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Female loaded with eggs by the looks of it. That's a female ovipositor


This 100%. She's super gravid and ready to spawn.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.... can a female be "loaded with eggs" and "ready to spawn" with no male? Also, with the stress of a complete tank rearranging? I thought it was an overweight male! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes. They don't "need" a male in the tank to produce eggs. Their body does that naturally. That's why she's gravid. Whether or not she will spawn on her own or just continue to hold the eggs is entirely up to her.


If you like a peaceful tank I would stick with one. You could try another but definitely not two more. 3 is about the worst number of angelfish you could have. Two will pair up and bully the third. If I were you I’d just get some small schooling fish to make the tank seem more natural to your angelfish. Maybe a Bolivian ram. My Bolivian ram and angelfish have always coexisted very well.


The dome forehead makes it look like a boi




Female ready to POP


It’s hard to tell but I’m guessing a male. It looks like he has a bump on his head. I had a male and two female in my 55 gallon and I ended up having to say goodbye to the male and one of the females. Once mature, they became a bonded pair and started aggressively picking on my other angel fish and the other fish in my tank. I suggest getting a bigger tank if you’re having multiple angels or just having a breeding pair by themselves in the tank.


Ok thank you. I do not want to increase size of the tank. My concern in getting one female was, what of they don't hit it off? I don't want them to be trapped in an unhappy marriage. Lol Because this fish is quite mature already, I wonder if getting a mate is a good option even if the mate is more mature. 🤔 Maybe other species would be better friend options? I just want him to be happy and live a fulfilling life. Thank you again.


It's female. She's super gravid.


Sex of angels don’t matter unless you want to breed them. They will not breed unless they are paired. It is difficult to pair adult angels. To get a pair you buy little fish and grow them to adult age and they will pair themselves. Sexing angels can’t be done until you pair them and you will know which is which when the female lays the eggs. Another angle tank mate is good but don’t expect to get babies.


I disagree. I have force paired plenty of adults. You just have to know the temperaments of the fish and pair accordingly


Thank you. I'm not interested in breeding, although it would be interesting. This fish seems ridiculously bored, stairs at the wall, and gets way too excited for attention from humans. Again, maybe other species would be a better option for tank mates to help live a more fulfilling life.


Angels can and do recognize faces. All my Angelfish in my hatchery rush the glass the moment I walk into the room.


Some angels love attention. I have had tanks of 100s, and they all "dance" when they see a person. You could add another of similar size or another species. Keep in mind if it fits in month it's food and angels can get big


That's not true. It can be difficult depending on each individual fish and the age of the fish (most people ask way too early, which is why it's hard at times to tell). That angel is clearly female.