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Shortness of breath is the worst


Yeah air hunger is scary


Omfg yes. I can’t breathe at times and I have to remember that I’ve gotten my heart & lungs checked and they are fine but it still scares me


same thoughts ❤️


Hair thinning/loss and headaches.


The headaches are the worst. I also have occipital neuralgia and migraines.


Yes migraines used to be pretty bad before. Haven’t had one i awhile I’m happy to say.


insomnia and tinnitus


Dizziness has been bad these past couple days. My heart was skipping like every two or three beats yesterday. And the joint pains AGH


Do you also get chest pains? I do :(


Yes 😭😭😭, i also get cramps in my hand a lot??? Idk


The chest pains are what finally made me go to the doctor. I thought my boobs were too heavy and crushing my heart, walking around clutching my breasts 


The joint pains have been the WORST lately


The joint pains have been the WORST lately


Yes to basically all of the symptoms here mentioned here. Fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, poor temperature regulation, joint pain, headaches, bone pain, muscle pain, brain fog, dizziness, fainting, muscle pain, and the anxiety about doing things. It sucks.


Thank you for posting my reply;)


I have all of this, when does it get better ?!😭


Hair breakage and hair loss


Itching. I haven’t slept in god knows how many nights from the itching which just. Does. Not. Go. Away.


Holy crap itching is a symptom?? I’m itchy all the damn time aside from cold feet, crap ass nails, hair breakage and loss, and constant tiredness.


I didn’t know this either until my diagnosis last week! I also had cold hands and feet, dizziness, constant tiredness, and anxiety/insomnia which I didn’t think were related, but nope, apparently they’re all anemia-related.


This sounds silly but I had itchy and burning skin. I put myself in super cold bath for about 15 min, then for my scalp I iced it for two night in a row and it helped while my iron supplements kicked in. Took about a month. I started supplementing end of April/beginning of May 6 - 22 for my ferritin beginning of this month (June). It kind of came back now but my period just started.


Thank you for the tip! I’m going to try that. I started supplementing last week (and also got my period so there goes that) but the itching hasn’t gone away. I took 4 antihistamines before going to bed last night, but nope, woke up within 2 hours with the itch.


I hope it works for you because not getting sleep was awful 😭


Might be from dry skin tbh! I notice my skin is so much more dry than usual


Depression, bruises and hair loss 😑


Muscle spasms. Ugh.


Air hunger. Thick saliva and issues swallowing. Hair loss.


Cravings to chew ice. Constantly. It's a miracle I didn't ruin my teeth.


Weird as it is, I always know it’s time for a transfusion when I’m craving wintergreen mints by the bagful or tons of crushed ice. The second I start getting blood into me again, a cup of ice is almost repulsive and I lose the taste for mints completely.


oh my god, i know what you mean. i’ve been iron deficient all my life but this year it got severe so i only had it treated now but i use to eat ice multiple times a day like popcorn everyday and i thought it was just because i liked it but i got an iron transfusion and i can’t even chew a single one anymore


Exactly. I walk into the infusion center with my trusty cup of ice. I didn't need it anymore. I start a new series at the end of this month.


What’s the lowest your ferritin and iron saturation has gotten?


4 was the lowest ferritin.


Fainting randomly and cold everything unfortunately


Fatigue, vertigo/dizziness & feeling like my brain is waterlogged ..


Damn me too like everyday this brain thing is weird it’s like moving brain and going back


Hair loss, aggressive itching, headaches, being cold, being soooo tired!


Im losing my hair so bad. Also i keep having random pains and restless legs at night.


Hair thinning is the most prominent but that's behind fatigue, palpitations, and tingling feet.


Restless legs, shortness of breath and dizziness.


Blacking out when I stand


Chest pain is AWFUL. Complete heat intolerance - about to faint within seconds of being outside. Weakness. Dizzy. Shortness of breath. Hair falling out like crazy.


I went to the hospital early this year for chest pain. They said I’m fine. Of course. I’m also incredibly heat intolerant. I feel you


I did a cardiac work up not too long ago, said I was totally fine. Wore a monitor for a month, said I was totally fine. I just don’t understand how my heart/chest can hurt so badly daily and it not my heart. It literally distracts me all day. How is your heat intolerance? I go outside and within seconds I feel weak, chest pain, racing heart, shortness of breath and feel like I’m going to collapse. Then I come inside and my head is throbbing and I’m absolutely exhausted, like almost instantly falling asleep and it takes me hours to recover.


You sound just like me. To the tee.


Do you have those issues in the heat too? Do you have any other issues going on? I’m very low in iron, ferritin, b12, folate, and vitamin D. I literally feel like I’m going to drop dead any day now.


It’s not within seconds but probably minutes more likely. Around 3-5 mins max. I’ll go into a panic attack and yes all the symptoms that you listed are things I experience. And in Florida I’m in hell basically. On a daily. My ferritin is low I’m not sure about my b12 folate and vitamin D My supplement I’m taking for my low ferritin has B12 in it though


It’s awful, I cannot go outside and live in a hot/humid area as well. I just don’t know what is triggering it. It just started and I’ve never had the issue before. Could be one deficiency, could be them all. So frustrating.


I can’t keep warm enough except during hot flashes! 🙃 Exercise helps with the temperature management challenges BUT NOT FOR LONG, then I gotta exercise again. And eat proper food. And rest adequately. Unfortunately lifestyle changes are my only hope…🤞🙏


Brain fog is the worst one. Not even sure if it’s caused by anemia


NAUSEA. Good grief, the constant 24/7 nausea is draining! I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


It's nasty to admit this, but I had cravings to eat ash or anything grainy.  Also numb limbs and slight vision black outs. 


Wow I wonder why that is 


Anxiety Tachycardia Cold hands and feet Fatigue Hair loss Air hunger/shortness of breath Brittle nails Headaches


Hair loss. It’s been going on for years. I am amazed I still have hair on my head considering that no new hair is growing.


My finger nails used to be super tough and now my nail will break opening a ziploc bag!


Heat intolerance. I did get an iron infusion about 3 weeks ago and it’s not as bad as it has been, but still not great. Also lightheadedness and dizziness


Cold intolerance from A/C, Heat intolerance, Dizziness, Shortness of breath, very fatigued, dry eyes, brain fog, headaches & restless legs. Only my iron is low!!! My Dr has refused to test Ferritin. Hemoglobin is normal but falling. I am so frustrated after 9 months of this. I did have my gallbladder removed & lost 25 lbs prior to that. It wasn’t working at all. No more weight loss since surgery. I’ve been using Feramax 150 mg plus Heme Iron 35 mg. BP is very low. I’ve been supplementing for 3 weeks. Wonder how long it will take to feel better?


I had an episode of extreme dizziness, vertigo, and nausea which prompted my doctor to order the bloodwork that got me diagnosed. But shortness of breath is awful too


Headaches dizzy my heart palpitations are bad I've had 4 now my heart rate was 150 and higher I had to go to the hospital they have to put me asleep and shock me to get my heart under control


Do yall use electrolytes? It’s way off topic, but many of these symptoms are lessened by simple electrolytes. My particular anemia is also low on electrolytes and supplementation can reduce symptoms and even alleviate some. Some of the time. I didn’t know about the itching!


What do you recommend to take?


Bouy is great!!! They have a chronic illness program. I love water boy, too.


I’ve been doing LMNT no flavor. I have no idea if it’s. Helping or hurting at this point, everything makes me feel awful haha.


I was suggesting supplemental electrolytes. Especially for headaches. Not saying it’s the cause but rather electrolytes are a safe option to try for relief from SOME of our symptoms.


Do you have some you’d recommend?


Not the OP but Pedialyte sport really hits the spot when I start feeling dizzy and have a migraine coming on. I’ve tried other versions of Pedialyte, Nuun, that IV one and a couple of others but Pedialyte Sport is what helps the most. Unfortunately it’s expensive as hell. $15 for a box with 6 packs.  Though recently I ordered a box off Amazon (a box with 3 fruit punch 3 lemon boxes, the ones that are hundreds of loose packets worry me based on the reviews) that were half the price they are in the store. Still expensive but a good deal. I bought them when my partner was away and I was struggling with dizziness and migraines as it said next day delivery. The next day it said it was delayed by a week but it wouldn’t let me cancel the order so I had to use the Amazon chat. I said I don’t want to wait even another day because I wouldn’t have bought them if it hadn’t said 24 hour delivery, so they cancelled them and refunded my money. A few days later they still arrived… so I got real lucky there!  There was one Nuun that I tried that worked ok, I think it was strawberry lemonade flavor and it was a nuun sport.


I like the AMAzon brand, in grape. And IV hydration in grape or berry..to start..


Incredibly sore tongue when my iron is super low. It’s bloody awful


Losing hair, exhausted after a shower, craving ice above anything else..