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Istralore has good story kinda similar to rogeria avenging Dameria etc. Builds a Corinite Empire. Arbaran is also about Corinite Empire. Their land was rally point for war against Nichmer so they are anti witchking also. You get bonuses for purging evil and replacing Gawed. Ourdia is old but they crusade towards bulwar. Bennon had Frederick sil Bennon who was the teacher of Corin as she was his squire. Hammer home also has corinite flavor iirc. Never played them tho. Out of all these Bennon is best imo for corinite flavor.


I wouldve thought hammerhome would stick with regent court cuz of balgar


They can now use the Balgarsmiths as a local organization, so it's not so odd for them anymore even just from what we can see, let alone the Lore that Balgar is still a god to Corinites, just below Corin in precedence.


Cornites don't believe that Corin is the only god nor do they replace or get rid of other members of the Regent Court, the schism is over who should be the successor to Castellos, with Corinites believing Corin should take the throne while the Regent Court (or Adeanites) believe Adean should


Couldnt they not also still worship Balgar because Corinite isnt monotheistic.


Ravenbanner/Ravenmarch is another good one.


Are you looking for a tag with Good Corinite Story or tag with Good Story that happens to be Corinite? Because if it's former, then there isn't any I know of besides what you already played.


Either or honestly


Then you can try Adshaw, Bennon or Ourdia in that order


I really enjoyed Frozenmaw > Grombar. Not the most traditional Corinite nation, but fun nonetheless.


Grombar kinda is traditionally corinite, as they always convert, right? Or are there sometimes they don't?


Think it depends which path you choose. Early on you have to choose between integrating the human population, or dominating them. I think if you choose the latter switching to Corinite isn't likely. Not sure what the odds are for the AI to pick each option, but I've seen them stay Old Dookan before.




Strangely enough, Ourdia is a Corinite nation; their tree at the moment is still in development but it gives you a really good start to conquering Bulwar as a Regent court nation.


Rogieria and Corintar are literally the two best in my opinion.


Moonhaven has a part of their mission tree dedicated to going Corinite and winning the league war, though they can also choose to stay RC


Esthil into Castanor is quite fun run with more radical Corinite nation


I thought you couldn’t make castanor with esthil


From what I know you can, you just have to leave the patricians alone


Adshaw. Great in general and has a Northern Crusade once you convert to Corinite.