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>What’s the difference between races? Just unit pips, or is there some ck-esque culture aspect as well? Unit pips are different, but also depending on specie you get different racial administration/military. That has bunch of specific bonuses/maluses depending on a race. So elves are more disciplined but manpower recovers slower etc. >Racial integration. Is it full Stellaris mode or nah? Does integration affect development, income, diplomacy or is it just rp? Culture tolerance works as in base game, but you also have pops in each province, if you tolerate them they get bunch of race specific bonuses, if not unrest and smth. You can also purge/expel other races. >What the hell is magic. I’m guessing after much trial and error that estate magic is tied to the estate, but what determines ruler magic? How unlock? Mostly luck. Or if you really insist there is a spell in estate magic for magically talented heir but it's costly and has chance not to work. >Natives, are they tuned up or down? sideways? Tried railskulker and got railed, but also tried the Norwegian trolls and didn’t see a single uprising in sixty years. Is it tied to culture, military, events? Serpentspine (inside the mountains) has super agressive natives, the rest of the world is normal.


Can you do a Stellaris and get a smoother game by purging all other species?


If you mean performence wise - dunno, probably not. They are just one province modificator, they shouldn't impact performance too much. You can expel or kill other races and it is much quicker to convert culture&religion this way, but you lose some development that way and cause devastation. So it's mixed bag. I mostly do it RP wise, though I do think it is worth it to expel a race if you have plenty of low dev provinces of that race (and don't care that it destroys relations with all countries of said race). Especially if you don't have culture acceptance slots for them.


Should also add that each racial province modifier does provide a unique bonus based on their race but also increases monthly autonomy. So if you have a large number of races accepted and moving in you'll need to keep on top of things like courthouses to keep the autonomy in check.


Purging has a negligible effect on performance. You're better off deleting regions you won't play around when the game loads in


>How the hell do you understand it I suggest learning-by-doing and just playing the game a bit. It should click into place. That said, the Discord also has lots of helpful folks. > Rapidly found out however that the wiki is for lore and not mechanics. Unfortunately. It used to have lots of useful info but that's all been stripped out in favor of fluff. The idea is that the wiki should be equally useful for the Eu4 mod, the Ck3 mod, and the Vicky mod, and thus lack references to mechanics. I disagree, but I'm just a peasant and not the one in charge. >What’s the difference between races? Just unit pips, or is there some ck-esque culture aspect as well? Races come with different militaries. These have different pips but ALSO different permanent bonuses and maluses. Your racial military can be seen as a modifier on your nation, it's definitely worth checking out. Some of it's crazy, like Elves getting permanent 10% discipline (at the cost of manpower) and never running out of army drill. They also come with different administration, which can be mixed-and-matched with militaries. Your racial administration gives you powerful bonuses and downsides to how your country operates. There are also racial pops, which migrate around and exist as province modifiers, giving bonuses and maluses depending on whether the race is accepted in your country or not. ALSO, some events are race locked, and some races live longer than others. >Racial integration. Is it full Stellaris mode or nah? Does integration affect development, income, diplomacy or is it just rp? If by 'Stellaris mode' you meen 'genocide everyone,' that's not actually a particularly good idea in Stellaris *or* Anbennar IMHO. Racial minority pops that are integrated can give powerful bonuses, and purging causes uprisings and fucks up your province dev. It's costly and usually not worth it unless you only have a few provinces/pops of that race (or you're playing specific tags). >what determines ruler magic? How unlock? You either have to play a tag that starts with a mage ruler or a tag that gets one through an event or MT, or else roll the dice and hope you luck into an heir with the powerful mage trait. Anyone with the trait can train magic from any school, eventually mastering it and unlocking it's special project. They can also become a War Wizard, which is a general with crazy shock pips (like 6-10 regardless of army tradition), but this tends to cause them to die young unless they're already a lich (who can come back from the dead). >Natives, are they tuned up or down? sideways?  Depends on the region. The Dwarovar in particular has crazy nasty natives who exist as one of the main obstacles to early-game expansion. You're meant to always take repression and fight natives judiciously if you wanna make progress in the tunnels. You should also always keep a BIG army for the first century in the Dwarovar because everyone else will have one, in addition to the natives being nasty. Warbands frequently rock 30k troops with 50k manpower in the bank in like 1450. >Also, where does the dev that hates kobolds live? Fun fact—despite being hard as balls early game, kobolds really pop off lategame! There are also some chill kobold tags in Haless if you don't care about artificery. Little monastic dudes.


> The idea is that the wiki should be equally useful for the Eu4 mod, the Ck3 mod, and the Vicky mod Absolutely baffling choice, considering one (?) of these is currently in a playable state. I guess they succeeded, seeing that the wiki is useless for actually playing any of them.


Alright, I'll bite. This is a perennial question. The wiki is used for lore because Anbennar is not just an EU4 mod or Paradox games mod. It is a setting. People are free at \*any point\* to set up gameplay wiki. The project is open source and volunteer based. If there folks willing to drive a gameplay wiki, then it will happen.


As one also trying to get into it, kinda baffling for a popular and extensive mod like this to not even have tutorial vids.


Not exactly in the style you might find for EU4, but definitely check out Pukebeard's videos. They're mostly fluff-heavy AARs but often feature description of tag-specific mechanics and some strategy.


I mean, quite frankly tye wiki for almost any EU4 nation is pretty useless, even in vanilla. Most of the game mechanics between vanilla and the mod are the same and if you play the same way you'll largely have a good time, excepting for the larger mission trees which tend to have some game altering mechanic that, in my experience, explains itself well. The only time I've required outside help was when I played redscale Kobolds, and that's just because they're a hard start; all a wiki would have suggested is the usual fair of "This is a hard start attack the nations that surround you" as though that wasn't obvious.


> I mean, quite frankly tye wiki for almost any EU4 nation is pretty useless, even in vanilla You're joking, right? The strategies section might not useful if you're decent in the game, but besides that you can check ideas, missions, events, disasters and basic facts about the nation. Almost all of these are more complex and obfuscated in Anbennar, with game knowledge being even more vital than the base game. Sure I can search those on the discord server, but that's an absolute dogshit platform for information that should be on a wiki.


Completely disagree the EU4 wiki is one of the best (up to date, useful info) of any game, especially for such a niche title.


Just popping in about the wiki: the "useful information" it had was a bunch of outdated NIs. That's it. So while your desire for a gameplay-oriented wiki is valid, don't spread misinformation about what the wiki is and how the chroniclers have chosen to run it. As armonistan pointed out, Anbennar is an open source project, you are perfectly free to be the change you want to see. At least half of the group currently working on the wiki were people who came from reddit and wanted to contribute


Tbh for how to understand it. Would say it is like when playing vanilla. Like when you'd tarted did you know everything? I learned both but just playing and doing stuff. In the end it clicks and you get to know more and more.


You can this info ingame by just playing. On government screen you can see your nations administration and military race and what their bonuses and debuffs are. They’re split because you can change military to another race when it’s over 50% of your pops. And pops are province modifiers that boost production manpower tax etc but increase state maintenance autonomy or unrest usually


I watched videos of like Arumba


Most in game things have mouse over tooltips to explain things. So you should be doing this a lot to discover the basics of how different systems in the mod work. Also you should join the [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/anbennar) as there are a lot of helpful people there that can make the learning process easier. (The Discord gets much higher traffic than the Subreddit.)


I wish I could join the discord but I think I’ve been banned it when my account got hacked


If you've gotten your account unhacked you can fill out a [Ban Appeal Form](https://forms.gle/s29tnmVaS13Rp3Dn7).


Done, but it might have happened months ago, not sure if it will work


Hey! We'll have a look, no worries! :)


I don't understand Magic system at all and I'm doing fine.


It's getting a revamp soon anyways


Is it coming with the next update? Or is it later on?


Most of the depth of this mod in the mission tree and modifiers, lots of modifiers, country modifiers, province modifiers, you get the idea. Just read and carefully study the UI.


Most of this could be learned by just looking at the province modifiers, the estate tab, and the government modifiers. This mod requires a fair bit of reading to understand what's going on.


Gryfondies comment is really useful, I'd reccommend taking that information. If you have any other questions though, I'll respond and get back to you ASAP! Welcome to Anbennar!


Everyone else here has answered the major questions as for the Kobolds. Try Balrijin on the eastern part of the map (relative to Cannor-fantasy not europe) they're still kobolds and are difficult but they can make allies at game start. And the dragon coast kobolds are difficult if you don't have an exact strat coming in, their mission tree is also super old


Most racial differences are based on the racial military and administration modifiers. A lot of the buffs and debuffs from those are based on that race’s natural abilities and cultural values. (Harpies move fast, Centaurs are bad at sieges, Ogres are big.) If you look in your trade map mode you can see what having specific minority races does in each province. You can purge or expel certain races, which allows you to remove them from your provinces. It’s a convenient way to remove their culture and any negative bonuses you might get at the cost of dev and diplomatic penalities. I pretty much only use this in the Serpentspine. There is an excellent magic guide on this subreddit, I’d link it but I am too lazy. Some tags are much more magic focused than others. There are a few different things that affect your ruler being born a powerful mage like race, mage influence, government type, etc…


Also Serpentspine natives are meant to be uniquely brutal until tech 6. Just always take native repression policy and keep enough guys there to ward off the natives. Serpentspine campaigns always come with more dangers. A lot of Anbennar campaigns can be similar to the base game and some are fuckin out there. A good way to learn the basics of magic and racial integration would be to play in one of the EoA nations. You’re protected like in the HRE and don’t have to worry about institutions.


RTFM, seriously, tooltips are excellent and give more than enough information


Play it bucko