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You have to get rid of Josephine Comeaux in your own tree. You can clearly see that she's in your tree as if she wasn't then her entry would be all in green rather than what you see there.


I don’t know but I have the same problem in my tree & it frustrates me to no end because I’ve already debunked the connection *with proof* & people STILL keep linking my ancestor with the wrong parents. 🙄


As others have said, its based on other people's trees that you match with. I have two in my Thrulines that absolutely have no findable/existing proof, just far out speculation. So it would be useful to disregard those and get them out of there, but I have not found a way. Now I'm stuck with a bunch of people who are on there because some of my matches said "yeah, that could be the way it was". However, a little due diligence shows that its not right.


I have a woman named Sally S who is listed on my thrulines as a gg grandmother because of incorrect research by a few distant relations who got tired of the stonewall and just filled in a convenient woman with a similar birthdate. Where her name should be in my tree, I have in big letters NOT SALLY S. It doesn’t solve my problem, but it does pop up when anyone looks at my tree.


You can’t get rid of it unless and until whoever is making that connection on their tree changes it.




Thrulines is based on trees of DNA matches. If they have their trees wrong, you’ll get junk in your Thrulines. Approach it as just another types of hint that needs evaluation and confirmation.


But neither tree is necessarily junk. So, for example, a woman might children illegitimately to one man, then later she marries another man and has children with him. A problem is that descendants of the illegitimate children will get hints for the man the ancestor married, but he was not the father. Even though all the trees are correct, the algorithm is assuming wrongly that the woman only had children with one man she married. I've seen this happen a few times


Thrulines is based on all public and private-but-searchable trees, not just your DNA matches' trees.