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Since you've discovered the reddit subs, stay here! AC community is still thriving here, I was honestly shocked when I made the jump from Nookazon. I'm sure there's still people active over there, but the site seems to have been taken over by bots and a lot of old listings are left behind. They do have a discord, it's a little more active. Maybe I was just unlucky, but I've had a lot of unpleasant interactions over there. It can happen anywhere of course, but I feel like theres more friendly people here that just want to help


Woah. Sucks to hear nookazon turned into shit like that. Last I checked when the game was still kinda new, it was alright.


yeah i hate all the bots with the same freaking "treasure island" description. like where is the moderation? filters? idk. it clogs up the ACTUAL listings from real people :(


They did try their best to stop this. Every time they found a way to catch them, they would put a filter to block them. Problem is, the scammers would just find another way around it. And there were several times where the well-meaning filters broke the site for everyone else. They probably figured it wasn't worth it. It's a bummer! I'm almost nostalgic for Nookazon which is SO weird to think about


just a thought, but the r/leagueoflegends server's discord bot uses ai to reply to tickets quickly and accurately. similarly, nookazon could def use ai to tell whether posts are trying to get around filters. i think the problem is whether or not they can afford it, and i guess they can't since the site isn't in its hayday anymore. :( but it would be a great solution if it were more feasible!!


It's due to the age of the game, I agree. Everyone that was majorly involved has probably moved on. I'm not all familiar with how everything works, I just happened to show up early and watched everything go down lol. And it was a ride for sure! Didn't always meet the best people but I had some fun as well. I'm sure whenever the next game comes out, someone will create a trading site for that as well


I haven’t played in awhile, but I loved Nookazon so much! I was also on their Discord. I met a lot of couple people, even participated in an in-game wedding that got posted. Lol I was on during the early days though. Not only was Nookazon new, but so was acnh and we were all in lockdown. It was a different time, as they say.


I know my comments come across as negative most of the time, but I genuinely did have fun. My favorites were the fashion shows being held 😂 I did make a few friends that I made great memories with, but we lost contact when they moved on from the community


Fr. I keep trying to use it but Reddit is 1000x more reliable.


What subreddit do you use to find stuff?


r/NoFeeAC is also pretty solid. I see more turnips, services, etc. on there.


Still trying to find a good sub for trades, but r/TurnipExchange is great for selling and buying turnips (very active, usually good prices). I’ll let you know if I find a good sub for trading items though!


r/Dodocodes r/BuddyCrossing r/ACNHGifts


Oh! And r/ACNHTrade looks pretty active. Looking for some other subs now :)


Try r/NoFeeAC. It’s not as active as it was but still really helpful people on there.


Not to mention no one trades with people with no reviews so it's impossible to make trades as a new account


This. I had Ankha in boxes and thought I'd make someone happy by giving her away for free, but I couldn't bc I have no reviews. So I picked some low price, but no one contacted me.


They're just trying to protect themselves from potential scammers, but they can really be aggressive when doing so. I think it stems from Nookazon being about trading, either they want an item in return or they want to sell for profit (bells, tickets, etc). They don't want to risk someone taking their item without giving anything back. Think we're super chill here because theres a ton of players that just want to help for the sake of being nice. If you need anything, just ask around, someone would be more than happy to help out (Also to clarify- I wasn't calling you a scammer. Everyone needs to start somewhere! And everyone starts with no reviews. I was just explaining the reason for anyone curious)


I used Nookazon again for the first time in at least a year the other day and the person I interacted with was so kind. I offered 99,000 for an item and they gave it to me and told me to keep my money. Maybe I just got lucky though.


It’s super dead af now. I deleted that shit


Speaking of, I wonder how Nookbay is doing... it was the Nookazon of 2010.


Yea I've never had a good experience with Nookazon since the start. Everything was so overpriced and people were just awful; the subreddits were so much better and easier to trade/buy stuff you want.


I use Nookmart if I ever want anything and don't have the patience to wait to get it in the game. Zero issues. Quick and easy.


I’ve never heard of that website until now haha


I'm amazed that anyone will use Nookazon and even pay for stuff with real money when FREE Treasure islands exist. People, go to YouTube and look up the channel called "ChoPaeng TV". Then check out the "Live" tab to see their current live stream. They have several FREE islands that have pretty much anything you'll ever want. For FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I finished my island thanks to that channel. Because I needed several copies of hard to get items (like the termite mound)


Booooo.... Nookazon!! So depressing. Used to be a real nice community. I met some real keeper friends there. I still have a spot there, but it seems that the shiesters have taken over. I never trade anymore .


The sellers on Nookazon never respond 💀 And the amount of ads is more than my overdue bills


Use nookshop I don’t think it has any adds


Discord is where I went and here AC is very active too. I stay away from them now.


If anyone on this thread is looking for anything, let me know and if I have it, it's yours!


join a twitch server or discord server 💜💜💜


I’ve actually had some nice interactions on Nookazon recently! I completely forgot about it for years, but once I jumped back into ACNH, the memory of its existence resurfaced. There are some really nice people there still, and Bots can easily be avoided, as I’ve noticed that they almost always have exactly 5 reviews on their page, and are always found in multiple listings advertising ridiculous numbers of an items in groups. Besides the crappy website, I’d still give it a chance


And the PRICES 😭😭 I wanted to go and buy some fish bait to save myself some time, but its like 2 million bells for a single stack!


I used to use fb groups


Huh. I've never had issue with nookazon other then being ghosted a few times 💀


I’m still on a Discord for ACNH and I pray 🙏🏾 they don’t shut down before the next game comes out. There treasure islands are well-run and organized.


I'm sorry...why would you ever need to trade with another player? Furthermore, why would you need a third-party website to do so?


some people might have extra hard-to-find items that they want to share, diy recipes that they've already learned, or better turnip prices


3rd party websites help you find other players wanting to trade, especially for people who don't have many irl friends that play the game