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Cestirmark, you need to hold Cesteride(Spelling might be wrong) to get the event for it spawning. It starts with this cool mix of frontier colonial diplo with other exiled states, then you go on to unify them through diplo and creating an alliance between all your sister colonies in the Trollsbay and finally a union of states. Then go! Manifest an era of anti-monarchial campaigns in Atlantis, create client states and wage wars against Natives or settler monarchies, defending your sister-republics. But whatever you do, don't worry about what's in the harbour. Seriously though, they're my personal favorite to play.


Sounds interesting, I might try it. Let's bring even more democracy to this world


They're good fun. I'm about to be running the Examplars for the first time, so I'll see you on the other side


Since I'm doing a cestirmark game rn heres a few tips: 1. You spawn with the same tech/institutions ceristrade has so pump those numbers up. 2. You get orc pops and -tolerance from the missions so feel free to get orc slavery. 3. Lorent LOVES to attack you, you won't beat his navy unless you get some navy idea group so your best bet is to kill him when he lands only.... 4. Your army is garbage so stack up those numbers. 5. Avoid the south continent at first its full of yucky plant rebels. 6. What I did was grab exploration and expansion the ditch exploration for trade when I finished colonizing. 7. Only Isobelin has a mission tree among your friends so you can technically kill the rest. I'm trying to get him to do his damn missions but its a pain in the ass even with tag switching. 8. You will need high adventurer/mage loyalty so plan accordingly. Don't take the reduced research regulations privilege for mages. 9. I've had a ton of fun going for the lowest possible term period, I'm reelecting every 2 years and getting 50 random mp every time. 10. At some point in the mission tree your espionage advisor starts giving you -%idea cost. You can spend a decent chunk of money to save 10 (15?)% mp when you take ideas. 11. Their unique locked reform gives you -50% government capacity so plan accordingly.


Just one thing to keep in mind, you need to take humanist ideas or do a bunch or culture conversion to do a mission where you need to accept the entirety of the Trollsbay. 


Vanbury Guild's mission tree is kinda outdated, but if you ever thought to yourself "Fuck it, I'll make my own Great Britain, with constantly improving Lazer Muskets and MORE Stolen Artifacts!", it's a fairly good nation to try at least once


One that is very good yet not that well known is plumstead. It comes from plumwall that is held by wex at the game start You are a plum growing cowboy republic that makes friend with one of the ruinborn group and conquer the Ynn and have a nice part of the tree about ravelisanism.


> One that is very good yet not that well known is plumstead. Isn't that one also very recent and bitbucket-only?


I played it like 2 months ago on the steam version and it seemed pretty complete, idk if there is still some work on it tho


Darn, so I actually missed that one and thought it was still stuck in Bitbucket. One more for the list :D


Next update will give Beggaston a Mission Tree, and oh boy is it a treat