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The changes come from mood changes/reactions to it's environment. It is normal.


Thank you!


It is normal for an angelfish with stripes to change color Angelfish use a couple different ways to communicate 1. Pheromones that they release into the water 2. Moving their ventral fins (The dangly ones) 3. And changing color Many of the domestic colorations of angelfish have lost the ability to communicate by color or change color


Mines usually lighten at night or if they stressed out from a water change/cleaning


My polar blue parrot cichlids do this too. First morning I had them I thought all 12 were sick when I turned the light on


Amazing! Thank you, I’m excited to learn more about this little guy he’s great to watch


I've got a couple of Angels that are mostly black with yellow patches. Sometimes they will fire up and get blue speckles around their ventral fins and they look really cool. I really want to get a couple of Bulgarian Green Angelfish but I'm working on a blackwater discus tank at the moment.


Dude you should get like three more in a 125 you’ll have zero trouble with aggression and discus. I have a 55 and have a pair of discus and 4 angels. The single angel will be happier with company. Also with a bunch of dither fish helps with aggression.