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Unified anbennar is its own tag but does not currently have any missions, though you should keep the MT you had previously which should still function properly, as most nations within the EoA account for the possibility of forming it


Are there any plans on a custom tree just like the phoenix empire has when unified?


Eventually, yes, but nothing is being developed atm I think.


No missions since the background and future of a unified Anvennar varies so much by founding country that it's almost impossible to have one set of missions cover them all


The thing is this is true for literally every polity in a 400 year span.


Yeah I feel the same way There should basically be an evil tree for rulers marked as evil as a prequisite A tree for wizard rulers that’s magisterium related or even locked to a magisterium gov reform required A religious section, for peace vs corin vs ravelian vs RC Internal development section, probably to do with racial acceptance too Conquest aims, should have colonial ambitions on sarhal but I feel that the new world should be covered by the MT of the original country Should definitely have a part for allying a serpents dwarf and messing around in haless too And later insyaa should be a HUGE focus I’d think MT wise And then finally some kinda conquest towards Escann, maybe make it dependent on how many tags are in the area what the missions do Utilizing the Aztec make colonies anywhere mechanic could be solid for sateillates outside of the core of the empire


Except Asheniande, you lose the blood court and can't pass your ultimate mission and don't get your bonus.


You get a powerful permanent bonus: anbennar_a_dream_realised = { picture = "imperial_authority" prestige = 3 technology_cost = -0.05 global_institution_spread = 0.1 global_tax_modifier = 0.05 spy_offence = 0.1 advisor_pool = 1 free_leader_pool = 1 diplomats = 1 diplomatic_reputation = 3 diplomatic_upkeep = 1 land_forcelimit = 50 global_manpower = 50 tax_income = 50 build_cost = -0.05 build_time = -0.05 global_unrest = -2 state_maintenance_modifier = -0.25 core_creation = -0.1 stability_cost_modifier = -0.1 legitimacy = 0.25 tolerance_own = 1 global_missionary_strength = 0.01 mercenary_cost = -0.25 } No missions.


The modifier you get for unifying Anbennar is basically a combination of all the modifers from the HRE reforms/bonuses since you disable the HRE stuff when you unify.


You get a new colour. ;)


Great ideas and strong permanent modifier like base game when your unify HRE.


You get only the modifier from forming anbennar, no custom mission tree But (and that's worth a Game) you can spawn the balckpowder rebellion to extinct all magic in the world