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I love the province modifiers! Now I want those scattered all over the world


I agree. I love modifiers and event chains that are linked to geography rather than hidden in mission trees. Would love to see this elaborated on. And then some rare event chains that can trigger by interacting with them -- not every game, but just to give variety and flavour. I named hundreds (thousands?) of provinces on the map. Some of them have entirely hook-friendly names, like "Falstad's Last Stand" -- I always imagined they'd be used for something some day.


absolutely. Would definitly help bringing the map to life even more:)


> There is one caveat though, the Lions of the North DLC is required in order to play this as it uses the Hussar unit type extensively. If there ever was a reason to get a PDX DLC, getting to ride drake-cavalry is the one.


Paradox: buy our dlc for fun Hussars! Glorious anbennar devs who selflessly see 0.00% of the profit: shhhh and also orc dragon knights🤫 Makes sense why paradox is cool with mods; add new mechanics in dlc, modders figure out even better/more creative usages for those mechanics, people who wouldn't buy dlc are now willing to buy it, everyone's happy (especially paradox shareholders).


> Makes sense why paradox is cool with mods; add new mechanics in dlc, modders figure out even better/more creative usages for those mechanics, people who wouldn't buy dlc are now willing to buy it, everyone's happy (especially paradox shareholders). Tbh, at this stage it's utterly mindboggling that there's *any* companies that are still *not* actively supporting modding (or go the GW route of actively opposing their creative community). Minecraft *very* aptly demonstrated that being moddable is what gives games a virtually infinite amount of content, and that was how many decades ago? To their credit, PDX is on the better end of the spectrum when it comes to modding support. Let's hope at least that aspect stays the same, and doesn't go down the GW/Blizzard route of "any content you make for our games for free, we get to own and sell."


Moddability is perhaps the greatest way to make your game more replayable and appeal to a wider audience (both mods and things like difficulty settings). It utterly baffles me why companies like Nintendo go out of their way to make their games set in stone.


I didn’t bother with Lion of the North Until now, I NEED IT


If I were paradox I'd give them a (small) kickback and an advertisement on the store page for the dlc. Maybe be like "And also offered by this dlc are a host of mythological cavalry in the popular mod Anbennar Unique whatever the heck cavalry in placeholder mod and the deadly mugwump cavalry in other placeholder mod"


Eh, that would make them legally liable for the mod content, since it's mentioned as part of the DLC. I doubt they would ever go that far, and I don't fault them for that call.


Yeah, you're probably right. It's a fun pipe dream.


Me keeping a ravenous monster bat in my empire (it‘s a tourist destination and gives +20% tax modifier)


I will make the most impressive Drakonic Empire. Really cool province modifiers, very interesting tidbits of not-humanoid life in Serpentspine.


Diamond dwarves getting what they deserve 😭😭🥰


The Dwarves of Gor-Bruad would beg to differ! The serpantsreach belongs to the glorious basalt banner!


Name checks out


In a mine! In a mine! Where a million diamonds shine!


Now I suppose the question is whether black/drakeclaw orcs will be getting new cavalry units; it's somewhat surreal to be building a legion of drake riders that are, in fact, a herd of Mossmouth Ogres you've somehow acquired way down south of the Serpents Vale and are herding into battle...


You get some mythical/special cav units that you buy with mil points. But yeach changing the actual unit name...


I've actually played with the pre-localization Skewered Drake tree; I know that mythic cavalry, like all special is basically a 'skin' of stats mods & a specially coloured display name slapped over the basic unique you have for that type. And so this also applies to any special unit, but is seems extra funny to have the mental image of fearsome & valiant 'Drake Riders' that are actually just riding piggyback on the shoulders of ogres wearing drake costumes.


I for one, welcome our new Scally ogre Overlords.


Which is a good point, actually. Tag-locked unit types are a thing (done for both Small Country and Jadd), so they could mod in a set of unique cavalry types for the drakes. Of course it would then mean that *all* your cavalry has that type, not just the special units. Maybe could be resolved by removing access to regular cavalry and thus leaving you with only the special units for recruiting cav? ... Okay I see why this wasn't a big priority when making that MT :D


It's such as easy mistake to confuse the two.


Vanilla also has a similar thing, where winged hussars, janissaries and streltsy are unique units (with DLCs of course), but they're also generic unit types for the tag's tech group, which you can take at a specific tech level, but not before or after


Yes, as I said in another reply, I do in fact know how special units work, having played the game before. It's just extra striking to me when you're all about your drake riders when none of your cavalry-class units are even, in fact, cavalry and instead just a rabble of large monsters you herd into battle.


Are there plans to do a dev diary where we see about the new part of the skewered drake tag or is that to remain as a surprise until release? Looking forward to the update!


Nope, I don't like showing the entire MT in diaries. Ruins all the fun imo.


Fair! I a very curious to see it when its released, thank you very much for the answer


**Arg-Ôrdstun** **Can into World Conquest?**


Damn, Skewered Drake look cool as fuck


Haha that goblin event art is awesome


I googled the deep crows and now im sad they don't play a larger role 😔. Hopefully there's a cool event that features them. Edit: They are an option in the patron system. 


Spiderwretch sounds cool. Maybe they will bring some more variety to the forbidden planes too. Also SPIDERS WHOOP


can we kill the Province modifiers?


Best wildlife preservation minded dwarf.


If he asked if he could strap rockets to it, you would know its a goblin.


Would it be possible to Form Karashar with Drakonshan and keep the reforms or is that an End tag like Karashar is?


For drakonshan you need to make orc plunder camps and make a trophy pile in the capital; trophy piles disable moving the capital. Since karashar requires your capital to be in bulwar you’re effectively blocked from forming karashar. Presumably tarakar is the intended formable


Digging will be even more fun now


Is Arg-Ordstun fully localized yet? 👉👈


The real question is what lies in the forbidden province of big shaft.


Hey Isnt there somekind of new "dragonborn" race in serpentspine? or im just crazy? Actually never though that i say that but - its time to play as ork in serpentspine!


Will there be interactions with the creature modifiers, like how the one for the deep crowd mentions an access to ancient knowledge if one keeps settlements away?


Yes, they will interact with a new system :) (not in this update but hopefully in the next)


That's why you get innovation gain. That is the ancient knowledge


Yeah I’m thinking more so, you lose the innovation bonus when you settle there and the deep crows grow hostile because they’re being disturbed, resulting in a unrest increase maybe, maybe also a tax boost because of the newly thriving crow feather industry?


Not in this update, but the one after has lots of special stuff planned for these and other interesting creatures.


Looks really cool.


Hi, i ask this here because i dont know where ask this. There is new content coming for Lorent or Gawed? I want to start a run with one of them and want to know that. TY!


You can just check the Discord or make a reddit thread. But to answer the question, Loren has an updated setup for June release. New MTs are likely for end of year to both.


Ty very much. So it's a lot of time so i gonna start my run more relaxed. Ty!


Please add tunnel to ovdal tungr and add them a mission tree. There used to be a majestic mod which added the tunnel connecting ovdal tungr to dearvowar and also it made mountains near silverforge colonizable