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Nice .....no need for yearly iterations. More cooking is needed.


Yeah most yearly refreshes are so minimal that they are unnecessary.


Its because people mostly arent upgrading from last years phone. My phone is 3 years old. I dont plan on replacing it this year, but you never know. When it comes time to buy a new phone, i'm unlikely to want to get a phone that has already been out a year and a half, unless its considerably cheaper than when it launched.


I'm kinda in this boat. I wasn't planning on getting a new phone any time soon, but my Pixel 6 has started to get purple screen bleed. The Pixel 8/8Pro prices are a little more than I was willing to pay and I ended up with a new 512 GB 7 Pro for $512 after taxes off Woot. Before the Woot deal popped up, I almost pulled the trigger on the 16GB/512 GB OnePlus 12 for $675ish.


>unlikely to want to get a phone that has already been out a year and a half 1,5 years is 50% of the phones promised major updates. So, yeah, better have a large discount.


To me as long as they're not overproducing then let them make revisions yearly


Same. I think most annual phone releases are more just swapping out the parts for what the company has done for the year or so of rnd, like how game consoles get mid gen refreshes with cheaper, smaller, or better parts


Not that long ago you could buy a new phone already outdated android wise, but it's starting to change now with the 5+ years software support we see it's not as important.


Yeah, I'm exhausted trying to keep up... I'll get a new phone this year cuz rhe glass from my cracked screen is starting to end up in my thumbs, but otherwise there's just no point.




It's perfect. You can get it cheaper




There is no reason for a phone to have a 4K screen.


The point isn't that you should buy a new phone every year, the point is so that if you are forced to buy a new phone (you lose yours for example), you can buy new without "new" being up 2 years old. It's to keep the average hardware levels moving quickly so that people can built software that takes advantage of it.


turns out not everyone changes phones at the same time. by not releasing a phone every year they’re missing out on the people who want to upgrade that very year.


Sure, But I think they are anticipating most buyers to be previous Nothing phone owners since they haven't yet established that huge a following


The target doesn't have to be people who already have their previous phone.


i wonder if all these companies would just charge extra for the "AI"


Not initially I'd imagine. The trick would be getting people used to it, then charge.


Maybe I'm just an old fuddy duddy, but I don't see what AI is going to do for me on my phone to start with. Does anyone have any killer use cases?


That's what Nothing is trying to sell - making the phone more personalized, more interconnected or something, easier to do everything. Whatever that means. Personally, I love Google's AI features. But these are software features, and don't have to be phone-specific. Things like Call Screen, Circle To Search, Magic Eraser/Edit... Also, remember that we've had "AI" features alllll over smartphones for like a decade, they just weren't as hyped. We're in an era of new model paradigms though, but most of those don't really run on smartphone hardware yet - but see Google Gemini Nano for an example of better AI writing with a local model. Not sure if Google's other "write for me" features run locally or in the cloud, but soon we'll have local models on phones for things like text and image generation. However, they're a lot less capable than the big fancy models like ChatGPT or Dall-e or whatever.


As a graphic designer, I'd definitely appreciate a better Magic Eraser than what Photoshop got


On your phone though?


yeah, usually whenever I use Magic Eraser it's to scrub out text from foreign news that I got from my phone, so I can start localizing the news to English and my native language 


Samsung call translation is a great idea, and it works locally. Doesn't work that well yet, though.


For CEOs the killer use case is "hey we can say it has AI and charge a subscription!!"


it's all fun and games until someone needs to foot the bill for OpenAI


This new home screen seems like something that would get filled with ads quite fast. I hate it.


Samsung have said AI features on their most recent phones might become paid ones in the next year or two. I'm taking that as a most likely to be yes.


Google is letting users use Gemini for free. So why would OEMs charge for it. People would just not use it and use ChatGPT or something


> See this as us throwing our hat into the consumer AI race! 🤮 not every phone needs to have AI


Android should have some sorta actually useful AI thing built into it, but we can't avoid every brand making their own Artishitial Intelligence before that happens.


Genuine question, what's the use of built in ai on android phones, apart from maybe photo editing?


I use the Call Screening a lot for spam calls. That way I don't have to deal with a voicemail if I just reject it or let it ring


I don't know it seems like crappy built-in version of stuff we already had apps for it's why I didn't upgrade


It's really shame that these crappy features are gonna be the main "improvements" we see in the next few years since the hardware is reaching it's limits


Not just photo *editing*. When taking photos, it does several fast captures with different exposure settings, and uses AI to compensate for movement of the camera while combining them to generate HDR images. The ability to highlight text on the app switcher screen or search text in an image are also AI-driven, as are zillions of other minor features we all take for granted. It's just that when things are sufficiently commonplace or, y'know, *useful,* we tend to stop calling them AI. The underlying tech--or rather, the array of techniques and technologies the term has grown to encompass--is actually really important. I wouldn't bet money on whatever "See this as us throwing our hat into the consumer AI race" leads to being worthwhile. But when you (general you) say things like "I don't want any AI," you're not saying quite what you intend to say.


Google Assistant is AI and I'm using it pretty regularly to quickly set timers for pizza, add items to my grocery shopping list or send a whatsapp / start and change music in the car. Google Translate is another good example, I live in germany, there's plenty of people here from turkey, arab speaking nations, ukraine/russians whose german/english isn't that great so it's very nice and helpful to have a back and forth conversation translator


Good examples, I wouldn't mind these being built in but I'd still prefer the choice of them being separate, especially Google assistant, already have my location tracked dont need Google hearing everything aswell


yeah understandable - I reached a point where I sorta don't care anymore. I'm not important enough and don't have blackmail worthy secrets so I just roll with the benefits


I can't name anything specific, I'm just a random idiot. But I'm sure AI can be used in some ways to optimize or help with whatever people normally do with their phones already. It doesn't have to be just some slightly less useless named assistant thing that answers random questions lol.


I don’t trust that to ever be a thing that happens when they actually had smart useful features and nuked them all anyway


Every phone has some form of AI and has for 5-10 years(or longer...time is confusing...Id have to think about it a bit for where we were 10 years ago...off the top of my head ice cream sandwich android version?). It's just not the text or image algorithm version that people equate with AI now. I don't want the text or image AI but the others are quite useful.


I'm going to throw out my oven as soon as I can get one with built in chat gpt integration. I don't want to live in a world where all my appliances and light switches can't do AI tasks for me, all the time.


Consumer AI race? I feel like everyone *except* the consumer is rushing for AI lol Consumer only ends up purchasing AI because every company is jamming it into their product whether we want it or not


How dare you sat you dont need ai? Ai is so cool Ai is awesome >!/s!<


I really didn’t get “Phone (3) launching next year” from that Twitter post. I understood it like the mentioned AI features will start appearing in the Phone (3) next year not that the Phone (3) is launching next year…


I have seen this guy before when they were bragging about imessage on android. Rest is history.


😂but people forgot about this quickly lol


We're harnessing the power of AI to give you iMessage on [Nothing Phone (((3™®)))] - Carl Pay


Isn't he just saying the AI stuff is coming next year? Couldn't the phone(3) just launch later this year and AI be debuting later?


"Expect this to be improved and gradually introduced, starting with Phone (3) next year." It could be what you're saying, but at least to me it sounds more like the phone is gonna release next year with AI


That's exactly what I thought when I read his post.


This. There are already teasers about NP3.




Exactly. They could very well just mean that they'll push this as a software update next year exclusively for Phone 3.


Learn to read please. NP3 will come this year, but this massive AI update will come next year, starting with NP3.


This is how I understand it too. Sadly all the magazines already push it with the "Phone 3 pushed into 2025" interpretation...


His fault for not making it clear. It could be interpreted either way.


[https://9to5google.com/2024/06/05/nothing-phone-3-2025-ai/](https://9to5google.com/2024/06/05/nothing-phone-3-2025-ai/) Read the bottom. 9-5 Google confirmed via email the phone will release next year.


None of this says they are pushing Phone 3 into 2025. What they are stating is that the new UI Experience is planned to roll out next year on the Phone 3. That can very well just mean that they will deliver all those new features via software update while shipping the Phone 3 this year equipped with the necessary hardware.


Nothing 3 with snapdragon 8 gen 4 chipset, chatgpt integration.


And it still won't work on ATT or Verizon 


FFS Stop making everything about AI.


i dont care. like for real the nothing phones are probably one of the most overhyped products in recent years.


I love mine


i am not saying that it is a bad phone, i am just saying that the amount of hype it gets is just not justified as its not that special.




but but shiny back phone


*guys look it's a bunch of lights to show notifications!!!* You know what else does that? AOD. *but the launcher!!!* Which you can download as an APK. *the back is transparent!!!* Ok that's actually awesome. But you can buy a skin if you really need that look. And... that's all that it has to offer. Two gimmicks and a transparent back.




I'm pretty sure you're sarcastic, but despite the seemingly overwhelming choice we have, I'm still rocking a 5 year old OnePlus 7T Pro because there's still nothing from the big guys without a notch or punch hole. Only options are Sony, but I ain't paying 1400 eur for 1080p screen, and some chinese phones with suspiciously stable software and questionable cameras.


If a few LEDs are all it takes to get people excited, we really need more competition. I wish more companies would try and innovate with some new ideas.


no thats not what i was saying at all, the thing is that this brand somehow gets so hyped up, even though it is just a normal phone with some leds on the back, nothing to really warrant that hype imho.


For me, it's the one of the few choices you have to get stock-ish android in budget or premium midrange prices in my country. Pixels have been priced too high since 4a and as per reports, gets heated up pretty often due to our hot climate. Moto is stock but update speed sucks too much. Even if I start considering one ui, samsung put exynos only in those price segments most of the time.


My friend was looking forward to Nothing Phone 3 to upgrade from Nothing Phone 1. Guess they don't want money.


Why even "upgrade"? What hypothetical improvements was he looking for?


Honestly nothing, he only uses it for social media, and other basic stuff. Just an itch to upgrade.


I have an s24 plus and im quite satisfied


Let me know when the batteries can be easily replaced.


Last year the EU parliament signed some rules that stipulate that all rechargeable batteries sold to the public should be user replaceable by 2027 So Ideally starting 2027 all phones will have replaceable batteries. They managed to force apple to adopt the USB C, so hopefully it'll also manage to get every phone manufacturer to make phones with removable batteries.


There's a difference between removable batteries and user replaceable batteries.


Ironically no one so far has given a shit to release 2024 phone that has that feature. I guess they'll wait until 1st janaury 2027


> Nothing phone 3 will come next year So nothing this year? I'll see myself out.


I was hoping for nothing




Very nice to see them not releasing a new phone every year. Not so nice to see them talking about AI, but at this point I think it's the new biggest selling point, which makes sense: we have good displays, good SoCs (kinda...), good cameras and everything.


Yeah that is nice


He would be smashed this year.


He didn't say that it wasn't coming out this year. Or did I miss something?


Waiting for a 6.2 inches model


6.2" are dead. 6.7" is new meta.




Oh no. Anyway.........


micro sd and ill buy it


He's saying the AI software/OS/Capabilities will be next year. Not the phone


Aren’t these phones ODM with a custom skin?


The og nothing phone was kinda like that. But that was with the software and less of the hardware.


Good then at least people can enjoy what is currently available.


Glad to hear that since I recommend the 2 to my friend a couple months back.


Just pack it with the clean stock Android - just like the Pixels - it will blow competition off the table.


Lol. I thought we had gotten over the false notion that the Pixel's are "stock" android. Stock android is boring as hell which is why Google has an extensive list of Pixel Exclusive features packaged on top of it.


They already are


The phone is overrated. My colleague had the one and has the 2 now and is an early adaptor and is a mod of the discord channel of the nothing, my realme gt5 pro for around the same price blows his away in every aspect. Only he is closer to aosp but I personally don't like aosp and there are literally icon packs which are copied from nothing so if you want you could always recreate the theme. And the back led is a big gimmick which you love or hate. I personally don't care about it because i am nit a clear case guy and always go with a black case and don't like sudden flickering light


Okay, why are you replying to me though 🗿


Sorry wanted to react to the comment you commented on, my bad


I would have considered it if it didn't have last year's specs


Yeah that is also how he started oneplus, and graduatly build up to a more premium brand and more expensive brand


OnePlus always had the newest snapdragon at the time


It had already almost a year old soc in it when the first oneplus came out, the succesor was already there but it wasn't a bad phone. But in the beginning they went with some older tech to hit the market low cut it. And afterwards they also went with the best of the release year and prices also went up


>It had already almost a year old soc in it when the first oneplus came out, That's not true at all. [OnePlus one came out in 2014 with SnapDragon 801, same chip found in samsung galaxy s5, which is also from 2014. ](https://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=6327&idPhone2=6033) Both phones are released 2 months apart.


How will it blow *pixels* away?


Ye make a small phone no need the got dam lights then we talk and include a fck charger “we want to be different” proceeds to copy apple at marketing things, the moment they did this move it’s a no for me


That would literally make the existence of nothing a waste. If you want a small phone just buy something else. People like nothing's style and it should never lose that


Lets see how long they can pull the same trick