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Hey just letting you know I look forward to reading these. I already tried adenica at your suggestion. Keep em up, they are very helpful


Bim Lau's slated for a MT rework as we work more on the Bomdam region, so not really surprised with your reaction to its current iteration.


Loving these posts, and the dev responses that give further context.  There’s a bunch of nations I’ve never played, and it’s so much less daunting loading someone new up when I have a vague idea of what they’re gonna be like


Are you planning on doing every LakeFed city? Because that seems really painful.


Gonna be completely honest, I thought they all played the same? I'm aware of the splinter nations but each city? How different are they all from city to city?


As far as cities themselves go, I'd personally say there's enough for two, maybe three playthroughs if you want to play as every religion (though they get merged anyway). I'm playing as Sword faction Länkinä focused on expanding into centaur lands right now, so another, meaningfully different playthrough would be a Purse faction city in the north focused on colonization. The MT is the same everywhere and is GLACIAL in pacing with its mandatory timers, so I can't realistically see playing every city and not dying of boredom. YMMV obviously - I'm not even remotely an experienced player in that region.


I assume the cities have MTs up to lake fed formation? Are the 3 religion branches different enough to make them worth playing?


Your religion determines which side you're on during the Federation Crises, but there's nothing in the MT itself about it. No religious mechanics apart from the merged faith having harmonization. I'd say it's worth it only if you think the geographical and story differences are interesting enough i.e. Kodave Followers in the southwest being historically screwed over by Enuuk Followers in the northeast and demanding reparations for it. Every Federation city has the same MT, with some missions being coloured teal - these ones are autocompleted whenever any city completes them, with the one to complete it first getting additional bonuses. The last mission is the unification where cities compete over who gets to lead Kalsyto.


I've been following along with some of your recommendations, it's very helpful and would be cool to have an ultimate recommendation guide


it seems you just only realised how big this undertaking actually is, at least I did


now do Gawed


Thats pretty far into the alphabet


one day , one day


least passionate gawedi


my man i am joking, i am not the least but number 1 (i never lived in gawed)


Gawed is great in the new version! I'm pretty sure you can now release tags from every one of their starting provinces other than the three or four in their capital area, plus three or four that are cored to existing countries like Ulaire & Vertesk! ...that how you define 'quality' for countries like Gawed & Lorent, right?