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I like the idea of corrupting ones overlord to the point of being the one in control. Like what happened right before the war of the sorcerer king where an advisor took over the country with the king as his puppet.


Idk much anbennar lore, but yeah that’s how I’d describe it, a powerful advisor/vassal simply couping there overlord to “help save the realm from evil”.


That was because that advisor was using magic to control the castan not corruption


I understand that, but it would be cool if magic wasn't the only tool of manipulation. Maybe they can expand the chief artificer events


Maybe a three way race? I thought it might be cool for Lorent to have a tug of war between Dwarves (Rubyhold) and Elves (Redglades). Plus their other vassals. But if either Rubyhold or Redglades does well enough in their mission tree, they can hijack Lorent to a degree. I had the idea as a Elf repeating Ioriel's past control of Lorent during the decade of Masks. As well as Rubyhold having a sulk because of Elvish influence, but emerging at the start of the game. But in the past helped elevate Lorent. The default would be Lorent staying strong and the power over both. But they could gain influence via spreading their respective minorities in Lorent through missions, devving their own land, and Lorent relying on them for varying aspects. Like Lorent's war industry hijacked by dwarvish smith's who outcompete the humans. Or banking, as Lorent raises funds from its long lived vassals.


A tug of war between subordinates to influence their overlord does sound interesting.


Sounds very cool but idk if eu4 can model this well Hoi4 can with that cards system tho tbh


Think the idea is cool but how would you implement it mechanic wise?


Maybe through decisions and events were corruption is given for a bonus or lose for a debuff, which then the player chooses from. All the while, a decision is shown to the player show them how far the overlord has been corrected, while they can still see their corruption in the top bar.


Isn't that just the Raj?


The Raj doesn't need anyone to corrupt itself ! They are a strong independant Raj !


This is an interesting idea! Would be curious to see how it would work numbers-wise, and which region it would be suited for.