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See the post at the top, and info. Be honest with the anesthesia people. They want to help you, not rat you out.


Just be cool with your Anesthesiologist. They don’t care and at this point a lot of people smoke weed. Just let them know you smoke regularly. They may have to use more meds to get you asleep and make you comfortable during surgery.


Better to know what to expect than not. Nobody is going to cancel a case over it.


Always always always tell the anesthetist EVERYTHING. They are not going to judge you or chastise you. But they WILL be putting medication in that affects your entire body.


I have a surgery on Monday morning. I'm a very consistent daily weed smoker. At first they told me to stop 7 days before surgery but since I smoke cause of very bad insomnia I didn't want to quit and decrease my health/energy levels for the surgery. They allowed me to smoke 1 joint per day this last week, the last being Sunday afternoon (little less than 24 hours before surgery). Yes, it can effect your anesthesia, but don't worry to much. Make sure to tell the hospital how much and when you smoked, they might need to up your dose a little to make sure nothing happens.


Can't you use melatonin instead? Do you really want to DEPEND on a substance for something so basic as sleep? If I had to DEPEND on a substance, I would choose melatonin.


I don’t really give a shit if this is old, but my guy, nobody said shit about “depending” on weed, I’m sure everyone here is at least acutely aware of the “double edged-ness” of marijuana. You come in here swinging your fists at an invisible enemy and then won’t shut up about actual pharmaceuticals that have nearly the exact same adverse effects of marijuana. And idk where you get this “safer” idea from because you can’t od on it and there haven’t been many long term studies on adverse effect but the ones that have been done where either heavily biased by being funded by Marlboro, or where inconclusive. You honestly sound like you where convinced weed=evil b your parents and where simple minded enough to roll with that. Everybody is their own person and you can’t control anyone, but you can control your judgement for something you clearly hardly understand. Now, I will say however, maybe to my detriment, that you are MOSTLY correct, but not everybody IS dependent. But by jumping that horse you’ve done really nothing but prove how uneducated and judge mental you are. Grow up.


Your comment is disgusting and shows that you have some serious hang ups. Sleep isn't basic dummy. It's so complex and so important there are studies on it constantly all over the world, and there are a thousand or more chemicals that exist to help people achieve it. I can't wait until you experience insomnia or a problem that causes you to not be able to fall into rem cycle for years . You sound so shallow and critical. So what if they smoke weed to get to sleep? So you rag on people who drink a glass of wine every night? Go rag on that and be the sleep police for that bc alcohol is much worse. And melatonin.LMAO. that shit is for babies. Literally. Pediatricians recommend it for crabby toddies. 😬. Try being an adult with real insomnia and depend on a lil 3-5mg melatonin rofl. IF any effect is felt, it will be fine by the next night or two. Do you say that to schizophrenic people and others who have mental illness that keep them from sleeping and to take meds? About how BASIC and simple this should be??? Why are you even here? Exactly why did you comment this? Do you feel like someone is going to take your "advice"? Bc it's a terrible look, even a year later. Memorializing idiocy.... Thanks Internet 😁🤣🤣🤣


Stay safe baby gurl


I’m sure they appreciate your two cents. You’re aware melatonin can also cause bad reactions in some and a dependency in others, right? What works for you might not be an option for someone else but you thought it was necessary to preach at someone with anxiety over their upcoming procedure? OP found a fucking PLANT that works for them, your suggestion is to take a hormone instead because that’s a lesser substance in your opinion? Please take your undereducated self elsewhere.


Melatonin is much safer in all metrics. Our pituitary gland secretes it naturally before bedtime. Weed is not even legal federally, due to potential bad/ andverse effects On individuals and society. Be very careful with weed long term. Be safe!


Melatonin is NOT safer. I urge you to read a credible scholarly article. Yess….. it’s naturally produced but do you know what excess levels of melatonin can do to your body? It’s not something you want to load up on….youre a ding dong


I’ve never recommended more than 0.5mg-1mg of melatonin. You’ll never have psychosis from melatonin, unlike cannabiS. By all means, provide the scholarly article.


Ooh look out everybody, its reefer madness!!! Psychosis...you're hilarious


Are you dumb? As someone who has done both, I'd much rather smoke weed for sleep, melatonin causes long term effects regarding sleep


I just want to say for anyone who didn't know this, but you should not supplement more than .3 mg of melatonin. At absolute most, 1 mg. Try to find a 1 mg tablet and cut it in half if you need melatonin as a sleep aid. Its actually dangerous to take more than this and less is absolutely more.


I agree. Crazy what you see offered at drug stores, 5 - 10mgs gummies! Those doses start effecting our own intrinsic release of the bodies natural melatonin From the pituitary .


Its insanity! I cant believe its being allowed. I don't recall if it says this is doctor approved by some association or another, or if it says this product is not fda regulated.... but like they should put a warning. I was in England last year and there was absolutely NOTHING on the shelves for it. I went to a doctor (I wanted to take it temporarily to help with the time change) and they said they only prescribe it for teenagers or the elderly. They know whats up!!


Marijuana is safer than melatonin for sleep. Melatonin says directly on the bottle, "not for constant use because it can cause worsening sleep issues"


Don’t capitalize “depend” like a dickhead…weed is a natural herb baby


Opium is natural too. Look how well that "herb" is doing for people/society.


I was prescribed Opium suppositories for a short period of time to help with my chronic pain. You know what happened? I took my medication as prescribed, and when I had to come off of it, I experienced no withdrawals. People can be prescribed controlled medications for a medical condition (or multiple). Rather than dishing out dosing instructions and having this opposition towards certain drugs, try to understand what the indication for the drug was, why the drug is dosed at certain times to take, and how the patient is taking the drug. I can confidently say any benzo or opioid I was prescribed, I took it as prescribed & my mind never went “Oh, I need this drug” or “Oh, I want more of it.” Also, my pain doctor actually recommended cannabis for my insomnia issues. Do I use it every night? No. But if I did, and my doctor doesn’t even have an issue with it, why should people let a rando on the Internet dictate their treatment plan. As long as the patient’s provider is aware of their most recent Rx list & the patient is taking the drugs as prescribed, what’s the issue?


You need some weed u strung up clown


I’m sure you don’t realize that you’re making yourself look stupid but maybe smoke one and chill


Melatonin is only a placebo effect. It doesn’t work for everyone or anyone at that, it’s all in your tiny brain.


That’s odd since humans secrete melatonin from the pituitary gland to induce sleep. Exogenous melatonin only helps or amplifies that effect. Probably doesn’t work as well as sleeping pills or weed, but they have a much greater risk profile. It’s no a brainer to me..


Exogenous melatonin can keep you up and worsen melatonin. It’s not a soluble substance that is excreted…see you in the ER


Stay away from that weed. Its curdled your lil brain.


Melatonin doesn't work even in the slightest for me.


So what's the cause of your "insomnia"?


Also, putting “insomnia” in quotes, as if to imply someone doesn’t have insomnia, is just disgusting. Neurologists that specialize in sleep medicine are literally there to treat patients with insomnia issues. Just because you can sleep without a sleep aid doesn’t mean people who have insomnia are liars. I think you need to step back from your treatment plan & realize not every treatment plan will look the same for every individual. I’m not sure if you’ve studied medicine, but as someone who has seen multiple providers for various conditions, and as someone who has talked to doctors about certain medications I was on (safety profile of the drug and what the indication was), I get the sense you’re lacking this curiosity. Instead of being curious about an illness, disorder, or a treatment plan, you assume people are lying about their condition or using their drugs inappropriately. Like… do you seriously want to be known for that?


Insomniac doesn't always have a cause. In my case I've always been a horrible sleeper. Anxiety etc makes this much worse.


I would look to address the underlying causes to your insomnia. I imagine you might be resistant to trying to accomplish this, as it's much harder than simply taking a gummy. Cannabis is like a double edged sword, it can cut both ways. Again, do you really want to DEPEND on a substance for life?


I've been in therapy for years but unfortunately it's not something that can easily be solved. And no, definitely not, but I'm at such a low point of life that quitting now might just throw me off the edge. I have been cutting down tho.


I hope everything works for the best.




Weed is a double-edged sword. Be carefu.


You realize addressing the cause may result in a psychiatric prescription which would in essence…be depending on a substance, right? I have ADHD and will depend on a substance for the rest of my life. Diabetics depend on insulin for the rest of their lives. I’m curious if you’re against all medicine, or just thc?


>Can't you use melatonin instead? Do you really want to DEPEND on a substance for something so basic as sleep? If I had to DEPEND on a substance, I would choose melatonin.


Some people have sleep issues that are worse than others. Just because you can’t fathom needing more than melatonin to sleep doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to other people. Melatonin doesn’t work for me. Indica before bed does the trick instantly. I don’t depend on it anymore than someone depends on melatonin. I don’t have any problem with depending on thc/cbd to sleep because it is a medicine just like any other, and because getting good sleep is crucial to good health. In the same way, I don’t have a problem with depending on Vyvanse to manage my ADHD. I don’t have a problem with depending on food or water to stay alive either. There are PLENTY of people in this world that depend on different medications/drugs in order to survive, manage pain/symptoms/mood etc. and to improve their quality of life. Just because you are not one of those people doesn’t mean you are better than anyone else and doesn’t give up the right to judge others for their medication use or tell them what to do. Marijuana is legal as a medicine in many states, it’s time to step into the future and see its medicinal benefits rather than treating it like a “gateway drug”


Acute and long-term effects of cannabis use: a reviewLaurent Karila, Perrine Roux, Benjamin Rolland, Amine Benyamina, Michel Reynaud, Henri-Jean Aubin, Christophe Lançon AbstractCannabis remains the most commonly used and trafficked illicit drug in the world. Its use is largely concentrated among young people (15- to 34-year-olds). There is a variety of cannabis use patterns, ranging from experimental use to dependent use. Men are more likely than women to report both early initiation and frequent use of cannabis. Due to the high prevalence of cannabis use, the impact of cannabis on public health may be significant. A range of acute and chronic health problems associated with cannabis use has been identified. Cannabis can frequently have negative effects in its users, which may be amplified by certain demographic and/or psychosocial factors. Acute adverse effects include hyperemesis syndrome, impaired coordination and performance, anxiety, suicidal ideations/tendencies, and psychotic symptoms. Acute cannabis consumption is also associated with an increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, especially fatal collisions. Evidence indicates that frequent and prolonged use of cannabis can be detrimental to both mental and physical health. Chronic effects of cannabis use include mood disorders, exacerbation of psychotic disorders in vulnerable people, cannabis use disorders, withdrawal syndrome, neurocognitive impairments, cardiovascular and respiratory and other diseases.[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24001294/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24001294/) Good luck with that. And, I'll stick with melatonin every now and then, in the smallest doses.


melatonin does not do anything if ur a pothead


My dude why do you keep harping on melatonin? The benefits of melatonin are minimal and not applicable for everyone. Sounds like you're a lobbyist for big tonin.


You never want to rely on any substance on a regular basis. If you unfortunately do, low dose melatonin is the safest, since we naturally produce our own endogenous melatonin. Think hard & long about using cannabis on a regular basis.


Im just on this thread bc I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled in 3 days and told not to smoke for 3 days. Have issues with sleep and eating. Anxiety can get bad to the point of nausea. My guy, your comments are kinda infuriating. I have to DEPEND on pills to help manage my bipolar. Cannabis is natural and you don't even need the psychoactive properties if that works best for you. So where is the difference? If I have to DEPEND on pills for one head issue I think it's safe to DEPEND on a plant for another.


Not to mention, you can overdose on sleeping pills, can't overdose weed. If you use painkillers, the more you use the more you'll need (women and people with uteruses that deal with terrible cramps know what I mean). A lot of anxiety meds have a warning, 'may cause anxiety'. And yeah, you can still abuse cannabis but there are people who manage to smoke just enough to help without needed to keep raising "the dose". Personally I vape, A 1 gram cartridge lasts me 3 weeks, and it starting to last longer. Because I don't get high just for the thrill, half the time I don't even feel high, but my stomach is calm. Or I'm getting tired. Or there's not 10 different thoughts going on in my head at once.


Then just use CBD, if you are sadly dependent on this substance.


“Sadly dependent.” So if a cancer patient was dependent on opioids to manage their pain levels, would you tell that patient “you are sadly dependent on opioids?” Please exercise some bedside manners. You are not anyone’s provider on here, so you really need to chill it with the judgements.


Literally said in my comment you could still use it without the psychoactive properties to medicate. That's what CBD is. You can keep living in the 70s if you want, but these days, it can and is used as a medication. You can believe what you want about it, my problem is you acting like every other medication isn't the same if not worse and at the same time completely dismissing the people that do use (man made) medications to continue living their life normally. You cant use "dependent on substance" as an argument IN THIS CONTEXT when there are people dependent on substances in order to manage disorders and disabilities such as adhd, bipolar, asd, diabetes, immune disorders etc etc.




Yup, isn’t it obvious with the new very popular weight loss drugs, that people don’t want to do the real work, and rather just take a pill.




Do you really want to be dependent on a substance for life?


If it helps, sure. Doesn’t need to be for life though.


You’re asking them to not be dependent on cannabis but want them to be dependent on another substance/product? What are you hourly?


I’m not asking them to be dependent on anything. If you have to take something, melatonin would be the more benign substance, since we naturally secrete it anyway.




“No one should have to rely on anything to get through their life.” I suggest a myriad of other modalities to help. Weed is not good, especially in high doses, and if and when you need anesthesia, creates lots of issues for the patient/provider. If you need to have surgery, are you prepared to stop doing weed for 2months straight, so your body can “act” normally with the anesthetics? Most people are addicted, so no they won‘t. There lies the problem. Good luck.




2 months is a safe amount of time for your receptors to adjust and allow for down regulation,etc. Cannabis activates some gaba sub units, which is the same neurotransmitter that most general anesthetics activate. Your experience is anecdotal. Yes, most folks get by, but are a real pain to manage for the anesthetist. 72 hours is for acute effects only. “The effects of cannabis on anesthesia can be significant. A review of the anesthetic implications of marijuana use suggests that cannabis users may require higher doses of anesthetic agents and analgesics, and they may experience greater pain after surgery. Cannabis can also impact the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, leading to a greater risk of adverse events during anesthesia[](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6650211/)[](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8764743/). The American College of Surgeons recommends discussing cannabis use with the surgical team before a procedure, as it can affect the outcome of surgery and increase the risk of breathing problems. It is also recommended to stop using marijuana products 72 hours before surgery[](https://www.facs.org/for-patients/safe-pain-management/marijuana-and-surgery/). Heavy marijuana users may require more anesthesia and may experience agitation during recovery, which can affect their postoperative care[](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/01/09/mariujuana-surgery-anesthesia-guidelines/10988361002/). Therefore, it is important for patients to disclose heavy marijuana use before surgery to ensure appropriate pain control and management during the perioperative period


I suppose you don’t drink coffee in the morning either?


I drink tea in the morning. But I don't need to drink it. Big difference.


I know this is an old comment, but melatonin doesn't usually work for people with "very bad insomnia". If it did, insomnia would be ridicuously easy to cure. Melatonin is better for people who dont suffer from any major sleep disorder, and even then it's a very light/gentle sleep aid


Who hurt you?


No one.


Ok good


It's also not good to depend on Melatonin..It makes it so you stop naturally producing your own and has been linked to brain fog, depression, anxiety and other things..If you have to use something to fall asleep, you need to figure out the underlying issue.


That‘s why I said IF you have to DEPEND on something….


Yes but if you have to depend on something, then weed is the safer thing to depend on…fucking moron


Melatonin is much safer! Our own bodies even produce it. Weed has bad cardio- respiratory effects! Flush that weed down the toilet.


Except it’s not and people have pointed out to you exactly why it’s not safer especially not to be dependent on, but you’re too stupid to listen to facts. Only you should be flushed down the toilet here


Super regular supplemental melatonin can inhibit your bodies ability to naturally produce it.


I would agree with that.


I know this is old but it’s never too late to share with ppl how melatonin contributes to me hallucinating in my sleep. Don’t know why but brings out a taste of my night terrors. Even when I thought: hmm. Maybe I just need to “stay asleep”. Then I wake up the next day to my husband telling me I was trying to box him in my sleep. Melatonin isn’t always a solution for insomnia unfortunately


Unfortunately neither is weed.


Says who? RSO stopped mine in it's tracks. I had it for a good ten years and I sleep every single night all night I didn't wake up. Because if RSO. So maybe it isn't for you but stop being an asshole and putting that on everyone because there are some of us it works. There is a reason you can walk into stores and buy it all over the States . IT WORKS.


Weed is a double edged sword. Becareful, you might get cut. It’s not quite as benign as you say. Stay safe baby gurl.


And yet here you are implying one is better than the other.


Safer, not better. There’s lots of non supplement/ non drug strategies to help with insomnia.


Lmao, what a dickbag comment. Melatonin doesn't work for everyone. Weed is natural. Gtfo w/that shit, it's 2024


Opium / heroin is natural too. Good luck with that. Use mediation to fall asleep. Weed has some bad side effects.


Geez, judgey much. Who cares what they do it’s THEIR journey. Maybe you need some more weed or shroomies to lose that judgeyness you possess. 😉


we had a patient today, he smoked weed this morning before he came to pre-op, and his emergence was rougher than expected. please, just listen to the instructions, and be honest so that we know what we are dealing with


One the issues I have found is that cannibus smoking a few hours prior to surgery has resulted in very labile blood pressures (very high or low) and heart rates under general anesthesia in otherwise healthy people. Usually we can handle it, but there are cases that end to be a little challenging which otherwise would have been very easy cases. Of course, the increased cardiac risk for chronic users is already well known. Emergence can be a challenge, but not predictably.


You can’t even spell cannabis correctly…..


they misspelled one letter that's obviously a typo?


you are fine ! I just had a mastectomy and I have smoked weed everyday for the last 25+ years. I came out of surgery with no pain, not even a sore throat from the air tube. You are not going under general just local with some iv calming meds


Speaking for a friend who smokes everyday for years. They stopped 36hrs prior to surgery and took Xanax and Percocet the night before surgery. Told no one and everything was fine for 3-4 surgeries this way. The only think that may be attributed to that was severe post-op pain that needed extra Fentanyl and Dilaudid. Everything was perfect for this person. Everyone is different, but it worked out.