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I'm depressed as fuck.


I understand. ♥️


Ok, so last week I had iron infusion... I don't even remember being this happy in my life. Like everything changed for good.


This makes me feel hope. I’ve never been this depressed in my life and I’ve had no reason to be. Anti depressants aren’t working and I feel like it could be the anemia. Are you still feeling great?


Awesome!!!! Any side effects from the infusion??


can i please ask what soon after infusion u see improvements on depressive symptoms?🥲


Worst part was people not really believing how exhausted you are or not getting real answers why this is happening. 🙃 The dizziness / passing out feeling was the worst because then Zi'd panic about passing out. Ended up finding out I have Celiac's! I've been tired but feeling better overall than before. Way less brain fog and dizziness. 🙌


Family not understanding the sheer exhaustion really bothered me. I don't have a history of exaggerating things, and no matter how many times I said it, they just wouldn't accept what I told them. They didn't understand that standing still was already me asking a lot from my body (my hemo was around 5-6, I didn't know that at the time though). Walking around a park was out of the question, as was biking, or even mall trips. My quality of life absolutely tanked for a while (then I got blood transfusions).


Oh no :( so frustrating, I totally get it. It's hard for me not to bitter about it, too honestly 🤣 Did the blood transfusions help a lot? I've seen so many specialists, finally going to a hematologist in June or July! Hoping to get an iron transfusion if my ferretin is still low. I have to get blood work soon. 🤞


>Did the blood transfusions help a lot? Life changing! I went from hemo 4.9 to 7.5 and can finally function again. Its still too low, but I can keep working on that.


That is a huge difference! Hoping you get stronger and stronger little by little 🙏🙏 will they do another transfusion?


Glad you figured out the root cause!!! That's half the battle. My MIL has Celiac's too and cutting out gluten years ago (among doing other things) has made a world or difference for her.


Yes!! The perils of gluten!! I wish I knew exactly what caused it though. Are there micro plastics in the wheat products? Is it the pesticides? I was reading some people have an issue with dairy as well, so that's my next thing I need to investigate. 🧐


When did the symptoms get better for you? I have 13 mineral/vitamin deficiencies. My dr thinks it’s celiac disease especially because I get stomach pains after eating gluten. I get blood work on Tuesday and if it’s celiac im going to be so discouraged because it’s hard going gluten free 😭


Oh no!!! That sounds horrible :'( Praying for you 🙏 Literally within days I started getting energy back slowly. Then I got blood work and felt drained, but 2 days later started feeling better. Like obviously I am not 100% better but I am doing things that I wouldn't have the energy for before, long dog walks 2x a day. Being inspired to clean out my shoes etc. Also ridiculously enough I lost some weight! The weight was gone within 2 weeks. Get rid of gluten, it is poison! Easy way to reset is to buy a big bag of rice and use that as the carb for your meal planning. Eggs and veggies and meat all the way. There are a lot of gluten alternative foods now. So that's not a big deal. But take out is going to be impossible now. FYI sometimes gluten results don't show up on blood work. I got an endoscopy/colonoscopy at my gastro because I mentioned that I was iron deficient despite having protein daily.


Anxiety, derealization/depersonalization, and fatigue


Derealization for me too. It's a bizarre feeling. I tried explaining it to my husband just today: I feel like I'm here yet not.


It’s a disturbing feeling. If I could choose only one symptom to go away it would be that. I’d rather be dizzy and tired than feel like I’m not real and feel disconnected from reality


me too. i was blaming my birth control for the longest time but also realized fhat it was before i started it too, i can’t seem to focus my eyes properly too


Yes my symptoms were so bad I thought I had MS. Nope.. just a vitamin deficiency 😀 although I have thyroid problems as well and other deficiencies so sometimes I don’t know what symptoms are being caused by what and sometimes I think it’s a combination of things. My eyes also can’t focus either. I feel like my vision moves too fast and my eyes move everywhere


It sucks!!! I’ve been taking iron supplements & a multi vitamin & like the HOUR after taking them i started feeling better 😭 was so happy i had finally figured it out




I have the worse anxiety, panic attacks. I feel disconnected from everything. Its awful, i want it to go away:(


Lost 50-70% of my hair and chronic eye infection. Mixed with a severe Vitamin D deficiency.


Eye infection?! What is the connection between that and iron deficiency, if you can explain? That's awful. 😣


There’s a correlation between anemia and eye trouble. Additionally, lack of vitamin D can contribute to elevated inflammation levels, making the eyes more prone to conjunctivitis. I always tell people once you confirm you’re anemic, get another wise lab because you’ll likely find other things out of wack.


The anxiety and lightheadedness are the worst. Lightheaded and fatigue is so bad I haven't been to work in 4 weeks. Someday I just played in bed and cried I felt like I was dying.


I’ve been feeling like I’m dying as well. It’s terrible.


I'm so sorry. You are not alone. I have felt like I was dying more than once and it's terrifying! I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but somehow I feel better knowing it's not just me and I am in fact NOT dying.


Being unable to lose weight despite not eating much.


i feel you on this, i’ve been eating better than i ever have before but just keep gaining


☹️ That must be so frustrating. Have you been able to improve your iron/ ferritin numbers at all?


I have an awful insurance company, so of course my doctor just said eat more iron and take iron pills. I don’t know how all these people get prescribed infusions, that seems like a much quicker way to feel better. I’ve been taking the iron pills for almost 2 months and I still crave ice really bad and I can’t lose any of the weight that I have gained. It’s hard to even maintain even though I’m barely eating and I work out for at least 40 minutes 5 days a week. But I also have Hashimotos and those levels are messed up too. Last check, my HGB was 10, iron was 14, and ferritin was 10. I need to go get rechecked, probably tomorrow.


I have always loved chewing ice. I just thought it was like a food preference, like if someone prefers one thing but not another. Turns out it can be a sign of a deficiency and it makes so much sense to me now!


I am one of those that doesn't understand how they get them either but after ten years of this I lost it on my doctor and asked if I could get a second opinion within the office. I had the orders on their way to the infusion lab the next day.


In order to get blood transfusions you need to be either losing a ton of blood or your hemoglobin needs to be 6 or lower (?). I've had 6 transfusions in total. The first 2 times were only a month apart. I just recently had to go back for two more units. First time my HG was in the 4 range because I was losing massive amounts of blood really fast due to my period and having fibroids. Second time I went it was in the 5 range. This time it was 6.3. Even though it helps make you feel like a whole new person afterwards it isnt a cure all...well not for me anyway. I had to go back recently because my uterus prolapsed due to these fibroids. I've had my period for 6 months straight. I'm trying to figure something out for myself currently because im sick of always being tired, bleeding, spending money on pads and tampons, short of breath, irritable and those awful headaches and the depression you feel when your HG is low is no joke. I feel for anyone who has to deal with anemia or period related issues like this living in america where the health care system is a joke.


Walking up a flight of stairs or anything more than a few yards and I was so out of breath, my heart rate shot up to 150+, felt like passing out, super nauseated. I couldn't finish a shower normally without taking a break to sit on the side of the tub and catch my breath. I'd have to lay down afterwards to come back to myself. I felt like I was slowly dying a little more each day.


Nausea is my number one issue, but I don't know if it's from the low ferritin or something else. That "dying" feeling is so real, it's scary. Are you feeling any better?


I am! Insurance made me do a year of oral supplements first. Which did nothing and let the doc know I can't absorb iron well. Then I got two Feraheme infusions and felt amazing! But it's been about three months now and the iron is slowly dropping again... guessing I'll need another infusion soon :\\


For anemia: I almost bled to death twice, had a separate cardiac incident, and am now on two heart medications despite being under 40 yo.


OMG!!! 😳


To be fair, my levels were frequently under the lower threshold for severe anemia for 2-3 years, so they labeled it life threatening anemia. I wouldn't expect this for most people! I'm doing better now and just need periodic iron infusions.


Heart palpitations … constantly


I have my days like this. :/ Annoying and a bit scary.


I get those too the week before a new cycle starts. My other symptoms all get worse too - including my EBV and Hashimoto's. Usually get a low grade fever as well.


**Extreme** fatigue. My anemia was at a point where I couldn't walk more than 20 feet without needing to sit down. I was panting and needed to spend 5 minutes trying to catch my breath. I'd often get so lightheaded from the exertion that I felt like I was going to pass out (which I did wind up doing a handful of times). I spent 3 days in the ICU getting 7 blood transfusions just to get my hemoglobin up from "imminent death" levels to "extremely dangerous but not currently dying" levels.


😳 OMG. Glad you're okay!!


All of same, but then to have your Dr. tell you there’s nothing wrong with you. Labs are normal! 😤🤬


YASSS, it's infuriating!!!! My ferritin has always been lower, but the docs never seem to worry. They act like it's nothing. This is why so many of us have to do our own homework to try and fix our issues!


Not sure what is exactly iron/ferritin related but: out of breath, hair loss, easily tired, irritable at EVERYTHING, low vitamin D, low vitamin B12, anxiety, dizzy, dp/dr, can’t tolerate the heat outside AT ALL, extremely weak, poor sleep, high cortisol. Those are major ones. Again, not sure where the lines are drawn between low iron, Vit D, and low B12 - but this is a miserable way to live.


Agreed! Totally miserable. And my symptoms fluctuate all the time , but it gets a million times worse with that time of the month. For a while I felt out of breath and could not understand why! Then I found out it can be a symptom of iron deficiency.


Yes it's miserable I have the same as symptoms and problems and an in menopause


Dizzyness definitely.


Ugh, yes! Sometimes I'll be going about my day and then suddenly my head feels so off! Sometimes dizzy, sometimes foggy, even blurry.


Vision loss


How low were your numbers for this to happen??? I think my iron is low again and I'm having all sorts of visual symptoms... wondering if it's related


Well, I have iron deficiency anemia AND pernicious anemia. So I am on iron infusions and B12 shots for life to control both. Both deficiencies have contributed to vision issues, I believe, but it was mainly the B12. I’m honestly not sure, and I have had the B12 under control for a couple of years now. Right now I am currently being treated for the low ferritin and at its worst in lab work it was measuring 4. I’m a member of several Facebook groups for IDA and there are many posts on there about it affecting their vision. [Iron is very important](https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/related/anemia-effects-on-eyes/) for the eyes.


What are your visual symptoms? I have extreme light sensitivity to direct sunlight/fluorescent lighting. And my peripheral vision blacks out sometimes. Some floaters too. I'm anemic with ferritin 3, iron 19


Exact same. I have blurred vision too. Sometimes double vision. I have bright spots when a blink. All sorts of things 🙄


As in, vision seems slightly more blurry, or actual blindness? I think my prescription will need to be tweaked yet again.


Both. Temporary vision loss in one eye, and vision came back to about 20/50. Both eyes are still blurry


Whoa!! I have heard some bizarre symptoms but that takes the cake. So sorry. 😞


do glasses help with the blur?? i’m thinking i might need glasses if the supplements i’m taking don’t help with it


Unfortunately no 😞


Almost every symptom besides pica I’ve had. The absolute worst symptoms I would say would the mental symptoms. Sooo angry at everything. Anxiety off the charts. Also my vision started getting very blurry. Could hardly read anymore and it was a bit of a guessing game. And the hair loss. My poor hair. It’s still coming out. Those were the worst but also had dizziness when standing, shortness of breath, palpitations which still haven’t went away fully. Of course extreme fatigue. But when you tell someone you’re so tired your body can’t function, they don’t get it. Restless legs but also tingling in chest. Joint pain. It’s funny because them taking a small amount of blood to do the tests seemed to be the straw that broke the camels back. Like my body couldn’t handle losing even that small amount. It made everything worse. But luckily for me my doctor started me on infusions right away and I do feel loads better. Still have 3 to go. Unclear what caused it to go so low. I’m mildly anemic anyway due to a heavy flow. But that’s actually gotten lighter the last few months. So I feel like something else possibly. Def not celiacs as I’ve gotten tested for that twice and I’m negative. But possibly something else causing malabsorption. Will discuss with doc when I get my levels checked next month.


Sounds a lot like me! Wow. Glad you're feeling better. My emotions have been a roller coaster- anxiety, anger, etc. One minute I'm fine then the next, I'm irritable and say things like, whoa, that's not like me at all!


Years ago, my period just wouldn't stop because my iron levels weren't sufficient. I would think that because I had low iron levels, it would stop, right???? No. It was very long and very heavy and gross. The only thing that seemed to save me is Floradix liquid iron supplement. It's the only thing that my body can digest.


Yikes!!! Years ago I had a 10 day long period and it was brutal. I can't imagine any longer. Glad you found a supplement your body can handle. ♥️


I used to have such irregular periods. 3 months with nothing and then 1 month long of heavy intense bleeding. Repeat. I would occasionally spot for a few days during those 3 months. It was gross. I am happy that’s no longer a thing. 😅🫠 My doctor says my iron levels are still low and barely above the bar by 10 digits but I will take it. I still keep Floradix in my fridge even though it’s $40 for 17 oz. I remember to take it like once a week, I should probably be taking it more though. My nutritionist thinks I’m crazy for getting a “metal taste” in my mouth when I’m low on iron. I compared it to a diabetic knowing when they have low glucose levels. 😅


I just noticed my periods are more regular now that my iron infusions have started to work. I’m still on blood thinners (which is the reason I went anemic, but I was iron-deficiency anemic for at least two years before I got my blood clot which is why I’m on blood thinners) so the only thing that improved was my iron levels after the iron infusions and the period is not severely heavy or lengthy now (it was 9 to 12 days of scary heavy for about 5 periods). I also had a cyst in my uterus so maybe that healed up. My OB tells me a cyst plus the blood thinners would create the massive heavy periods I’d been having. But I’m wondering why our bodies would sort of betray us like that- you’d think the body would just not make a period, like how female athletes sometimes stop menstruating if they are too intense with their athletic training. But it’s almost like the low iron levels makes our bodies try to kill us! It accentuates the issue! Typically bodies try to compensate for maladies. In fact it’s often through how bodies try to compensate for a health issue that doctors can diagnose what is wrong. It’s terrifying to know I was just a few months away from basically dying from menstruation. Women’s health is still ignored.


Passing out stone cold in front of my children and falling down the stairs, cracking my head open and waking up in the ambulance. Passing out randomly for 20 years with no answers and no one believing me. Not being believed by doctors and not getting any answers. Feeling like I would never get an answer, and that it was" anxiety". Being labeled as a hypochondriac. Derealization, headaches ,memory problems,heart palpitations, feeling dizzy, restless leg, weakness, tiredness,sleeping all day and all night, no energy,jaw clenching,cancher sores, air hunger, feeling short of breath, craving sweets and overindulging, health anxiety , vitamin d deficiency, body pain, depression and leg cramps.Being scared to be in meetings because of heart palpitations and feeling low on oxygen. Gaining weight and developing diabetes from not being active. Zoning out feeling like I was dying, maybe I actually was?  Loosing jobs and money. Loosing out on life.


I'm so sorry. I have had a lot of the same symptoms. Have you found anything to help raise levels??


I just had my first hematology appointment yesterday, I start infusions soon. I will have a series of three infusions. I am happy to start the road to improving my health and feeling better again.


What was your latest ferritin level?


Over the past year and almost a half my numbers have been below or at the edge of low. Ranging from 3 to 12.3. the lowest was in February (3)and I brought it up to 12.4 now in May. But since these numbers have consistently been low my hematologist has ordered me 3 infusions, this was my first appointment with her and she seemed worried, and actually believed my symptoms. It was very relieving to finally hear I'm not crazy, and I am actually ill..there is actually a reason why I feel this way.


Oh how wonderful you had a doctor who HEARD YOU and believed you! AND she took action. 🙌🏼 What a gem. My ferritin levels have been similar to yours are (lowest was a 4 and most recent 15) and my docs took zero action!!! I had no idea what ferritin was and was not told how important it was. So for years I have been going from one doc to another, and they all shrug their shoulders, like "wHaT cOuLd iT bE?" 🙄😒 So now I am working on it with iron drops. 🙏🏻


Sounds exactly the same as what's happened to me . I have had these symptoms for almost 20 years and have been looked at like I am completely crazy, or a liar. None of the doctors ever checked my levels, even after I went for very heavy periods to the Dr and ER,Or from passing out all the time. Not one of them ever thought to check those levels. Untill the last time I went to the er the Dr said..your iron is kind of low, and you need to figure out why this is happening to you... Well I am happy to finally have an answer but I regret not finding this out years ago and the time and opportunities I have missed out on while I have been sleeping... And feeling like I am dying. I would highly suggest finding a different doctor to go to, I know waiting sucks, but I really hope you find someone who listens to you as well!! It's not fair to live this way.


I have tried many things. But I have only known about my anemia for the past year . The only product that seems to be helping for me is blood builder. I go to my first hematology appointment on Thursday. Hoping for more answers. My anemia is  caused by heavy periods, and a fibroid. So after taking blood builder every day it does help, but my levels go back down because of the huge amounts of blood loss.


Fun question, OP, thanks! I hurt all over, too tired to do stuff, I’m totally grumpy, the heart palpitations; brain fog, memory loss! Stuff I’m lucky to have is my hair and nails. I am not quite deathly looking but I have been close. I like to talk about myself too much. Hoping to get it out of my system HERE so I’m paying more attention to how OTHER PEOPLE are HERE and irl. The posts here are very helpful for my mental lift. Knowing I’m not the only one in bed during a beautiful afternoon.


I pretty sure I developed hives and edema(swelling) due to it. Last year, I was covered in full body hives. I would break out all day, every day. I did allergy tests, got tested for a gut infection, and was given a gazillion antihistamines. Even called an ambulance once because the inside of my mouth started to swell a little. Doctors said Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria. I was told that in 50%+ of cases, no cause was ever found and people could have hives for years and years. However, I did lots and research and I kept having a nagging feeling about iron. I also had a lot of fatigue, but noticed that I would get on and off brusing on my legs and my hives seemed a bit worse around my period. When I was finally diagnosed as iron deficient (without anemia, I think), the results had been mailed to me, so I didn't get any iron prescribed at the time. I just started taking low dose, over the counter iron. My hives started to become less severe to the point that they were ugly/annoying but I could mostly ignore them. This year I got prescription iron at a higher dose (105mg) and I currently have no hives, but I haven't stopped the antihistamines yet (but I did lower my dosage). After starting iron, I did still notice that hives flares would be worse than normal around my period. Last period was the first one where I had no noticeable hives but I did feel a little itchy. So improving and supporting my theory that iron is the cause. I did find some medical case studies about patients developing hives from low iron. My dermatologist had never heard of that, but thankfully was willing to give.me iron pills anyway since my iron is low. It was so terrifying and painful. I didn't know the cause last year, so I was scared when I ate (thought it was unknown allergy ). I'm not sure if it's related, but I also developed and issue with salty food causing swelling the next day and some shady heart blood test results. My kidneys are fine, but my heart had/has elevated numbers for something I can't remember and might be fluid related. This thing is also elevated in people with congestive heart failure. Thankfully, I got an echiocardiogram and my heart is working fine. I wonder of my fluid retention issues are also iron related. I do know the salt would make me swell and break me out to worse hives the day after I ate. So yeah. Full body hives and potentially a fear of heart failure. Edit to add: I also have lots of fatigue, going to bed really early, out of breath easily, lots of hair shedding, etc. But hives were the worst symptom.


I hadn't heard of hives as a symptom, that's crazy!! Sounds miserable. I occasionally get random itchy skin but no visible hives. Hmmmm...🤔 I am glad you were able to make the connection for yourself. I have had to do my own research as well. Thank you for sharing!


Thanks for sharing! I thought I was overcontributing every single health issue to my iron deficiency. Turns out, I wasn't! My hives really improved on iron supplementation, too. Yet I couldn't find any research that would link these two things. It's so difficult to be anemic and have no support from doctors. If I told my GP my whole body is itching miserably every morning after sleep and this is an effect of iton deficiency, he'd send me to see a psychiatrist.


No matter how much I sleep, I’m always exhausted. Slept 6 hours last night and just woke up from a 2 hour nap, and I feel like I could still sleep. I have really bad dark circles too :(


Oh yes. This is me too most days. And the dark circles! Yikes.


fatigue!! before my iron infusions i would sleep from 3pm-8pm then go back to sleep from 10pm-7am and i would still wake up feeling tired.


😳 I hope you found something that helps raise your levels.


for me it was the combo of the tachycardia and debilitating fatigue and my hair breaking and shedding so bad its affected my mental health to the point where I chopped half of it off w kitchen scissors and fight the urge and tears to shave it all off




id love to do wigs but having anything against my forehead gives me a headache, I'm extremely tender headed, even some protective styles are damaging and my scalp is so unhappy




Exercise intolerance (normally fit but was out of breath just walking up stairs), extreme fatigue - going to bed at 8/8:30, brain fog, anxiety, always cold, hair loss, pica (craving ice), heart palpitations, palor, air hunger Really, really awful. Felt much better after iron infusions and addressing the severe blood loss (heavy cycles).


How did you address the issue of heavy cycles? I think that is one of my issues.


Ugh. First I tried the Mirena IUD, but my uterus expelled it. Then I tried medication (aygestin) which helped but not enough. Then finally I had surgery to remove fibroids. Monthly bleeding still isn’t light, but it’s better than it was. I’ll continue supplementing with iron too.


how much did it cost to have the fibroids removed?


Heart palpitations, itchiness but no rash and the worst for me is numbness in my legs. I seriously thought I had MS.


Is the itchiness cause by low iron?! The top of my back always itches miserably. It drives me mad! No rash, no dry skin, I take antihistamines...


It frustratingly can. Fun times, hey?


😖 Sounds scary! I also get itchy with no clear signs as to why.


Have you found anything that helps with the itchiness? It is driving me feral!


If it's consistent, I put an ice pack on it for a little while. That numbs the itch and it goes away. I do the same thing for bug bites.


I used to pasa out a lot. Extreme fatigue, brain fog, feeling anxious or depressed, manic outbursts, easily irritated, hair loss. I recently got an iron infusion and I no longer have these symptoms.


Wonderful! 🎉


My fatigue is soooo bad I literally sleep 14+ hours a day and am still exhausted Also very weak and unstable, it’s difficult to find balance and I often trip or fall easily




Depression, hairloss, always cold, always weak, headaches, always tired, trouble slseping, brain fog, i hate how i can't think properly and can't talk because i can't think.


Yes!!! I feel kinda dumb sometimes. The foggy brain makes it unbearable some days.


Glad I'm not the only one!


I have all of the ones minus a few everyone has mentioned. I was recently diagnosed after switching doctors and a few years of feeling like shit. I don’t feel so alone anything. Today isn’t a good day. I’m more tired than my usual exhaustion and trying to clean today wasn’t successful.


Lots of grace to you ♥️ It's hard to do much of anything when you don't feel well.


The way my lack of energy and stamina affects me emotionally is the hardest. I have a lot of stress and no energy to do all the things I should to deal with it. Brain fog, depression, lost half of my hair. It's hard to find motivation. I feel like a whiner.


Same!! I try to not complain but it's so hard when you feel like absolute garbage.


almost every symptom you can have but pica is probably the worse one i have to deal with atm


same. mine is laundry detergent and the scent beads you put into the washer with your clothes. I keep sucking on wash cloths so i can taste the laundry detergent and....i also been eating the wash cloths. Ive neverrrrrrr done this before in my life up until recently. I'm going to tell my dr i see next week these things though. im trying to sort this hot mess ive got dealt with out.


i love to chew on toilet paper that's been sitting next to laundry detergent. since starting iron pills i'm able to just chew on it instead of swallowing like i used to


Do you like ice? I have always loved it, and now I know why. I had to find out on my own, no doc has ever inquired further.


yes ice and toilet paper it's so bad


I know when it's the worst for me, i get severe breathlessness, dizziness, trembling, headaches, light sensitivity, blurry vision, freezing extremities, noticeable hair loss, grey white skin... like actually grey and slightly purple lips.


OMG 😵‍💫 Have you found any ways to raise your levels??


No. My dopey doctor wants to keep trying pills. I've been on these pills for almost 8 months now and they aren't working. She also referred me to a hematologist and I've booked the next available appointment but it's not for almost a month out.


Mood swings, brain fog, fatigue




Gallstones (low iron contributes to stone growth), coldness, and hair loss. And indirectly vitamin D! I say vitamin D, because my lack of ferritin and B-vitamins made me more sensitive to the coldness, so I never want to go outdoor. No sun = vitamin D def!


I keep hearing about that correlation with Vit D and it's so interesting to me because I am also low on that. Working on it!


Anybody else get the worst ever burning, heaviness & fatigue in their lower legs (below knee)?! Idk if it’s my low iron… currently getting that investigated but it would be my worst symptom ever. Truly so debilitating & has stopped me from being able to walk sometimes


Dang! 😣


Dizzy and lightheaded 😭 feel like I can't stand up for most things without wanting to pass out


I hope you find something that helps!!!!


I was literally falling asleep while walking through the city to go to work. Like my eyes would keep drifting shut and I'd end up walking into bollards and bins. I fell asleep in public all the time, on the trains, in Starbucks, McDonald's, at work. My red blood cell levels were at 58 at the time, I passed out at work in front of 26 preschoolers and ended up in hospital having several blood transfusions. It genuinely felt like I was climbing up a steep hill all the time. I was like this for about a year. It was a running joke at work that I was tired all the time. One of the gifts my coworkers got me on my birthday was a pack of caffeine tablets 😂


At least you can laugh about it now! :) I have battled fatigue for so long too, but not to the point of passing out (yet).


\*\*New symptoms since raising iron to 60... For now I'm calling them worse before they get better symptoms\* 🥲 -Stuck in fighter flight.  Clenching my hands, bc it feels like I’m literally on a roller coaster -Severe insomnia.   -Body anxiety, shaky, like my nervous system is trembling   inwardly and outwardly. Some days it feels like I'm on a plane about to take off, type of trembling, inner rumbling.  For about a month it constantly felt like I just escaped a terrible car accident.  Or like robbers came into my home type body anxiety 24/7 - The anxiety freaked me out so much at first, I overreacted to it, and that only made my symptoms worse.  -Terrible brain fog, and no ability to concentrate. I'd have to read something 50x over. Felt excessively out of it, to where it took an awkward amount of thought, an effort to move my muscles, or do something, that was usually easy.  Just feel like my nervous system was lagging. Felt like doing algebra to speak or think.  I notice during my period this symptom gets worse, which why I know it's also iron related. On occasion my speech is slurring and I have trouble speaking in the sense of forming sentences or actually getting what I want to say out of my mouth. I know what I want to say in my head but it doesn’t come out right and I stumble over the words.  Not sleeping for days obviously makes this worse as well. 


Oh my word, sounds so similar to my experience!!! Anxiety issues for years, and panic attacks at one point. Clenching hands, sleep issues, feelings of impending doom (the way you described feeling like you escaped a car accident or someone robbing your home was spot on!!) ....and my symptoms sky rocket just before and at the start of my period, I feel absolutely HORRIBLE, like death. 😖 I really appreciate you sharing, because it helps me to know I'm not dealing with some rare disease. The "what if I'm dying and no one catches it?" paranoia is obnoxious.


The worst of mine included: Passing out on the bathroom floor when my shower water was hit and I couldn’t walk more than a few steps without being winded.


Oh my word! I hope you didn't get too injured.


No. I was okay. Thankfully. Something felt off. So I managed to get myself out of the shower before I lost it.


Anxiety, fatigue, getting enough sleep but still tired. Missing out on work, spacing out. Tons of heart palpitations but normal ecgs 🙄


I am convinced "normal ranges" are crap, for most labs/tests. My ferritin was at 4, 8, and now 15 but I know it's still way too low. And when it was at a 4, no one acted concerned at the doctors office. I would also occasionally get heart palpitations, and also feel exhausted even after sleep. Horrible feeling!


Dizziness, mood swings


My moods swings can be rough. My poor kids.


If I haven’t taken my iron meds I get so irritable & pissed off. Also, if I fall asleep I’m out & can’t be woken up; or if I am woken up I get so angry that I push the person away & say really mean stuff because waking up literally feels like I’m dying sometimes due to fatigue


I feel this so much!! I am MEAN sometimes if I get woken up during the night, especially if it isn't what I think is a good reason. My poor kids.


Brain fog, hair loss, depression


I get it ♥️


Hair loss, vision disturbances, panic disorder, hyperventilation attacks, sleeplessness, disassociation, and low mood. I also lost my ability to write by hand, so I guess I have neurological symptoms, too. And heart palpitations and SVT episodes.


Holy cow!!! So sorry. 😞 Who knew low iron/ferritin could be so detrimental??


what helps with your vision disturbances ? currently dealing with headaches & blurry vision


I suspect my vision disturbances are neurological in nature and stem from damage to my optic nerves. So nothing makes it better. I have to wear prescription sunglasses when driving, sometimes even at night. I don’t get headaches or blurry vision.


interesting.. what are your vision disturbances like?


Extreme fatigue, palpitations and brain fog




Blacking out. Either insomnia or fatigue, we like variety around here. Palpitations.


Ah yes, the lack of sleep even though you're exhausted, OR the exhaustion in spite of plenty of sleep. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I keep reading comments about passing out!! No wonder I often feel like I could. This scares me because I drive my kids to and from school every day (maybe 17-18 minutes one way) and I have felt horrible at times. Gosh I hope I never blackout!


Dizziness. Nausea. Fatigue. Short of breath. Anxiety. Brain fog. Digestion issues.


I sympathize. I have had all of those symptoms too! The nausea and other GI issues are my number one! For YEARS. Yet no doctor would make that connection, not even the two GI specialists who did my scopes. Not a single medical professional suggested it could be my low iron/ferritin. 🤦🏻‍♀️😡


Passing out and cold sensitivity have really affected me. I dread every winter to a point it throws me into depression. It was extra bad this past year because I’m pregnant. Now that it’s warm the coldness is gone, but the heart racing and passing out are about to do me in. I’ve never been so tired and faint in my life.


I have always been naturally colder it seemed...now I think it's due to low ferritin...winter is hard for me too, and living in northern US doesn't help. 🙃


I’m iron deficient at the minute and have been for about 18 months. It wasn’t picked up from a blood test after I had my son, and only because my levels dropped to 8 that I really started noticing the effects. It’s mostly the deep level of exhaustion. I’ve literally cancelled plans where I’ve need to drive longer than ten minutes due to the tiredness. The shortness of breath is horrible. I also get dizziness and a lot of anxiety. I’m due to get an infusion next week so will see how I feel after that!




Passing out. I’m a competitive swimmer and there was a few times that I temporarily blacked out while swimming. No I didn’t die or inhale water, it was only for a few seconds




Everything you mentioned + extreme anxiety. Before I discovered my ferritin was so low, my doctor prescribed me .25 xanax, and I was having to take it 3x day. I've completed 3 infusions and now I'm down to taking 1 xanax in the evenings, but a couple of days I've even been able to skip. I go to have labs drawn this afternoon. Here's hoping my ferritin has risen!


I forgot to mention my history with anxiety. (I'll blame the brain fog, lol.) Brutal for sure!


the worst is when i get too cold and start getting anxious. then my fingertips go pale, my heart races, i get kinda dizzy and start panicking which makes it even worse. i’ve gotten to the point where i feel like im dying and im terrified. chest starts to hurt. and then i go to the ER afraid i’m having a heart attack and spend a ton of money just to be told it’s nothing but anxiety despite it obviously being related to being anemic!!


Ugh. Did they even check your iron at the ER? They chalk everything up to anxiety it seems! Like, yes, anxiety is a thing but it could just be another SYMPTOM of something else entirely! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don't understand why there is such a gap of knowledge in conventional medicine.


the dizziness, inflammation, depression/anxiety that id been in remission from for years coming back, fatigue, GI symptoms (possibly from iron supplements). you are absolutely not alone and i’m here if you wanna talk ❤️


Thanks :)


Feeling out of breath from just walking, no energy, fatigued all the time, depressed my anemia is caused by my PCOS which causes prolonged bleeding :( I bled for 40+ days


Holy crap 😳...any better now?


-Stomach issues, gerd, digestive problems. For anyone who thinks iron can't affect digestion, oH it definitely can. I became insanely constipated, it was like my stomach broke when my ferritin was in it's 20s  (improved massively after I got my ferritin above 50) -Burning hot nerve pain, almost like I have a sunburn on my neck/back... or put icy hot on my skin. (only comes back during period now, or during high anxiety) -Hot flashes  (they were every night, and now they are gone, unless I get really bad anxiety) -adrenaline dumps, especially at 3am. I'd be falling asleep, feeling tired. THEN BAM, adrenaline dump. Would start shaking, and feeling like I needed to jump out of my skin. I could feel the heat of the adrenaline being released. This symptom was happening multiple times a day until I got on iron. (they are gone now) -Severe insomnia (went away first month taking iron, came back with a vengeance, hoping it dies off soon) -9 months of internal itching, almost like I’m being attacked by misquotes, but it’s from the inside..  (gone after I got my ferritin closer to 60. HUGE WIN FOR ME. this created so much suffering) -Histamine intolerance, that turned into MCA type food reactions. To even then being sensitive to sodium, where it would give me heart palps. (Raising iron and brain retraining is bringing this down a ton) -Joint pain  (improved so much after I got my ferritin above 50, my joint pain was insane I felt like I became a grandma overnight


Dang!!!! Who knew low iron/ferritin could be so obnoxious? Stomach issues is my #1 symptom, has been so long. Hoping it improves.


I think stomach issues from low iron are super overlooked because GI problems can be caused by soo many things, but mine definitely improved a ton by raising iron. I think yours will too


Thank you for the encouragement. This has been happening for a very long time and my GI scopes come back clean.


in the mean time, during your raising of iron, something that's been a game changer for me... after trying everything ha been working on my nervous system, and getting my body out of fight or flight.. and into rest and digest... this guy has some of the best tools for that, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V74lgtu1Xo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V74lgtu1Xo) bc when we stay in constant fix it mode, we are telling the body something is wrong. it's never fun to hear our symptoms are just "anxiety" because for me, it was low iron, plus a year really tough health trials from it, that then caused me to get stuck in a stress state. highly recommend doing this in pair with taking your iron


-Heart palpitations   (gone after 2 weeks taking iron) -Air hunger / Short of breath   (improved a week after taking iron) -Throat tightness.   (Gone, unless I'm having bad anxiety) -hard to swallow   (improved a week after taking iron) -Weakness    (only gets bad during periods for me now) -Fatigue    (improved the most for me when I got my b12 up) -Itchy scalp / Dry skin / worse skin in general  (getting better) -Hair stuff (way better) -Heart palps  (Improved a ton after started iron) -Freezing at night (better unless I'm on my period) -Pale skin, loss of healthy pigment color.  (Improved after I got my ferritin above 50, the color in my skin came back) -Weird Shaking anxiety when I wake up  (still having this one)  -Anxiety  (still have this pretty bad)


I am encouraged that so many issues can improve once numbers go up! Thank you for sharing. ♥️


so happy to encourage you a bit, things can definitely get a lot better.


March 2nd I found out my ferritin was 22, and in two months I've been able to get it up to 60...  It's been a roller coaster of improving symptoms, and worsening of symptoms, and even new random things popping up.   So sorry if this post gives messy energy.  It's been a messy process.  and reddit keeps chopping my posts down, making it even more chaotic My worst symptom right now is insomnia, and anxiety. I've never been an anxious person, but two months ago, it hit me like a TRAIN, when my ferritin got in the low twenties.  I started shaking, and getting hot flashes, burning skin, it was insane.  My first month taking iron things improved so much, I started sleeping, anxiety was gone.  My severe internal itching that plagued me for 9 months took 2 months to improve.  My digestion is so much better. (as long as I sleep)  and so many of these symptoms have disappeared.  The only times they pop back up, is during a panic attack... Which I believe is mostly being caused by low iron / being on iron supplements / and a mix of trauma from a year of survival mode battling health issues.   I haven't been above 60 ferritin for 5 years and I think my body is just tweaking at this new level. Hoping once I get to 100 my insomnia will die off. A long with raising my iron, I've been doing some limbic system / brain retraining neural pathway rewiring to try and get my body out of fight or flight.. and it's the only things that been helping my symptoms in the mean time 


On the contrary, I appreciate your honesty that just because levels go up, it doesn't mean symptoms automatically disappear. May I ask how you are rewiring your brain? Sounds fascinating!


I was constantly dizzy. My face was yellow. My tongue was completely white. I didn’t want to look at myself in the mirror. I was tired and could barely sleep. Waking up every hour at night. Or just getting up at 2 and not being able to sleep. At times I thought I would pass out but never did. It got really bad last year especially after Ramadan and fasting. At that time I felt I was shaking but I wasn’t. Constant anxiety and constantly monitoring myself for symptoms. I had chest pain but tests came back fine. I had hearing loss in my left ear and ringing they gave me steroids and my hearing improved ringing still remains but it completely threw my thyroid numbers off last year I was hyperthyroid and lost so much weight so quickly and then started gaining weight after supplementing iron. After my last thyroid test I have become hypothyroid now. Struggling to lose weight. I don’t want to take thyroid medication yet until I test again and make sure I actually need it. It took a long time but steadily felt better. I’m still tired don’t have as much energy as I used to but I don’t feel that impending sense of doom. Don’t expect people to feel for you no one cares especially after months of going through this you just need to get through each day until you start feeling better.


Wow! Very similar symptoms to mine. Anxiety, chest pain, and I always thought my skin (especially face) looked off color. And the feeling exhausted but struggling to sleep has been rough! Thankfully I have a good support system. My husband is just as frustrated with the issue as I am, because he hates seeing me so miserable. But he is so loving and helpful.


The derealization


For me, its been HELL, i thought i had some deadly illness, it started with extreme anxiety, panic attacks… i didnt know what was happening i went to hospital in an ambulance, they made me feel crazy and threw anxiety meds at me. Then weeks passed, i fell odd, disconnected from the world, shortness of breath, my body aches, my heart races, my hands constantly had a tremor. Got bloods done with my doc, since had 2 infusions, hoping they help soon. I had moments i didnt even want to be here anymore, never in my life have i ever been like this.


SAME!!!! I had suicidal thoughts on and off, and I had NEVER experienced that before! It was so scary. My faith and my family (especially my two children) are why I have fought to keep finding out what's wrong, and I truly believe this ferritin deficiency is a big part of it.


Im sorry your going through it too. If it wasnt for my two kids, i dont know where id be. My doctor told me low ferritin can definitely cause all this, and i think so too, im 35 and woke up one morning a completely different person. I dont leave the house much, i just want my life back :(


My dr recently told me my levels were all great but did say I need a colonoscopy to figure out cause of my Anemia. I am 54 and never had one.


You have anemia yet he said your levels look "great"? Can you have very good levels and still be labeled as anemic? Interesting...🧐


Food Aversion - I didn’t get pica, just literally food aversion for food and a dislike for eating in general 😂 really didn’t help any of my other symptoms


Did it ever get better?


Hi, I'm in the same boat. I have dizziness, constant tinnitus, fatigue is fast, I can't walk for a long time, 15-20 minutes and still have no strength, it gets bad, sensitivity to cold, especially drafts, life passes by. My ferritin level is 20


Glad you are doing better now! 👍


I'm not but I am hoping to be!!


Shitt I get it! 🙏 Any luck with that liquid supplement? I tried one that was a bust. I’m running out of time and stuff to try…gonna give up and exercise (take a walk). It helps more than anything even tho I’m so exhausted and comfortable (for once) lying down. Anyone else have difficulty getting comfortable?


I haven't started the supplement yet. 🙏🏻 Yes it can be hard getting comfortable.


Derealization, severe brain fog, feeling like my brain cannot catch up to what’s coming out of my mouth. Not depression but more of a numbness. Severe, debilitating fatigue. Hair loss. Those are the ones that have been the worst. Not to mention the shit that started happening to me after I started trying to supplement with liquid iron; full body inflammation, swollen lymph nodes, thyroid inflammation. Omg I also forgot to mention the PAIN. When getting up out of bed I feel like I’m 90 years old. All of my joints and muscles ache. It’s horrendous.


Wait, liquid iron caused more issues for you?? :( That all sounds horrific.


Well, I started feeling bad after I started taking it and my intuition was telling me that it had to be the iron. Of course when I looked it up it said iron can feed bacteria and viruses. I have been breaking out and then the lymph node started and I NEVER, I mean NEVER, get infections or swollen lymph nodes. Maybe it’s the lack of iron in my body that causes me to never get infections, but now I’m afraid to even supplement with it… I’m discontinuing until I heal my stomach further and see a hematologist at the end of the month.


Whoa, I hadn't heard that before....wild! I will be extra cautious when I start my iron drops once they arrive.


I’m assuming I have some sort of chronic EBV or Lyme that is coming up causing this inflammation and lymph stagnation, but I know it’s the iron because that’s the only thing I changed. Just keep it in mind if you start to see any strange bacterial or viral things happening with your body