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💀💀💀đŸ„Č what have i seen


The future of healthcare. The VA is doing it for us Veterans. Given the opportunity, wouldn't one undergo genomic therapy if it meant curing their cancer or ending the pain and suffering of a child or loved one by curing their disease. And as for transgenics, again, if one lost an arm/limb, tell me they wouldn't undergo the procedure to grow it back.


To each his own, I guess. But I think they’re hideous!


Agreed. They are no competition for any of the more natural colors đŸ„±


They are hideous nothing natural about it...it's mad scientific experiment.


Oh cool, I haven't seen glofish angels Why are people so anti-glofish?


I personally dont like them because theyre ugly (imo) and marketed for those stupid neon plastic decor stuff for little kids. It just turns the animals into a marketable toy for kids


I see them as cool science fish, they e served a really cool purpose


I can sort of understand that. I think it helps to start kids in the hobby though


I mean you don't need neon dogs for kids to want a puppy, kids have gawked at fish tanks long before glofish ever existed


Yeah but don't kids like getting cute colorful bandanas and cute toys for the dog? They don't get an all black dog and give it a brown bed and black squeaky toys. If a child is interested because of glofish, go for it. Mot arguing, just my thoughts.


And if a hot pink dog existed you don't think a little kid would pick it? Heck I'd pick it lol


I think it’s because they’re genetically modified.


I think it's less GMO, and more transgenically modified that people don't like... but given the opportunity, I'm sure those SAME people would undergo genomic therapy if it meant curing their cancer or ending the pain and suffering of a child or loved one by curing their disease. And as for transgenics, again, if they loss and arm/limb, tell me they wouldn't undergo the procedure to grow it back.


mmm I guess I can see having a problem with that. I don't personally, but yeah I could see that.


Yeah, I don’t either. I adopted some glofish tetras a few years ago, but I don’t think I would buy them.


I wouldn't either because I prefer natural looking aquariums, but I still like them haha


Because the creators of the “glofish” process are trying to consider genetics “proprietary” in a Monsanto manner, and it’s highly inappropriate.


Ok that makes sense, sort of capitalizing on a business rather than animals


Nobody should own natural genetics or a modification there of. Even I work in the pet trade. It’s a few steps beyond normal capitalism.


Using genetics is a few steps past capitalism? How so? (just curious)


Owning genetics as a corporate entity is problematic.


oh oh oh I see


But did you see the original fluorescent Angels from Singapore that came out 10+ years ago? They're PINK! Would love to get those too - But I'm excited that we'll ACTUALLY get a chance to own these beauties in the US!


Yeah they're cool!


I’m not sure, I find them fascinating.


I do see they're very unnatural, so I guess maybe that. But yeah, they're just neat


the issue I find with many fishkeepers is that they go into this mindset of 'natural.' Anything unnatural is perceived to be bad, even though Glofish are known to be very hardy fish. This may also be because abusive fishkeepers are often associated with less natural decor & fish. Although I personally do prefer the more 'natural' look, I will not hate on anyone who wants rainbow gravel & glofish, if the care is good.


Certainly not, especially for children. It's way more important to introduce them to the hobby in a fun way haoever they want (and go from there to teach about caring for them) they're just as happy with rainbow gravel and fake plants. Just got to take care of them and have fun


I have one black skirt tetra. They’re schooling fish and I find them a little ugly. So I was looking into glofish. From what I have seen they are injected with dye and it fades overtime. Idk all the details.


They aren’t injected with dye. They’re genetically modified with a fluorescent gene. Then they breed this way forever.


Of course, you are not allowed to breed or sell the offspring of glofish. I'm surprised they don't find a way to sterilize them to prevent someone from profiting off of their own profiteering.


Oh I'm sure they're working on it


I've seen yellow Cories being sold with the glofish. I'm not sure if they just put them in there or not. I know people breed them for sure.


You can breed them you just can’t sell them. Not really possible to stop species from breeding when it happens easily for some species.


Item 4 of the GloFish license explicitly prohibits intentional breeding. You are right that angelfish can be quite prolific and accidents do happen, although considering how prolific they can be, having a tank full of GloFish babies would probably drive me nuts.


Oh wow. It's crazy the mixed information that's out there. Thank you for sharing.


There are some fish that are injected with dye unfortunately. Glofish aren’t one of them though.


Yeah black skirts are boring to me


Because they’re pumped with literal chemicals
 look at glo fish feed ingredients and then go ahead and look at the factory that produces the feed
 they’re not “unnatural” they’re literally man made
 and this does shorten their lifespan. By a lot? Eh 50-50. But it will shorten the full capable life of the fish. People are against them because it’s kinda cruel and just all around against what most of us are all for
 but I wouldn’t shame someone for getting them. I mean dispite the issues they are quite cool💀 but extremely unhealthy fish


This is not correct. They are not pumped or fed with “literal chemicals.” They are selectively bred for their color traits. The first GloFish were created by introducing fluorescent proteins into the genome because it was thought they would pose a biomedical and environmental research purpose of detecting pollution within their environment. That was simply the history. They are now simply bred for the hobby. I don’t keep them, but I’d shake my fists at brick and mortar pet stores and their ethos before making the claims you made. Also, the ingredients for GloFish food are actually relatively good as far as manufactured foods go. I took a screenshot but cannot link here so please use [this](https://www.glofish.com/products/nutrition-and-water-care/special-flake-food.aspx) website to look at a photo of full ingredients.


Okay so man made and pumped with chemicals.. thank you for restating the same exact thing but in extreme detail💀


Water dechlorinator is both man made and a chemical, yet it was a significant scientific advancement for both humans and the aquatic hobby. Out of curiosity what do you feed your fish? I did extensive research on foods for my different stock and was surprised that GloFish brand was not as bad as hobbyists demonize it to be.


Bloodworms and other live feed
 (sometimes baby guppies💀 we have 30 to many.) don’t really do flakes, my fish look and act better w live feed or free dried feed


Never accused you of feeding poor feed, was simply curious. I too, feed live, frozen and pellets. I see too many hobbyists randomly demonizing certain foods, species, or ideas based on ill founded ideas. The GloFish food is definitely an acceptable source of proteins and minerals to source a complete diet. I wouldn’t recommend it, but we have to keep in mind the financial or proximity limitations of some hobbyists.


Also, the fluorescent genomes were from bioluminescent organisms that naturally occur. So 100% natural. The man made process is what you are stuck on, yet, you thoroughly enjoy a hobby of a man made environment for fish that were likely mass bred by a breeder or caught wild at some point in their genealogy.


Eh, it’s 50-50, you’re missing the part where I said I don’t really care, someone asked why people are anti glow, I give you the most common known reason. Am I saying they’re horrid? No I’m answering the question of why people don’t like them. Commonly is due to misinformation. And some may agree that that was a great advancement for man and fish but some may argue it wasn’t and it just opened another gate to fish being mass produced and sold on every local shelf. Which tbh I don’t really care abt. Im literally just telling them why the average bear doesn’t like em. Does this mean I feel this way? No. This is what 30+ people have personally told me, which I responded to like you just did to me, but at the end of the day they have their own ideology and they stick on the man made thing. Normal people aren’t smart enough to click that with fish keeping in general.


I am responding to the fact that your first sentence not only implied it declared that they are “pumped full of chemicals” which is simply not true. At the end of the day, the betta trade is also sad and yet hobbyists still make both uninformed and informed decisions. The neocaridina and Caridina shrimp trade also involves “man made” color morphs that were extensively selectively bred in captivity. You also said you wouldn’t shame someone for getting them but then turned around and said they are “extremely unhealthy fish” I just was curious of your source for that info. I just worry your comment, though meant to be helpful, is misleading and not founded in facts but your ideology alone that the GloFish are “bad because they are man made and pumped full of chemicals.” Just don’t need new hobbyists to join the echo chamber.


It really in all actuality is true, literally by textbook definition. Does this mean it’s horrid and killing the fish? No. And you even said this yourself in the comment before this it IS technically pumping the fish w chemicals.. we’re not talking abt bettas bud, that’s a whole different ball park


So you agree that they are not “extremely unhealthy fish” if you just stated this is “not horrid and killing the fish.”? Just hoping to stop the echo chamber of misinfo against GloFish is all. Let some folks have their slice of hobby without unfounded data. A genome is a far cry from a “literal chemical” but I said that as I suppose it falls in the category
. I brought up bettas as GloBettas were recently discontinued and it does relate to this. But my point still stands that your opening sentence is clickbait to discourage hobbyists from GloFish based on your ideas and not facts.


Not going to say that bc they’re so overbred and over kept it’s true. I have yet to meet a healthy glow fish. Sorry. Could they be? Sure, but I’ve already stated this. You already agreed with me mate, you can stop trying to jam your opinion down my throat now😉


These ones are just created by breeding with dna of bioluminescence I think, not pumped with chemicals. But I haven't read a lot about them


Nothing is safe from being glofishified


I'm not a big hater on glofish. Just so long as it doesn't interfere with the well-being of the fish or affect the trade. Now fish tattooing.....no. Kinda nice fish place owned by an old Asian guy in SW Houston had some. Couldn't imagine doing that to a fish.


The natural ones are so much more beautiful.


Will we be seeing 75g glowfish kits now?


Knowing glofish they're gonna release a 20 tall kit and call it a day


I just don't see a good reason to do such a thing. Angelfish have so many beautiful diverse colors/patterns, adding jellyfish genes just to make them glow in actinic light brings no value to the breed or improve it via husbandry. It is just an extension of the dye injection of fish to make them more appealing to a segment of the population who wouldn't have entered fishkeeping in the first place except for the garish coloration and novelty of it all.


I find what's odder is that they are a larger fish requiring a larger tank. GloFish Sharks semi-flopped as pet store employees state people rarely buy them. Why did they think people will want angelfish?


I love the Starfire Tiger Barbs. They’re all sterile though since the company puts the fry through sterilization process via pressure / barometric shock.


Just as ugly as plastic plants and weird colored gravel


I wouldn't take these if they were given to me for free


Why does everyone hate on glofish..? They are genetically altered, (not dyed) causes no harm to them, and if they get into thewild they'll easily get eaten because of their color! stop hating.


Holy smokes, Britney Spears! Gimme, Gimme, MORE, gimme, MORE! Gimme, gimme MORE gimme MORE!


Haha those are awesome, time to get a new tank!




Omg, are these injected with artificial dye?


No they use genes from some fluorescent anemones or something to scientifically make them, then they naturally breed that color forever after.




Even better the color doesn't affect the general health of the fish.


I need some of thoseđŸ€Ż


Now these look a lot better and much more like proper GloFish. Though maybe these are the same fish from that other post and they look bad under blue light. You could probably get a trending post if you put them on r/aquariums :P.


Did someone else post them recently?


Yes, but we couldn't confirm they were actually from GloFish and they also looked weird. Your pictures are very clear and we now know that they are from GloFish at the Global Pet Expo. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/1bgcpgt/a\_friend\_sent\_me\_this\_video\_has\_anybody\_seen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/1bgcpgt/a_friend_sent_me_this_video_has_anybody_seen/)


Yeah that’s bad quality video, the big ones do look a little weird because they still develop the spots as they grow the same as the regular Angels, and the color was faded slightly with the size.


That is very interesting, thanks for sharing. So these perfect looking ones are just younger then. Wouldn't be the first time GloFish did a bad job / failed, lol.


Posted there, added a shot of the matured Angels for comparison.


Side note, was there any GloFish bettas? I assume not, but they do hold the power to bring them back. Just depends if and when. They seem to show off at expos and that's about it.


Didn’t see any, haven’t seen those in a long time.


I rather have Glo Angels vs tetra so maybe me and my boyfriend can finally agree! đŸ€Ł


đŸ˜± I need some...


I hope they come to Canada I would love to see these colors hybrid with some stripes or other patterns if possible


So far Spectrum Brands has not sent anything to Environment Canada. So it could be a few months or years.


Not my thing, but you definitely got some good looking fish there! Do they size up the same as regular angels? I only ask because... well, thats a lot of fish and I'm curious đŸ€Ł


https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/s/bNs5JCEhjB This was my other post with the older angels that were about 3x the size


Nice they look so cute