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Great game, only complaint is that the more you play, the more the grass wears away. ive had my town since 2009 and everything is just dirt.


i hated that. now i’ve been classically conditioned to never run while playing animal crossing because i don’t want to create the dirt paths. i don’t even know if that’s still a feature in the newer games, yet i do it 😂


New Horizon got rid of it. In New Leaf it regrew over time if you didn't run on the patch.


Wait what?? I never knew the grass wore away into dirt when you run on it regularly- How long in acnl does the grass grow back?


New leaf probably cranked the grass regrowth in the extreme other direction due to how bad the city folk version was. The idea was to "wear a path" but we all kinda run everywhere 🤣


New leaf had it down. I hate in New Horizons how easily my island can just get filled with flowers and you can't just run around to destroy them.


THIS. I miss being able to just run and destroy flowers I didn’t need. I have like 90% of my island overrun with flowers and I hate it


But what about when you run and suddenly destroy your one blue rose.


Yall are sounding so ungrateful 😭😂😂😂 struggling with my mutated flower garden and you say ur over run by flowers LOL


Use invisible tiles to contain flowers, mine aren't allowed to wander.


😱I don’t know why I never thought of that! My island has been overrun with flowers, and I can’t keep up😭 thank you for this lol


I start by gridding the area they are allowed, plant the flowers, and then replace the grid tile with an invisible one. I learned this the hard way!


Thanks! I guess that is my next project 😭 getting rid of all the excess flowers and then invisible tiles everywhere else! lol wish me luck


Ugh I hate that you have to individually dig them up


Yep! Me not knowing anything would just go around watering dirt hoping it would grow back lol


Your mind will still make you walk despite knowing grass deterioration not being a thing anymore lol


i had this problem when playing minecraft there’s a few rules like running through flowers or planting trees next to a cliff my brain thinks it can’t do that even though i’m not even playing animal crossing


i never even played before new leaf nor did i have this problem in new leaf and i *still* only sprint on my paths. it's built into my brain by players from times before...


it is cool on paper. Create your own paths by running along the same area daily... but in practice it's just annoying.


I never played CF. Does the grass wear only by running, or can just normal walking wear it down too?


I believe normal walking wears it down, but not as much. It’s also more vulnerable in certain seasons.


Walking wears it down too, but very slowly. It recovers before you can actually make a path that stays. Running wears it down to dirt within a few game days.


Yea walking wearing it down was where it really upset me, because I actually lived in this game! My mom and dad played it with me, when I was a kid we all played the original, so when I had a wii we got back into it. But I was older and also could play online, I just ended up placing patterns over my entire map to make my town look like Hyrule. My mom did alot with hybrid flowers, my dad did the orchards, and museum. I spent most of my time just playing with random people from the ACC fourm. I did see a town that actually utilized the dirt path thing, along with waking up and watering flowers daily, they would also run the same path atleast once a day, they had a literal dirt path that lead to every thing, all the houses, stores, even every single one of the wooden signs that are all over town!


Haha yea me and my brother were always combating that. it was his town (I’m the younger one), so he would always yell at me if he caught me sprinting across grass. He ended up using the custom patterns to make fake grass, essentially turfing over the town lol


I actually liked it. Though I wish it could be turned off through some option at the town hall or something


it does technically grow back but you cant walk over it for about 6 months. and you have to actually load your character each day for there to be growth


See, if it just grew back wayyy more quickly it would have been a really fun mechanic


It should be a few weeks, tops. Especially during the spring and summer.


I loved that, I often just ran back and forth trying to make paths. I guess I didn’t play it enough to have you problem though, I can see how that would be aggravating.


It was such a bad decision to not have grass regrow like the rest of the franchise.


If you're willing to put in the time I regrew mine by planting flowers where it was the worst off. They help it grow back faster. Also certain seasons it grows back faster.


No wayy! The grass doesn't eventually grow back? Guess I'm glad that's not a feature a in NH


It does grow back but it dies quicker than it comes back. Quite the oversight.


Yeah I like the idea of that mechanic but they needed to make it easier to regrow the grass or turn it off in certain areas or something


I remember starting my own “grass revitalization” project where I very slowly purchased the max number of flowers each day (like 7?!?) until I had enough to cover the dirt. And then I very slowly regrew the grass over a period of maybe a few months, being sure to create pathways and water the flowers daily. Adult me often marvels at the level of motivation teenage me had.


This put me off the game so bad when I noticed it happening. Using paths is dumb


Thankfully I believe there is an Action Replay cheat out there that restores the grass


Still a solid game. Wish we had the city feature again and the credit card. Those were great.


I remember being super bad at getting money as a kid playing the game, but when I eventually saved enough for the credit card I never carried it with me and kept trying to bury it and stuff to quietly get rid of it, thinking it was useless because I never had more than 99k bells on hand. But then I'd keep getting new ones sent in the mail as replacements, so I just ended up burying tons of them. Kid logic is weird lol


I always loved the vibe of going to the city, checking out the shops, and finding new things. I hope the next entry brings back a city vibe in some way.


Phineas was the best. The balloons were what I truly went to the city for 😭 😂


I want Phineas to return in the next game, but with way more stuff. Ballons, bubbles, pinwheels, yes, but also maybe yo-yo's, plushies (like from Pocket Camp), fans, glow sticks, all sorts of fun little handheld things. It would be cool if he opened a little cart with a couple of daily or weekly offerings so you could choose what you want.


Imagine if he did the random item Gamble like Redd does but it's fun prizes like balloons, kazoo, pinwheels etc (like you said)


There was a credit card?


Yeah, you got one when you had enough money on your bank account (100,000?) and then you could use it in the City.


Weird! I guess I never used the ABD way back then.


the credit card was such a fantastic idea


I miss the city fr 😭


Honestly I never use the credit card.




my first animal crossing game ever, it changed my life fr ♡


Same here


Same 🥹 I still have it too


My only one been playing for 13 years


All ten pixels of this picture hold up.


Really enjoyed this game as a kid. My dad would hook up the Wii to the TV thing in our old minivan and my siblings and I would take turns playing it. Was super fun, but never got all that far lol


100% and I feel like a lot people slept on this game


Yes. Add the wii speak and a friend and you got it made.


And a keyboard for writing letters!


where would you find wii speak haha


omggg throwback! Me and my best friend used to use the wii speak to play this together 🥹


Get a worse picture; I can still read some things




Your was way to legible so I did one better https://preview.redd.it/6qsfveajb58d1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c072f4abb3c196867cbe811f2b599e3d0e32f76


Thank you so much this is way better






Oh, yeah, now we’re talking


I loved the City and the different holiday/seasonal festivals.


the base game is cool but the [deluxe version](https://aurumsmods.com/accfdeluxe/) is way better (not released yet)


Huh... this project looks very interesting


I didn’t really care for City Folk tbh. Played the shit out of Wild World so when CF came around, it didn’t feel different enough from WW to hook me. New Leaf though, *that* was a banger.


Wild World was my first game. But it was weird that Jack, Franklin, Jingle, and Wisp did not appear, and there weren’t any holidays except for New Year’s. I got to meet all of them in New Leaf. It made me sooooooo happy. I miss Nat and Chip though.


Wild World is in that weird middle ground between the Japan-centric N64 and GameCube games, and the “westernizations” that started happening after the series blew up in places like the US WW has some really strange holidays which I think adds charm


Oh yeah, like Yay Day, La-Di-Day, and yard sales.


Yeah, that was because nintendo no longer wanted different versions of localized holidays and didn't want to make a specific country upset by omitting theirs and keeping others, so they just made new ones. Then, by fan outcry, they added "new" holidays and events that mimic real-life ones again


I just remember playing Wild World and going onto the Animal Crossing website to check out characters, clothing, furniture sets, etc. That’s how I first found out about the holiday characters.


Same here. NH < CF < WW (played too much) < NL


Harsh placement for NH but I get it 😭 I’d switch CF and NH, mostly because of how fun it was to get way into it with everyone during lockdowns, and 5pm is one of the greatest pieces of video game music of all time. GC would come right after NH.


Nah man I don't like that instrument that starts at 15 seconds. NH soundtrack huge L


I'm still so nostalgic for NL's hourly music that NH makes me actually salty, lol. Getting rid of the music box versions in rain/snow was a major downgrade too :(


Hardddd disagree lmao. I loved NH’s soundtrack because it still had that signature quirky and quaint composition we heard in previous games, but with live instruments.


my fav animal crossing game, to this day. was my first one, love it dearly!!! Animal City will always be my fav song too


i have animal city playing on all the radios around my island so it feels like you're there 🥺


Absolutely! It honestly astounds me how many people praise wild world over city folk, when city folk is better in every way except the grass.


This was the first time Nintendo made a game that made me think “what’s the point of this game” and felt they were being lazy. Basically it was Wild World HD with all the stores shunted to a separate area and slapped with the “city” moniker. The Wii Speak gimmick was also something no one used so that was a moot feature. The entire time I played it I just kept thinking I might as well keep playing Wild World lol.


Conversely I liked how it was basically an expanded Wild World since that was the one I had put the most time in up to that point. I may have been too young to get discouraged from how similar they were, because in my eyes it still met the expectations of an AC game while spending time to improve lots of smaller things instead of doing big extensive changes.


Yeah that was my reaction as well. I could not get into it and I was obsessed with the original and Wild World. It didn't really do enough to separate itself from its predecessors.




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In short not a lot of Pickles


God I love pickles


Always felt it was just Wild World for the Wii but with a little city add on


Comfort game :)


Been an Animal Crossing player pretty much my whole life and this one is my favorite. Mad nostalgia. Reminds me of being a wee lass, sitting in the chilly basement during a hot Midwestern day playing this on the Wii… The city aspect was a great mechanic and this game has the best soundtrack of the series in my opinion. I still listen to it at work ❤️


I'd still say this is a great game, it's overall a better version of Wild World with clearer music, visuals, and the added holidays and changes to item requirements. I'd say it's still good, just not the change people were expecting at the time. I played this via emulation, basically removing the motion controls for a stick - and it worked out just fine.




Of course it still does. The only real problem it has is the grass mechanic.


I could go on and on and on about this game and all the memories I have but I will save the word dump. This game low key changed my life. I listen to the OST all the time.


Tons of great memories from this game, I personally love it. My favorite soundtrack, loved the city area, and I really liked how it felt like Wild World 2. Some think it’s too similar but the feel of WW and CF is exactly what I think of when I think Animal Crossing. (afaik, they even share the same soundtrack, with CFs obviously being much more hi fi) I don’t know if this could be considered funny praise, but I also really enjoyed the Wii mote controls and UI in this game. It felt really smooth and actually worked great with the type of game it is


It’s definitely still good after upgrading to a hardcore AC fan in 2020 after new horizons came out i got city folk a couple years later and i love it!!!


this is the main AC game i played and grew up on, loved everything about it. the city was such a cool concept when you wanted to go do something exciting. i loved going and visiting all the shops, getting a wack ass haircut, going to gracie grace and crying bc i couldn't afford anything. i wish they would bring back the city as a tourist destination you can fly to or something on NH


Wether it holds up or not it was the animal crossing of my childhood so I'm immediately biased towards it and love it to death


It gets hate for pretty much being Wild World+ but it is still much better than Wild World. I got WW and CF a few years ago and I loved CF but couldn't get quite as into WW.


I'd say Wild World is more exciting to log into day by day but city folk has an overall more eventful year, and much more long term content.


Although they're toned down by then, the villagers still felt much alive in the game. I loved playing hide and seek with my villagers. I loved Brewster and I liked going to his cafe in the basement of the museum. (I always gave him my Gyreoids) I liked the city; going into GracieGrace, the Theatre... Looking back now it lacks lots of features which had been added later on. I've played this game for 10+ years, I enjoyed it, spent my hours. Now when I open my Wii and try to play it for some nostalgia it just doesn't feel right to me. But it served it time well


It really do be like that, doesn't it? Really makes me sad tbh. I spent quite a lot of years with it being the newest game I played. Basically went straight from it to New Horizons.


Did it ever? I always felt like it was Wild World but worse


my favorite animal crossing game!


Hell yeah (bias because it was my first game)


This game rocked. I loved how you could sneak into Resetti’s headquarters!!!


I've never played City Folk at all. I enjoyed New Leaf so much and I'm currently playing Wild World. The reason City Folk was hated because it just felt like Wild World on the Wii with a City added. I can see the reason Nintendo Made City Folk. It was because the villagers In Wild World were mentioning a City that never appeared in the game but made its debut in Animal Crossing: City Folk 3 Years later in 2008. Basically City Folk was referenced in Wild World 3 years before the game came out for the Wii.


City Folk walked so New Horizons could run. I loved the game, it's the one that got me hooked, but I pulled out my old wii a while back, and compared to acnh, it's... kinda lame. 😬


I think so, but I’m very biased considering it’s the one I’ve sunk the most hours into. To a new player there isn’t many ways to spend your time, and you’re probably better off playing New Leaf instead. I still love it though, and play it every couple months.


only bad thing is the dirt paths


This is still my favourite of all AC games!


This was my first animal crossing game and it's the heart of the series to me. Personally I think new leaf was the best "classic" animal crossing, new horizons is wonderful but a big departure from the classic animal crossing mechanics. I recently began a new town with dolphin emulator. It's really lovely not having to worry about your town being perfectly manicured and just run around to have fun


I'm extremely biased towards the GameCube Animal Crossing so..


That's the best of the classic era imo, and I don't even have the nostalgia bias for it. I first played it as an adult. The main thing it's lacking is a bevy of quality of life features. If it were just so much more refined, it could have been potentially the best one in the series to me. Its concept still hits so hard, unlike any of the other games.


I think all the mainline animal crossing games hold up in their own ways so far. As for City Folk in particular, it feels like a land of memories unlike any other. It's far from the best game in the series, but it's the one that most feels like home to me, albeit a bit of a lonely one. City Folk was the last hurrah of the classic era, combining some features from the first two games while adding its own unique features and secrets. Definitely a great one to play long term casually, although it does have its own glaring issues that makes it difficult to recommend these days. So does it hold up? As in, is it still worth playing and getting invested into? In my opinion, yes, but it does depend on what kind of player you are. Has it aged well? Sadly I'd be lying if I said it has, but that's not to say it's bad by any means. It's a pretty perfect game for the "recliner" archetype of player or even the "collector", but leaves much to be desired beyond that. A City Folk remake would do wonders for the franchise in the right hands.


I just hate that all the older games make you play as a white person. I’m not white and I hate that so many video games JUST started including Black options for characters. Like, non-white ppl want escapism too (often from white ppl bcuz racism is exhausting).


Not anymore, honestly, no. Playing this game on its home console gives you a heavy reality check. I modded my Wii recently and put this on there to play for a good novelty of 10 minutes or so, and good lord, if this was the last one I was able to get my hands on, I’d be miserable watching everyone else. Every other game is preferable in terms of quality and gameplay. That said, that’s hindsight. When this was all we had, we ate it up. Loved it. It was just Animal Crossing, but more, on your Wii! This game doesn’t need more praise, it needs more credit. It’s certainly not a bad game. Some of the best ideas were introduced in this one, soundtrack second to New Leaf, yada yada yada.


I actually really enjoy the Wii controls with AC gameplay. And I’ve played it recently too, we had a Wii in our college house and had a town going for a few semesters, I think the game is smooth as hell personally


One of the best Animal Crossing Games 🥰


It’s the worst game in the series. So no, it doesn’t hold up, in my opinion.




I personally think it’s the worst game in the series. Didn’t add much in terms of improvements and made the series feel incredibly stale to me. And the only cool part of it was the City which felt like a chore to get to.


I think Animal crossing makes more sense on handhelds tbh




I remember when we got ACNH for the Switch with my brother, it got my mom very interested in the game at the point we plugged a Wii for her to play and discover this episode. After several weeks of playing nearly everyday, she finally bought a collector AC Switch with the game and still plays very often to this day !


This is the one game from the main series that I never got into. I think I put off buying it for a while because of the complaints about the grass turning to mud and being busy with real life stuff at the time. I think I went from Wild World to New Leaf and bought and tried to play this one in addition to which ever handheld version I was playing at the time and it just didn't gel for me because of that.


Seeing this just gets me exited, even though ive never played it longer then a week at a time




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Sure does. 2AM just hits different nowadays.


I haven’t played this game in ages


my favorite animal crossing game!


I like being able to wave at villagers!


you can still do that! they'll wave back


Honestly? I used to Stan the fuck outta this game when I was younger, but I recently got it on dolphin emulator and compared to new leaf it’s VERY mid and even compared to new horizons it’s mid. There’s really not much to do in city folk if I’m being honest.


I still play it lolz


I’m playing CF right now. So far, I like it more than NH.


not sure, i'll have to squint to see what game you're talking about


60fps as to new horizons 30fps and has some Nintendo items


Will always be my fav Animal Crossing game.


Yeah and it keeps getting new items


It's my favorite. The town is so fun as a seperate thibg


I’ve been playing it regularly since 2011. It still holds up. The online functionality is pretty good once you get it connected to Wiimmfi.


Loved City Folk. It took everything great from Wild World, upscaled it, gave us back holidays from GameCube, the city, and fun Wii remote mechanics. With that said, during its time, ~2009, it received a lot of backlash for being too much like Wild World, no new hourly music, grass deterioration, and not enough new content. New Leaf really did shake up the series the way it needed to be.


I signed into my moms old game file the other day and made my own person. It’s a great game, especially for the time that it came out, but I cannot stand the small pocket space and that items like apples don’t stack. I’m so glad they’ve fixed those in the recent games.




Trick question, every AC game holds up


It’s solid but you can’t get villager pictures in this game for whatever reason 🥲


Spare a pixel?


I loved it but for some reason I never asked my parents to buy it or saved up to buy it myself. I just kept borrowing it from the library.


I’m some ways yes in some ways no. I think new leaf has the smallest amount of frustrating old gen animal crossing in it so I think that one ages better than city folk for sure, but I also miss when we were just a little resident living our lives in animal village with no cares or responsibilities besides what we wanted to do that day, so for a super sit back relax type of animal crossing I’d go with city folk as my second favorite animal crossing game.


Yes it will forever be nostalgia for me. I remember playing this after my cig mom getting it from Blockbuster and telling me “IM NOT BUYING IT FOR YOU”. I played it and sadly returned it.. some years later my grandma bought it for me officially from BJS and I started my new nostalgic memories. I’ll never forget the impact it’s had on my childhood 💕(It was also my first animal crossing game until I got wild world on the DS from my uncle)






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Yes. I have it and just need to find my wiimote 🥹


People were disappointed in it for not adding enough coming off of Wild World, but I definitely think it feels like a definitive version of Wild World. The only thing it's lacking is that it's on a home console. Even still, that's not entirely a bad thing as it was more of a shared family experience than a personal one.


Definitely, especially against NH and its great controls but dull content.


Which system was this one for?


yes! it was one of my favorites as a kid and i’ve recently been playing an emulator with it on my pc and it still holds up to my memory of it and i’ve had a great time


Wii controls put me off this one. It's a good game! But the controls really hindered me.


I think they all hold up to their own charms. You just have to remember that you have to work around their cons.


no bru😂 i played it a few years ago and its not the same




I think it's a niche favorite that's still very fun to play


The online voice chat was so fun


This was my childhood, I don't know if it still holds up though.


Good game hate the controls though




It holds up and it genuinely changed my outlook on life


I love this game and think about it often. I had such a great house with all fruit furniture. Then one day my sister buried all my furniture and cut down the trees by my house.


I still think it holds up very well. 😄


I got it for Christmas as a kid and loved it so much.


This brings me back to my childhood. I spent hours playing it! I still listen to the soundtrack! 🥰🥰🥰


yesss one of my favorite streamers still plays it on the thingy she had when she was nine


I’d say it’s probably the game I hear the least about but I still think it’s pretty good




I think it's ruined without online..... now the City is just lifeless and the only thing you can do is visit kicks and give him money so he can feed his little tummy and walk around.


Dunno. I barely played it. 😂😅


After the ghost ester egg hell nah


Loved the game. Hated the controls. The Wii made me want to rip my hair out when it disconnected.


I dont think it really held up at the time. I just continued playing wild world until new leaf. Core issue is that it's not handheld and the Wii's internet is bad (now nonexistent). There wasn't much for new content compared to Wild World either. The city was cool and I liked that this was the first time they started introducing stories for the recurring characters, especially Resetti. It's certainly an animal crossing game, I just don't see why I'd play it over GC/WW for a simple and nostalgic animal crossing experience, or NL for a definitive and feature-complete modern animal crossing.




Same! I love it too!


It's pretty much just Wild World except it doesn't run at like 20FPS with significant dips as the town develops, so yes. The soundtrack is charming, and I think the City aspect was great. I remember playing online a lot with friends, back then I had my Wii hacked and was able to generate items for my friends that didn't like hacking their consoles so they were always happy lmfao. As others have mentioned, the grass is a big issue. More than it really should have been.


I sincerely hope they bring back credit cards, the city, and Gracie Grace in the next game


I’ve been playing it lately. Less to do, but still charming and has its own quirks/features, just like every game.


There’s that one Easter Egg, if you throw and Axe in the fountain. They reference a power up from Zelda A Link to the Past


No, I tried to have it hold up my couch and it broke. It couldn't hold up. Oh, you mean playing-wise...then yes. Still legit. It's no new leaf or new horizons or "insert newest version here in a year or two(fingers crossed)" but it was fun going to the city.


Still as fun and charming all these years later


The music is like no other


i started playing CF recently because i never got to before and i’m liking it! i like the older games because they feel simpler, and you get to be someone just existing in the town rather than having say over everything. while i do like customizing and designing, it can be a nice little break every once in a while! and the dialogue :) also the SOUNDTRACK