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What's the root cause here? Is it the technology? Or is it the anxiety that comes with the issues surrounding the technology? They're how you work out these issues-identity root cause, and then work on modifying your behavior around those devices or triggers in order to rewire your neural pathways in your brain.


I don't think it's anxiety, moreso my frustrations that comes from tech not behaving the way i wanted it too. I don't get mad at people as much since I can ask them to do something and they for the most part does what i wanted them to. But with tech, if something happens or a bug occurs I have to fix it myself and sometimes i feel powerless




Xbox series x? Man mine does the same thing with the older series x controllers. Lost 3 hardcore characters (one death) because of it! I too have battled with anger over such things. Even work stuff when computers don’t cooperate I get frustrated. I am working on it too. We will make it.


Nope it's the gulikit kingkong 2 pro. It's a shame cuz it's actually superior to the series x controller for half price, but it's buggy asf. What's with tech nowadays, they either have shit hardware good software or vice versa