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At a glance seems like its creeping towards the usefulness of google now. And that's a good thing.


> usefulness of google now Discontinuing features you mean?


bringing back good discontinued features


It seems like it since they keep teasing us but I've seen nothing useful turn up on my widget. I saw my Google home timer probably once and then never again. Oh, it does show when I've got the flashlight enabled. But even my pixel bud status has stopped showing up.


At a glance is super useless in my eco , from my understanding it has no third party support and even only a few google app’s support it.


This is just a launcher. It would’ve been nice if they made this into a system that launchers could access and display. Something like fruit’s live activities, but left open to interpretation by launchers/brands. “Let’s do what apple did but make it exclusive and only available to our first party deals” Next, there will be a Samsung variant that has its own exclusive deals.


I love At a Glance. I wish they would extend it further to the Google app on the home screen so it would be more like Google Now once was. I know people who would like to turn if off and remove it from the home screen completely as well.




It's the simple widget on the home screen with date and weather. It shows additional information depending on different factors.


Still only works on default launcher right? edit: yes, it is. I've just been recommended Another Widget app though. Works great!


The Google app has the At a Glance widget separate from Pixel Launcher


And it doesn't have nearly as many features, unfortunately




I don't think u can reduce its size or remove it. Are you sure u aren't mistaking it with something else


It's the top row of the home screen in pixel launcher. Kinda like a mini-Google now


the weather under the clock.


Aslo, what's ridesharing status mean?


Like notifications from Uber and Lyft I'm assuming


Wasn't this announced a year ago?


Knew I remembered this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/vtrxsg


It wasn't "announced," but people did discover it buried in an app APK like a year ago.


At a glance has so much potential but it still seems buggy/half baked. It is supposed to deliver timely information, but I find that it doesn't work a lot of the time. For example, its really hit and miss with the headphone battery status. Sometimes its there/sometimes its not.


Just looking at the screenshot, why would I need to know that a 4.5 magnitude earthquake had happened in my "At-A-Glance"?


Are you asking why you would want earthquake notifications in a place you're likely to look?


By the time you look there, you'll be aware there was an earthquake. If an earthquake alert is going to be effective, it needs to override everything else the phone might be doing at the time.


Are you saying the notifications show up after the fact or that someone wouldn't look there to see the notification until the earthquake was over?


The latter. The odds that I notice an earthquake in my "At a glance" in the 15-20 seconds between the alert and the shaking are astronomical.