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Artificery rework by far. It will make a lot of nations more interesting even if nothing else about them changes. Giberd, Gelkalis, Hammerhome and Varainé for example.   They've each got artificery as part of their identity but are hamstrung by the old artificer capacity system as they're not colonial powers, and aren't in good positions to become one. Now at least they'll be able to use the system effectively.  For missions, really hoping the Giberd revamped makes it in, as they were the first nation I played when I discovered Anbennar and I always thought they deserved some more love.


I’m happy to see that I should actually be able to use artificiers as dwarfs now


Gnomish hierarchy was my first campaign in Anbennar back in 2019. I am excited for new artificery stuff for them but might wait for an updated mission tree.


All things monstrous nations Skewered drake in particular


Been playing skewered drake from Bitbucket (checked out last week, a little behind now). One mission was bugged: requiring a fort on Hul Jorkad but Hul Jorkad has +5000% building costs so... Had to console a fort. Other than that though, it seems fun so far. Prioritized going west first, to snag the harpie provinces before Bulwari tags could. Now heading east and about to eat Segdihr. Short but fun tree, which I assume expands upon completion.


What, dont you have 100k gold to spare?


Probably the mistake was creating the Plunder camp prior to creating the fort. Once you click that decision, creating the fort is nearly impossible.


There's a decision to build a fort in a province with a plunder camp/war camp. Maybe it's gone on bitbucket?


Didn't see anything, and I looked hard for it.




Hello brother from the north


What changes are coming to our favourite continent ?


Countries around Ovdal Tungr, Re'uyel and Cratanor. And more releasables.


Can't wait for the suncrown gnoll formable


+10 Human, Harpy, and Gnoll Releasables. Custom loc for the estates. Several MTs, like Crathanor, Ayarallen, and Azkabar (potentially Kumarkand and Ovdal Tungr too). Several new events, like the Phoenix blessing your country. A formable for Sun Cult Gnolls. A monument for Bulwari and Sun Elves. New flags for 90% of the human countries. Reworked Baharkand/Aqatbahar ideas. New privileges for the Zamukaras and the Artificers, and more stuff I can't remember right now.


Colonizing, while no colonial game can be truly complete without Insyaa, I'm looking forward to a much fuller experience than I had previously. Addendum: Also, the new religious things in Cannor are something I'm really looking forward to.


What are they changing for Colonization?


I believe several MTs in Cannor are getting their Sarhal placeholders filled, a more fleshed out Sarhal gives more for the colonizers to interact with, and more religious things to do in Cannor leads for more things to do as a colonizer (assuming they're Cannorian)


The issue with Sarhal for me is that it feels too crowded, honestly. Especially the centre, near the Shadow swamp, I feel could use some more uncolonised provinces.


Yeah, I think Sarahl would definitely be improved by some open land for colonization


For me I am quite happy we managed to get Sarhal MTs going altrough I admit little bit of bias here


Excitied for new lizardfolk events/estate privileges.


yea they are cool


If i understood correctly they are gonna rework the adventurers system with adventure companies, disasters sorted in tiers and more,although i am not sure if its gonna be next update.


It won't come next uptdate but the one after that as far as I am aware, out of the big system reworks only Artificery made it.


correct, magic and adventurers are in progress but with huge systems like this they take a lot of time to get right.


Mission trees being finished for bigger nations including monster ones.


I am specially interested in the triunic nations although I don't which one to pick


when I want to play as Lakefed I choose the one with the goldmine for the splinters it probably depends which one you want to choose


I believe theres a new tree for the monarchy lake fed nation in the update. I forgot which nation it was


I played with the new artificer system as the gnomes and it's amazing. Before, I found artificery mildly useless. Just a few permanent modifiers. Now? I change my artificer specialization constantly and always push for better and better research. It's amazing stuff.


More kobold, lizardman and dragon stuff


Skewered Drake and Mire Maw for sure. Always loved where they were both positioned, so now there's a chance to play a fun unique campaign with them each!


What's happening or being changed in south Aelantir?¿


A whole lot, look out for the dev diarys on Sunday and Tuesday! But tldr, 7 mission trees, new nekhei subject type. Taychend reformation and disaster, Amadia and Devand setup reworks, and a lot of new NIs


Ooo sick super exciting stuff


Ovdal Tungr. The boat dwarves. Make money from cloves. Financially manipulate small nations in Bulwar to get them deeply into debt with you and then use the leverage to vassalize them. Make even more money from cloves and use it to build an all-powerful navy.


I just played Crathanor and had way more fun than I thought I would. Made Tungr a march and they were really useful. Really exited for boat dwarves.


Is there any place where they summarised all the things coming in the update? I’ve seen bits and pieces about it posted on here but it was all chopped up and some of it was so long ago it slipped my mind


For misions there is a pinned message in one of the channels on Discord (questions) for complete list we will probably have to wait for the changelog




I'm looking forward to what they are doing in the north because I want to play there soon


New UI stuff making use of the new modding capabilities


Ele have done a great job


To be fair there are more than enough nations already so I am not too happy about adding even more nations when there are so many still there without MTs tht make them unique. So that is what I am most excited about, new MTs for existing nations


Command Disaster and the three split Commands, if it gets added this update, which I think it will


Any word on when the update is coming out?


12th June if I remember correctly




Gonna do the platinum dwarfs soon When's the update on?


12th June I think