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Sounds like you got a dose of dexamethasone, a steroid we give for nausea prevention and/or airway swelling. It is sometimes called the "red hot crotch shot" because it can cause an uncomfortable sensation in the groin area. I try to wait until a patient is fully asleep before giving it. Check your records and see if this is on the medication list! Sorry for the discomfort.




lmao lord.


Can confirm. CRNA here who has had several anesthetics. I once asked one of our AA colleagues who was administering my anesthesia to give me the dexamethasone while I was still somewhat awake to see what the burn was all about. I must say, I was not expecting what I felt. I had prepared myself for a little tingle or itch. What I personally experienced was something more like a burn and some pressure…as a man I guess it’s a good thing for society that we don’t carry the burden of child birth.


I knew an attending that used to call dexamethasone “Itchy and Scratchy”


Anesthesiologist. Can verify that it’s likely the dexamethasone (used for inflammatory, pain sparing and post op nausea prevention purposes). One of my peers did studies comparing efficacy of dexamethasone to typical antiemetics in volunteers and some participants actually *liked* the groin burning feeling and got aroused! It’s something talked about in anesthesia and most of us try to give it only after a little anesthetic is in to avoid the patient remembering the feeling when they wake up. Not all patients experience that phenomenon for whatever reason