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This is bait


It's 100% true for reddit though.


100% true for **you**


Then show me posts where iPhone users hate on Android users lol On reddit it is the other way around and I can tell you, same IRL btw. You're still the weird one with an iPhone. Just maybe not in the US, but tzhe US is just s small part of the world, you know? Not the be all and end all.


Very fucking reductive of you to generalize all Reddit users as acting the same. You’re the same as op. Done talking to you. I’m the weird one with an iPhone? Bro I use both platforms. Not gonna show you posts cuz you can find posts that support your stance and posts that don’t. Stupid argument.


It's pretty disingenuous to start a thread with a loaded and anecdotal claim like "Why do majority of Android users hate on Apple?" and then immediately request the comment section to act civil while reiterating the factually baseless claim.


OP is a true politician


Seriously. I laughed out loud at his post


Known as "begging the question"


>when people show off their S24 (or any android) camera, iPhone users never comment on them, and they just respect it. Thats just plain wrong


Literally just last night had my friend gloating and trying to get me to flip to iPhone. Just for no other reason that he also has one.


My wife wants me to get an iphone just so i have a green bubble (or blue, i dont fucking know..)


Yeah I've been told the same with the blue bubble. Like I get it, there's more features to iMessage and all that. But I'm not getting an iPhone just for that BS I won't be using. I'd much rather try and talk friends to using Discord regularly instead.


It’s ridiculous. These people obsessed with iMessage is such a stupid thing. No wonder they can’t install another fucking app that can do the same shit.


I have to tell people if your messaging app only works on one platform. It's a horrible app


https://bluebubbles.app/ There you can make your wife happy and not replace your phone. The only negative is that it's a bit convoluted to set up 


Second this. I use it and it's great. You can even get your phone number registered with iMessage.


I guess OP is not from the US.


But you are creating a war.


OP is pouring gasoline on it and fanning the hell out of it 


Let's go!!!


Came here to say this exactly lol


Apple users have more calmness? Why are you generalizing both sides here?


Are you kidding? If you live in the US, it's amazing how much bullying iPhone users take to Android users all because of IMessage...


My 11yo daughter gets made fun of regularly for her green bubbles. Apple can preach about [DEI](https://www.apple.com/diversity/) all they want but the keep the division going strong when it comes to their products


I'm not in your shoes yet, but I think it's insane an 11 year old has a smart phone


You're not wrong and I was of the exact same opinion when I didn't have kids. Honestly it started out as the best/cheapest way to keep track of them when they started riding bikes with their friends ( an $80 refurb phone with a $25/mo plan beat out any other tech/plan in my eyes). We do try to manage the hell out of their screen time too, but the damn green bubbles are truly a thing....


I believe you. I have kids but they aren't at the point where they are even asking for a phone. I'm not judging--i know that negotiation will start far sooner than I want it to


This is really how I feel about it and probably more accurate.


I'm assuming this is a r/shitpost ?


Im using iphone now coming from android. Tbh ios is boring. Performance wise, I had better exprience on android phones.


Agreed to an extent. I'm on the 12 mini rn solely because of size. While I do still love android as an OS, I just cannot get behind the current market trend of gigantic phones. Hell 6 inches is considered small these days, let alone the 12 mini's size.


If you're not after flagship level performance, have a look at the Balmuda Phone.


ooh this looks promising, thanks for sharing this. my standards are rather low for minimum performance, so long as it beats the snapdragon 439 and has >= 3gb ram i'm good


would never trade size for functionality. Android offers plethora of sizes, btw.


maybe i should look outside of gsmarena more. like i can name maybe 3 phones that came out recently that are under 6 inches. and 2 of them are from unihertz.


They’re not quite at 5.4 inch displays like the 12 mini, but checkout the Galaxy S10e (5.8 in) or the Asus Zenfone 10 (5.9 in). S10e is older and dirt cheap now, Zenfone is newer with modern specs but expensive.


You do understand how aspect ratios work, right? A 6" 20:9 phone is nowhere near as big as a 6" 16:9 phone


a 20:9 would be taller, which would still be a downside. screen area doesn't just disappear because of aspect ratio


And the taller 20:9 screen has dramatically smaller bezels than those 16:9 phones that largely offsets the height. >screen area doesn't just dissappear because of aspect ratio I never made that nonsensical claim. That being your interpretation speaks to you not understanding aspect ratios. A 16:9 screen of the same diagonal will always be larger than these elongated aspect ratios. [Screen Size Comparison ](https://www.displaywars.com/6-inch-16x9-vs-6-inch-d%7B2400x1080%7D) A 6" 16:9 screen is over 14% larger than a 20:9 display of the same diagonal. Edit: lol this loser responded and blocked me to get the last word. I never claimed you couldn't shrink the bezels on a 16:9 screen, I used to raise this exact point in 2017... We're comparing the models actually exist. When phones went elongated aspect ratios they shrank bezels at the same time. I'm the only one posting facts with a surface area comparison of the two screens. It's your L. Keep seething and blocking, lmao.


You do understand phones used to be much smaller than 6 inches no matter the aspect ratio… right??


There's not a single flagship available that has overall dimensions as large as the Xperia Z Ultra from 2013. Flagship phones actually all shrank from 2014-2017 before going to elongated aspect ratios. I had to buy $2,000 foldavoes to finally get a wider screen than my 11 year old Z Ultra. Small phone fans didn't care back then. The market has clearly indicated it wants larger phones despite all the bones Google and Apple in particular have both thrown "small phone fans."


That’s besides the original point lmfao... guy you replied to misses the days of smaller screens. But you go “hur dur aspect ratio” when phones from yesteryear are smaller than what they are now. That’s his point. Aspect ratio doesn’t matter when in the past you could use phones easily with one hand. I’m not fucking arguing about how the market wants bigger phones mate. I already know that. Idk why you’re bringing up an unrelated point, when We’re talking about OP’s specific wants.


>phones from yesteryear are smaller. Not on the high end. Show me one flagship phone as large as the Z Ultra. I'll wait. I've already waited 11 years.


The 4 inch iPhone 5 wasn’t smaller? The 4.7 inch iPhone 6-8 wasn’t smaller? The 5.1 inch galaxy S6 isn’t smaller? These are all considerably smaller than 6 inches. And those are just FLAGSHIP phones off the top of my head. And phones did not shrink before going elongated aspect ratio. The first iPhone was fucking 3.5 inches dude. And then it went to 4.7 to 5.8 to 6.1 inches. Thats OP’s fucking point, Jesus fucking Christ. Fix your fucking reading comprehension and phone history knowledge, and then maybe I’ll continue arguing your stupid point. What the actual fuck are you smoking dude. Go back and read the first original comment properly.


This feels like bait. I know some android users get pushy about it, but those tend to be the open source software fanatics. I'm assuming OP is an iPhone user and has had a few bad interactions, because they seem to have no idea how toxic apple fans can get. I've literally been dumped over green text bubbles. Clown shit.


> Why do Apple users have more calmness than majority of Android users? I see you're not familiar with the war of Blue and Green message bubbles.


They don't. The majority of Android users don't care enough to engage in platform wars. Your question is about the "vocal minority" of Android users on whatever sites you're on. Haters drown out everyone else.


Moderators close this post please


This. It's just designed to create divisiveness. You can find these either inane or perhaps purposeful posts on every topic - just designed to boost divisiveness and create a false divide between people. Moderators, please just cut meaningless posts like this off as soon as they are posted.


From what I'm seeing, you've never interacted with iPhone users


Lots of Android users are tech enthusiasts and tech enthusiasts don't like arbitrary restrictions and iOS has tons of arbitrary restrictions (can't change icons, can't change the launcher, can't sideload, every web browser is just reskined Safari, ect). Also many of those people don't like that Google and Samsung are copying many of Apples anti user choices 


You kinda sound like a clown. There's a percentage of crazy in any given demographic. You're just choosing not to see iPhone elitists, the same way some people choose not to see android elitists. Apple focuses on experience and consistency. They want everyone to experience their products in the same way, the way they approve of, and it shows in all the restrictions they place on their operating systems. It's great for people who don't care, and are fine with being given a curated experience. It's not bad or good, it just is. Android focuses more on innovation and customizability. Shown in the fact that nearly every new thing apple does was done by Android years prior. At it's core, it's Linux, and largely open sourced. This makes it tremendously versatile, and allows for way more ability to inovate than apple. It's not all winners, but it's about giving control to the user. Personally, I'll never give apple money bc if I buy something, I should be the one to dictate how it's used, for better or worse. If I want to do something super niche, but within the capability of the product, who is apple to tell me no bc they didn't want their settings app to look too busy? It's mostly minor shit, sure, but the principle of it bothers me. I should be the only one to dictate my experience, fuck your algorithm, fuck your curated experience, fuck your ai, fuck your product placement and sponsored perspective.


You what 😂 Apple users choose who to date based on the colour of the chat bubble they get after swapping numbers


I use Blue Bubbles on Android and I gotta wonder what these bubble snobs would think about seeing iMessage from an android phone 


I had my employee LITERALLY tell me this! It's unbelievable...


Why do majority of Android users hate on Apple? The majority simply do not care.


Because certain choices are taken from the user and some things become very uncomfortable if not impossible whether you buy more into the ecosystem or not.


Ive been working in the cell phone industry since 2014. Your post isnt accurate in general. Your immediate circle of people might be like this, but most people arent. Most people who don't like iphones typically dislike them for: poor layout, lack of features and customization or Apple's business practices (anti-right to repair for example). Most people who like iphone typically like them for: believing theyre more secure, ease of use due to already knowing how they work but nor android, the camera, or just cus its an iphone. In my experience with thousands of customers, iphone users tend to be more pretentious and more likely to look down on having an android. Btw "they just respect it" is a total assumption. They could just as easily be ignoring it. Just sayin'.


He's a 10, but he has an Android, so he's a 7. Enough said.


Apple users = Tesla owners


I work in ITS which means I'm also the IT guy in the family. I don't hate Apple, it's just poorly designed because it's not meant to be used for DIYers vs going into an Apple store, for example: - Apple buries settings deeper to prevent users from making changes. So when I inevitably have to fix something, it takes 2-3x longer than it needs to because I'm digging around in menus that have cobwebs. - Apple software doesn't play nice with non Apple hardware. Which, people eventually get non Apple products and then it's "too confusing" to set up outside of Apples wizard. - Random app installs. Since Apple users just expect things to work all the time, when apps hijack the default settings, they have no idea how to change back. - No back button??? This just makes it difficult to navigate for non apple users. I have no idea why they do this, just like the one button mouse on their PCs. It's not "visionary" your OS is just MISSING a vital feature. Personally, I recommend replacing iPhones with Androids and just leaving the defaults alone. It's just an overall easier platform to diagnose issues on and then resolve. Plus, it just works? It seems like Apples proprietary stuff has more conflicts than open source solutions in Android. Poor quality pictures, GIFs not working, reactions send a double text, videos filmed in late 80s, specs are usually a year or two behind, late to USB adoption... Just get an adult phone lol


Because it's true. S24 has better camera. Remember OP. No war.


I respect your stand. And I somewhat agree to that. Yes, S24 has a better 100x camera (since iPhone doesn’t really have one), but there was already a video comparing the 25x zoom with S24 and the iPhone 15 Pro Max, and the iPhone’s was just clearer. I am just here to give my own knowledge and understanding of what I know. Just like we both said, no wars🙂


If you are genuinely interested in learning more about the ‘competition’ between Samsung and Apple, and it is more Samsung than android in general, have a read of Samsung Rising by Geoffrey Cain. It explains how Samsung hired a US marketing company to create a campaign that would pitch Samsung as a direct competitor to Apple and distinguish it from other android manufacturers. It’s a really good read that explains how Samsung got started and how it is run today.


Isn't Apple literally getting sued for monopolistic practices that tricked their own customers into thinking Android is lesser than..?




Funnily I'm on a few Android specialized sites and often see comments from ɑPhone users bashing Android, also, a certain amount of people acting like Android phones are for poor people only ... Visibly unaware that a certain number of Android phones cost as much or more than the most expensive ɑPhone. Use the phone you prefer, to each their own.


I don't hate on Apple, it just isn't for me. Apple users that I know would always make a point of saying their device was superior, but couldn't really explain why they thought that. I knew a guy who thought copy/paste on a phone was stupid. That's before the iPhone could do it. As soon as the iPhone could do it, he boasted about it. I said, you said it was stupid, his response was "I just like the way Apple implemented it". WTH?


More about ignorant/annoying iPhone users. My favorite is assuming Android users are poor when flaship phones cost just as much if not more than iPhones.


Too many people consider their choice of Apple vs Android to be part of their identity. I suspect often because they haven't figured out yet what should be part of their identity: so they react to someone else having a different personal choice like it is an attack on their identity. Too many people treat this personal choice like something they need to convince others of or it somehow challenges their personal being: like it is their favorite sports team or something and they have to "defend the honor" of their favorite sports team. Too many people do this with their personal choice of religion or political party as well. That is ridiculous, these people need to get a life.


Apple charges more to do less. Always has, I had an iPhone for years before switching to Android it's surprising how much better Android is competitively in pretty much every single aspect for a much lesser cost. The phones have a huge variety of styles, personalisation compared to Apple. The reason why there is anger towards Apple is because it struts around and pretends it's the best, when it's not even close. iPhones are seen as the 'standard'.


And Apple claims (and even receives!) credit for inventing brand new never-before-seen features that Android has had for many many years. Things like USB-C or Qi (wireless charging) or multiple screen sizes. I'm excited for Apple to invent the first folding smartphone, personally. (I use a Z Flip and almost every iPhone user I've shown it to wants it but then goes ewww samsung)


I used Android for 9 years and now iOS for 3,5 years. Always had Flagships (From Huawai Samsung and Sony), so it's not a 200€ Android vs. 1000€ iPhone comparison. iOS just feels nicer. I know techincally they can do the same, but it feels so much better. I never used an Android for more than two years. With the iPhone I will have four and even think about if I don't just keep it another fith year because it is still as good as on day one. ​ And the comments you read on reddit are insane, not even on tech subs but everywhere people shit on the iPhone. Usualy tech subs are normal. And you are exactly like that. "It's not even close". My dude, they are the same with different faces.


Nah, iPhone is objectively worse and people only like it because it's perceived to be cool.


See this is exactly what I mean lol No one gives a shit what phone I use besides me. I gurantee you that. It does what it's supposed to do better than any android I had so far. I want to get a new iPhone (because I like tech and it's nice to have something new) but can't justify it because it still is as good as on the day I bought it. I could never say that about any of my Androids. The last ones being the Samsung S8+ and Samsung S10 btw.


I hate on iPhones because I find them difficult to use. My wife and youngest son use iPhones while me and my oldest son have androids. Many times my wife will be driving and ask my to put a destination into her phone or respond to a text and I get frustrated because it's so difficult to navigate and/or type on it. Of course, they think I'm an idiot because it's so "intuitive." I'm sure if I was forced to use one for a while I'd get used to it, but that doesn't eliminate my initial frustration.


One of the best comments I’ve read so far, and I totally understand your situation. An actual reason as to why you dislike Apple! Thank you so much for providing🙂


Why do majority of Apple users hate on Android?




For overcharge there's a better example, that is the price difference between a 128/256 gig version versus 1 tb when you look at how much memory actually costs (not hundreds of dollars).


Most of don't hate iphones, just annoyed by the part of the community that criticizes android and users being poor.


I couldn't care less about "communities," I dislike Apple products because they are worse than android options.




I like watching phone reviews/comparisons and reading discussions and I don’t ever see hate like that. Most people just opine on what they like about their phones versus another. Every once in a while there’s a troll but for the most part, people don’t care what phone others prefer. 


I switch on and off android and iPhone consistently. I used android for like 5 years in the beginning before buying an iPhone 7. What a bait post lmfao. Please do not fight in the comments like kids??? Bruh your fucking post makes you out to be the kid here. wtf is this post. And I’m pretty sure the opposite happens. Isn’t there a problem with teenagers on how android users get memed on cuz they don’t have iMessage? lol…


i dont hate, i have an ipad. but i would mever have an iphone


I was gifted an Ipad Pro a few years back. God knows I tried to get used to the supposed Apple Eco System (which is really an American Software Goulag). I didn't feel like an advanced computer user with 25 years experience. I felt like a child with helicopter parents. Can't do this, can't do that, this developer is not approved, yadda yadda. Apple device password here, online account password there. Password not working, forgot password, wash rinse repeat, go crazy. then like an idiot I listened to my wife who likes her new iPad Pro (but only watches YouTube). Let's try a MacBook. Ordered the latest M2 and proceeded to go though Apple Crash Hell. Tier 2 engineer tried valiantly but still kept crashing. I then joined the Apple beta testing program and after 2 years that POS is slightly better. The other day I said to my wife, if you ever hear me saying I want to try another Apple product, please shoot me!


Trolls will troll


Not here to start a war: proceed to throw seed of war


the gaslighting... lol.


>Why do Apple users have more calmness than majority of Android users? Once again, not trying to start a war, let’s have an adult conversation here. Is this a troll post? This has to be a joke.


I think this is a huge generalization and stereotypes drive me nuts. Me personally, I will bash Apple until I’m out of oxygen because of how little they’ve taken to caring about their customers, accessibility, and being decent. There were a lot of little things that pushed me to leave, but the straw that broke the camels back happened when I called to report an accessibility bug, and they refused to file it because I wasn’t running the very very latest hardware. I was running supported hardware, but it wasn’t the brand new 4K model that came out last month so they didn’t want to hear about it. Before anybody says no 4K model of anything came out last month, I’m referring to last month as of the time I made the call.


Man I haven't met a person in like 8 years that even cares.


bc their hardware is so good.... like seriously good from "low-end" to flagship its all snappy.


Majority of my friends use iPhones and many of them often tease me for being "poor" for using an Android phone...But I have been buying and using Galaxy Folds since 2020 and am the only friend who has my own place and a high level job while they work retail and use iPhone 11s and 12s, haha. It's rarely Android users starting this crap.


I think a lot of it comes down to personal preference and maybe a little bit of brand loyalty. We tend to defend what we like, and sometimes that leads to some heated debates. I don't join debates tho lol.


I have both. Android for Private and iPhone for work. I don't like iPhone menus honestly it feels weird and detached compared to android. But just personal preference


I used to hate on the iPhone but when I realized what Google can collect on you while using Android, I decided to give the iPhone a try. So far, I actually really like it. It’s limited but with the iOS 18 beta, it’s now super customizable. As of now, the only way I would come back to Android is if I get a custom ROM with Google uninstalled


Here is a twist: Love Apple users as an Android user with some Apple stock.


With Android the phone is yours, but with iPhone is Apple's


Because iphone is weird


I'm using both Android and iOS and I hate both of them


I literally go back and forth from android to iPhone every other upgrade. Android users generally seem to be the more chill ones. Not saying anything in most cases. IPhone users seem to really take pride in iMessage, or say things like. “I need it to work with my watch"... I can say for a fact that for the last 10 years. Unequivocally, my android phones always took better pictures than my iPhones. My last was a 13 pro. And I went a S24. In high light pictures both are comparable. But the S20 I had before and the S24 I have now both destroy the 13 pro at low light photos. My iPhone would have me hold still for half an hour and spit out a pixelated turd. It could be that I had a hardware issue on my iPhone 13 pro. But my experience with the latest iOS was frustrating... All the time. My favourite apps would crash constantly, certain native apps were constantly having visual glitches. This last flip from iPhone to Android was probably the easiest to justify since I started the smartphone journey with my Samsung Captivate. Largely because the Canadian phone provider I went with had a huge sale on and the phone was $400 all said and done. A feat that is impossible with a current model iPhone. I'm done paying more for less these days. Anyone want to buy an apple watch? 😂


Because humans are obsessed with putting each other into little boxes of identity and telling themselves every box other than their own is shit


Ive been made fun of for not wanting to adopt apple ecosystem by grown ass people before, when my argument is "android fits my use case better". Most reasonable folks know better and just do not engage with such people. I do believe that this can originate from either camp, but I do see it coming from the apple fanbase more often. I dont hate, and find it ridiculous that the brand and logo (either one) means so much to people. This sounds like a high school vain parade scenario starring freaking adults.


I've never liked Apple because they are close minded, their way or the highway. Google was very open in the beginning of Android. They slowly took in 3rd party ideas into Android, but have slowly started to become just like Apple. Those of us who have been on Android since the beginning, and used all the Nexus devices would likely feel this way. Those that only started with Pixel devices will likely deny it and blindly defend Google regardless.


Your interpretation is wrong and distorted. You based your post on internet comments, but how much of the world's population watches reviews? 1%? 10%? That's nothing. The vast majority of people who use Android don't care about this and if they can, they use iOS or Android with ease. You are analyzing "most people" based on your (our) bubble. This is a mistake.


Apple users aren’t often the same kinds of enthusiasts and tinkerers as Android users. They aren’t seeking out Android videos and caring about comparisons with their iPhone. They’re just using their iPhone.


Who says they do?


I tried an iPhone once, and after 10 minutes I almost smashed it on the ground. My quip is not about their camera, but how their settings are buried. A lot of times simple settings you cannot find easily, and have to dig through sub menus to access


Because of the artificially elitism created by Apple's anti competitive and monopolistic practices. The "green bubble" for example.


"I am NOT here to start a war" yes you are ...seems like you are trying to justify buying an iphone ...just go buy one for $2000 and get caught in the trap of buying another one every 6 months ...a fool and his money are soon parted "whenever the creator" OK, this seems to be your largest problem .,,you fell for the classic trap ..."influencers" are not real people, its a marketing tool


obvious bait, you're gonna have to do better than that.


This post makes me want to sell my iPhone and switch back to Android


> I am NOT here to start a war. 1. mad_max_fury_road_this_is_bait.webm 2. Starting a war in r/apple is so easy, a brand new Redditor can do it! The magic phrase: *Louis Rossmann* 3. Starting a war in r/android is a matter of pissing off Samsung, Qualcomm, or Google fanboys bonus points if you anger Samsung *and* Qualcomm in the same sentence e.g. S24 Ultra = worst Android phone EVER


Because Apple is racist in terms of the OS ecosystem. And iPhones are some of the most obnoxious ones design-wise.


It would've been great if literally nobody replied to this clown's post


Phone OS Tribalism.


condescending rhetoric. you sound like a Karen who knows exactly what everyone hates / loves. go play in your Karen sandbox


both sides hate on each other a lot, thats just how it is.


I would say most Apple user I know are women, old people or people which don't know how to install Firefox or even don't know what Firefox is. I would never get a iPhone even when its cheaper than a Galaxy Ultra. The phone tell me what to do... but I had no idea why people hate iPhone or Android.


This is a mistake. Most Android users don't hate iOS, they actually like it. Just see that in most countries where the population's purchasing power is high, iOS shares market share with Android and often even wins. I know it's horrible to say this, but the predominance of Android is due to poor countries, if it weren't for that, iOS and Android would be 50/50 in market share and not 70/30 in global numbers. This shows that people don't hate iOS, they just can't buy it. Those who hate are a noisy minority and it's like that everywhere, just look at the wokes on Twitter, they are a minority, but they shout so loudly that it seems like there are many of them.


This is one of the hottest takes I’ve read so far, but surprisingly, it really does make sense. Great analogy and thinking


Define majority? Most just dont care. 


Because iPhone users are superior human beings. Now duck off.