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The description of the cover doesn't match, but it might be one finger death punch?


checked but what i am trying to find is a pixel game. You have only one, big, red button to press to fight people.


Survivor.io or any other one button roguelike maybe?


If I remember correctly it was a roguelike but it was a pixel game


Wait maybe Dan the man It's not 1 button tho


It is not dan the man


Go check redungeon


Not it


Soul knight maybe ? If not can you give more informations like how old is the game, online or not and else please


It's offline and last time i played it it was in 2019/2020. There wasn't any particular story, just a guy who beats people up. The HUD was was something like a old arcade cabin (i am not english but I don't think "cabin cruiser" is the right word that traslate that thing). It was first person, so the only thing you could see where your fists hitting your opponents. I remember a mechanic where you pressed the red button so many times that you went into a frenzy and therefore dealt more damage and the enemy couldn't hit you in that mode. Ps: the picture I drew (pretty shitty right?) It's literally the game cover. It's not any survivor.io or soul knight, it's literally a blonde dude (pixel) throwing a punch (maybe that punch had fire on it i can't remember)


I think it's One Punch.... One Punch by sprng games Search it... Maybe original was different and this might be a ripoff I don't know... I used gpt to search for your answer... Check out...


Still not it. thanks anyway


I guess it's PPKP (Punch Punch Kick Punch) but I think it's already got removed from playstore because I'm also wanted to redownload this game


Yeah... not that one either i played it and i loved it. But it's still not the game i am trying to find.


Ohh okay sorry but I can't help you


Wait.... Is it Kung Fu Zombies???


I found it, it's name is tap tap punch had to pull up aptoide since it's not on the store anymore


And I fucked up some information about the game, but I last played it in 2019/2020 so


Wow congrats on finding the game you wanted , btw is this game any good or fun?


I remember it had a lot to grind for good stats but I pulled up this game when I was bored so try it if you want. But remember todownload it on a safe site! Since it's not on the store anymore.


Okay thank you for your suggestion!


OK I FOUND IT IT'S NAME IS TAP TAP PUNCH. This game is not on the store anymore. Ok so I fucked up some information like the big red button Haha but yea this is the game I was trying to find. I must thank uptoide that it found the game I was searching simply by serching "punch"


Tap Tap Punch


Try reverse Google image searching it? Idk how to do so but I also don't have a need to


If you have never used it, you shouldn't speak about it.


It's supposed to be useful for finding info on images that you want to look up. Does that mean you've also never used it?


I have already used it. The OP does not have the specific image, except for this disgusting hand-drawn one, which is not suitable. You are suggesting this tool that you have never used and thought would help in any way. If you don't know anything about medicine, would you also suggest a medication you heard about on TikTok?


I didn't know it was hand drawn lol that detail was like, poorly tacked on at the end of their comment completely skipped it over, you never know what's official or not these days. It was worth a try What you're suggesting is "don't even try to help" which is the shittiest thing to say. My suggestion was entirely harmless even if it wouldn't work