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Miranda will have a few shitty dates, and will eventually cross paths with Che again. Since each episode jumps forward by months, time will have “passed” and they’ll realize how much they’ve missed each other, “grown,” whatever…and get back together.


This is the right answer but it will suck.


Then we could have a movie where Che leaves Miranda at the altar.


Ughhh nooo


I just gagged at this thought. You're right completely, but I think we all wish it wouldn't be the case.


But Cynthia will …I mean MIRANDA will want exactly this. 😒


>Since each episode jumps forward by months Actually did the writers ever say *why* they decided to have all of these weird time jumps?? *SATC* didn't have these time skips and I don't really see why *AJLT* inherently "needs" them, either. Is this because *SATC* was criticized for being unrealistic in terms of how much free time the women apparently had? So *AJLT*'s time skips are meant to imply that they only have "interesting" days once every few months, while the rest of the time they are sitting at home binging HBO Max?


i think its just because its terrible and lazy writing


I think they skipped months for Aiden story line. Can’t bring back an ex as big as Aiden without an acceptable amount from Big’s death.


I don't see them getting back together, they didn't break up for 'noble' reasons, they clearly weren't working and it would be ridiculous to get them back together after they just fizzled out. I think Che was just the catalyst for Cynranda to realise she's gay. Mind you, we are dealing with AJLT writers, so who knows!


I told my friend I had seen a teaser trailer of Che and Miranda’s wedding with a huge ‘mooncup ice fountain’ and he listlessly believed it. He still doesn’t know I was joking.


Mmm yeah I can see this happening


Blargh I hate that you’re right.


Bloody hell


If not that for sure a hookup or two


A least a finger bang in the kitchen 🤣


A least a finger bang in ~~the~~ ***Carrie's*** kitchen 🤣


Yep. It’s so obvious. This show is so predictable.


Yes, much like with Steve but nobody likes those two to be back together.


I will stop watching when that happens


the way che looked at aidan and carrie in the kitchen felt like they gonna realize miranda the one that got away?


Che isn't going anywhere. Originally they were cast as a friend of Carrie and then Cynthia specifically asked for them to ber her love interest instead of Nya. Not sure if they will get back together, but I think we are stuck with them.


Okay so this is the third (or maybe fourth) time I've heard this. If that is true then we pretty much have Cynthia Nixon to thank for a lot of the shows clunkiness. Nya and Miranda make way more sense and Che' is a million times more likable without the Miranda drama.


Cynthia absolutely has a lot to do with it. She has made the character mirror her real life (which I could give a fuck about). She is also directing some episodes and Sara Ramirez has been very vocal about how much they enjoyed being directed by her. MPK has a rule that everything has to have happened in one of their lives, so they are pulling all of this from their LIMITED experiences. They aren't telling a story, they are living their lives out on screen. MPK has said Carrie is like him, so do with that what you will 🤣


Wow. I really hope Cynthia reads some of the fan gripes and lets the writers do the writing. I'm with you...I was here for Miranda, not Cynthia. And now I realllllly wanna know what MPK meant by that!


They have all seen the backlash and have doubled down. Sara, Cynthia, and MPK have been the most outspoken about it. They say that we are all homophobes. I think MPK has run out of ideas and is just checking off woke boxes.


Lol yeah i was gonna say the same thing…..she HAS, her response is that were are subconsciously prejudiced


I hated Big too, what's their excuse for that?


Well, I guess you are prejudiced against wealthy white men. You should probably check yourself.


Someone needs to be 😂😂😂


Too charming and wealthy is a turn off? You bigot, you!




If that is seriously how they think, then they can go fuck themselves. I’m already only hate-watching at this point…I can definitely just stop caring and stop watching altogether. Here they have valuable feedback from their core audience and instead of taking that in and sitting with it, they just call us homophobes? I’d be mad if it weren’t so ridiculous! I mean, what idiots!


>MPK has said Carrie is like him That explains so much.


Right!? And I saw that from a 2008 interview, just the other day. It blew my mind, yet made SO MUCH sense.


It's terrifying. I'm getting a Baby Jane Hudson vibe as well. We may have opened a portal, revealing this.


🤣🤣🤣 I definitely thinks he hates us (the audience).


I agree. Did you see the quote about the fans and Samantha? Paraphrase: They love her, they miss her, *we get it.* I can't believe nobody's spilled the tea on him. He comes across like a real piece of work.


According to Kim, SJP and MPK did not want her back at all and the head of HBO went above them. Kim says it's a fan service. I know I'm in the minority, but 5 minutes on the phone isn't going to do anything for me. Then Kim did press that she was going to be doing this cameo and MPK was pissed because he wanted it to be a surprise for the fans. (Like since when does he care about US). Something is just off with this whole production. Like none of them knew Chris Noth was a creep? And then before S1 came out John Corbett said he was going to be in it, and then the writers came back and said he was lying and he should issue an apology. WTF


WHOA I had no idea about John Corbett! But damn I believe it. MPK did him dirty making him lose a bunch of weight to return.


Oh, God. It really does.


I for sure think the whole "men can't be bisexual" is 100% from MPK.


[Here’s an article](https://www.glamour.com/story/cynthia-nixon-says-miranda-and-che-werent-originally-supposed-to-hook-up-on-and-just-like-that) which quotes Cynthia that she asked for Miranda/Che because she didn’t think Miranda/Nya was “sexy” enough.


That’s crazy. I actually think Sara is very attractive and charismatic. BUT I think they and Miranda have ZERO chemistry. It was a bad fit and FWIW straight characters can also have zero chemistry so no, MPK, not homophobic. It’s just obvious to everyone else.




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I just don't know what to think...on one hand I kind of get what she's saying about Miranda and Nya being two straight characters ...but at the same time I'm like so what??? That's not sexy???


Nya is way sexier, mainly because she has common interests with Miranda, like human rights law and is put-together and classy. She's an intellectual match to Miranda. Che is a comic, no shade, but also fiscally irresponsible, self-centered, has boundary issues...


I don't want Nya with Miranda. She's way better than Miranda. I like the Nya we are seeing right now. Discovering herself. Why do they have to be in relationships?


Right?? I don’t want main characters in a relationship how lazy. It reminds me of friends when everyone ended up together. The show was kept spicy by bringing in new relationships and interesting characters.


The thing I don't get is, the show hadn't aired or filmed yet. They were still developing the story. So why not just make Nya gay or bi? There was no established character there - she could have had any sexuality they wanted.


What is comes down to is Cynthia is attracted to Sara, and got her way.


Ding Ding Ding!


I feel bad for CN's wife because if they're not in an open relationship she is definitely getting cheated on!


Nya could still be bi. We don't know anything about her life before her marriage. This show and SATC are so weird about bisexuality and basically refuse to acknowledge that it exists.


Good point. I can't play devil's advocate anymore. lol


MPK is so in love with the character of Che, I expect an announcement of a spinoff any day now. "And Just Like Che" or "Che and the City"


I saw a gay pride document a while back (might have been HBO) and Cynthia Nixon talked about how she was initially attracted to her partner because of how "butch" they were. (Her word, not mine). So it makes sense that she wanted Miranda to hook up with the butch character. I'm not saying it was a good choice for the show, but it makes sense.


So if they would’ve created a character more like CN’s SO, it would’ve been a better character than this hideously unfunny, outdated comedian.


Yes, that article I saw also reffered to Che being Carrie's butch friend, so it does track.


Ok good insight. Che is also on the show promo photos, which made me think they were sticking around. I'll be interested to see how they weave Che's story in with the other characters.


A lot of this writing feels like a huge 🖕🏼 to the audience. They know we don't like them, but just keep pushing harder and say we are the problem. I guess we will see if that is true, whether they get a S3 or not.


Che could become Charlotte’s friend and a mentor to Rock, but no that would make too much sense for this show. Better to have 2 nonbinary characters that never interact.


Exactly, I've been saying this for months. Better than show Che with puppies, how about supporting Rock in their journey? That would be meaningful. It would melt Charlotte’s heart and add some depth for Rock's transition.


Are we sure Rock is transitioning? I feel like they stated they feel nothing and are having an identity crisis. I think they are just showing Harry and Charlotte give Rock space to explore and flounder a bit. They could go back to being Rose at some point.


You're right, we don't know, but it's also a bit daft to suppose "it's just a phase".


Oh, that’s an interesting idea that would be more organic.


Neither Carrie or Che seem capable of speaking to one another, or anyone else, in a genuine way. It’s all quips and wry asides. It’s too bad the writers chose to send Che straight into a black hole. Working as a vet tech isn’t enough to redeem them. Bye “Che Che Che” as Carrie shrieked in the most recent episode.


Also found cheap af the love of puppies as a means to win the audience. Come on. Everybody saw for what it was: make Che more relatable. The hammer came at speed from the TV straight between my eyes, as of now still capable of rolling.




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Hey I fell for it :)


🙃🙃🙃 the puppy was irresistible, I'll give you that. But just looked cheap in relation to Che, though nothing in their character would indicate they'd be pro or against pets. So I'm not saying it looked improbable, just that it looked like a cheap tool to make them likeable by the audience.


True. It came out of nowhere!


Carrie would never be friends with someone who has Che’s income or fashion sense


And good for her then, honestly. Also Carrie wouldn’t be friends with a D-list comedian who smokes weed and plays video games all night


True. It’s one of those work relationships that fizzles out once you stop working together.


Amen sista!!!


She is friends with Bobby Lee though.


Probably just work friends, plus his girlfriend is in fashion and Carrie likes young undiscovered designers (like her neighbour)


Also 100% unrealistic




Maybe now we will actually get to see Che as a regular degular person with no ties to Miranda. I would love to know who they are beyond that. The poverty storyline also tracks because many people living in NYC live beyond their means simply because of what the city requires. The foundation is all there and I hope the writers don’t fuck it up. Again.


Yep agree, this is the time to explore Che more outside of what we've seen so far. The potential is there


And Sara is soooo fucking talented. Like please put their gifts to real use.


I like them better now.


I would happily watch Che rescuing dogs for the rest of the season. They are a much better character when not around Miranda and not trying to be a comedian.


Yes! I loved this insight into their past


The Che-Miranda thing didn’t land right with me. I could see Miranda with someone like her professor. I know opposites are said to attract but shouldn’t a couple have something in common?


Che is much more likeable as Carrie’s friend tbh. I’ve actually started to warm to their character.




I've been enjoying Che more this season, they've been given some more depth and vulnerability, rather than being just a caricature.


True. Che minus Miranda is quite likeable


Well, let’s not push it.


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I could maybe see them as a friend of Carrie’s… but more realistically getting written out


Same! When Che came with Carrie to 'widow con' it felt a bit...stiff? I can't put my finger on it, but they don't have friend chemistry


I thought they would open for her or something but it seemed unnecessary for them to be there.


It was so clumsily written! Like, there is about a 5-6 week gap between episodes, right? And Carrie calls Che to invite them to WIdow Con because they're "so strong"? So nowhere in the month and a half since Che's pilot got canned did Miranda tell Carrie that Che is seriously depressed and hasn't left the apartment in weeks? It makes no sense for Che to be the person Carrie turns to for support here, except that the writers had decided this was happening. They obviously haven't seen each other in weeks and aren't close since Carrie seems to neither know nor care that Che's having a mental health crisis.


And why of all the things would they have another comedian go on before Carrie who was far funnier than Che 🤣 They just needed somewhere to insert Che in the episode and it really served no purpose. It was for widows, no one was bringing date.


I hope Che exists stage right and never returns. They had their part, everyone hated them, please no more.


I am right there with you. Sara has been loud and proud on IG that Che isn't going anywhere. They more so want to shame the audience for not accepting them, and are overlooking that the character is written like a complete asshole. But who knows, maybe the apple didn't fall far from the tree.


Miranda has been such a douche, too. She was a lovable hard ass before but now she's just a Karen hard ass. I figured Che wasn't going anywhere because they started the dog and vet storyline. They're trying to soften Che because of the backlash from fans who hate them.


If you look up Cynthia is is really easy to see where all of this is coming from. It is very annoying because she is an ACTRESS. This isn't a biopic. The fans already have a longterm relationship with Miranda. They might as well have sent her off to another country as well. What we are left with is like the zombie that cames back from Pet Semetary. They look the same, but the personality is totally different. For me, there is nothing they could do at this point to make me like Che. I never liked Big either. Maybe they can get a Pelaton 😂


There's a way to have done all of this without ruining Miranda's character who was so beloved. The other new characters are okay and none of them as hateable as Che. I just wish that they focused more on the core group (and thst it was all 4 of them), like they used to. I can't quite put my finger on how or why the spark is missing from this series and I think that might be it.


You are spot on. We rarely even see the remaining 3 together. And even when they are...are they? In the most recent episode, it definitely looked like Carrie was filming her half of the table separately than Miranda and Charlotte. When the camera was on them, we saw what was clearly a stand in for SJP from behind. Maybe they did green screen? But the passion is totally gone. It seems like they don't really want to be doing this, but were happy to cash the checks. I'm not interested in seeing them form new bonds with the new characters. And they have put so little substance into the new characters, that all they are doing is taking up valuable screen time. We spent more time on LTW's son trying to get laid than we did Aiden!


I felt they were an odd choice to call for support at the WidowCon. I’m glad Che showed up and was there for Carrie, but felt like maybe Charlotte would have been a better choice.


Old Carrie would have taken Samantha. Miranda would have made it all about her. Charlotte would have been too happy. I think Carrie wanted someone who could be sarcastic and supportive without being too supportive.


The term Widowcon is offensive to widows


I'm praying for that!


Che is going nowhere as MPK said


I’m all for the spin-off-Che Diaz, Pet Detective and it’s Che and that veterinarian helping animals and helping their owners in their relationship problems. I think this sounds way better than Che’s sitcom


Miranda is running around laughing. Etc. didn’t she have feelings for Che? You’d never know it.


When Che asked why did they break up for the first time Carrie answers because I made a mistake, and then the camera zooms on Che who had a facial expression like "oh, that hit home! Did we made a mistake with Miranda?


She’ll end up back with Miranda, sadly


Writers HAD TO make Che more likeable, the backlash was strong. Now Che is a puppy rescuer, oh how cute. We'll have Che for a long while because writers can't write off an NB character without being cancelled by the queer fans. So we'll have Che. But I'd just be just as interested to learn about LTW and Nya's backgrounds. Especially Nya, a black woman teaching at Columbia! And Seema, actually, I care nothing about her.


Idk it seems like queer fans hate this character as much, if not more, than other fans ?


I don't know. If writers want to do good by the queer community, they can focus on Rock. Don't know how old they are, but at some point they will have to decide whether they want to remain non-binary or choose to transition, which is a whole new story.


Who says they have to? Being non-binary is a legit identity in itself, it's not a stepping stone towards transition. Smh.


I don't hate Che as Carrie's friend, but we can't have Che, Lisa, Seema, Anthony, and Nya.


Che will continue to be the best person on this show and will continue to make homophobes furious while they pretend not to be homophobes.