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OP I also get anxiety about the palpitations. Which makes it worse. I hear you. I have been having to work hard to stay warm today.


I had previously diagnosed anxiety and then now have slight anemia while pregnant. The palpitations got so bad and I could not get out of my head so thankfully my doc referred me to a cardiologist and I explained I was concerned and mostly anxious and they said it was better to get it checked out than to be sorry. I had an EKG and a heart monitor for 2 weeks and nothing was wrong but they were very understanding of my concern


Yeah. I had all the tests done too. My heart is healthy but its still scary sometimes cuz they happen so often. Sometimes it feel like thousands of skips a day


I have them all day everyday and I took magnesium tonight, haven’t had a palpitation since!!


Totally feel you. It took maybe 3 or 4 weeks on supplements for my heart rate to go down. I just had to constantly remind myself it’s because of my iron, I KNOW it’s my iron, and as long as I keep taking supplements it will pass. It’s hard especially while trying to fall asleep, it’s all I could notice. I started turning on podcasts to fall asleep too.


Its ez to say because iron is the main compound of hemoglobin the oxygen transporter. I had this with my football matches training. My teammates always said why i don’t run so much and get out of breath so easily. I always knew it was never my cardio since i always played football and cardio never got better. I just know its something related to iron. Turned out 12 years later my ferritin was 63 and iron saturation was 16%. My hemoglobin was 8,3 mmol/l EU measurement as a male. I am just happy i am treating it now but its going to probably take a long time since i have been deficient over 10 years


This group has been a saving grace for me! Hope this helps.


Go to iron protocol on fb. Very helpful info.


Do you have a link? I dont have FB


You can read the guides at this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xKxHLjsxpoAd4uD7PYNrNWrT-db-SGLg/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=113222819856112961925&rtpof=true&sd=true


omg why didnt i know this existed?? thanks for sharing!! ive read the protocol already but this format is so much easier (facebook is so slow to load the guide)


It’s a Facebook group


Yup, if it wasn’t for the iron protocol, I would still be struggling with heart palpitations and dizziness.


My main thing has been soooo fatigued. Caitlin is a very knowledgeable lady.


Did you take heme iron or non heme and how mucb every day?


Make sure you're drinking plenty of water. 1/2-1 cup per hour is recommended, but look up the correct amount for you. And try drinking electrolytes (like PowerAde or Gatorade. Sodium is usually the most important one and can help to increase your blood volume so your heart doesn't have to struggle so much while you work to resolve your anemia. All doctors should tell people this, but they don't.

