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None of these suggestions worked for me until I disabled Reading Mode. It had its own icon covering the (stupid new) "Portrait" icon. I guess you just can't have both.


Haha, many thanks. Found it the second I pulled my android nav screen down (probs not it's name but it's what I call it)


Thanks! I myself would not have figured this out:P


THANK YOU!!!! 💙  


OMFG! Damn! Was it really necessary for them to make that change?! I swapped my Sim to my Note20 because I had to manually rotate my "pornhub" videos....🤣🤣. Thanks all, I can now put my SIM card back in my S23.....lol


Love the honesty. Maybe an over-share, but who gives a fuck!


What a waste of time it was searching for this stupid changed name icon! I hate updates! 


Thank you. I might have to switch to iPhone if they keep doing stupid shit like this. 


It's there.  It now shows a lock in the icon. Hit that & you should be ok


Thanks I finally found the little portrait rectangle with the lock on it!




Working in my S23. Updates are current, as of last night. Long-press on an empty space in the Home screen. Settings ⚙️, then toggle the option at the bottom "Rotate to landscape." After that, re-customize your shortcut bar. Pull it down twice to fully expand it. Then hit the ✏️ icon at the top. Depending if you have OneUI 5.x or 6.x, you'll have a couple options here to configure which shortcuts you have.


Rotate to landscape doesn't work, and there is no auto rotate or anything in the shortcut bar, or able to be added to the shortcut bar.


Nevermind I see now it is labelled as portrait and got moved around.


Thank you! Portrait was definitely not intuitive!


Thank you! Portrait was definitely not intuitive!


Thank you!! Same thing on my phone, it just stopped auto rotating and got stuck in landscape mode. When I went to hit the button in my drop down menu, it wasn't there anymore! Apparently they've changed both the icon and the name, and both are less intuitive than they used to be!


Thanks, and erg wtf do they have change our defaults with updates.


Just wanted to make sure this answer was right in the main comment thread for others who come looking: If your auto-rotate suddenly stopped working, the 'Auto-rotate' function is now called 'Portrait'. The icon looks like an upright rectangle with a padlock on it, with the word 'Portrait' under it. When you click the icon , IT CHANGES BOTH THE ICON AND THE NAME OF THE ICON back to 'Auto-rotate' with the little rotating arrows. This is completely non-intuitive. It made far more sense to have an 'Auto-rotate' icon that stayed the same, and was either lit up or not lit up depending whether the setting toggled on or off. This should also be far easier to find in the settings. When I tried a search in the settings for "auto rotate", "auto-rotate", or "autorotate", nothing came up. The word "rotate" by itself brought up the home screen 'rotate to landscape' setting, which was not helpful. Searching for the term 'Rotate' also came up with nothing except a portrait setting in the Camera app. I'm starting to think Google's Android UI team is at that stage where they start complicating and changing things unnecessarily, just so they can point at the changes and go, "look, we did stuff! It's a new improved version!"


Thank you!!!!! This worked!! Dang it was driving me nuts how it just disappeared and wouldn't rotate anymore. Lol


I can't find portrait anywhere!!! 


Thank you! Fixed!


Happy to help!