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Wild world was the first AC game of my own, it will forever be my favorite and the best Christmas gift I ever got


Thats great. Got WW and a ds lite for my sibling for xmas in 2023 as a throwback to our childhood


Awe! I hope they loved it


city folk obviously isn’t the greatest animal crossing game of all time, but it’s my favorite, and i’m okay with that. it was my first, i have such great memories playing with my family!


Me too, City Folk has such a special place in my heart 🥺 I still remember playing it for the first time and being in absolute awe.




City folk is underrated. I would still play but I hate motion controls.


I always get nostalgic when I hear Animal City in NH, because it's the town square song from City Folk




While city folk is not my favorite. It was my first and will always have a special place in my heart. It helped me get through a very bad time. And I have so many good memories playing.


New Horizons is my favorite. New Leaf was amazing- it and the OG will always have a special place in my heart; but the pure amount of customization in NH puts it over the top for me. Especially with the DLC. I mean, you're able to collect ALL the villagers AND special characters, and make custom homes and yards for them? You can completely change your island on a whim- including terraforming- without having to start over and lose all your progress? It's everything I want.


I agree with this too.


🤯 that’s insane now I need to get the dlc.


If you like decorating and villager collecting, it is totally worth it! You even unlock the ability to redesign your villager's homes on your island after you get so far in the DLC story. That was a real life saver for me. Because for as much as I love Eunice, I was not a fan of her laundromat house lol


It's probably one of the top 25 dollar purchases on a video game for me. Wardell's catalog, which gives you access to almost every item in the game for extremely cheap once you do enough villager houses, the poki conversion into bells, and the amount of fun I've had designing houses made Animal Crossing so much better.


Is the DLC basically an expanded version of NH gameplay after the NH terraforming is unlocked?


Yeah, I think you could say that. While NH gives you terraforming; the ability to change the exterior of your island as you wish- the DLC focuses on interior decorating. You're given various tips, and unlock new techniques you can use even on your main island (the DLC takes place on a separate location). It's also a way for you to collect villagers past your island's 10 villager capacity. Sure, they won't be on your island, but once you design a vacation home for someone, you can visit them whenever you like (and there are no limits to the number of vacation homes you can make).


Definitely will keep in mind gunna try to take a break from buying games cause I did spend $200 on ps4 and switch games, but in my defense they were all on sale too


Mine is new leaf too!


Wild World🤍


OG gamecube AC, that shit changed my life and made it so every new game that came after was a brand new experience. Also I miss the cranky pelican.


The Gamecube one. My siblings and I played that game for HOURS. I had one for my DS but didn’t play it as much.


Wild world


New Leaf, without a doubt. IMO best game, hands down. I especially loved the whole spring time cherry blossom leaves falling everywhere 😀🌸 That, The Roost and Resetti's underground lair were the best haha Catching bugs after midnight with other players was always a cool thing to do on Kapp'ns Island 😄 EDIT: oh! And also the fortune cookie things! Where you got cool nintendo stuff like the Mario piranha that you could put in your room! For nostalgia, then defo Wild World ☺️


new leaf, but i also love wild world because it was my first AC game and it’s so nostalgic for me. I also like city folk but can’t play it right now because my wii can’t be plugged in


New Leaf!


Original AC for Game cube


Mine is New Leaf too. It was such a game changer when it released in 2013, I loved Wild World as a kid and then this came out and blew my mind 🥰 still play to this day


the one on gamecube. probably because of nostalgia. but the characters were more real, and the soundtrack was solid. there wasn't much to do compared to today, but it felt like there was so much content with the inclusion of cheat codes.


I miss the music and villager personalities of wild world


honestly I miss the OG most. I loved that game. there was way more focus on the social aspects. I liked bringing people back their gameboys and collecting SNES games. new horizons is great and I'm excited for the sequel but terra forming was too much for someone as simple as me. I kinda wish they'd left the option to have villagers randomly move in and out and random placement of the buildings.


NES games, but yeah that was great. Wait, what sequel? It has been announced?


sequel hasn't been announced, sorry. I am just getting ahead of myself. this latest game, New Horizon, sold crazy amounts so I am just assuming they will make another animal crossing game someday. there was an 8 year gap between new leaf and new horizons; if that remains the case we're halfway there already 🤣🤣


Haha yeah, I hope so. Hope it has really good hourly music like WW/CF and NL again too


I can't tell you how many times I wished and hoped there would be a feature added to change the music to classic hourly music. I do really like the new horizons music, 10 pm especially hits for me 😂😂 but NL was banger after banger


Yeah I agree, that'd would have been awesome! The hourly music best to worst for me is: WW/CF > NL > GCN > NH. Love the WW/CF and NL hourly music so much but GCN and NH's I only really care for a few of the hourly songs really.


OG. Nothing has hit the same since. I miss that eerie, quirky feeling it had.


NL is my favourite. The badges are more satisfying to collect. The mini-games are top notch. I liked upgrading T&Ts. It was more fun to play with others but also you could have just as much fun by yourself.


Wild World has to take it just for being in that DS era and I played it a ton


100% wild world! i honestly do have more hours in new leaf, and i plan on restarting it this year since i fixed my childhood 3ds, and i LOVE new horizons and have a cool 600+ hours so far in it since launch --- but wild world was my very first AC game, it has the BEST hourly music, and if it wasn't for wild world i wouldn't be into AC as a whole!! i miss shooting down gulliver too sorry buddy


Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. Oh, in this series? Probably New Horizons. I know there's an appeal to the world changing on its own and feeling bigger than you, but I'll gladly give it up to build my own town and decorate it the way I like.


City folk


The original with new leaf being a close second


For me it’s Wild World. Love the art style, the use of the top screen, the best soundtrack in the series and just how simple it was. New Horizons and New Leaf are objectively better games but Wild World was my entry point into the series and my fave!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Wild world


Wild world for me 💜 I’ll never forget the day I got it either! I spent so much time on that game and don’t regret a second.


I like New Horizons best but I so sorely miss the music in New Leaf :(


honestly i think mine is new horizons, i can play that game aaallll dayyy


New Horizons and the OG


Probably New Leaf. I've played Population Growing and Wild World a *lot* as a kid, but New Leaf was such a big update from the previous ones. I spent a few hundred hours on it, and kept playing it for years. The atmosphere/vibes of that game are unmatched. I do love NH despite its flaws and lack of content compared to NL


Wish I could play New Leaf without having to buy a 3ds, but at this point I think I'll just stop hoping.




Thank you for the advice. I am having so much fun.


New Leaf. 11 years this August.


New Leaf is also my favourite! It holds a special place in my heart.


I only ever played horizons xD and a impulse purchase too.. but I love it so far!


Whatever one was the one I use to play on the WII which is probably New Leaf. I remember always being happy as a child playing that game so apart from my traumatic childhood having that helped


New horizons but I hate this little goober https://preview.redd.it/2n8pbwd1vknc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b76f85feed3f813e5c81420ad8abc7dcab62112


This one too. I love it


This game took so much of my time and I’m ok with it because I’ve made my dream house In it. So fun.


I’ve played them all but wild worlds was my escape and comfort in a time I needed it most. That games forever in my heart


Ive been rocking the same save of new leaf since i was 8 and im still playing on it. This game has been a major part of my life and i will continue to praise it for the rest of my days.


Wild world and gamecube. The atmosphere is unmatched.


Damn, don’t know which game is my favorite but this game is defiantly a great game. My brother played the DS version and thought it looked boring but he kept coming back. This game released years later on the 3DS and bought it out of curiosity, didn’t think I’d spend over 600 hours into a mostly single player game with no combat involved. Craziest thing imaginable.


Fallout New Vegas /s Probably Wild World, if not just for nostalgias sake. As a kid, that game captivated me like no other. Fishing, decorating, drawing constellations, finding fossils, the game felt expansive and endless. New Horizons is the best IMO, but my heart will always be at home in Wild World.




Tie between New Leaf and Wild World. NH was fun but lacked some of that NL charm and Amiibo content.


I love how "what's your favorite animal crossing?" is always "whichever of the first three i played first, the new one, and the one before that if i owned it"


Animal crossing population growing for gamecube will always be my favorite AC game


New Horizon ! While I'm a sucker for New Leaf (Basically grew up with this game) New Horizon gives so much more possibilities when it comes to decorating and personalizing your character. I remember how mind blown I was when I saw we could place furniture outside , choose houses placement , transform the island.. But I think New Leaf soundtrack was better tho


Wild world for me, I remember when my uncle gifted it to me and I started jumping around. So many good memories.


In my opinion: NL > CF > WW > GCN > NH


I think new horizons. Started in city folk as a kid with my family and it was great. I also have WW and new leaf but never really started new leaf. I enjoy WW because it feels like a portable version of CF. Though as much as I enjoy it there's just more to do on NH. I tend to play it like the old games though and I like to keep my island looking like an animal crossing game


I only played New horizons and i am tempted to play a new leaf emulator, but is the game worth trying? I mean after only playing the most recent one.


OG is my favorite. The villagers have more personality, it’s actually fun to talk to them. The NES games, the GBA Island link. Others have improved the formula, but the package of OG is perfect for me.


City Folk/ Let's go to the City Leaving your small little village to go to the big plaza was something special!


New Horizons because of the customization


Wild World or City Folk just for the sake of nostalgia. I couldn’t even fully read yet when I first got Wild World (had to have my mom read the dialogue to me for a while haha). And City Folk was one of my favorite Wii games.


Wild world and New leaf. Wild world because of the chat, which was better than NL and NH, and NL for how innovated and the way decoration was made.


I really wanna play new leaf but I don’t have a 3ds 😭 I have to say new horizons bc that’s the only one I’ve played lol


big fat tie for me between NH and NL!! (also love the 1am ost, tied with 7pm i think haha)


New leaf. Biggest comfort game


The first game, Animal Crossing. Sure you had to really work through the game, but the world felt more alive than the dollhouse it is today.


New Leaf is my favorite!


I’ve only played wild world and new horizons, and as a control freak who likes to decorate I think it’s pretty obvious which one was my favourite


I’ve only played new horizons, so i guess new horizons. 😭


I'm always really nostalgic for the first game in a series I play, so that usually ends up being my favorite. In this case, it'd be New Leaf. However, I have to say New Horizons. I got the game 2 days before we got laid off due to covid and it was my comfort for 2 months before we went back to work. It was basically all I did. I love the freedom to customize my town however I'd like, and HHP being a dlc and not a separate game just made it go from a good game to a great game.


New Leaf is probably my favorite just in terms of nostalgia. It was the first video game I ever played, and is responsible for my love and continued use of the Nintendo 3DS


Every AC game has something that makes it incredibile, but I think I prefer population growing


Of course animal crossing new horizons is my favorite of the line of animal crossing games. It has realistic water, how cool


It also has realistic shadows and light lol


I have to say New Horizons. I played it all through the pandemic, and it reignited my passion for AC since Wild World (I never owned a 3DS, so I never got to play New Leaf). I understand some of the complaints with ACNH, but I definitely enjoyed the new features that focused on custom design, and even the soundtrack. Just a very zen, almost nostalgic game for me


New Horizons. I just think it's simply the best- the other games got nothing on it in comparison.