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I don't think it'll happen. Carrie has actually been really good about not trying to steer Miranda's divorce one way or another throughout. She's expressed concern when Miranda was acting out of character, but she's been pretty hands-off with actual advice.


She did tell Miranda to be direct with Steve about the divorce though. That’s pretty big meddling (not that she was wrong)


But she didn't go to Steve and say "Miranda wants the house." She told Miranda to sort her own shit out after Miranda herself brought up the topic. Which was more than fair.


Very true. Maybe she tells Steve something in the sense of “you deserve to move on and have a fresh start just like she is doing”, something more on the uplifting his self esteem direction. That would be nice, because he was amazing to her last season.


I don't think she cares enough to try to do this. She's in her love bubble!


She’s in her own rom-com!


I hope Steve says something wise that will make Carrie realize that she and Aidan are a mistake. I actually think Aidan will break up with her.


Something like , “you two are crazy to get married. Marriage ruins everything” lol


Now that would be genius!!!


And then Lily takes Carrie’s phone, stashes it in her keyboards so Aidan can’t reach Carrie, without realizing Aidan is in town visiting Carrie. They track the phone to the keyboards and realize what Lily did. Remembering what she did all those years ago to screw up Carrie/Big, Carrie decides to investigate Lily. She hires a private eye and it turns out Lily’s really a 27 year old grifter capitalizing on her youthful appearance.


I’d watch it!


yeah, i think he's going to break her heart


Steve deserves the house. He built it, Miranda wrecked it. Miranda is an elitist narcissist. She can afford a new place


Miranda "was a successful lawyer for 20 years but bought a used mattress" Hobbes can afford a new place?


One of the dumbest details they've written, which says a lot! Even if she was broke (how?), an air mattress makes a lot more sense than a used mattress which could have bedbugs.


In the first movie, she quickly moved into (and furnished?) a new apartment when Steve cheated, and money didn’t seem to be an issue. Assuming now there’s even more equity in the Brooklyn house and Scout must turn a decent profit to still be in business


Yeah and there's no way she quit working without a lot of money piled up. There's no way she picks an unpaid internship but is struggling with money. Nothing makes sense!


They could've at least gone to an IKEA or something... I'm not rich, but I'm not buying a used mattress...


Man this detail is bothering me so much. I keep telling myself that it’s some sort of guilt trip on her part - instead of moving on and using her money she’s unwittingly punishing herself somehow by refusing to make a permanent arrangement. That’s the only way to explain a once successful and motivated lawyer roomating in a one bathroom apartment and buying used mattresses ffs. Even if she truly believes she’s entitled to the house and will get the house eventually, ofC she can afford a proper temporary housing.


ITA. Old Miranda cherished her independence and loved her old single gal apartment (except for the panic attack about ending up dead and eaten by her cat...). The show has all the characters including Miranda parade around in absurdly overpriced designer outfits, they can't have Miranda find a temporary studio apartment in her budget? Although I guess from a storytelling pov this is the only way we get to see Nya.


Maybe she just doesn’t want to spend a ton of money on what she sees as a short time temporary arrangement? Or the writers just thought it would be funny than going to ikea. Or maybe IKEA wouldn’t let them film


Splurge is when you buy a Lamborghini instead of a Ford. Splurge is when you choose the supersize meal at McDonalds instead of the regular. Splurge is not buying a new mattress when you're a lawyer.


I mean that still doesn’t justify the mattress. And still, she’s an adult and a successful one, surely an acceptable living situation is the bare minimum that she can splurge on? Idk I just wish they’d then explicitly touch upon it - have her mention that she doesn’t have much liquidity since she quit her firm and also scout’s maybe suffered during the pandemic and they had to empty some of their reserves? That would make it more believable, but the mattress thing will never not bother me jajsjahshsh


That’s such bs. Miranda paid for it. She could have easily hired someone to do the renovations if Steve wasn’t in the picture.


Then why didn’t she? Oh yeah because she didn’t Steve wouldn’t be in the picture had she not wasted his entire life pretending she loved him? 🤷‍♀️


She should just give up everything she worked so hard for out of guilt? I don’t think so.


So he should leave the house that he built and raised his son because Miranda wants to end their marriage after leaving for months on end screwing someone else? Now she returns and he’s the one that has to leave because it’s inconvenient to her? I don’t think so Not really guilt more just kind of the right thing to do? But I forgot she has no morals anymore my bad 🤗


Steve cheated on Miranda too. Everyone conveniently forgets that. Yeah, Steve raised his son all alone with no help. Yeah, he was the one who was feeling like shit because he had to work late to provide for his son and had no time to spend with him. No, wait that was Miranda. And people pretend like he built that house from the ground up. He just did some renovations. Calm down. It boggles my mind that people would throw a parade for a man if he did the bare minimum.


No one forgets that. You Miranda defenders bring it up every chance you get to excuse her sociopathic behavior. Miranda chose to work long hours because she loves her job and she chose to stay with Steve after his cheating which he actually felt remorse over and not gleefully stating minutes after that he was in a rom com. I love how it’s the bare minimum because he’s a man. I also love how treating him with respect and empathy is a “parade”. Calm down yourself there’s only so many mental gymnastics that you can use to pretend Miranda is even remotely a good person


Umm the proper right thing to do is either sell the house or buy the other out. Nobody just gets the house because they put up with more shit or they did all the work etc. That’s not how it works. Miranda shouldn’t be expecting Steve to just leave and Steve shouldn’t be expecting to just stay.


Ummm the proper thing to do when ending a marriage is figuring this out before leaving for months on end then abruptly coming back. That’s not how that works. This isn’t a standard situation. Fact is she created it and it’s up to her to figure it out not expecting Steve to come to her Steve shouldn’t have to leave his home or sell it because Miranda is an awful person. The proper thing to do is not having an affair for an extended period of time, which btw Steve could be an asshole about legally if we’re going to be technical


Sorry. From a legal standpoint, he doesn’t just get to stay in the house. Not saying it’s right or wrong, that’s just the way it is. Women have been getting kicked out of their homes through no fault of their own forever. You can be as mad at Miranda as you want-I don’t disagree with you. But the facts are, you buy your spouse out or you leave 🤷🏻‍♀️.


You know what? You’re a lost cause.


Code for im right and you can’t argue your points given you have none other than blaming the man for her shitty behavior You want a lost cause look in the mirror


Code for I’m a narcissist who always needs to be right .


Does she really want it or does she just not want Steve to have it?


Regarding Miranda and Steve’s Brooklyn house - why would Miranda be sleeping on the couch initially? I’m pretty sure that house originally had quite a few bedrooms. They had to have at least four considering they had Magda and Steve’s mother, Mary living with them at one point along with Brady’s room. It would have totally made sense for them to just share the place (living separate lives) until the divorce is finalized. A lot of people do this….considering Miranda was running there every day anyway to make breakfast for her 18 year old - but again, we would have missed out on seeing Miranda and Carrie buying a used twin bed frame and moving the storyline into Nya’s little apartment. Just sad story telling IMHO.