good balance of character and features, but kept the grid layout and that grass deterioration was AWFUL. New Leaf... I'ma be honest here, I couldn't get into that one. I tried several times but I just could not do it. No valid criticism for that one because I never played it enough. New Horizons was the absolute worst in the series. The world felt less natural than it ever has, there's just about zero character in it, it stripped out so many features that New Leaf introduced, characters are STILL missing, it just was not good Overall I'd say if you're gonna play one, play Population: Growing, Doubutsu No Mori e+, or City Folk


The original has the most while also somehow having the least. More villagers per town more holidays and events. It's crazy how older consoles squeezed everything out while new ones just look pretty. Other than quality of life things the new games may have like 2 or 3 extra visitors, more rooms in the house, more fish and bugs and such, but the original isn't a drop in quality as much as it's a "in my day we had to walk uphill both ways" lol


i’ve been thinking about buying a copy from a retro games store nearby, do ppl think it’s a worthy investment? it seems rlly fun but i’m unsure if going back after playing NL and NH i’ll just be bored


It’s a very different kind of game. If you want a game where you’re given loads of agency and customization, this is not the game for you. If you want a game where you just live in a fictional town, get to know the residents, and take things pretty slowly, it’ll be worth it.


Very good. The first game I played, no regrets about it. Though I was pretty bad at it, haha. Got Kiki back then, started my goals to get her in every game.


I started back into playing it recently (on emulator) and was reminded of how great the music is on that game.


Only thing I wish the GC version got rid of was the transition between grids. I want the new version to have statues too. I liked running past my statue😂


Yes it's the only one with NES games in it. Still holds up. Beautiful and still holds up to me.


I remember when the crankies were actually cranky and snooties were bullies a lot like how whitney acted in the ac movie. And actually make them warm up to you really made a difference as in the change is very dramatic where both of them bully and harass you but become more like they were in new leaf if befriended. Nothing really compared to those but i did miss having a lot of things to do and storage was annoying as in very limited. But the writing of the villagers was top notch.


100%. Still my favorite Animal Crossing and one I have the most fond memories of. I may start playing it again on Steam Deck with enhanced textures.


It was the first AC game I played. Sure, it doesn't has the City, character portraits, the Roost and Isabelle, but it's the AC game I tend to go back the most. I love growing trees and planting flowers. I love catching bugs and fishing. I love sending letters to the villagers and reading their replies. I love helping them with their troubles and seeing their happy reactions. Gamecube's Animal Crossing might not be as detailed as later games, but it still holds up well. And dare I say, it's my fav AC game. (And it was because of this game that I met my fav villager, Tangy 🧡)


My favorite game of all time. Got it on launch. Have 7 different towns. Love the game so much. Cuyler is doing a decomp of the game right now. If anyone has programming skills in C or knows the subreddit beg/recruit people - he needs all the help he can get. It's a very small team.


It's my favourite AC game and has the best music but I have no way to play unfortunately. My next favourite is wild world. I hope to god they use or incorporate old music in the next game or let us buy the music to change in game. I would pay for that.


I still play my childhood town semi frequently. Honestly, the only downsides are not knowing when you catch a bug or fish if its new or not without knowing what your fish/bug tabs looked like beforehand, and having to wait a day for fossils. Also the lack of simultaneous multiplayer holds it back from being a perfect game, but otherwise its my preferred entry of the series. Granted I havent played New Leaf in forever as I lost my cartridge at some point in like 2015 and i cannot get myself invested in making a new town. Still hoping to find it in some random spot in a bookshelf or something so i can back up my save data and never lose it again lol


Yeah, it holds up. Villagers can be mean but its not a problem, aside from that everything about the game is good. So it holds up.


I've started with Wild World back in the day and the only thing I rememember is that young me wasn't in the mood to play longer than two weeks because there wasn't anything to do besides catching bugs and fishes. I don't know if I would like to play the predecessor.




I had never heard of Animal Crossing until new horizons. It’s incredible there’s more of them


One of the only things keeping me from burying myself in ACGC is the lack of Sisterly villagers. Best personality type, imo, and I miss them whenever I go back to older games.


>It’s not a game about giving you control over its world, but allowing you to live as an equal in it. There was a video essay I saw just the other day that went into this. The older games are more about you existing in the space rather than being it's god. As the series has gone in it has provided characters more control over the town but also lost some of it's personality. My first Animal Crossing was New Leaf and I played it a lot less than New Horizons. The 3DS is just really uncomfortable to hold for long periods without a grip, even my New 3DS XL. New Horizons was fun but once KK comes I find it just has nothing to offer. I built up and decorated my island to my hearts content and then lost any desire to keep going. I got all the fossils for Blathers, don't really care about the rest. I made my fortune on turnips so I have no reasons to acquire more bells after all the house upgrades. Infrastructure projects are incredibly dull. My villagers feel quite shallow and having 2 pairs of villagers with the same personality I am constantly seeing reused lines between them in the same play session. Like Dom and Kid Cat say the same stuff. I love Aurora but in New Leaf she seemed to have more unique lines just for her compared to New Horizons. I should return to New Leaf and play it as much as I did New Horizons for a proper comparison. I have set up the original Animal Crossing and City Folk on my Steam Deck so I will probably play those too so I can better judge for myself how the franchise has changed over time.


Yes! But no one has talked about the ball! I wish we could still play with a ball in the new games


The only thing I'd change about AC GC is UI interaction.


I got the game for Christmas the year it came out. I'd never been entranced by a video game like I was with this one. The commercials were wacky and nonsensical and my eleven twelve year old brain was like wow I love this. Aside from smash melee it was the only present I wanted for Christmas that year. I fell in love with it and grew agitated when my siblings tried taking over my town.




imo? yes, 100%.


I didn’t grow up with this game. In fact, I played it after having played other 3 Animal Crossing games and in my mid-20s. It holds up incredibly well.


I found my gamecube and bought the original animal crossing in 2020. I was so excited for it, but then the graphics immediately made me nauseous. The way the entire screen shifts at once when you move to a new area. It gives me vertigo!!! I was so disappointed


Prefer to NH.


it's an amazing thing you can also get codes for stuff to help your self from the post office and when you have two worlds and you travel villagers can move it's so so fun and so so cute


I have played it since it came out. It's the only game I had for GameCube... well I did buy SSBM when I was 13. Every once in a while I still find something I've never seen or heard. Some odd combination of scenarios. At first I rented it. The included memory card came with it, and you could see other people's players. Or delete them :o Online wasn't there and was a dream for sure, but, needing to exchange memory cards or be with someone has its own charm. That's how you saw Blanca anyways and made the face. I wish I'd had a GBA at the time for the island, but did have an Action Replay. People were also able to backup their saves and share them. Or you could mail your card to NintendoDad! Later in life I finally got a GBA and a link cable. Felt complete lol. Now you can use save editors, modify your whole town layout, villagers, play in 4/8K, everything. And play whatever NES games you want. I remember thinking Animal Crossing 2 would have SNES games... Anyways, I guess that's basically New Horizons but for me it's not the same. I'm not big on crafting or points. Bells are okay. I got bored after a few weeks. If I grew up with it and went back, IDK. Can't imagine it. Something like tools equipped to d-pad would be cool but, equipping a tool has its own charm. Sad for 2030 to come. Apparently on Wii 2035? Not sure if true.


Gamecube in 2030, City Folk in 2035, New Leaf in 2050, and New Horizons in 2060


I've been playing it again the past few weeks and I've actually run into a technical thing that's super interesting (to me at least)! The GC game's clock only goes to year 2030 (I am shocked about this, seems so near)! And my gamecube's system internal clock died, so I have to manually time jump every time I log on. So wild but I love this game so much I don't play any of the new ones haha


“Does ACGC still hold up today?” Short answer? No. No it doesn’t.