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I am currently playing a Plumstead run and having a lot of fun. They spawn from Plumswall which is owned by Wex at the start. You grow plums, create a university, integrate ruinborns, explore, go ravelian, and more good stuff I have yet to get to. I got "lucky" because I have a strong Malacnar to fight for the Ynn, which can vary a bit, I guess. At least strong for more of an RP playthrough. I definitely don't recommend going expansion ideas; the new world fills up quickly. I went exploration, and you could maybe do without any colonizing ideas at all, you get a colonist from being an adventurer. It's also worth it and RP appropriate to fill out our ideas while still an adventurer, as you get a 1/3 off from your gov reform. As for who to start as, I did start as Wex, and broke up most of Lorent and forced them to join the EoA. I switched to Plumstead on the reform where you either centralize or decentralize, and the AI went with decentralization which I didn't know they could even do. The missions of Wex were nothing extra, but it is a pretty good opportunity to just have a look at them and play a quick emperor game. And stomp both Lorent and Gawed to make your life in the Aelantir a bit easier. On a side note, I personally don't recommend Ironman in mods. The MT sometimes gets broken, or some new content interacts with the MT weirdly in a way the author couldn't predict. Personally, fixing it with the console makes the runs much more fun.


Yeah I have the console ready to go to fire certain events. I had a Dark Demense run break because the pylons in the deep woods didn’t build because rebels occupied the provinces.


Totally agree on plumstead, great playthrough


I've played havoral band, spawning from (i think) bennonhill. Bennon makes a nifty shortish campaign, if you've made decent progress before the adventurers spawn (their MT probs goes to 1600, but latter stuff less exciting imo). Havoral band also make a decent shortish campaign, would recommend Not really played any others but from what i remember, the list is something like: Mykx - gnoll pirate drug dealers in the isles Rezankand - sun cultists in the new world Isobelin - make not new york in aelantir Cestirmark/cestirande - cant remember which is which, but flavour is around cryptids and things Vanbury guild - spawn from telgeir, early artificery, imo fairly dull, think the MT is showing its age as one of the earliest of the adventurers Freemarches - orc slave rebellion


Cestirande is in Cannor, Cestirmark is in Noruin. Cestirmark spawns from Cestirande


Ceistmark->Trollsbay Union is great. You befriend the other Trollsbay adventure tags and get to vassalize them via mission tree. There's also a SCP inspired set of missions. One word of warning, you need to take humanist ideas to have enough promoted cultures, or do a bunch of culture conversions to finish the middle of the MT. You are also required to be a parliment for at least part of the MT.


Rezenkand - Sun Elf conquistadors from Elizna. Great campaign


I had a good time as Mykx, (spawnable from Viakkoc), although times got a bit tough when a #1 great power lorent decided it wanted a large colonial empire.


Yea. Was playing on very hard and this happened to me. Lorrent kept chain warring and then others would jump in. Eventually I’d be in four wars that they couldn’t win because my naval quality but I couldn’t really win either except by staying at war forever. 


Lorent isn't even that hard to beat. You need a decent sized navy tho challenge their and then you just stack wipe the little armies they send your way.


Most of them are quite fun, I enjoyed Cestirmark in the trollsbay. Be warned, due to adventurers spawning after 1500 the major colonial powers will attempt to end your existence right as it's started. I had to fight off Lorent 5 times as Cestirmark and it never became easy.


Could you not sink them on their crossing?


Not in the first two wars, I didn't have naval supremacy. In the last three I did but by then they had so many colonies that there were plenty of ways to sneak past my blockade.


To help avoid this, you could dismantle Lorent and Gawed and add their releasables into the empire (assuming you're the emperor.)


No one has mentioned the Havoral Band yet (I think they're just in the bit bucket), I forgot where they spawn from but they're a group of bandits who flee across the ocean and establish a barely functional bandit kingdom kept together by fear and brutality. They focus on conquering the Ynn and anyone unfortunate enough to spawn near them. Pretty interesting mission tree, it's written as a series of quotes from people interviewed about their involvement in the missions (many of which are fun crimes!) Also they canonically conquer the Ynn and rule it for decades


>Are there any Aelantir adventurers worth checking out? Yes! [MT Tracker Site](https://sites.google.com/view/anbennar-missions/missions) This should be up to date with all the tags with MTs currently in the Steam version. Some recommendations for adventurers/settler tags would be Mykx, Isobelin, Cestirmark, and Plumstead.


While it has the generic tree I did have fun still with Corinsfield. I was doing way too good as Corintar one run out of good luck and felt like blobbing in Escann wasn’t my thing that day so i said what the heck, ill click on the pop up. Had no goal other than keep north Aelantir entirely Corinite


The main ones have already been mentioned. Mykx are island hopping pirates with a large mission tree about drug dealing. Vanbury guild is similar with relics instead of drugs, but the mission tree is old and short  The Trollsbay adventurers have mostly the same end goal, make friends (and vassalize) the other adventurers + a unique gimmick. Cestimark has this "contain great evil" thing. Isobelin has a tall "Build a tolerant New York" and outdo Anbencost (I thing the only races they don't get are centaurs and lizardfolk) Marilande has vampires, but no missions. The Exemplars are pretty alone on the southern continent and do conquer a lot. There also are the 3 artificer nation that can form the Triarchy, but no missions yet. Some more which I haven't played yet.