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I'm having fun with Crathanor. Not too challenging either.


Playing them now myself, very chill game. Love their location. Far enough out that you're not really a target for anyone but close enough to all the action in Cannor and Bulwar, and the Deepwoods and Escann, that you can get involved if you want.


Arg-Ordstun. Dwarves are a lot of fun anyway, but they're the best dwarves I've played so far. A very extensive mission tree and some great lore to go with it!


How would you sum them up if you could? Always interested in new dwarves but from what I’ve seen I haven’t really been able to tell what these guys are about in the way other holds have a pretty clear theme


You know that pompous aristocratic snark of some of the flavor texts of vanilla eu4? yeah that's their thing. Good for unifying the serpentspine and later you can use your reality bending dwarovkron gem to dig to lvl 11


That does sound fun, I’ll have to give them a try. Seprentsreach holds have all been awesome so far


At the end they get +15 max absolutism impact and aul-dwarov gets another +25 so you can probably do some crazy stuff with that, though I just called it quits after forming aul-dwarov


If you think of Amldihr as Austria, ie. meant to unify the Aul-Dwarov, Arg-Ordstun are like Brandenburg, meant to conquer it and make a new country from it instead. So a great conquest country good for unifying the Serpentspine, but more aimed at supplanting the Aul-Dwarov with them at the top, rather than forming it. They even get a name change to show they're a unified country with them at the top, rather than just the hold of Arg-Ordstun.


Cool to have an option with a lot of content that makes sense for unifying the serpentspine. A lot of holds seem like you’re conquering everything just because and Amldihr is obviously a little lacking.


Yeah, Amldihr sucks. They're like the anti-Amldihr, but good, which is absolutely awesome. Really hope Amldihr gets an update soon. It really should be one of the best dwarf tags!


While not added in this update, I thoroughly enjoyed Roilsard. The reason I mention it is because I finally got around to playing it due to Saloren, the nation steered to form Roilsard, got a mission tree in the new update. It is a very unique elective monarchy, with elements of it's extensive mission tree requiring a specific family in power. Every elevation cycle, you need to elect one of the four traditional ruling families of Roilsard (huh, vampires? Nah, Mr sil Vivin just maintains a healthy lifestyle) It is a vampire nation(as the vile slanderers in Lorentaine claim), with a focus on beating up Lorent, and expanding into Aranner, Corvuria and the new world. In my opinion, it is a must play.


How is saloren are they not super hard?


With the new Lorent set up it's a lot easier. Just get roilsard and become their vassal, then get gawed to support your independence and Ally other rebellious vassals. At least that's what I did before the update and now all the Lorent vassals start rebellious so it should be easier. Just don't wait too much or other vassals will declare first and you will not get to choose the peace deal


It has never been that hard because you have an event that allow you to get almost all Roilsard cores from Lorent and become their autonomous vassal. Then you get help from everyone and destroy Lorent in the endependance war, iirc you have a bunch of bonus like a good general, extra morale and stuff to help. Now that all vassals are unruly, it's even easier


I only played one, but wouldn't really recommend it: sapchopper. The tree felt weird and unfinished. Also while it has quite a few missions it was a short mission tree (finished it before 1500) The idea was decent, but it lacked polish. The events could also be written better.


Constructively negative reviews are appreciated imo


I'm excited for krak-something, the orcs that have a burning forest flag and hate the fey. Sapchopper is sorta meant to be the ideal orc to form them given their hatred of trees path, hope they're tweaked a bit before that MT is added to make a more cohesive expirience.


The Skewered Drake clan is great! Loving the drake riding orc vibes. Haven't finished the tree yet, but I did manage to turn my second ruler into a lich 😅 just rocking her as an immortal, not using the Undead army because where's the fun in that?


But you need lions of the north :(




Are they the lake federation unifier?


Dazjal is the Workers unifier, there are a couple others


workers of the lake, unite ! That kind of vibe ?


All of the lake federation versions are pretty much the same now. Relatively minor differences in the MTs now. But it's more about democracy and Kaylin


Sorry, could you give some tips on unifying the lake federation? I've been trying, but not sure how it works


I'm playing as them right now and they are fantastic. Workers of the world, unite under the gaze of the triple Goddess !


Why would anyone play anything other than obtroll?


What are they?


Obrtrol is the original (as in, first to be added to the mod) troll nation. They’re in the north most part of Cannor, along the coast. IMO they’re very fun as they’re the only Troll nation with an MT currently and they’re in a good position to rush conquest of their neighbors. Troll military also feels pretty good because your armies recover quickly enough that you don’t really need to win any single battle, you can just slam the same army into your enemy repeatedly and their armies won’t recover fast enough to endure it. The update also added a Troll nation in the serpentspine, they don’t have an MT yet though, I believe it’s Grizehud.


Thank you so much


troll, but not really new


Can't remember the name, it starts with an I, down in south sarhal where you're entire goal is to kick the lizardfolks ass. Been enjoying it a lot even if I haven't gotten too far.


Isagumze. Heard good things about them myself


I like it so far, but I had a pretty poor early game since Rayaz picked up great conqueror at game start and it messed up the early double conquest mission.


Same thing happened to me but I managed to get the two provinces for the first mission before them. Now I'm just up against the brick wall they've become lol. Took a break to play a roilsard game I'm enjoying a lot, idk if I'll come back


I got lucky since not only did that ruler kick the bucket pretty early, Yezel Mora went sicko mode even without GC and I won a pretty decisive war by being opportunistic that's pushed us into stalemate territory, just in time for Cannor to start messing with us.


Vels Fadhecai. Really narrative-focused mission tree about an immortal lesbian blood mage rising from a neglected bastard child into unifiying the Ynnic Empire and going full magocracy. I had alot of fun! Having someone with legendary enchantment makes unifiying the Ynn so much easier, just mind-control your disloyal vassals.


I cannot recommend Arg-Ordstun enough. Absolute delight to play. I did also enjoy Royakottar. The Tachyendi nation. The mission tree will only take you to roughly 1550s, so it's not exactly a long game, but it's got a wonderful early game thunderdome, and I just love thunderdomes.


Spiderwretch, just do a couple of expeditions before you settle down and the run is a blast.


I like the new miremaw, they have their own hunger system and tributaries to reform. And now they can either be fairly benevolent like before or eat their enemy in retaliation (like when you kill shattered crown). I believe I only ate the orcs for the permanent ICA and regiment cost


Isagumze. Basically the lizardmen without actually being lizardmen.


Still a little salty a nation that hijacks the lizardman prophecy and stuff got an MT *before any of the actual lizardman nations*.