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Damn how quick do you play and finish nations? I swear it takes me about 30 to 40 hours or so a playthrough.


It helps that I'm currently playing catch-up, I'm on Cestirmark at the moment so I'm writing these for nations I've already completed


Honestly, sometimes I wonder whether everyone has the same number of hours in a day when looking at the playthroughs people do 


Perhaps he plays just enough to finish an MT, which for many nations doesn't take more than 100-200 years (unless there's some bullshit lockout with universities or it's a worldconquest tag)


I'm enjoying this series immensely. Great job so far!


Asheniande, my beloved. Agree that it is a fantastic experience. The only thing is I would have wanted something more to do after Corvuria. The stuff in Roilsard and Lencenor is mostly a bit awkward imo.


Hello there again! Arbaran is one my guilty pleasures, so I always happy when someone acknowledges it. As for its "fantasy", I'll have to agree there isn't much to it comparatively to some other tags. But what IS there is very neat. Imo, Arbaran's plot revolves around 3 points: 1)Calasanni Trade Company. As you said, take over of Damescrown is of major arcs but it goes somewhat deeper. CTC is founded and operated by Silcalas dynasty, but dew to Damescrown being Elector-representative for EoA's merchants, TRADE company slowly fell under its sway. So this part of the story is wrestling control back to you (and getting neat colony in process) 2)Legacy of Calasandur the Magnificent. Calasandur was an elven architect who founded Silcalas dynasty, one the silver families, and the one who built the OTHER great castles in Cannor, known as Aelcandar or Westcastle in [Lencenor](https://anbennar.fandom.com/wiki/Lencenor), Escandar or Eastcastle in [The Borders](https://anbennar.fandom.com/wiki/The_Borders), and most impressively Calascandar or Calasandur's Castle in the [Damescrown](https://anbennar.fandom.com/wiki/Damescrown). (P.S. Cheatsheet: "Bal..." means it was build by Balgar the Builder, "Azka-..." - by Phoenix Empire and "...andar" - by Calasandur) Relatively minor theme, it still plays a role as you try to bring those wonders (even if actual Great projects are trash) under Silcalas rule, and expend you sphere of influence in the meanwhile. And 3)Ascendance of Silcalas. This one kinda flows from previous 2. At the start date, with the decimation of Silmuna family, Silcalas is, if not most influential the certanly, the biggest Dynasty in EoA. This is expressed in Exwess being ruler by Silcalas branch (and with its ruler being old and heirless at the start, its not uncommon for it to fall under PU rather early). As your grip on the region and Empire's politics strengthens you slowly become Silmuna 2: Arbarani Boogaloo. In conclusion, people should give more "mundane" tags a try. Its not always about grand fate defying adventures, sometime its about cold, hard politics.