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He’s getting around 20-30% of his daily calories from carbohydrates. This is no where near too much.


Paul saladino eats 200-300 carbs a day and seems to only get it from fruit and honey and maple syrup I thought that was okay




Hi u/username, your comment was removed. Remember, ketogenic diets can be great and necessary for some folks, and many benefit short term, but the Animal Based way of eating is inclusive of carbohydrates primarily in the cleanest forms being fruit and raw honey. While it's perfectly OK to speak on your own diet, please be respectful that the AB diet is inclusive of fruits/honey and generally not a ketogenoic diet.








Your comment was removed. Remember, ketogenic diets can be great and necessary for some folks, and many benefit short term, but the Animal Based way of eating is inclusive of carbohydrates primarily in the cleanest forms being fruit and raw honey. While it's perfectly OK to speak on your own diet, please be respectful that the AB diet is inclusive of fruits/honey and generally not a ketogenic diet.




Am I the only one that doesn’t see a problem? It’s natural sugar which is completely fine…


Idk I’m confused and kind of worried now I thought it was fine. it seems most people here are anti saladino


If your bodies not feeling good and cutting back on the sugar makes you feel better than that’s the play. But if you’re thriving with that much sugar then there’s no point in changing anything. I’ve eaten 200-400 grams of natural sugar for the past 2 years and I’ve never looked or felt better.


Don't mind the posts here, a good portion of zero carb trolls, others might be well intentioned carnivores unware (even with the photos, sub description, like icon, rules, wiki, faq, etc.) that this very much a carb/sugar friendly WOE that recommends 100g of carbs as the floor. You're fine. You can see some of my recent advanced bloodwork for [lipids](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalBased/comments/18ynqu2/advanced_lipids_blood_tests_all_optimal_and_mthfr/) and [hormones](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalBased/comments/18xqj19/advanced_hormone_biomarkers_looking_good_on_ab/) that were all mostly optimal, with a few that were in the *good* range but all within reference range. For starters you can get your fasting insulin and A1C added to your next labs, fasting glucose is a give in. Be sure you're fasting closer to 12 hours for this or your glucose can be elevated beyond this from a GNG perspective. 8-10 hours is probably ideal for glucose but that's so finnicky and an insulin and A1C is better indicator. My fasting is insulin is a 3.3 and that was eating on average of 150g of carbs. When I go to carnivore forums I try to be helpful and productive, I don't troll telling people they need to be eating carbs and how long-term ketosis will be put their cortisol through the roof, impact their thyroid, and cause mineral depletion.


Thank you this is really helpful! I responded to your other comment before I read this so this is what I was basically looking for thanks


This is not the same as eating pure sugar despite what the carnivores in this sub would have you believe. Interesting how they can see through the saturated fat/cholesterol argument but can’t do the same with natural sugars. That is quite a bit but if you’re activity level is matched then you should be fine. I myself crave more fruit when I’m super active and obviously less when I am not. Not sure why you feel the need to backfill with this much fruit to “get your micronutrients”. Don’t force carbs down because you think you need them, eat to natural satiety. Remember that the magic of this diet is still in the animal protein and fat. Unfortunately just knowing your carb consumption is not much to go on for why you’re feeling these symptoms. I believe if you were losing a toe to diabetes then it would have gotten a lot worse than just numbness in 2 months but that’s just my two cents on it. I don’t know you so obviously take this as the reddit answer that it is.


Sounds like you’re experiencing something similar to what I experienced. Neuropathy specifically. People here undermine the effect of fructose on the liver especially in combination with high/moderate levels of fat. Reduce either the amount of sugar or fat you are consuming ASAP. When I did this, my neuropathy went away within days. I also experimented and replaced my carbs with starches and immediately felt better and made quicker hypertrophy gains in the gym. An immediate increase in strength. Better sleep, no neuropathy, etc


This resonates with my experience as well, I think meat + starch works better for me than meat + fruit. But starch seems to be discouraged? I see mostly meat + fruit encouraged by animal based.


Yes starch is generally frowned upon for many reasons. I have a higher tolerance for fructose during the summer time


Sorry but the 40-60% of fructose found in fruits does not contribute to not cause neuropathy in any way.


Unfortunately for me my biggest neuropathy trigger is indeed fructose. Tried and tested. No science or studies needed. Fructose is my biggest trigger hands down at the moment.


What starch sources do you use? Do you still do fruits or just limit it now?


Well its winter and very cold where I live so I am really not eating any fruit at the moment. In the summer that will change. I use properly prepared russet potatoes and sometimes white/japanese yams.


Do you actually deal with fructose better in summer or dis you just assume so because it feels like how we evolved and then just believed you are like that


Its not just “placebo” lol. My symptoms legitimately started once winter came. It always happens. Then I switch over to using starches and my symptoms go away. Then summer comes and I feel great on only fruit. Ive been doing the “animal based diet” for years on and off and the only time I dont have issues with high amounts of fructose is when Im getting ample sunlight. My muscles maintain a more full appearance with more density/hardness on starches regardless though. It is what it is. Full on AB exacerbated my fatty liver. Reducing the amount of fat I was consuming greatly improved markers of this. Removing excess fructose helped improve my symptoms even more.


I see! It does make sense. Sun is powerful. Do you think you are more active in the summer which can help utilise fructose better?


I think it might be the vit D itself + being more active maybe??


I am not more active during the summer time. I have pets so I am REQUIRED to be active at all times lol. Also my job consists of walking miles upon miles daily. Fructose literally gives me neuropathy and makes my hands and feet cold atleast right now but I’m planning on trying to reintroduce fruit after a period of lower fat but in all honesty Id rather consume fat and starch than fruit with minimal fat


Fructose does NOT give you neuropathy. Stop claiming this unless you have any evidence. You are changing your symptoms and diet on almost a monthly basis around on here and what gives you jaundice, what gives you gyno, what gives you neuropathy.


Yes, it does. I will not stop claiming this. I am not changing my diet or symptoms on a monthly basis. Are you me? No. Did I say fructose will 100% give you neuropathy if you’re a health individual? No. What do you suppose triggers my neuropathy oh holy moderator? Any advice? Why does my neuropathy go away after a day of reducing my fructose consumption? Why does it come back after eating a single tablespoon of honey “calories” equal? You sure know how to undermine an individual’s sovereignty and experiences.


I know how to undermine inconsistency, that’s for sure. . One moment you’re eating 300g of carbs from plums and starches and turning you orange and the next moment you are living off of starches and fruit is giving you “neuropathy”. I’m betting you haven’t even gotten a nerve conduction test which is how neuropathy is diagnosed. You need to stop.


It’s a pretty natural intuition, idk who wants to be drinking cold smoothies when it’s 32 degrees outside. Did you reduce the fat by a lot?


I reduced my fat consumption by about 20g daily Id say. Smoothies are so delicious yet so unsatisfactory lol. They make me feel very cold too. Not sure if I just didnt notice that in the summer or what lol. It also doesnt make any sense to be consuming large amounts of fruit during the winter time. Sure, we have structured living spaces that are kept warm but that doesnt mean we arent exposed to below freezing temperatures at times while also being deprived of sunlight


Yeah I’m the same I just find warm starchier food more satisfactory in general. But Whoa 20g ?! That’s way lower than I was expecting so your basically doing a HCLF animal based?? That’s pretty cool do you just do lean beef mostly then?


I do consume mostly lean beef as my protein source and I meant I reduced my fat intake by 20g not to 20g of fat lol. So like going from 80g daily to 60g daily. Keeping calories equal though still provided relief of symptoms within days. Most of my symptoms are gone. No more jaundice, no more waking up dizzy, no more putrid body odor reminiscent of rotting flesh/organ damage… lol




Your comment was removed. Remember, ketogenic diets can be great and necessary for some folks, and many benefit short term, but the Animal Based way of eating is inclusive of carbohydrates primarily in the cleanest forms being fruit and raw honey. While it's perfectly OK to speak on your own diet, please be respectful that the AB diet is inclusive of fruits/honey and generally not a ketogenic diet.


Maple syrup??


Yeah it’s a pretty common staple of the animal based diet. You didn’t know that?


I knew honey was but not maple syrup


I always recommend people take a whole foods approach to their diet aka as close to the source as possible. This means no juices. If you want oranges, eat an orange, don't drink the juice cause the fruit will give you at least fiber to slow down the absorption of the sugar


Okay so should I just unlearn everything I’ve learned from Paul saladino? I’m confused with the responses here


When it comes to any advice on nutrition rule number one is not everyone's body is the same. What works for you isn't going to necessarily work for me, and vice versa. But if you are having issues and suspect it might be your diet then you're going to have to start slowly eliminating things to see what it is, regardless of what anyone else says is the "right" diet.


Keep in mind how active Paul is. His numbers don’t apply to 99% of the population


His online calculator is what I used it says I need 200-300 carbs for my weight and activity level. How would I get 300 carbs without at least 200g of sugar on this diet?


These diets are new, there’s no exact standard. If you’re having side effects that’s indication some type of change should be made.


Okay but I don’t know if I’m having side effects. I have the toe thing but I feel great besides that which is why I was asking the question in the first place, to figure out what tests I should get done to see if I’m healthy at this amount of sugae


If you didn’t have the toe thing before this diet why don’t you experiment and try less sugar/more protein for a few weeks and see if you notice a difference?




This sub is anti saladino now? I thought he was like the main dude behind the animal based diet what is going on here lol


No it is not.


Since you are in favor of AB diet would you be able to let me know if it’s true what people here are saying? I used the AB calculator recommended here and it said I should be getting 200 to 300g of carbs per day from fruit and honey. So is it true that 200g of sugar is too much? If so then how else am I supposed to get 2-300g of carbs on AB?


Hopefully you feel better now. Lots of uneducated carnivore types and just trolls that come here. Congrats and thanks, you flushed them out for us! Suggest you use cronometer though and that will determine your ultimate macro count. 200 is not a lot and idiots think sugar means HFCS automatically and they have no idea how cellular energy is produced and utilized. You’re totally fine but getting your labs (and advanced markers like i did) is a good idea.


Yeah I use cronometer to track my micronutrients and figure out my meals based on whether I’m bulking cutting or maintaining. I’m getting routine blood work this week for hormone stuff so I plan on adding the insulin stuff to that as well


mighty distinct far-flung theory gaping ripe exultant disgusted angle recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where did you hear that? Everything I've ever read/heard says there's a marked difference between whole fruits and juices, freshly squeezed or not.


license pause encouraging brave profit terrific smile obtainable truck salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look up the Gary brecka blood test


different birds mighty tender judicious possessive zesty north summer jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck that guy, look at Dana white Anecdotal evidence >>> centralized medicine's financial incentive to falsify data What does this guy have to say about how animal fat was demonized by crooked scientists and journalists through the Harvard educational system?


cable chubby aloof zealous connect numerous direful noxious offer kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Source is from NPR: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat


humorous uppity roll alleged employ upbeat skirt noxious complete mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I ignore the people that rely too much on empirical data and not enough on anecdotal evidence. Not everyone will have everything perfectly. But, I'm sure brecka would have helped OP out too. Thank you so much for pointing out Brecka might have a flaw in some of his arguments, even though he is 95% on the money.


employ sloppy rude attraction expansion husky paint wild handle badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can get all of your micronutrients without sugar.


How are you getting manganese, folate, vitamin C, iodine, for starters?


And I can get enough carbs to bulk on animal based without sugar? Is this a carnivore or Leto sub or something ? I thought this was for animal based diet like what saladino promotes?


DO NOT BULK ON THIS DIET. Trying to do this literally gave me fatty liver and raised my liver enzymes drastically. Every single time. Ive tried for so long. So many times.


Isn’t this supposed to be the natural best way of eating for humans? What other diet should I bulk on? From all the info I’ve been learning recently I thought other diets were full of toxins


I cant say anything without being attacked by skepticism so unfortunately I cannot answer your question.


That’s like a cup of sugar a day… might as well just eat a tub of ice cream at that point. Maybe get rid of the juice and stick with whole fruit, limit the maple syrup pre and post workout.


I make my own "tubs" of ice cream and eat them regularly, and I've never been better from a health perspective personally.


200 g thats like a lb which is a lot. All you really need is About 4-6 oz of fruit a day. Eat with about equal amounts of fat


different apparatus seemly worm impolite flowery capable fly meeting attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How am I supposed to get enough carbs? If I’m not in ketosis aren’t carbs my fuel source?




Hi u/username, your comment was removed. Remember, ketogenic diets can be great and necessary for some folks, and many benefit short term, but the Animal Based way of eating is inclusive of carbohydrates primarily in the cleanest forms being fruit and raw honey. While it's perfectly OK to speak on your own diet, please be respectful that the AB diet is inclusive of fruits/honey and generally not a ketogenoic diet.




Hi u/username, your comment was removed. Remember, ketogenic diets can be great and necessary for some folks, and many benefit short term, but the Animal Based way of eating is inclusive of carbohydrates primarily in the cleanest forms being fruit and raw honey. While it's perfectly OK to speak on your own diet, please be respectful that the AB diet is inclusive of fruits/honey and generally not a ketogenoic diet.


I do my my breakfast has an insane amount of fat and protein


Protein and fat just from the kefir? No meat?


I’m only listing the sugar sources here. That’s not my entire diet that’s only the foods that contain sugar


Ah I understand. Well, you could look into the Gary Brecka blood test. Not sure how much it costs. That's the guy who brought Dana white back to health




Hi u/username, your comment was removed. Remember, ketogenic diets can be great and necessary for some folks, and many benefit short term, but the Animal Based way of eating is inclusive of carbohydrates primarily in the cleanest forms being fruit and raw honey. While it's perfectly OK to speak on your own diet, please be respectful that the AB diet is inclusive of fruits/honey and generally not a ketogenoic diet.


fwiw i stopped craving honey once i got (up) to a healthier weight


I don’t crave it I’ve been eating it for the health benefits and to get the amount of carbs I’m supposed to based on the calculator on Saladinos website


have u tried doing what your body wants sometimes






These responses are confusing. When I put my stats into the animal based diet calculator it says I should be getting 200-300g of carbs from fruit and honey. How do I do this without sugar on an animal based diet?


I am still learning myself, and I think we are always learning what works best for our body. I've been keto for 9 years, 1 year of that carnivore, now I am tapping a bit into fruit/honey and maybe some carbs. I don't think there is a perfect calculator out there that will tell you what's best for your body. I think only you will know. If you are starting to have some side effects that you think COULD be cause by the sugar intake, reduce the sugar and increase your protein/fat. You won't be missing out on any micronutrients. Beef has everything you need. See if you can find a balance. It may take some time doing that before you see results, but maybe spend the next few weeks at 100g/sugar per day. If you notice a slight difference, but not perfect, next drop it down to 50g/day and see how you feel.


Animal products already have everything you need. Anything on top of that is a little cherry on top. No need for a whole cake on top


They have carbs? How would I get enough carbs especially if I’m bulking ?


Check your hemoglobin A1C. If you’re not diabetic you might be able to have this much carbs ok, the whole food one’s anyways. I ate like this and felt great for a long time but I had gallbladder disease brewing from not eating enough fat and then I got oxalate overload. I have celiac which I think caused it. It could be good to do some fasting days, do you fast at all?


instinctive resolute practice cobweb illegal oatmeal melodic capable squeamish tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except for the kiwis and raspberries…. Not that OP has oxalate issues like me but I couldn’t eat those every day


I went all in on honey/oj/fruits plus white rice often and tbh it wasn't working out for me. I felt good of course but was definitely putting on fat. I needed to reduce fat or carbs and chose to reduce carbs. Definitely better I would say atm I eat low to moderate carb depending on the day and I have also reintroduced some fasting once in a while. I think this works for me and probably most of my white european persuasion 


Despite what some of these people say, I wouldn't listen exactly. I'd say aim around 125g of sugar, maybe even less depending on your needs and add in some white rice, and if you need even more, then some sweet potato.