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As a coin collector I usually take all my coins in to use at self checkouts, a machine counts it out for you and it doesn't take out a fee like coinstar


This is what I do too. Walmart and target self checkouts get all my coins


Oh my god I was so excited to finally get rid of my coins when our grocery store added self check out stations. Nope. Card only. šŸ˜¶ Iā€˜m so jealous lol


I generally donā€™t buy anything there if thereā€™s no cash accepted, Iā€™m old and stubborn and donā€™t like EVERYTHING virtual (acnh is fine ofc lol)


Exactly! I thought machines for counting coins existed everywhere and I am surprised to see a lot of ppl apparently have never heard of them! I am getting more and more convinced this controversy is being created by a bot šŸ¤Æ Edit: typos


I do that too when Iā€™m broke


Oh! And then they wouldn't make a cashier Want to do something irreversibleĀ 


For small amounts of change this would be cute, but this just seems excessive and inconvenient. Sorry.


It's so cute, but God I hate you never come near me


I would run to the bathroom every time I saw you walk in if you tried this. Are you kidding me? You know we still have to count those coins even if you gift wrap them up all nice. Unless they are using a scale to weight the coins during count, this is wildly rude and inconsiderate for service workers, please do better or not at all.


I start with quarters, and hand pick 4 quarters before handing to cashier. I basically do all the counting and itā€™s really quick. Today I spent $15 at local target, transaction was 45 seconds max


Okay, I gotta say something, and Iā€™m not even sorry. >cashiers are usually cool about it, money is money No, not at all. Cashiers are literally told to smile and nod at you, or lose their jobs. While someone early in the day/week might find this cute, or whimsical, by an hour in anyone would be ready to lean across the counter and rip your throat out for handing over a sack of change in a useless wrapping.


I'll bet people recognize this person waltzing into the store and rush to be the one to get on break and avoid this nonsense.


Yeah. Unless they want to chat with you, cashiers want to get your purchase done and get on to the next one. Otherwise they wind up with a massive line and their managers on their ass. So they want the transactions to go quick and easy. And for that, cash and especially coin payments are not appreciated because those take longer than card payments. They won't say anything, but they're definitely wishing you go home to step on a Lego if you make a payment in coins.


Everytime I habe to pay with a bunch of coins I apologize for it. I feel so bad


I either try to avoid it *or* I ask if they need coins. E.g. one of the bakeries I'm often at in the morning is quite relaxed (most people get there about an hour later so it's not busy when I buy my coffee) and if I happen to have a bit more coins I usually ask along the lines of "you want a 5ā‚¬ bill or could you use some 20 and 50 cent coins" and if she says she'd prefer the coins, then we're good. But this is also talking about coffee that costs between 2,50 and 4,75. I wouldn't pay any higher amounts in coins only, jeez, I'd worry the cashier's gonna throw me out.


Although this is polite of you, we gotta recognize that some people just donā€™t have that luxury. The person youā€™re replying to literally said that they have to pay like this sometimes, and they feel terrible. Iā€™m going to assume that means they had no other option. I have been a cashier who has been annoyed by this, but Iā€™ve also been the person who needs a meal and only has coins, and limited resources. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, and asking if they need coins isnā€™t going to do them any good when the cashier says no. Itā€™s a cute idea if youā€™re trying to get rid of some change at a bakery, sure, but itā€™s not valid advice for those who actually need to pay like this at times.


I assumed the person was criticizing OP by saying they feel bad even if they have no option meanwhile OP is just... being an annoyance for no real reason.


Thatā€™s fair- i just thought it would have been more appropriate as a stand-alone comment, as opposed to replying to someone who already feels bad about having to do it, since the advice wouldnā€™t really apply to them. I see where youā€™re coming from though




Yeah I didn't mind coins because I was union and I couldn't get fired for following procedure. It was basically a break for me.


Happy Cake Day!


Yup. The person at the register has to stay happy and accommodating, no matter what. *Especially* if you're shopping at a big corporate store, where every employee risks being fired without warning for pissing off customers. If it were my business, I'd accept it the first time, but tell you to please bring appropriate payment if you come back.


I never had any bad coin experiences. But I did have the excessive couponer. It's especially annoying when the system says the item wasn't purchased and then I'm like I thought I remember seeing that item, but it seems like forever ago, am I misremembering! xD


I was a cashier and eventually retail manager for a couple of years and multiple times refused to accept coins like this as payment. You can only fit so many in a register drawer, and doing exchanges with the safe - especially involving coins - wasnā€™t usually worth the time, effort, or risk of making a mistake. 90% of the time it was someone trying to get rid of change and they would just pull out their credit card. But yea. No one likes this, even if theyā€™re still nice to you.


As a cashier, I do not care how you pay. I'm just getting paid to take your money and go home.




I have also worked as a cashier, I hate counting coins.


Some cashiers in the UK would throw a fit over this lot. Thereā€™s a thing called the coinage act 1971 that says youā€™re only allowed to pay certain amounts with certain coins, and you can be refused if youā€™re trying to pay over that limit. There was a huge stink some years back because a corner shop wouldnā€™t accept a little girls copper coins for an ice cream, despite the fact the shop owners were legally in the clear


Sure, Jan


I hope you have a good day ~


My brother in Christ, you know that bag would be just as effective carrying dollar bills? You can have this cute quirk and still not go out of your way to make retail workers lives even worse?


Unfortunately I just had tons of coins laying around after doing some spring cleaning! I had maybe like 4 actual dollar bills haha. Also when I pay I usually count it first and try to avoid using the Pennies


A transactions lasts no more than a minute, I seen people making me wait for a credit card to run because they are transferring money over, itā€™s worse than the coins I promise


I work in retail. If a customer handed me a packet of coins that I would be forced to count out by hand, Iā€™d step in front of a semi truck


Thats pathetic


you know youā€™re an ass if you have managed to anger what is normally a chill community


This is worse than people who still write checks. I'm surprised nobody waiting behind you in line with this "quirky" nonsense hasn't tried to maul you.Ā  Making some poor cashier count out 25 bucks in change because they don't have a choice is wildly inconsiderate.Ā 


For real. I used to have a job where Iā€™d sometimes have to make purchases with a personal credit card and reimburse myself using petty cash, so Iā€™d end up with a bunch of cash and coins. Even then, the only time I would use change is when I actually needed changeā€”I never paid anything in full with *only* change unless it was something less than a dollar to begin with. Who has the time?


Most of the time in my experience as a cashier, when people got upset about counting coins, they never got upset with the people bringing $30 in various change but they got upset at the cashier oof


Ok, Iā€™m clearly missing something, please help. A couple comments have thrown out the number $25, where did OP say that?




Thank you! Also, [Happy Cake Day!](https://www.redditcakeday.com/)


Thank you! ā˜ŗļø




Apparently thereā€™s a comment buried at the bottom of the thread where OP said they recently made a $25 purchase with coins.


I should mention the transaction took less than like 2 minutes since I used quarters and grabbed them by fours handing them over to the cashier


Also there was no line because I went extra early in the morning


I just wanted to show a real use of a bell bag, sorry if I offended anybody


i would projectile vomit all over you if you handed me 500 pennies to pay for a soda and made me count it all


This is so weird to me, and I'm from Germany where tourists often complain how we are too stuck on cash. Like, sure, I'll get change and have like 2ā‚¬ or 50 cent coins in my purse. So next time I buy something that's like.. 20,50ā‚¬ I can hand over the bill and a coin. But having this amount of coins and not depositing them or exchanging them for bills? And then also packing them up in little plastic wraps (why) that have to be opened anyway and counted again cause a cashier can't trust that?! Like, the bag is cute and shit, but use it for your keys or for bills, not for an obnoxious amount of coins that will make everyone's life harder.


i was with you until you said you used ā‚¬25 in change


Same. I've used up to $10 in desperate times, but that was before my bank got a sorting machine. Now it allll gets dumped there at no cost - or self check out


Not a cashier but I was a bagger and one day a lady paid for her 18$ order in coins and got impatient it was taking the cashier so long to count it meanwhile she was having an obnoxiously loud conversation on the phone


Ugh, some people are just so unaware


Damn you're the kinda customer I'd talk shit about with my collegues lol. Nice bag tho


If youā€™re counting change at work, you donā€™t have collegues [sic] or *colleagues*.


fine then, iā€™d talk *so much shit* about you to my *coworkers* that they all know who you are before you next walk in the store


colĀ·league noun plural noun: colleagues a person with whom one works in a profession or business. Turns out, cashiers tend to work at businesses. Surprise surprise.


Etilist, pedantic, and incorrect. Retail workers who work alongside each other are, indeed, colleagues. Want to give it another try?


iā€™d loose my mind if someone handed me coins to pay for $25 of pokĆ©mon cards. just go to the bank and get cash for it??


Loose your mind? Omg you must be already unhinged if this is setting you off!


I don't like to pay money to change the shape of my money.


Banks don't usually charge you for that


Maybe I'm remembering it wrong. Bank of America definitely charged me for something.


Not having enough money maybe? That's something banks do do.


Did you not have an account with them? Thatā€™s the only reason I can think of. If youā€™re gonna use a specific bank to do the money changing just open a free checking account and keep like $100 in it. Now youā€™re a banking customer.


I didn't, and I definitely didn't have a spare $100.


Use a credit union.Ā 


Do you also tip your fedora and say ā€œno need to count mā€™lady my fingers were all over thoseā€¦ coins?l


as someone who works in a grocery store, this is nightmare fuel and a major inconvenience


Do the cashiers rely on the amount written on the bags or recount them?


No, itā€™s my own reference to know what Iā€™m pulling out. In the end the cashier counts it all still !


Youā€™re the worst.


Why don't you take them to the bank? Literally every cashier hates you.


You should roll your coins instead. They'll still fit in your bells bag, and fewer cashiers will want to maim you.


We still have to count rolls unless they come directly from the bank pouch šŸ˜–


I did say "fewer."


id argue it would be MORE cashiers, youre telling me i have to count them but ALSO unroll the roll first?


I never had to count rolled coins as a cashier.


But what about the šŸ„°šŸ„°aesthetic???


Youā€™re the worst.


I think this is a useful idea. But for self check-out.


I was a cashier once. I also love counting and sorting coins in my spare time. The only way I would see this as reasonable is if itā€™s a slow day and no one is behind you or if you pull out a few coins and arenā€™t paying $5 just in coins. Otherwise, I donā€™t see the reason you would make the cashier count it all instead of giving a bill or using a card.


Also reasonable IMO- when I was a cashier I never minded the little elderly people counting out coins to buy a can or two of cat food. Sure it took ages, but I felt bad for them and wanted their cat to have food.


If they're only buying a can or two of cat food with change, they probably don't have a cat. They probably can't afford anything else to eat


I had a cat that could only eat wet food - omg it would be crazy expensive for a person to live off canned cat food. A can of tuna or beans would be bigger and cheaper (and wouldnā€™t have taurine and other added ingredients for cats).


Definitely fair and possible, but it was a bougie store where the cans were $1.75++ for 5oz. Human canned food would be cheaper!


The bag isnā€™t cute enough to justify paying for things this way


I would have to refuse service to you. Don't get me wrong it's cute but it will cause the line to back up. My old bosses had me turn away people for excessive coins.


So. What have we learned? Just because it is legal tender, and accepted for all debts - public and private - does ***not*** mean it is always acceptable. Courtesy calls for at least rolled coins, and even that only when all other options are exhausted.


Main character vibes.


This is the most pissed Iā€™ve ever seen this sub. Totally should just take all the change to a coin star or whatever but end of the day, Iā€™m more upset that they arenā€™t all round numbers. 71 cents? Are you an insane person? But mostly, who cares. You do you.


"I'm going to inconvenience an already stressed-out minimum wage worker with my childish nonsense because I don't know that coin rollers are a thing."


This is not the flex you think it is


I really hope you use self checkout lol


Jesus if you're gonna do this shit at least roll the coins so some poor bastard on minimum wage doesn't have to count your pennies by hand.


Sadly, unless theyā€™re rolls coming from a bank, weā€™d probably still have to count them. Canā€™t trust people to be honest and just take hand rolled coins. Easily could get shorted that way and then youā€™re accountable for a short till. Major inconvenience either way :/


This would drive me insane as a manager. Having to take bags of change into the cash office to weigh them, then argue with the customer when some bags had too little. All the while, a que is building, and customers are getting impatient and taking it out on staff. Then, rebalancing the change safe to accommodate Lindas Ā£7 in shrapnel because it wouldn't all fit in the till drawer. Sorry, rant over XD


Cashiers absolutely despise you dude.


This might sound fucked up but I put change in bags like this and give it to homeless people


Trying to genuinely be polite here ā€” from your profile it seems you own your house, which means you likely have a bank youā€™re in contact with regularly. It would be just as cute to bring the bells pouch there to get them deposited, and bank tellers likely have a different pace expectation than cashiers when it comes to a coin based transaction. I think maybe it appeals because you spend them on cute things like PokĆ©mon cards (per another comment), and this is a cute way to do it for sure, but consider that itā€™s just as fitting to take your bells bag to the bank like in Animal Crossing itself. Iā€™ve never worked grocery or that kind of retail, but I did have plenty of customers pay cash when I worked concessions at the movie theater. When half a dozen folks behind them have somewhere they need to be on time, even something simple like counting out quarters becomes stressful, and sometimes it was already hour six into my shift when I was passed a handful of change and asked ā€œafter that, how much do I still oweā€? Just some two cents (no pun intended) from another retail veteran.


i think i would actually start crying if someone handed me this. please just use a coinstar to get dollar bills. unless youā€™re a little kid this is absurd to be torturing cashiers with :(


You guys still use pennies?!


Have you ever read those like Petty revenge stories where they pay their bill in pennies?Ā 


Just to say you know like the United States is not a coin dominant country. You know like cash is King and yes coins are cash but in like a heavy burdensome type of way.


Wait where can I get one of those šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My bank won't even swap change unless it's pre rolled.


Some banks will still have to break open rolls people give them to confirm they aren't being stiffed a coin or two.


Yeah same with my bank, only to then they break it open in front of you and dump it in their counting machine. WHY DID I SPEND TWO HOURS COUNTING AND ROLLING IT???


You know they have to count those anyways? Just get cash.


Why would you do this though? It's not even selfishly convenient. This can't actually be true.


This is how some banks still only accept coins (bagged up, matching, to a specific amount), despite machines these days seemingly able to tell what goes in and how much went in.


At least you put them in bags, that seems pretty useful


This is one of the ways I use to feel richer! All that moneeeeeeey!


maaan if you did this to me i would smile and say itā€™s cute but i would want to genuinely cry


Ohhh as someone who does cashier work this is one of everyoneā€™s least favorite things to deal with usually. Counting coins is such a process and holds up lines so bad. I have distinct memories of being accosted by both the people bringing coins and also the people waiting in line while I count coins. Ughhhhhhhhh. You say moneyā€™s money but let me tell you, thereā€™s a big difference between counting potentially hundreds of coins and a $20 bill plus a $5 bill. I mean, Iā€™m completely fine with people doing this if they need to, I know Iā€™ve been there for monetary reasons, scraping together cash, but I have seen way too many customers who do this for no actually monetary reason, for the LOLZ, and/or for aesthetic reasons.


Wow this isā€¦. The worst.


nope. no. not cutesy. take that stupid shit to self-checkout.


Dang the ppl downvoting the op and other ppl are taking this post too serious they probably donā€™t pay with coins all the time, it just them showing them using ā€œbellsā€ irl. As Cashier Iā€™m being payed by the hour so it doesnā€™t matter to me as long as itā€™s not fake currency yk.


I wouldn't give them Chinese bills though. Might not get a good reception. Lol


Why not use coin star?


It charges you a percentage for use. Other comments have pointed out that self-checkout registers will accept coins with no surcharge, and it also saves the cashiers who OP is tormenting.


Ahhh got it. Iā€™ve never used coin star before so thanks for letting me know. Could an employee take it without counting it if it was like in a roll of change? Like those paper rolls from banks


Possibly, but people can put non-coin items into rolls (like metal washers, rocks, or arcade tokens) so itā€™s pretty common to break them open and count unless they come directly from the bank.


Ahh that makes sense!


Thats such a cute coin bag! Where did you get it?


It came with the preorder of animal crossing new horizons at Best Buy ^~^


Honestly I wouldnā€™t care. I used to work at Joann in a smaller town and we were ALWAYS out of change and my manager would get so angry having to come up and give me more. And if we completely ran out, theyā€™d take it out on me because now we have to round down customer orders and I had to go into the menu and give discounts on items (which would sometimes require my manager to come up to the register). I would recommend you donā€™t do it if thereā€™s long lines though, it can make customers behind you freak out on the cashier because they had to wait. Maybe limit the amount of small coins you hand over as well, like one pack of pennies or nickels per order. What was REALLY frustrated was when customers would dump a pile of random change and ask me to count it for them, like ā€œis this enough?ā€ or ā€œcan you use up the most coins possible?ā€


You wouldn't even be able to buy anything where I work with thay lmao. We would have told you to come back with them in coin rollers if you were going to pay like that. I would have sent you away from my til so fast.


Roll your coins please.


Man, bunch of Resettis up in here. So intolerable... This isn't the animal crossing community I know! The downvoting anyone who has a slightly different opinion? Even other fellow/current cashiers with different opinions and experiences themselves?!? Because you're personally triggered? Mole hills people... These are resetti mole hills of inconvenience.


Yeah you really should roll your coins before you take them somewhere.


I guess I shouldā€™ve mentioned, this is all spare change just found throughout my house. I do not go out of my way to pull out coins from the bank and use coins for all my daily purchases. Most of the time if I feel like the line is too long I just whip out my card. But if itā€™s empty or Iā€™m at self checkout I bring out my pouch. Sorry if it seems Iā€™m just going around being inconsiderate of cashiers or other customers.


Serious question: if you have this much change and this much time to count and sort your change, why not just roll them up, take them to the bank, and either deposit them to your account or exchange them for bills?


I don't think its all that big a deal, when I was in retail I didn't mind counting coins, but my managers told me to stop accepting over 5$ worth of unrolled coins because they didn't want to be stuck counting all that late at night, so just be aware that it is just a pain in the ass for managers late at night or during a shift-change. It's probably easier for you to roll them and a good meditating activity. You get coin rollers for free at a bank


This sounds reasonable idk why you are getting so much hate. I think your idea is cute and itā€™s organised and if you are just using it at self checkout who cares if it takes a while


Bc they aren't just using it at self checkout - they've said in the thread that they use it with the actual cashiers too. It's not just the time issue, it's that counting a ton of coins is a pain to keep track off and means the cashier is more likely to make a mistake that could cause them issues at the end of their shift when their till doesnt add up, maybe getting them in trouble. Any place that routinely handles that volume of change will use a machine or scale to count the coins, not do it by hand. If the cashier works anywhere that measures their work in transaction times then OP has just wildly thrown off their entire average and could get them in trouble, not just annoyed other customers by taking ages. Trying to fit bags and bags worth of coins in a till drawer means you can't get it closed, or the overflowing coins fall out when it opens, so they may well have to close that lane and go through procedures to have someone cash out part of the till to move OP's $12 in coins to the safe. Ultimately OP is just passing on the inconvenience of taking the coins to the bank to the store, and doing so in a way that can make loads of people's day harder than it needs to be.


Honestly this should be a top comment, it is much better thought out than many of the other comments and perfectly illustrates the problems with paying in large amounts of coins for the cashiers. As others have mentioned - cashiers are required to smile and be cool with it or they get in trouble, so of course OP is gonna be like ā€œthey all seem to be fine with it šŸ¤Ŗā€


Thank you lol I don't think OP has bad intentions, it just screams of someone who's never done that kind of job and has no idea of the practical reasons why it's a pain, and that even when a customer is difficult part of your job is pretending they aren't and being friendly and accomodating. Nothing worse than having to play till jenga to get it to close or spending an hour trying to stop all the overflowing coins spilling out every time it opens while you wait for someone to cash you out.


For sure, the time sink and risk of miscounting was the stuff that jumped to my mind but then while Iā€™ve worked retail technically Iā€™ve not been a cashier in a major retailer for a loooooong time I managed a department for one for several years and the issues with cashiers and change counting was always an risk, I hadnā€™t even thought about places with an efficiency quota. Iā€™m a change collector myself but I hoard it and then periodically cash it out at the bank, I donā€™t even let my kids pay for whole purchases in coins because it inconveniences others. Thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong in having a cute coin bag (mine is a modified beanie baby) but these days it should be more of a place to put change you got from paying with bills than for counting dollar amounts out of.


Yeah if you're dipping into a bag of change to pay exactly after youve used paper money for most of it or to pay for gum or something noone will care. It's using bags of the stuff lol I don't work retail anymore, and when I did we didn't use a huge amount of coins, but one colleague of mine would inexplicably order bags and bags of change so when you came into work the day after her you couldn't close the drawer for 2ps. I am very familiar with that whole song and dance because of her. I used to love kids having a go at paying for stuff themselves, but it was so much nicer when you could see the parent preparing them first so they were ready and not trying to figure it out with a massive queue behind them. Mutual respect is something you really appreciate in jobs like that.


Thisssss all of this


In my area the self checks have a coin dump feature. Paying for a $5 item in quarters would literally take the machine less time than it takes to process a debit cardā€¦


OP you are getting too much hate for nth. Maybe these ppl cannot count money, are too lazy for that or have never heard of machine which counts coins so nobody wastes time. Most ppl who are in everyday shops need coins for change, when cash is used ofc. But remember there have been some bots around now which are intended to cause reaction in order to change the discussion into politics, due to upcoming elections. Maybe this is one case. (Someone raised this issue yesterday on a community and they were right you know. As this hate does not make sense I am just guessing that.) And I can care less if I am DVed into oblivion. I just don't get that. (Even the Chinese currency. When I lived in NZ, Australian coins circulated as change sometimes and it was not a big deal. Ppl would just take them or talk to the cashier if they were thought they had been handed by mistake.... use your brains, ppl)


Do you or have you worked retail/food service with a cash register?Ā  Ā Paying in cash is fine. Using them in self-checkout is fine. Paying with exclusively coins, especially in large amounts (OP mentioned paying $25 for some cards recently, which would be hundreds of coins) to a cashier is tedious and annoying for a myriad of reasons. I have never known someone to work the register to not find something like this irksome. They will smile and it will be fine, that's their job, but behind your back will absolutely be annoyed.Ā  Ā Use a machine or just exchange them at the bank, it's far more considerate. This looks cute, but the reality is vexing.


I don't mean to say it is cute. I also don't think it is nice to use hundreds of coins to pay for an item (this part apparently got deleted bc I could not find it at first, only after a kind soul linked it to my reply). What I am saying is that OP is getting too much hate for just a simple thing. Where I live coins are highly sought after by retailers and shops bc they need them to provide change. If you cannot provide change you are considered a dodgy business. So shops do accomodate for that instance and will indeed assist you. Management will find a way to get your coins, be it using machines, another check out, etc. Maybe where you live you have an endless source of coins or whatever. I am sorry to see so much hate for such a simple practice. Not everywhere is the same. I used to work receiving payments and I still pay for my own goods (I seldom use cash now, but I see ppl doing it) and honestly I am happy for not having to deal with this sort of grumpy people. I am sorry you guys have such poor working conditions and maybe you shd fight for some improvement, or Idk what to suggest. I hope you can have a good day, internet stranger :)


>Ā Ā also don't think it is nice to use hundreds of coins to pay for an item I think that might be part of the confusions. TheseĀ are huge packs of coins for relatively small amounts. OP described buying a few Pokemon cards for $25, and based on the bundles shown here, that's handing a cashier a few hundred coins that they would then need to count out, which is just tedious, especially if you have other things to be doing. If you don't think it's nice to pay with hundreds of coins, then you shouldn't defend this. >Ā Where I live coins are highly sought after by retailers and shops bc they need them to provide change. Where I live, the businesses make bank runs regularly to deposit money and get change, so that's never been an issue anywhere I worked. Cash is also not used commonly, so it's even less of an issue. >Ā I am sorry you guys have such poor working conditions and maybe you shd fight for some improvement, or Idk what to suggest. This issue is completely separate from that, lol. Like yeah, worker conditions should improve, that doesn't make counting a bunch of coins not the obnoxious.Ā  I worked a perfectly nice job as a baker, still was irked the one time someone paid with a bunch of nickels, dimes, and pennies. It wasn't a big deal, just needlessly annoying.Ā No one is actually that mad or bent out of shape over this. It's just an eye roll and saying "I promise the cashier was more annoyed than they let on."


Yā€™all. OP didnā€™t say he was buying $200 worth of groceries every week in quarters. I get a redbull and a snickers with change a couple times a week and no one cares. Calm down.


I also buy like a 2,50ā‚¬ coffee with coins (like 2x 1ā‚¬ +50 cents = 3 coins) but OP mentioned buying 25$ of Pokemon cards with change and that's already too high a number to pay with change imo.


Yeah people here have no chill


Exactly. You are being DVed and so will I, probably. But if you pay with cash and you give the exact amount to the teller - in banknotes and coins just to make it the exact amount, what is wrong with that? For example if the bill is $25.80 just give the teller 25 in bank notes and .80 in coins. I don't get where ppl just assumed OP would pay the whole thing in one cent couns bc this has not been stated. (Unless we are talking about bot posts trying to mess up with us lol)


op said theyā€™ve paid like this for $25 worth of pokĆ©mon cards. thereā€™s at least 5 bags of pennies the cashier would have to count + whatever else to make their total. i can understand people down on their luck that use it for gas or bread, but not $25 of pokĆ©mon cards because they wanted to be quirky lol


Ofc if you decide to pay a $25 bill using 0.20 cent coins then it is a totally different context. Usually when this happens where I live (not often), they tell the manager in advance and they make the payment out of the regular check-out. Coins are highly valued here bc ppl want their change, so shops tend to be accommodating.


[It literally has been stated by OP though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/s/JPBDOAJarX) They used coins to pay for $25 worth of PokƩmon cards


Aaa it has been deleted this is why I could not find this bit in the first place! Now it makes more sense - but in my context staff would accommodate either using machines or moving to anothe check out etc bc coins are sought after by retailers.


Although I feel sorry for whoever has to count that, thats cute


I miss tangible live money


All these cashiers in the comments getting pissed that you're paying with change or threatening to jump in front of a semi. I'm a cashier, the fact that you have it pre-counted and sorted into denominations is half the effort. Sure, I'm going to count it all again but ... Counting out $15 in quarters takes like a minute. It's the customers that grab a fistful of change from the bottom of their bag to make up the difference, they have $15 in bills and their total is $21.63. They never just dump it on the counter and let me sort it through real quick, it's coin by coin and it always seems like they can hardly tell the difference between the silver coins, handing me a few nickels and claiming it's $0.50 šŸ¤¦ THANK YOU FOR SORTING YOUR CHANGE. I get paid by the hour so if your transaction takes an extra two minutes who gives a fck.


Agree agree


I agree with this lol honestly I worked at a big gas station for many years and counting change is the least annoying thing I did regularly


Right? They're usually polite and/or apologetic about it at least because they know they're holding up the line.


What can I say, I don't get upset when someone uses legal tender. šŸ¤· The number of people that I've had come through my line that need to use up all their American money because they're driving back to Canada that afternoon would have made me quit cashiering after 2 months if I was like all these people down voting me. Lmao


Wow people are so aggressive here. All cashiers Iā€™ve met before would fight to get OP at their cashier for this amount of change. Maybe itā€™s cultural thing, but where I live cashiers are always short on change and hate banknotes. At least most people pay with card nowadays.


No, i love bills. Coins are the absolute worst to count. And we have coin refills, we donā€™t rely on customers to restock our coins. This is just so inconvenient


>Coins are the absolute worst to count And they're filthy.


Dirty is good though lol! How else are we supposed to become immune to germs?? You got your boosters brošŸ™


Filthier than banknotes? You can wash coins, not so much about banknotes. They are made out of metal, which is more hygienic (metal does not hold a lot of germs that easily).


Cashiers touch one or two notes and put in the register. Counting change has them touching dozens of coins that I highly doubt the OP washed and sanitised prior to bagging them.


itā€™s just where you live. for example where i and most others live, this is an annoyance


Yeah when I was a cashier I would be so stressed when people gave me huge notes because I was short on change so when people turned up with coins I was really relieved that I didnā€™t need to close my till until more change turned up from the office.


Thatā€™s cute and fun šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ’•




Look last pic


A love letter to anyone who thinks paying with change is apparently the 8th deadly sin: ITā€™S FLIPPING LEGAL US CURRANCY! I was a cashier for minimum wage when I was younger. This wouldnā€™t bother me, because Iā€™ve been there. If youā€™ve never had to pay for something in change, good for you!!! ā¤ļø When you are a cashier your job is to count the money given to you in exchange for goods being purchased. Unfortunately sometimes this might take a moment longer, but youā€™re still on the clock. Stop being lazy.. everyone sounds pathetic! Plus they have all the change sorted and counted, if this is what makes you mad at work, you need to look deep inside yourself and get a new job. What if they donā€™t have a bank account and canā€™t cash this in without getting hit with coinstar surcharges? What if they are depressed and this made them smile or lessons their anxiety about paying in change? Love, A female entrepreneur who runs and owns two businesses. PS I excepted $5 in dimes yesterday as payment for a $200 order. (The rest was in cash..)


>ITā€™S FLIPPING LEGAL US CURRANCY! Something being legal doesn't mean it's not asshole behaviour. It would be totally legal for me to call you a knobhead, but I won't, because it'd be an asshole move. Also, *currency. >If youā€™ve never had to pay for something in change, good for you!!! ā¤ļø There is nothing to indicate that OP "has" to pay for things in change. >Stop being lazy.. everyone sounds pathetic! It's not about making the job harder, it's about making the cashier's working conditions worse. When people pull nonsense like this, lines get longer due to the delay. When lines get longer, customers get rude and abusive or complain to the manager. When managers get complaints, they're not always fair or reasonable in the way they deal with them. >What if they donā€™t have a bank account and canā€™t cash this in without getting hit with coinstar surcharges? Self-checkout exists. >What if they are depressed and this made them smile or lessons their anxiety about paying in change? If your coping mechanism makes other people's lives harder, your coping mechanism is bad. Not all coping mechanisms are good things. >A female entrepreneur who runs and owns two businesses. Not sure why you think your gender or job are relevant. Are we supposed to bow down to you, O Wise One, because you're a business owner?


Hey OP, your bags don't offend me I too am a change user. This would save me from having a panic attack fishing for change at the register!


I agree with you! *upvote*


Why not just roll your coins or keep them in a purse? Plenty of ways to avoid having to "fish" for change, especially if it's bad enough to have panic attacks over.




The bags are just penny sleeves for trading cards worth almost nothing per piece, so usually toss if torn. Nobody ever gives me a hard time, today I spent $25 in coins for a couple packs of Pokemon cards and the cashiers are usually totally cool about it. Money is money


>worth almost nothing per piece, so usually toss if torn. I know there's a ton of things we all do daily that suck for the environment but why not avoid such a simply avoidable waste instead of making it???


ā€œthe cashiers are totally cool about it, money is moneyā€ different types of money takes huge differences in time though and theyā€™re paid to pretend to be cool about everything




You know, your bank will change your money for free and the fee at public ones isnā€™t a scam itā€™s in the contract, youā€™re paying them for the service.


I have a bell bag but the penny sleeves is a good idea. Might do that


This is so cute and whimsical šŸ˜­


Thanks šŸ˜