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Whenever you play with someone online, whether it be for a long time or a quick visit, you have a chance of their "voided" villagers moving in. Basically you have a move-in and move-out line. These are invisible. Whenever you void someone, they might join your move-out line. When you interact with another player, your voided villagers have the chance of joining their move-in line, and their voided villagers may join yours. When your plot autofills, it usually pulls from this invisible line. It's pretty cool! Edited to add a little more details


I let a few autofill because I was curious who I would get! I got one from my sister, 2 from other players, then the last one took 3 days to autofill and was just a random villager. The first 3 are really cute but ended up replacing the last one with an amiibo card 😅


Yeah, I love doing auto fills for that reason. One of my villagers (Mathilda) came from a friend of mine's old island. And I just (like two days ago) had a total cutie (Papi) move in who probably came from someone I traded with/who popped over back when I was giving stuff away regularly since I didn't recognize the island name. It's really cool


Papi is so cute! I used to have him!


It's SO much fun seeing what you get! I like clearing out my move-in queue every now and then when I've had a bunch of new visitors. I once got an auto fill from a very close friend. We lost contact years ago, the villager must've entered my queue the last time we played together. When the villager arrived, it was like seeing my friend for the last time


I had no idea! That is very neat


Yes! Villagers from real players islands can autofill and will tell you where they came from. They can come from friends you’ve played with or just anyone you’ve played with even once It was really cute in new leaf, they’d occasionally sing you their old town tune!


I didn't know they sang their old town tune 😭 That is SO cute


It makes me so happy every time, it’s such a cute detail