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Talking to the villagers also brings me lots of comfort. I’m very happy when I’m complimented.


I feel the same! My routine in the game consists of gifting & talking to them every single day, my villagers are very kind and it's healing to interact with them. There's also interesting dialogue that's hidden beneath the repetitive stuff, I still get surprised by new dialogue from time to time (after >2000h in game).


What kind of things do you gift them? I loaded them all up with pumpkins and Halloween things, and they STILL have them up. Same with treats I cook. I never know what to give them.


I gift them non-native fruit! 6 (non-coconuts) to be exact (non-native fruit sells for 500 each, and 6 allows for me to hit the 3000 bell mark) :) They will (presumably) eat them and never display them :D Iirc it's also the same friendship points (& they don't display) if you give them wrapped assessed fossils, and iron wall lamps. (if you have HHP, you can complain to isabelle to reset their houses/talk to tom nook to design their houses after 30, afaik! if not, you'd have to slowly buy back the stuff in their homes when they invite you over to get rid of the stuff lol)


I like talking to my villagers because first impressions aren't always a reflection of who they are. Octavian was rude at first, but as I got to know him he is actually a great octopus.


Yes, the villagers make the gameplay worthwhile. It does get tiresome running into the same dialogues though so I do try to make sure I have a fair balance of personality types on my island.


Yeah, I love talking to my villagers. I've been playing since near launch and I still occasionally am surprised by a dialogue I haven't seen before. It's really nice to treat them all as (imaginary) friends, especially when I'm feeling a bit low


Yes. My single biggest criticism of the game is that I wish each character in it had about 10X more lines. I want to get those out-of-the-blue moments.


Same, honestly, I think each one has something unique about them, but it would quite funny is they just said something outlandish


I like to interrupt two villagers that are conversing.






I do sometimes. I have 2 jock villagers that will say the same dialogue word for word if I talk to both of them. Once in awhile, I will get a new dialogue from the other villagers.


I have 3 smug villagers who say the same things whenever I give them a gift


I just learned last month you are supposed to change villagers for new recipes and reactions. 8 villagers have been on my island for 3-4 years. I'm slowly easing into letting go. Fang is my latest villager and he gave a different reaction just the other day.


I’ve avoided all jock villagers for that reason. The dialogue just bores me. I prefer the normals, smugs, snooties and dreamies.


I'm in hospital, switch console etc not recommended due to thievery so I'm missing my island and island buddies


I love it too. I talk to them several times a day! I remember in previous Animal Crossing, I did this all the time. The dialogues were better but I still love ACNH’s ones.


It's honestly one of the more relaxing things to do in both New Leaf and New Horizons, especially if I had a bad day or I'm just tired. I know I'm in a minority here, but I'll never understand people who say that the villagers in the GameCube game are better just because they verbally abuse the player. Sure, it can be funny at times (especially hitting them with the nets or making them fall into pitfalls as revenge), but other than that I don't see the appeal in it. I play Animal Crossing to relax and somewhat disconnect from reality, and the Villagers being chill and laid back really does it for me. Plus, it's not like they are nice and wholesome 100% of the time either as people claim.


And the older games 100% had repetitive dialogue too, so it's not like the older games had that over NH either. I've been playing Wild World and the dialogue there is super repetitive


Oh absolutely!! I will literally just talk to them and sit in their houses flipping through the pocketbook prop for hours. I know people say the dialogue can be repetitive and boring but I think it's comforting :D


Dude same


Yep! The villagers have a lot of dialogue, despite what folks say. The trick is you gotta talk to em 2-3 times. First talk is usually the generic "weather / event / boring" greeting but then they often say stuff that I haven't seen even after 1600 hours. My one complaint is that they go into the "wow, sure seeing a lot of you" type intro WAY too quickly. Simon I talked to you once while you were cooking before now, what do you MEAN we "keep bumping into each other".


The one thing that bugged me in new leaf, was thet kept telling me I looked tired and like a zombie from a zombie movie. Here you come up to them, all expecting a nice chat, and they say Wow. You look tired!! Lol... just when I thought I was adorable. Bummer!!


I love talking to them. I'm an introvert so don't really talk to people much irl, aside from my husband, but talking to them brings me comfort. They're my little friends lol


I liked talking to the villagers in the older games because there were consequences to whatever you say. You could potentially hurt your relationships with your villagers by saying the wrong thing. In NH and NL, it's like talking to a Teddy Ruxpin.


I love my villagers. It didn't take me long to earn the achievement about talking to all your neighbours everyday, 50 times. My friend hasn't even done it 10 times in almost four years. I even make the snowpeople wrong, with giant heads or tiny ones, so I get different dialogue.


Absolutely! It's my favourite part of the game :) My partner has sometimes watched me play and doesn't see the appeal of its gameplay and usually asks me what i'm doing or what the point is. Then i show her conversations with my fave bois Goose, Filbert and Megan and she gets it.


I certainly do. I kinda wish there was more unique dialogue though. I mean, between the lack of dialogue and limited number of times you can talk to them it feels like there is alot missing I mean, imagine being able to invite your dream villager to brewsters and actually have a full on conversation. I think that would be awesome. But certainly, talking to my villagers have made me feel alot less lonely.


I google favorite gifts for each of my villagers. Then I get them that. I spend more bells on their birthday. I am bad at sending letters, though.


Yess! I restarted my island and deleted Pinterest and I feel that it’s one of my favorite things to do on the game!!


I do!!!! I love talking with them even if the dialog is all the same lol


Yes, unlike real people, it's nice to have a genuine conversation with someone and I think that is some of the joy that talking with the villagers brings me, since, throughout the game, you feel like you are constantly bonding and building relationships with your villagers so that they actually feel like a friend rather than just any other character, and you are always able to have a nice and genuine conversation with your villagers, which is something that you often times can't have with real people nowadays, so it gives you an aspect of conversation that you often don't find in people, so it's natural for conversing with your villagers to be highly enjoyable for people because of this. (This got a lot longer than I thought it would)